*~Praise Report Thread~*

Praise God for putting my family back together (prodigal daughter); for my bf & I being baptized 4/9/08 (I in la, her in florida), both of my granchildren healthy, and the "C" in chemistry when I missed crucial lectures and didn't understand jack diddly due to my limited algebra!

Praise God for removing my aquintances (thought they were friends but didn't know me once I went from 5k/month to unemployment) and replacing them with friends (pick me up and speak words of encouragement).

Most of all, Praise God for my restored relationship with my mother - He put us back together in 2002!

I know this is long, but I can't help it!
My friend, who I have been friends with for years......Became a TRUE PRACTICING CHRISTIAN in ever sense of the word.

I told her its dangerous for a non-believer to befriend a TRUE PRACTICING CHRISTIAN; because you will become a TRUE PRACTICING CHRISTIAN.

Well she did and she is gong ho about her walk with God (she was a "back-slider"). In a few months time; I've seen God elevate her from one level to another.

She is blessed.
Im soo happy and thankful for being at a job that I don't get sad about on Friday evenings..I have never felt comfortable being me at a job..now Im being apprciated for being the way God made me..
Thank you for ...

*leading me to a Christ-centered volunteer organization by what appeared to be by chance. In serving with them, I can keep the focus on serving You.

*the fellowship offer. All things are possible through You and only You.
Thank you for ...

*leading me to the wonderful bible study last night. This Christian fellowship is something I really need right now.

*protecting me and the car last night. Since the highway accident last month, I've been scared to drive in both rain and at night ... but I trust You and You are with me. I'm learning to let my fears go.

*discernment and comfort.
I posted in the Pray Request thread on 1/28, and sure enough I passed the exam with a 96%.
Thank you lord for letting it pass and having a very good outcome.
I prayed to God for a car back in October 09. He blessed me with a Honda CRV (actually told me to go get the car). But I wanted a Toyota RAV; I was a little upset and hurt that I couldn't get the car I wanted.

With the news of the defects of the Toyota; I'm so glad that God DIDN'T bless me with that car; his hand was really at work. It was crazy how I got approved for one car over the other.

But I do pray that he cover my sister with his blood while she drives HER Toyota RAV.
Thank you God for my continued peace and protection.

Thank you God for removing my pride regarding my financial circumstance.

Thank you God for the health of my grandchildren, child and family.

Thank you God for revealing to me that I would be a Nurse in the Army in four years.
I prayed to God for a car back in October 09. He blessed me with a Honda CRV (actually told me to go get the car). But I wanted a Toyota RAV; I was a little upset and hurt that I couldn't get the car I wanted.

With the news of the defects of the Toyota; I'm so glad that God DIDN'T bless me with that car; his hand was really at work. It was crazy how I got approved for one car over the other.

But I do pray that he cover my sister with his blood while she drives HER Toyota RAV.

A similar thing happened to me. I wanted to purchase another Toyota Yaris ... but my spirit was unsettled with that choice. I bought the Honda Civic instead and instantly felt lighter. Praise the Lord.
Thank you my Lord for comfort and love.

Thank you my Lord for financial stability.

Thank you my Lord for family.
Im so thankful that my desire to not live anymore was nipped by a awesome LHCF sometimes ppl are crying inside but only some ppl can hear bc they are quite enough to hear..sometimes the hardest thing is to call the authorities on someone so they can get help..man God has blessed me beyond what I could think
Thank you Lord for answering my prayers: for my improving health! For my great lab results - I could cry with relief: praise God I am not diabetic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!
LOOK AT GOD! Thank you for remaining her friend and continuing to praise the Lord right before her.

First of all, I just want to praise the Lord for just being wonderful and merciful to all! In two weeks, a good friend of mine is getting baptized. When we first met, anything me or anyone else said about Christ, she just wanted no part of. If a group of us cooked and prayed over the food, she would leave the room (she was a self proclaimed agnostic who has never been "churched"). Three years later, she gave her life to the Lord and is going to be baptized. I am just so happy, b/c I know that God is able to show himself to anyone and that he used me as well as some others to help show her who he was! He is so good!
2009 was a FABULOUS year for me (one of the best ever!:drunk:)

Do you know that song "Family Portrait" by Pink (I know this is the CF but still), well that was my family:sad:. Nevermind that we were regular churchgoers and we looked great on the outside but at home :nono:. As a little girl, I spent many times in my room crying and praying for the reconciliation of my parents . Arguments...depression...to separation..to divorce. I prayed unceasingly and always kept for myself a picture of them smiling at their first wedding. I believed Jesus could fix it and I just KNEW (there's nothing like child-like faith, i tell ya) we would be a happy family again despite everything.

