*~Praise Report Thread~*


Yall, God has been soooo good to me and my family. I really cant ask for more, nor can i complain..
God allowed me and my hubby to be married 2 yrs this friday, and we paid off our second car this monday. He has truly been blessing us.. allowing me to have the health and strength to take on school, work, and a home.. My 2yr old son is advancing very well.. its like God, THANK YOU. Thank you for having mercy on us.
Praise and thank the Lord for answered prayer. I was praying about a situation and I was very anxious, then I thought about the people in the Bible who showed great faith and had their prayers answered. So I made up my mind to calm down and believe that the Lord would handle the situation. He has blessed me before so I was encouraged. I was so grateful to find that 24 hrs later my prayer was answered and my situation taken care of. I am just so very thankful unto the Lord.
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I praise the Lord for his grace and mercy...if not for grace there go I...its only by His grace and mercy that I know Him...I praise him in advance for what he's getting ready to do in my life....i have seen situations like this a million times...and not one time did he not turn it around and give me a blessing and show me favor...Hallelujah! I dont know how hes going to do it this time or when hes going to show up and show out this time, but I know hes going to do it...Im glad that its not by my willpower but by his will that all things work according to his calling in my life and for my good....
SO I posted this in the Prayer thread:

"Please pray that my paycheck will show up on June 1st so I can pay my rent on time. Or that God will miraculously give me $1000 to pay my rent by June 1st or 2nd. NO LATE PAYMENTS -- NO LATE DAYS!! "

Well, God is not an on time God, but he's an early God too!! LOL!!

Saturday morning, I got up and fasted and prayed for 45 minutes. Trust me, not having my morning coffee within 30 minutes of me waking up was a sacrifice!! LOL!!

So, God told me it was done. My human nature was a little aprehenisve. But then I prayed and I gave it up to God.

At exactly 3pm my door bell rung. I was a little lost as to who would be ringing my bell. But I peeked outside and saw the mail truck. (I was expecting a package). So I buzz the mailman in and he smiled at me and guess what ya'll.......my CHECK was on top of my package. I danged near pee'd my pants, I was so happy.

I couldn't believe it! So I ran to the bank and deposit the check and when I got back in my car. I SCREAMED!!!! Mind you, I'm a pretty reserved person. But I screamed like a crazy person I was so happy!!

Thank you Lord!!! I wasn't expecting anything until today.

Oh BTW, I walked my rent check over and smiled to them. Thanking God again silently!
SO I posted this in the Prayer thread:

"Please pray that my paycheck will show up on June 1st so I can pay my rent on time. Or that God will miraculously give me $1000 to pay my rent by June 1st or 2nd. NO LATE PAYMENTS -- NO LATE DAYS!! "

Well, God is not an on time God, but he's an early God too!! LOL!!

Saturday morning, I got up and fasted and prayed for 45 minutes. Trust me, not having my morning coffee within 30 minutes of me waking up was a sacrifice!! LOL!!

So, God told me it was done. My human nature was a little aprehenisve. But then I prayed and I gave it up to God.

At exactly 3pm my door bell rung. I was a little lost as to who would be ringing my bell. But I peeked outside and saw the mail truck. (I was expecting a package). So I buzz the mailman in and he smiled at me and guess what ya'll.......my CHECK was on top of my package. I danged near pee'd my pants, I was so happy.

I couldn't believe it! So I ran to the bank and deposit the check and when I got back in my car. I SCREAMED!!!! Mind you, I'm a pretty reserved person. But I screamed like a crazy person I was so happy!!

Thank you Lord!!! I wasn't expecting anything until today.

Oh BTW, I walked my rent check over and smiled to them. Thanking God again silently!

