*~Praise Report Thread~*

A few weeks ago on a whim I sent my DH a note that I found on this board about an opportunity. I cannot find the thread anymore, but he really took it and ran with it. So much so that I was shocked.

He called me yesterday to tell me he got his first appointment. He is so excited. They said if he did a good job they would send him other work.

I just wanted to come in here and say God is really good. Just so amazing. This is not something I expected my husband to be interested in much less to pursue with such vigor. We have been having a rough time. I am looking for work, and the Lord has really sent us a ray of light in such dark times.

God is good! He really is!
I got water Baptized yesterday!! I'm really excited about my new life in Christ!

My SO is a Christian but not committed. I prayed on it and he's talking about doing personal bible study to develop a relationship with God :). We'll be doing Bible study together starting tomorrow!! God is awesome! :)
PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!

I now have one of those side hustles that I discovered here. Leapforce. This is the perfect temp job as I search for new full time job. I am on the computer all day and making money to pay the bills will really help ease the pressure.

Thank you Lord for loving me.
My SO and I had bible study over the phone yesterday and we'll be doing it again next week! I thank God for this awesome opportunity to help get a soul back in relationship with God. I pray that God will bless our sessions and reveal Himself to him and more to me too as well as we seek Him and get to know more about Him. I pray that God blesses our relationship and helps us to love Him more and put Him first in all we do. Thank you Lord for sending him into my life and I pray that we continue to grow in You and also together as friends and partners.I pray that we build a relationship that would be pleasing in Your sight, in Jesus's name. Amen.
I put this in the prayer request thread

Please pray for my sister and I. Her company just reduced her hours and I'm unemployed. I only receive money from school and now my school is trying to dismiss me from school. It's my only income.

God has answered this prayer. My sister is now back to full time (40 hours) at her job.

Thank you JESUS!!!
Oh my goodness. I cannot believe how long it's been since I have posted in this thread! I am so wrong, because God has TRULY blessed me beyond measure. I couldn't even tell it all. He has blessed me with a true love that I have NEVER experienced before in my life! I am so happy to have found a Godly man! And he was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME ALL ALONG! We have been friends for over 5 years, but things changed after he suffered a serious injury. I am so blessed!!!! My children know and love him and he loves and respects them too. Thanks be to GOD for this GREAT and MARVELOUS thing He has done! :reddancer:
God is no shorter than His word!!!!

I was listening to gospel driving into work this morning. I remembered Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." I have been praying about my work situation and my mom has been in agreement with me.

I just got a call at my desk from my manager who told me I have been promoted, effective 01Sep09. I am so blessed and in tears. I thank Him. :cry:
I placed a prayer request in the Prayer Request thread about an exam I had to take today and .....


Big Thanks to all who prayed with me :yep: Man, I had sooo many people praying for me even if the exam was in Japanese I'd still pass. Prayer works!

Thank you Jesus and....I love you too :drunk:. Thanks for telling/reminding me of that today right before I took my quals :blush3:.
I was on a 40 day fast from negative thinking, which are inspirational emails that are sent from Pastor Gregory Dickow from Life Changers.

Before starting this fast, I was very depress everything in my life was going wrong. I was in the CF one day and I happen pass a thread talking about fasting from wrong thinking (I don't remember who started the thread). I clicked the link and everyday for 40 days I receive this emails.

I wasn't expecting much, but let me tell you, those emails CHANGED my life. I never been so positive in my life, my faith, prayer life, everything has increased. I feel the moment my thinking started to change, the doors of opportunity just opened (although not in every area of my life...well not yet anyways). My viewpoint on certain things have changed.

But more importantly, my trust in God is at a higher level than its ever been before. For that I'm praising God.
Congratulations on your promotion! God is good.. :yep:

God is no shorter than His word!!!!

I was listening to gospel driving into work this morning. I remembered Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." I have been praying about my work situation and my mom has been in agreement with me.

