Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here

I have a testimony, a very close and dear friend of mine called me today to tell me that she had gotten a new job that she had been back and forth on interviews from July it's a position that she is not qualified for, she has a degree but it's not her field, there are benefits and more hold up nay sayers before some speaks negatively I want you to know that the Lord blessed me with a job that I am not qualified for and I've had the position for 5 years...

So I just want to thank God for blessing her exceedingly and above anything that she thought or imagined
I have a testimony, a very close and dear friend of mine called me today to tell me that she had gotten a new job that she had been back and forth on interviews from July it's a position that she is not qualified for, she has a degree but it's not her field, there are benefits and more hold up nay sayers before some speaks negatively I want you to know that the Lord blessed me with a job that I am not qualified for and I've had the position for 5 years...

So I just want to thank God for blessing her exceedingly and above anything that she thought or imagined

God is so good to us.

God will open doors that no man can shut. God knows and sees all and He is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him. God is faithful. If you keep His word and don’t deny Him by giving Him everything you have, he will reward you openly. :yep:
I have a testimony, a very close and dear friend of mine called me today to tell me that she had gotten a new job that she had been back and forth on interviews from July it's a position that she is not qualified for, she has a degree but it's not her field, there are benefits and more hold up nay sayers before some speaks negatively I want you to know that the Lord blessed me with a job that I am not qualified for and I've had the position for 5 years...

So I just want to thank God for blessing her exceedingly and above anything that she thought or imagined

What an awesome testimony. I'm very happy for your friend. :yep: Praise God.

PLEASE pray for a victory/favor for me in the courtroom. I have been battling in court with a university for 2 yrs now and SO MUCH is dependent on the judge's decision. This is my LAST appeal. My hearing is scheduled for 9:00(central time) Thursday 12/15. I just want to go back to school and finish what I started.

Also, please pray for my uncle. He went to the hospital for shortness of breath and he is now in heart failure and respiratory failure and on a ventilator. He is scheduled to have a tracheostomy tomorrow. The doctors feel that the trache will be permanent. :sad:

I'm sooooo tired of being in the wilderness. I really need a season of harvest.

I will be joining the prayer line Thursday.


PLEASE pray for a victory/favor for me in the courtroom. I have been battling in court with a university for 2 yrs now and SO MUCH is dependent on the judge's decision. This is my LAST appeal. My hearing is scheduled for 9:00(central time) Thursday 12/15. I just want to go back to school and finish what I started.

Also, please pray for my uncle. He went to the hospital for shortness of breath and he is now in heart failure and respiratory failure and on a ventilator. He is scheduled to have a tracheostomy tomorrow. The doctors feel that the trache will be permanent. :sad:

I'm sooooo tired of being in the wilderness. I really need a season of harvest.

I will be joining the prayer line Thursday.


For you... it_comes_naturally ...

Father in the name of Jesus, thank you that your favour and victory flows 'naturally' in our sister's life. Father, thank you that the decisions made in court will be 'your' decisions of favour and blessings in abundance. Please let the judge follow you and not his set of rules for others.

Thank you for giving our sister a full season of rest and renewal; let her spirit, soul and body be revived and relieved from all stress and worry and discontent

Father, thank you for healing and protecting her uncle's heart. Please protect and deliver him before, during and after the scheduled surgery. Please allow him to live a normal life free of any unnatural elements and excessiive medications. Let his health and life be healthy and whole.

Father, you are the Lord and we honour you and bless your Holy Name. It is unto you that we bow down and give all praise. In Jesus' Name, thank you for hearing our heartfelt prayers. Amen and Amen.
Hey Ladies,
I couldn't say much tonight on the pray line but I just want to thank you all for being there and for caring. You have become a very important part of my life and I look forward to each Tues/Thurs pray calls.
Shimmie :) My sister, :Rose: I shared the pray and scripture you wrote about my nephew with his mom. She says," thank you" and she has been meditating on that scripture.
Thank you all again
I hope to join in Thursday if class lets out good to see prayer changing things through living examples on this very forum!

Just wanted to share and say "thank you" for the prayers regarding my job. All I will say is that today was different, somehow - I actually had a good day my colleagues were more relaxed and were pleasant, even. I couldn't stop thanking God at some points - I even had to write down why I was so thankful for a pleasant working atmosphere. Our supervisor wasn't as "stressy" either so I felt more comfortable approaching for help/ advice. I don't even want to think about the way it was or how I used to feel anymore, I've set my sights on an improved working atmosphere and more productive days.

