Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here

I'm just reading some post I made earlier and I def can see something.It's always the bloody darkest before the dawn.Don't know when my dawn or morning is but its coming.Psalms 31:5 got me through being abused as a child while getting blow by blow in the face at times that the only thing I could hold on to.When I cut myself for the 1st time deep I finished up by reading that verse again and by morning there was no scar nothing as though God reversed it.At times I feel like just checking out and going into a psyc ward but then nothings wrong with me except what was fear and unbelief that I can be used..I'm thankful ladies when I don't want to go on I know I have someone even it is on these internets.

GoddessMaker, that's a powerful testimony. We will not understand pleasure without pain, and we won't experience victory without adversity. One day soon, your victory over all the heartbreak and adversities and dark days that you've faced will be used to help and encourage a lot of people to hold on to their faith in God. I can feel it in my spirit. :amen:
peace of mind, love, joy, rest, abundance, life, victory spiritual blessings all belong to us, don't let the enemy steal one thing that Jesus sacrificed his life for us to have...
I couldn't make it to the prayer line tonight but I just wanted you ladies to know that my grades for this semester turned out just fine! I'm on my way to spring semester, then next graduation! I thank you Lord! and I thank you ladies for your prayers.:heart:
Shimmie arrrgghhh I missed it AGAIN!! Ladies please pray for me and my family. Lately I have been feeling defeated. Like I have no purpose. I have been battling these feelings with scripture on a daily basis. I feel the attacks are getting worse. I had feelings of despair yesterday. I really wanted to die. I know that the enemy is a liar. Please pray that I have a clean heart, patience, faith, and strength as I go through this particular season. Thank you!
I will make it my business to join you all tomorrow night. I am in agreement with all of the prayers that were spoken last night. I believe that He will answer our prayers!
theNaturalWonders I know you directed this to my big sis Shimmie but you can't say your defeated.Your only defeated when you resign to that position of defeat.Everyday that you seek out something beyond how you feel you are victorious..I know Shimmie will give you some more power words as well..
Shimmie arrrgghhh I missed it AGAIN!! Ladies please pray for me and my family. Lately I have been feeling defeated. Like I have no purpose. I have been battling these feelings with scripture on a daily basis. I feel the attacks are getting worse. I had feelings of despair yesterday. I really wanted to die. I know that the enemy is a liar. Please pray that I have a clean heart, patience, faith, and strength as I go through this particular season. Thank you!

Even when you miss the call, those prayer warriors are covering you. I am glad to hear that you are wise enough to know that you must battle with the Word "for we wrestle not against flesh and blood." The attacks get worse because the enemy hates that you are responding the "right" way. He can't defeat the Word, so he tries to wear you out or make you want to quit because that is the only way he can win. He knows if you persist that you will be victorious (Christ has already overcome the world) and he also knows that you will come on this forum with a praise report, encourage other people in your daily life and you will have an incredible testimony. You are NOT defeated :nono:

One of my favorite verses-2 Chronicles 20:17
PRAISE REPORT-I received an email from one of my students and he received a job offer! PRAISE THE LORD! I know that this is just the first of many more to come.
theNaturalWonders I know you directed this to my big sis Shimmie but you can't say your defeated.Your only defeated when you resign to that position of defeat.Everyday that you seek out something beyond how you feel you are victorious..I know Shimmie will give you some more power words as well..

:kiss: Your words of encouragement are so on point. Thank you so much for being here, just where God placed you to encourage theNaturalWonders.

I have nothing more to add other than, I praise God for your powerful witness and Ministry. :love3:
PRAISE REPORT-I received an email from one of my students and he received a job offer! PRAISE THE LORD! I know that this is just the first of many more to come.

:woot: :yay: :happydance:

Praise God, Sashaa, this is awesome news. Okay so we have 'one' down and more on the way. :pray: Thank you Lord Jesus for Sashaa08 for her loving heart and Ministry to those she mentors and teaches. Bless her heart, 1000 fold without end. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
I couldn't make it to the prayer line tonight but I just wanted you ladies to know that my grades for this semester turned out just fine! I'm on my way to spring semester, then next graduation! I thank you Lord! and I thank you ladies for your prayers.:heart:
:amen: LaughingOctopus, I am SO happy for you!!! I understand too well the anxiety and pressure during exam time. But, God comes through for me every time. :yep: So, I declare that next semester you will not just pass, but excel in all your classes. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

PRAISE REPORT-I received an email from one of my students and he received a job offer! PRAISE THE LORD! I know that this is just the first of many more to come.

That is wonderful! God is good and He is faithful! :amen: I look forward to more praise reports as well :yep:
I will make it my business to join you all tomorrow night. I am in agreement with all of the prayers that were spoken last night. I believe that He will answer our prayers!

Thank you for your loving heart, we all appreciate your support of all of the prayers which go up before the Lord. We're all in this together, one cannot do this alone. God placed us here to join in with one another as 'One Body' in Jesus Christ, loving one another, upholding one another in His Love.

Whenever you are able, please join us on the Prayer Line. And always remember just as Sashaa08 shared, we are always in prayer, it never stops when we hang up the phone. We have you covered. :circle: :love3:
I couldn't make it to the prayer line tonight but I just wanted you ladies to know that my grades for this semester turned out just fine! I'm on my way to spring semester, then next graduation! I thank you Lord! and I thank you ladies for your prayers.:heart:


Praise God! This is awesome news. Keep up the Good Fight of Faith. The batter of our Faith has already been won and you are an excellent example of what God's Love can do for those who love Him. :love3:
Shimmie and TraciChanel :bighug: Thank you for your prayers and for allowing the Lord to use you. I know that when ladies pray with this much annointing and power that there is a cost. "May he give you the desires of your hearts and make all your plans succeed!" Psalm 20:4

crlsweetie912 :hiya: How are you and those handsome boys?!
Shimmie and TraciChanel :bighug: Thank you for your prayers and for allowing the Lord to use you. I know that when ladies pray with this much annointing and power that there is a cost. "May he give you the desires of your hearts and make all your plans succeed!" Psalm 20:4

crlsweetie912 :hiya: How are you and those handsome boys?!