I just got a call at my desk from my manager who told me I have been promoted, effective 01Sep09. I am so blessed and in tears. I thank Him. :cry:
I love that Gregory Dickow..he's a great teacher... funny too. :laugh:

I was on a 40 day fast from negative thinking, which are inspirational emails that are sent from Pastor Gregory Dickow from Life Changers.

Before starting this fast, I was very depress everything in my life was going wrong. I was in the CF one day and I happen pass a thread talking about fasting from wrong thinking (I don't remember who started the thread). I clicked the link and everyday for 40 days I receive this emails.

I wasn't expecting much, but let me tell you, those emails CHANGED my life. I never been so positive in my life, my faith, prayer life, everything has increased. I feel the moment my thinking started to change, the doors of opportunity just opened (although not in every area of my life...well not yet anyways). My viewpoint on certain things have changed.

But more importantly, my trust in God is at a higher level than its ever been before. For that I'm praising God.
I want to thank Shimmie and Laela and others who have been praying for me. I GOT THE JOB!!! My pay is higher than their "salary range".

That's good news, Changed! I thank and Praise God with you for such a blessing! :clap:

I'm so happy for you! :yep:

Amen and amen!!!!

God will bless us when we exhibit His love to others!

This week my friend and I took some groceries to his sister and her family. She and her husband have 3 boys and it's been difficult for them to make ends meet recently. Neither my friend nor I have a lot of money right now either but we decided that well-being of the children is really more important...

Well, the very same day I came home and opened the mailbox. There was something from Verizon. And my thought was "Oh boy, there must be a leftover charge from when I changed my service." (I recently had to change from Verizon since they don't have service at the location of my new apartment).

Well, it was exactly the opposite. There was a credit for the unused service - double the amount that I spent for the groceries. The paper said Refund Check to Follow. I could have cried!

God is awesome!
God is so good. after going through months of chemo, some tests showed there were new lumps on my lungs. The dr. said they'd just follow it for a while. Two months later, I had more tests done and the lumps were gone without any further treatments. I praise God for my health, greater energy, the desire to give to others, and that even the traditional treatments worked as well as they did. I feel so much love from Him right now. I know that He always loves me, just now I'm thinkin on it.
I Thank God for Kayte for starting this thread! Also for the ladies who keep it going. Laela, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping me focused. God is so Good and I am so blessed that you allowed him to use you to help me! Amen!

I cannot go into details about my situation. I will say this-

That God is Able, He is able, No matter How long it takes - God will do it for you. If YOU have Faith and Trust in Him and Him Alone!

I believed God for a Miracle in a situation that the people were being so resistant.
4 years of just praising and worshipping God seeing God bringing this to pass. Better than what I can ask or think!

I felt a lot like Father Abraham, at times I cried many tears over this situation – I wanted to literary give up! The situation was so rough I wanted to do a Father Abraham, in my situation and God said NO just hold on and press on. ( What I mean by this- When God Promised Abraham & Sarah a child they waited and waited and then had the maid bear a child for them instead of waiting on God- even though they went out that way- God still brought his promise for Abraham and Sarah a son). I could of went out like that God told me NO! If I went out like that he would NOT Honor that! WOW this is powerful!

4 years later God is a onetime God and the result of this situation-

My Pastors wife said on 1-2009 “An end of a thing is better than the beginning of a thing" - I held on by faith- my faith was tested as the world moved on however all in all I kept God's word. Even when it did not feel right, even when I cried on and on. Being embarrassed however, I stood on God's promise and I did not turn right nor Left- did I keep my eyes on Sweet Jesus- “Again the end of a thing is better than the beginning of a thing.”

God is God all by himself and when man says NO! God says YES with God All THINGS are Possible. I went to God with the impossible with man.