Now I've done this for about two decades. That picture in its silver frame went with me to boarding school, colleges, moving to a new country etc. Neither of them remarried, and they were just courteous AT MOST when they spoke. And yes...many a time I tried to "help" things to get rolling :lachen: but God has Perfect Timing so I just kept praying :yep:

I don't pray for my parents to get back together anymore...I stopped in December.

Because they started working things out, have reconciled and now got remarried and are "in love" again :drunk::drunk:!!!!!!!! This didn't happen overnight, of course, but I kept praying when I saw improvements until they were all the way there! I still pray for them, but it's different now :grin:

I know I'm a big girl now and I live on my own but do you know what it's like to have a childhood wish come true??? :drunk:

Anyhoo, I just wanted to praise God here too...*as I now look two wedding pictures of my smiling "just married" parents on my dresser...THIRTY YEARS apart*....HALLELUJAH!

Keep the faith and hang in there. You will reap if you faint not :yep:
Thank you Lord for bringing me to the point I am in my spiritual walk. When I went through everything it hurt, but now I see that it completely changed the way I lean and depend on You. Thank you for increasing my faith. Thank you for giving me such strong discernment. Thank you for allowing my discernment to continue growing. Thank you for helping me to relax and enjoy You. You are everything. I don't know what I would do without you.
Praise God for all those testimonies. Today Im just praising Him for what He has done for me this month- HE has answered a lot of my prayers and given me hope that my joy is coming in the morning!
Hey girls...today I am asking for everyone to say a prayer for my SO..he is on the hospital with heart problems..and I am asking that everyone please say a prayer for him for better health and to help heal his heart..so if you guys get a chance..plkease say a quick prayer for us..I am trying my best to keep it together...but its very hard..
So, alot has changed in my life in the last two months.

March the last three weeks of the month.

God has been telling me for about a year, to go back to Chicago, I wasn't hearing it. So when I finally said your will Lord. I was fired from my job in Colorado and my job gave me about $4k about 3 weeks pay after taxes.

The next day, I believe, after I was fired. I received a call for a job in Chicago and did two telephone interviews over the phone. During this time, I told God, that I didn't want to have to fly to Chicago for a job interview while I'm still in Colorado....costs. I didn't get the job, but God lead me to the Career Section of this site and I found Demand Studios (thanks Naijiqueen). And I started earning money that way.

The last week of March, I received the apartment of my dreams! Mind you, I don't have a job and I got a great apartment in a great area! I wrote a list in February of the type of apartment I wanted and the type of area I wanted to live in. GOD did MORE then what I expected....FOR LESS, my rent is cheap considering the area and the perks in my apartment!!! I literally live with in walking distance of the grocery stores, and all of my favorite stores and restaurants (ie, Banana Republic, Gap, TJMaxx, Pier 1, White House Black Market, Houlihans, Ihop, etc).


My unemployment took longer than it should have, because their system messed up the company I worked for. I was worried that company would dispute my unemployment. My girlfriend, told me if the company doesn't respond to your unemployment you will automatically receive it. I prayed instantly that company didn't respond to the unemployment inquiry. THE COMPANY DIDN'T RESPOND TO THE UNEMPLOYMENT AND I WAS AWARDED FULL BENEFITS!!! THANK YOU GOD!

My bills were all paid on time, plus I had a little extra to shop with.

God told me he would provide for me and he did!
I, too, thank God for providing for my older nephew, who is starting to go to Bible Study. God has made a way for him, providing shelter and medication as he learns to live on his own. He's such a smart young man. I will continue to pray that his mother gives her life to God... for I believe she's blocking a tremendous blessing on her life!