Amen!!! Praise God.
Yesterday, something spectacular and unexpectant happen to me! I had been working on this project at work that the organization had trouble with for about 4 years. I was able to reconcile this account. My boss was estatic and proud that I accomplished this task. At the end of the day, I was turning in some journal entries and my boss said, "Let me talk to you for a minute." So I stopped and listened and she was telling me how she really likes the work I have done up to this point and decided to promote me to a senior financial analyst position along with making $6,000 more a year on top of my salary!!! This was the best news I've heard in forever! As I was walking to my car, I just cried, I couldn't hold in how shocked and happy I was! And I have only been working at this place for almost 11 months! I am so thankful and still can't believe it!
:woot: :woohoo: :bouncy:
I'd like to praise God in advance for the miracle he has on the way for me. I've been praying that I will return to school and I know that it will happen very soon (by the end of 2010). I know God did not plant this in me for it not to come to past.

So thank you Lord for 2nd chances!!!
Thank the Lord for an easy move and the opportunities He is sending my way. I have been interviewing but nothing yet. I had a positive interview last week and I am PRAYING that I get the job and at a good pay.

But I really want to just Praise God for my health improving. I have lost 10lbs in the last 2 months, my blood sugar is great. I am so happy.

I had to increase my steroids dose due to stress but I know eventually I will be able to get completely off.

Thank God for my improved health!
Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy, it is sufficient. Thank you for blessing me with good news this week and your protection.
Thank you father for such a great interview today. Thank you for putting me at ease. I'm claiming this job as mine and thanking you for it!
Praise God! He really came through for me this morning. And as usually when He does something He doesn't go halfway!
Praising God that you ladies are still alive and well...and that the Christian forum is going strong!
6 months ago i took a job that i THOUGHT I wasnt properly qualified for. I have always been my own biggest critic. Over the last 6 months I have done my best at that job going above and beyond what is expected of me. Even more, i have prayed through each step of the way asking for strength during the most stresfull periods (working 7 days a week and waking up each morning with knots in my stomach) and believing that I would do my best and let God do the rest.

Again and again i hear from people that the work I am doing is the best they have ever seen. There have been things that I have organised that could have gone horribly wrong as the outcome was beyond my control. I have met all deadlines, everything has gone as scheduled. I tell people that I pray over my work and that's why everything has gone as planned. Whether they believe me or not, I laid the groundwork but God delivered.

Again, I thank you dear heavenly father. Keep holding my hand.
I should just get on my knees and be permanently thanking you shouldnt I? Thanks x2. Love you:grin::yep:

6 months ago i took a job that i THOUGHT I wasnt properly qualified for. I have always been my own biggest critic. Over the last 6 months I have done my best at that job going above and beyond what is expected of me. Even more, i have prayed through each step of the way asking for strength during the most stresfull periods (working 7 days a week and waking up each morning with knots in my stomach) and believing that I would do my best and let God do the rest.

Again and again i hear from people that the work I am doing is the best they have ever seen. There have been things that I have organised that could have gone horribly wrong as the outcome was beyond my control. I have met all deadlines, everything has gone as scheduled. I tell people that I pray over my work and that's why everything has gone as planned. Whether they believe me or not, I laid the groundwork but God delivered.

Again, I thank you dear heavenly father. Keep holding my hand.
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I Thank God in Advance for allowing me to not only pass my Mol. Bio exam but get an A on it.
Thank you God for clearing my mind and helping to focus my mind so that I will do well.

Thank you Jesus!
God has def. delivered me. The Mol. Bio exam went very well and alot of the quesitons were from the practice exam a friend gave me!!

Now I am thanking God in advance for my getting hired at Merck. The company that I have been wanting to work with. Thank you God for this opportunity!!!!!
Thank you God for helping to prepare my mind and spirit for this Genetics exam. Because of you I scored in the 90's and I praise and thank you for it!!!!
Thank you Lord! Thank you!

I got the job! I know you worked this out for me and its going to get even better!
I want to thank God, Because he helped to set up an interview and I know that I will get the Job in his name.
Thank you Father for the safe return of my brother from serving overseas...I'm most grateful. It's good to know men and women who live for You and are serving their country abroad have Blessed Assurance!
Thank you in advance Father for victory over the university. You said my faith can move mountains. I say to this mountain, be moved and it stands no chance against you Father.
Thank You God for my 92/100 on my third Genetics exam!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for allowing me to be prepared. Thank you for believing in my abilities and for the opportunity to succeed.