Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here


Eastern Standard Time

Praising God for all of His Goodness unto us ... Amen and Amen

Love and more love to each of you. Beyond words, more love. :love3:

Call in Number: 916-233-2999

Access Code: 523054

Important note:

Long Distance Rates may apply depending upon your phone's carrier service.


Prayer Requests:

For Anyone and Everyone:

Please feel free to post your prayer requests here in this thread.

ALL Prayer Requests are Welcome

You do not have to be a Christian to ask us to pray for you.

We were 'all' yet sinners. God cares about you too.

Each request will be respected, embraced and covered in prayer.

Call in Notes:

Please make sure not to have any TVs, Radios or Cell Phones ringing or buzzing in the background. It has an effect on the reception and it is also a distraction Thanks so much.

I missed it last night because of a b-day celebration but good medical care is on the horizon! They say we will be approved, I hope so. I couldn't sleep last night and kept praying, sighing. Thank you St.Jude, for your prayers to our L-rd. Our Lady, and to all of you here in this life!!! It's involving my son.

will you post the scripture for me that you mentioned on the prayer line?

Here you are sweetheart...

Psalm 37:6

[NLT - New Living Translation]

He will make your innocence as clear as the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

[NIRV - New International Reader's Version]

He will make your godly ways shine like the dawn. He will make your honest life shine like the sun at noon.
[KJV - King James Version]

And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.


:grouphug2: You've been through Petite One... You've been through enough. Once this is over, we thank God for protecting you from any further issues; nothing granted to you shall be rescinded, it cannot be taken away. God's favour is yours forever and sealed in His Blood, a Covenant 'sure'. :yep:

We thank God for giving you wisdom, good counsel and advice; that you will make the right decisions furthering your classes, as well as your future. We thank God for 'hiding' you from future oppressors; that your escape from this issue, God will keep you hidden from their folly and instabilities, and greed. In Jesus' Name, we pray, Amen and Amen...

Isaiah 16:3

"Give us advice, make a decision; Cast your shadow like night at high noon; Hide the outcasts, do not betray the fugitive.

ETA: Fugitive is simply one who has escaped... :yep:
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I just wanted to say a big thank you for the prayers. I won't go into detail yet (I just know it'd be premature), but I was tested in an area of my life I've been struggling with and to be honest I've failed so many times I've given up counting however this time I passed the test!

Thanks to the almighty - I was teetering on the edge and looked to Him and he saved me from the shame and dejected feeling of falling short yet again.

Progress at last, in an area I was really struggling with. Please don't stop praying for me - I am moving in small steps but becoming more confident and trusting of God each time I remember the Word. :grin:
Its refreshing to see so many come in and really believe that prayer works.I hope for everyone who feels to need to put in a request will do so without any fear of judgement.Don't allow yourself to just pray make sure you ladies are doing your part so God can do his.Prayer is communicating but in the same breathe it allows for you to dig deeper in yourself to continue.
Good afternoon ladies! I am looking forward to listening in on more powerful prayers tonight. I ask that the students I am working with be covered in prayer-that they find favor in this job market for permanent work and summer jobs. In fact, I would like to extend that to cover all of the women on this forum that are unemployed or underemployed. God created my job that I am in currently (the position didn't exist previously) so I know that I know that He is able!
-Pray for my brother. Making bad decisions that can cost him. Pray for salvation.

-Pray for our nation's leaders so that we may live peaceful lives.

-Pray for children that are being or have been molested. Pray for divine intervention and healing.
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Thank you for the prayers last week, it was so moving. Please pray for my parents, after 40years of marriage their marriage has hit a crossroad (possibly divorce). Honestly, my father has not been the same since he came home from a tour of duty several years ago, he just seemed like a different person. My father's brother had bipolar and his grandmother had alzheimers, some feel like my father is showing signs of both illnesses, but I bind that in the name of Jesus. You know some people say that when you are struggling you tend to hurt the people you love the most. That is ringing true right now, so I've been praying that the Lord would have his way right now, bind what is not like him, touch those things that appear dead, just let His will be done in my parents lives.

I'm going to try to listen in again tonight, but I'm also not feeling well so it may a Nyquil night for me....but best believe I'm there in spirit. Thanks ladies.
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Hi ladies, I'm so tired, so I know I won't be able to hold on tonight, but asking for prayer for.....

My sister LaShon, having surgery tomorrow to repair hernia.

My son William's leg, still giving him trouble, having another ultrasound tomorrow morning.

My dad William, having surgery to repair aortic aneurysm on Jan 4th

For my co-workers (2 brothers) who recently lost their mother and one of them found her passed away in the home.

For Danielle who's water broke today, but the baby isn't due till Feb and she's 32 wks. The Dr wants her to hold out for 2 more wks (I didn't know this was possible after your water broke)
Hi ladies, I'm so tired, so I know I won't be able to hold on tonight, but asking for prayer for.....

My sister LaShon, having surgery tomorrow to repair hernia.

My son William's leg, still giving him trouble, having another ultrasound tomorrow morning.

My dad William, having surgery to repair aortic aneurysm on Jan 4th

For my co-workers (2 brothers) who recently lost their mother and one of them found her passed away in the home.

For Danielle who's water broke today, but the baby isn't due till Feb and she's 32 wks. The Dr wants her to hold out for 2 more wks (I didn't know this was possible after your water broke)

Sweetie, please get your rest, as you are sleeping, God has you covered...
I'm just reading some post I made earlier and I def can see something.It's always the bloody darkest before the dawn.Don't know when my dawn or morning is but its coming.Psalms 31:5 got me through being abused as a child while getting blow by blow in the face at times that the only thing I could hold on to.When I cut myself for the 1st time deep I finished up by reading that verse again and by morning there was no scar nothing as though God reversed it.At times I feel like just checking out and going into a psyc ward but then nothings wrong with me except what was fear and unbelief that I can be used..I'm thankful ladies when I don't want to go on I know I have someone even it is on these internets.
I'm just reading some post I made earlier and I def can see something.It's always the bloody darkest before the dawn.Don't know when my dawn or morning is but its coming.Psalms 31:5 got me through being abused as a child while getting blow by blow in the face at times that the only thing I could hold on to.When I cut myself for the 1st time deep I finished up by reading that verse again and by morning there was no scar nothing as though God reversed it.At times I feel like just checking out and going into a psyc ward but then nothings wrong with me except what was fear and unbelief that I can be used..

I'm thankful ladies when I don't want to go on I know I have someone even it is on these internets.

We thank God for ''YOU"... :love3:

Thank you so much for praying for us and with us and for others tonight. Your heart is filled with the love of God, indeed. :yep:

Eastern Standard Time

Praising God for all of His Goodness unto us ... Amen and Amen

Love and more love to each of you. Beyond words, more love. :love3:

Call in Number: 916-233-2999

Access Code: 523054

Important note:

Long Distance Rates may apply depending upon your phone's carrier service.


Prayer Requests:

For Anyone and Everyone:

Please feel free to post your prayer requests here in this thread.

ALL Prayer Requests are Welcome

You do not have to be a Christian to ask us to pray for you.

We were 'all' yet sinners. God cares about you too.

Each request will be respected, embraced and covered in prayer.


Call in Notes:

Please make sure not to have any TVs, Radios or Cell Phones ringing or buzzing in the background. It has an effect on the reception and it is also a distraction.