We are hanging in there.....I fell down the stairs on Sunday, on my way to the specialist :pray: my ligament in my knee isn't torn.....
@Shimmie arrrgghhh I missed it AGAIN!! Ladies please pray for me and my family. Lately I have been feeling defeated. Like I have no purpose. I have been battling these feelings with scripture on a daily basis. I feel the attacks are getting worse. I had feelings of despair yesterday. I really wanted to die. I know that the enemy is a liar. Please pray that I have a clean heart, patience, faith, and strength as I go through this particular season. Thank you!

theNaturalWonders, I stand on God's word and declare that you shall live and not die (Psalm 118:17). Me and my sister prayed for you and your family this morning. One of the things we prayed for was that He would bind the spirit of depression that is on you. Like you said, it is an outright attack from satan - who wants to interrupt your obedience to God and to interrupt God's plan for your life and your family's lives. Jesus says in Luke 22:31 - 32 [NLT]: "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. 32 But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail." I take comfort in this scripture because Jesus has interceded on our behalf. All we have to do is have faith. Not in ourselves, but in God. You will overcome this attack, because our Heavenly Father has you and your family under His care. He is with us, even when we can't feel His presence. He will never abandon us. :bighug:
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hi everyone.....I've been peeking in. I still pray for everyone. Love you all! :bighug:

We are hanging in there.....I fell down the stairs on Sunday, on my way to the specialist :pray: my ligament in my knee isn't torn.....

Awwwwwwww 'Sweetie' :bighug:

I pray that all is well with you and that you are healed from all injuries that have occurred in your life. No more broken hearts, no broken ligaments, no broken bones... just mended abrasions which will heal and clear up without scars.

I love you Precious Sweetie. Wishing you all of Life and Love's Joys of this Season and for every other Reason, here on earth.

:love5: :blowkiss: :love5:
Shimmie arrrgghhh I missed it AGAIN!! Ladies please pray for me and my family. Lately I have been feeling defeated. Like I have no purpose. I have been battling these feelings with scripture on a daily basis.

I feel the attacks are getting worse. I had feelings of despair yesterday. I really wanted to die. I know that the enemy is a liar. Please pray that I have a clean heart, patience, faith, and strength as I go through this particular season. Thank you!

Babygirl, the closer you are to any Victory and/or Vindication in your life, is when satan will try and hit you the hardest.

he's trying to make one more last ditch effort / an attempt to prevent you from crossing over into the blessings and answered prayers that God has in place for you.

However, whom God has blessed, no one can curse. And Loved one, you are indeed blessed by God and nothing and no one, regardless of any of the threats, can take your blessings away.

Hold onto this. Nothing and no one can curse you. Whatever the battle has been in your life, it has already been won. All you have to do is 'surrender' :giveup: to the Blessings. :yep: Yes, that's all you have to do is to surrender to the Blessings. For they have been given to you by God and they are not 'transferable' to anyone else.

Surrender, Loved one. Surrender to your Blessings for they are yours to have and to hold, eternally. :love3:
to all my sisters especially @Shimmie TraciChanel i am in tears right now! i felt a heavy burden lift from me this morning and my spirit revealed to me that you all have definitely prayed for me. God is so good and He is able! i feel so energized and alive right now! i am listening to my gospel station at work and i feel so much Love. God bless you all! i wish we can meet in person. besides my immediate family in atlanta i have no girlfriends:sad: to call and get a good word of encouragement or simply hang out with. at least i have all of you guys here on the board. i love you all. i pray for a blessed day for you all. God is good!!!!
to all my sisters especially @Shimmie TraciChanel i am in tears right now! i felt a heavy burden lift from me this morning and my spirit revealed to me that you all have definitely prayed for me.

God is so good and He is able! i feel so energized and alive right now! i am listening to my gospel station at work and i feel so much Love. God bless you all! i wish we can meet in person. besides my immediate family in atlanta i have no girlfriends:sad: to call and get a good word of encouragement or simply hang out with. at least i have all of you guys here on the board. i love you all. i pray for a blessed day for you all. God is good!!!!

We're all in this together, Love. We're all one. :circle: :grouphug2: :love2:
Hi ladies. Please pray in agreement with me on the following tonight:
1. That I will excel in ALL of my classes in 2012 thru graduation (I extend this prayer to include my sister, msdr, LaughingOctopus, lilanie, and anyone else who's in school on this forum that I missed.
2. Pray that my sis and I will retain the knowledge that we learn in our classes in order to become effective and "healing" physicians (all glory to God) with a prosperous practice.
3. Prayer for marriage for me and my sis in 2012. It's time! :yep: and I am NOT putting my life on hold because of school :amen:
4. Last, but definitely not least, I would like to offer a prayer tonight against the spirit of depression. It is affecting too many lovely ladies on this forum and too many of our loved ones. I've had enough! The devil is a big liar and is trying to steal God's people through this evil spirit. We need to pray corporately tonight, and continue to pray incessantly against this spirit. Our Father is SO much bigger. Obviously, the devil forgot who our Daddy was!