Praise your way to and through your breakthrough is so important b/c it shows God who He is in your life as well as be a witness to others. God is so Good! No matter what is going in the world! “He is greater in you than he that is within the world” Do you believe this? I know I do. I know so much more about praising the Lord in the good, bad, pleasant, sweet and the bitter. God is so good!
Hi everyone,

I did not know whether to post this in the prayer thread or here, but since this is a report I will post it here.

My uncle was injured badly in the crash, but he will be fine. We all believe that this whole ordeal is truly a miracle because his head was split open. His diagnostics read a broken hip, a broken leg, a broken rib, a broken arm and some broken facial bones. He has already gone through two different surgeries, but the doctors said he will be fine and they are really surprised he's even made it through all this. They even stated that there will be no permanent damage at all. “Praise God!”:worship2: My family and I are so grateful to God because we know that it was prayer and that we could not have made it through this without him. We just buried our grandmother last month and we did not want to deal with another death. God is just so good!:cry::yep:

Though, now we have another problem to deal with. Unfortunately, while my uncle was unconscious, the emergency team handed his wallet to someone who left it empty, but that’s a story that I won’t even go into. Anyway, I just wanted to thank everyone who prayed and may God bless each and every one of you. :grouphug3:
I received this awesome praise report last night:

Praise report for 8 year old Treyvon whose been on the prayer list for the past month. He had brain surgery 2wks. ago today. It lasted 5 hours and he was suppose to be out of school for six to eight weeks. The doctors were baffled when Trey was up walking around eating and talking the next day. He went to school the following monday after his surgery. Ain't God GoooooooooooD! He goes for his check up this week. Our God is Able!!!!!!!

For the past 11 years I have been emailing out what I call "The Words of Encouragement & Prayer List". This child had been on the prayer list.
Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessèd Redeemer!
Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love proclaim!
Hail Him! hail Him! highest archangels in glory;
Strength and honor give to His holy Name!
Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children,
In His arms He carries them all day long:

Praise Him! Praise Him!
Tell of His excellent greatness.
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Ever in joyful song!
God has done the below for me......Thank you Jesus!

But continue to pray that my car continues to run safely.

God has blessed me, despite my credit, to get a reasonable interest auto loan through Capital One Blank Check program. The PROBLEM is that capital one haven't/won't call my job to verify employment. My current car needs a new transmission and I really don't know how much longer I can continue to drive it.

So I'm asking that you ladies pray for two things:

1) That my CURRENT car continues to operate safely. I really don't want to be any acccidents or get stuck somewhere.

2) That Capital One will confirm my employment and finish my loan process so I can buy a new car THIS WEEK!!!

I'm believing God for all of this to happen this week so I can get a car this coming Saturday. I just need some powerful prayer warriors with me.

Thank you!
Well God is definitely in the blessing business. All this week God has been nudging me to go to a particular dealership to buy a car. I kept thinking over and over again, that it's suppose to snow this weekend and I don't know what to do. God told me to go tonight and over my lunch he told me to bring my necessary paperwork with me.

I walked in there told them the total amount I had to spend for taxes, car and everything. And I got it!!!

It was a very easy transaction, Finance mgr was bending over backwards to get my sale. It was all God!

Thank you JESUS!

I have a brand new 2010 Honda CR-V!
Well God is definitely in the blessing business. All this week God has been nudging me to go to a particular dealership to buy a car. I kept thinking over and over again, that it's suppose to snow this weekend and I don't know what to do. God told me to go tonight and over my lunch he told me to bring my necessary paperwork with me.

I walked in there told them the total amount I had to spend for taxes, car and everything. And I got it!!!

It was a very easy transaction, Finance mgr was bending over backwards to get my sale. It was all God!

Thank you JESUS!

I have a brand new 2010 Honda CR-V!
Wow...that's a great testimony, as you believed, so you received!
God is Great..no other love like his
I'm helping my dad move into the new apartment and its been a draining process.