God is good, he is working a miracle in my life as I speak. Believe. :yep:
I may not be on the line for a long time ever but I need prayer.Im so torn if I should continue to my walk or not.If I should bother with trying or not.Should I just get knocked up and live in squaller like the rest of society.I'm tired.Mentally physically,finacially in every way possible.Lifting my hands and praying right now is like something I know to do but it I feel no change.I sing the songs and try to really mediate on good but I have no comfort no peace.I wonder if I was just meant for death and suffering.

Please pray for the baby mama's out there and the children.
Pray for the ex-con who is trying to find work
Pray for the strippers and sex workers that they will be able to escape unharmed.
GoddessMaker I'm praying for you and holding you in my thoughts. Don't give up doing good.


Galatians 6:9
King James Version (KJV)
9And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

I may not be on the line for a long time ever but I need prayer.Im so torn if I should continue to my walk or not.If I should bother with trying or not.Should I just get knocked up and live in squaller like the rest of society.I'm tired.Mentally physically,finacially in every way possible.Lifting my hands and praying right now is like something I know to do but it I feel no change.I sing the songs and try to really mediate on good but I have no comfort no peace.I wonder if I was just meant for death and suffering.

Please pray for the baby mama's out there and the children.
Pray for the ex-con who is trying to find work
Pray for the strippers and sex workers that they will be able to escape unharmed.
Well, y'all pray for me too...going through some crazy family and health issues right here... I wish y'all could go to 11 pm lol.
I just finished taking my final. I found out my teacher gave the other orgo 1 class an unfair advantage for this exam, And for the previous exam there was an old test circulating around but it never got to me. It sounds bad, but I feel that things are being waved in my face while I pray, and study and get poor grades. I don't know if i'm gonna make it to spring semester. If i don't i'm dropping out. I'm praying and crying I just don't hear God at all. I'm praying that i will finish college, this is the most stressful thing i've ever done. I feel my faith slipping and my heart is full of rage, but i'm still trying to hold on. Please keep me in your prayers. I'm hoping for the best.
Pray that I can loose my weight and realize my health and fitness goals.

Pray for my nephews that they will be healthy and well adjusted kids.

Pray that my oldest nephew becomes able to talk and have a conversation with others. Just like any regular kids his age.

Pray that the man of my dream meets me and I have wonderful and healthy kids.Pray that in 2012, god unites me and the man of my life .

Pray that I obtain 3 excellent reference and get accepted at Harvard business school .

Pray for all the ladies in this forum who are looking for a job. Pray they get one.
Pray that I obtain a permanent full time position at the Canadian consulate in Boston. May that position be similar to the one that I have now, similar tasks that I enjoy.

Pray that I can pay my income tax and pray that I can have 6000$ by January 2012.

I know this sounds weird but pray that I also get a good male friend. I want to have a male perspective on things and it would be nice to a male friend to confide in.
Prayer that my grandmother continues to progress and is able to get out of the nursing home soon.

Prayer for my husband whos's mind has been taken over by the enemy.

Prayer that I may be strong at this time of my life and am able to find a job so that I can pay all my bills and provide for myself

Prayer that I continue to be the Woman of God that I have been called to be and that I let no circumstance, situation or henderences interfere with that calling on my life.

Prayer that I am able to withstand the tricks, schemes and wicked and evil devices Satan has thrown my way in order to hinder me.

Prayer for strength and peace in the midst of the storms that are raging in my life at this time.
I Pray that God prepares the table before me in the presence of my enemies. I know he's been setting me up for it, so I need Him to allow it to manifest in the physical.

I pray that the Lord will bless me and give me the desires of my heart. After years of praying I need God to say "enough, my daughter's been through the fire and came out as pure gold, she has kept her faith that I will deliver my promises so here they are, I love you."
LaughingOctopus Don't be discouraged. God say He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is aware of your issues and He cares so much so that He is working it all out for your good. Stand on the promises that God has given to you. Speak those words and stand in agreeance with what God has said. Believing and receiving are hand in hand. You can't have one without the other.
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Thank You Ladies for the prayers and warm responses. I was able to hear everything through the static:giggle: I will try my best to keep the faith.
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i enjoyed the prayer, nice to hear some of your voices even though i only caught the last 10minutes or so, it was still nice to be in the midst of praying women
Genesis 32:
24And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. 25And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. 26And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. 27And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. 28And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. 29And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there. 30And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

We are all in need of something from the Lord, and I just want to remind you sisters to grab a hold of God and not let go until He blesses you...for some it may be a fight but don't let go...
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