I decided to help him out with most of the set up by being the one to dump trash into the trash compactor. The compactors is made of brick and steel with a large hole for trash to slide into. I drove a heavy box there, removed the box from the car with the keys in my hand. I threw the box in the compactor and immediately realized that I had thrown the keys in there with the box :nono: I knew my dad didnt have the spare set with him, and the keyring had alllllll of the keys, new and old, that we needed. I swear I was about to get into the compactor! As I was thinking about how I would get out of the compactor once I got in and found the keys :lachen: I looked up on a brick post next to the compactor and saw the keys sitting there. :eek:

That could have only been the Lord to set them keys there, because I had to stand on my tip toes to reach the brick post and I certainly couldn't have reached it while I was slumped over carrying that heavy box.

I swear sometimes, God is looking at me about to do some foolish stuff, says :eek: Let me help this girl out before she acts plum crazy and makes situations even worse :lachen:
Praise God for answering prayer!

I recently added a request in the prayer request thread for a friend. He believes in tenets of both Christianity and Islam. He considers himself Muslim but is also a member of a Baptist church in the area. Yes, it does sound confusing. He's been through a lot and has searched on his own for who God is and the answers to life.

He's gone through so much and is still working through many issues. I've prayed for him and encouraged him pray, study and go to church or the masjid. He's been hesitant to do the last one. So I've been praying that he will see the important of worshiping God amongst fellow believers and understand that there he can find support like nowhere else...Godly support.

Well, good news! I just received a call from him today! He sounded overjoyed! He attended church and has decided change his life for God. He's decided to quit smoking and drinking and attend church weekly.

God is amazing and He answers prayer! So I praise Him for His goodness! Please continue to pray for my friend because as we all know, when you commit yourself to God - the devil gets extra busy. But we know that our God will see us through!

Be blessed ladies!
I'm helping my dad move into the new apartment and its been a draining process.

I decided to help him out with most of the set up by being the one to dump trash into the trash compactor. The compactors is made of brick and steel with a large hole for trash to slide into. I drove a heavy box there, removed the box from the car with the keys in my hand. I threw the box in the compactor and immediately realized that I had thrown the keys in there with the box :nono: I knew my dad didnt have the spare set with him, and the keyring had alllllll of the keys, new and old, that we needed. I swear I was about to get into the compactor! As I was thinking about how I would get out of the compactor once I got in and found the keys :lachen: I looked up on a brick post next to the compactor and saw the keys sitting there. :eek:

That could have only been the Lord to set them keys there, because I had to stand on my tip toes to reach the brick post and I certainly couldn't have reached it while I was slumped over carrying that heavy box.

I swear sometimes, God is looking at me about to do some foolish stuff, says :eek: Let me help this girl out before she acts plum crazy and makes situations even worse :lachen:

Praise God for answering prayer!

I recently added a request in the prayer request thread for a friend. He believes in tenets of both Christianity and Islam. He considers himself Muslim but is also a member of a Baptist church in the area. Yes, it does sound confusing. He's been through a lot and has searched on his own for who God is and the answers to life.

He's gone through so much and is still working through many issues. I've prayed for him and encouraged him pray, study and go to church or the masjid. He's been hesitant to do the last one. So I've been praying that he will see the important of worshiping God amongst fellow believers and understand that there he can find support like nowhere else...Godly support.

Well, good news! I just received a call from him today! He sounded overjoyed! He attended church and has decided change his life for God. He's decided to quit smoking and drinking and attend church weekly.

God is amazing and He answers prayer! So I praise Him for His goodness! Please continue to pray for my friend because as we all know, when you commit yourself to God - the devil gets extra busy. But we know that our God will see us through!

Be blessed ladies!

Wonderful Ladies God is so Good! Congratulations.:yep:
Well God has done it again...I posted the below in the prayer thread and I got a B out of my class!! Thank you Jesus!

My prayer is small. But please pray that I pass this class with a B or better. I will admit that I slacked off the first few weeks; but I'm virgorously(?) back into the swing of things. I KNOW I can do it!

Please pray with me!