*~Praise Report Thread~*

I'm praising God today for keeping me safe when my car broke down this morning. Although the repairs are over $5000, I am thankful that God has already provided the means for me to get back and forth to work and class. I am also thankful for the increase He will soon provide so I can purchase a new car. Thank you Lord!
I thank God for everything. For the roof over my head, a job to go to, a car that works perfectly fine, money in my pocket, food. I also thank Him for my sense of style (don't judge me y'all). I just like great pieces -- nice handbags, coats, shoes. I love signature pieces that just make your look.

I also thank God for my hair. A lot of women are losing their hair, have never had long hair, don't know what to do with their hair. I love my hair. I love the length and I love the versatility. I love that I can do my own hair. I can perm it, rollerset it, blow it out, etc. I just love it.

I love my friends. They keep it real with me. When I need a dose of reality, they give it freely. I try to do the same. I thank God that my family wants to protect me from this cruel world, but every now and then, the rules of the game have to be taught.

I thank God for my yearning. It is times when I yearn for more that I seek out my heart's desire. I know that right now, I want more for my life. I want more. I sense a change and I thank God for leading me. Even when I am kicking and screaming, God drags me through and shows me that where He is moving me to is better than where I was before. I need that. I thank God for that.

I thank God for being patient with me. He loves me more than I love myself.
I posted last nite in the Prayer Request and I just wanted to update you ladies that everything is all good now. I WILL be going to nursing school. I wanna just let you ladies know to keep believing and have faith, all thing will get better.
I thank GOD for being who he is. I just want to thank GOD for never leaving me, even when I strayed away from his beliefs. I thank GOD for his Grace and Mercy that I have a chance to wake up every morning. I also would like to thank him for truly seeing me as he designed me to be. I thank him for weeding out people who I considered closed friends, but they betrayed me deeply. Lastly, I would like to thank GOD for being an "on time GOD"..without him I would not be able to purchase my house and meet my deadline to close on 9/30. Also, thank you GOD for bringing a wonderful Realtor and Mortgage Banker into my life...they were truly a Team in bringing my dream of homeownership to a reality.
Praise the Lord... I am on my way to work! It's with a temp company and it's temp to hire as a case worker assistant for a home health service... but it's better than making zero dollars an hour. I am so blessed! After 9 months of searching for work, I finally found a company that didn't tell me "You're overqualified, we can't hire you... we can't afford you." The devil is a liar!

A week ago, my unemployment ran out but I didn't get sad... I knew that God was going to make a way. I kept praying, kept calling... and he answered my prayer with a ram in the bush.

I want to thank you all for your prayers. This job is not where I want to be right now but it is a stepping stone for things to come!

Praise the LORD!
Hello everyone! I just want to come in to say thank you Jesus. Right now im looking for a change in my life. In i feel like the Lord has been talking to me lately. Just trying to make change and a Happier Denise. Thats all i have to say.

Thanks for listening to me. Just trying to find me and my way. Im excited because my husband decided to attend church with me... Just an great day
I just want to thank god for never leaving my side and always coming through for me on time. Even when it seemed all hope was gone he was there for me. Last month was extremely hard for me I had a death in the family and my relationship was in turmoil. The guy I was with was not a christian and although I loved him deeply he was leading me down the wrong path. But im thankful that god brought me through and allowed me to see that he wasn't the right guy for me. The right guy was by my side all along. Im thankfull that god brought me through the greif of losing a loved one and I pray that god contiues to be with my aunt and grandmother and other family members who are still in mourning.
Thank GOD for allowing me to see another year. I am so excited to see what God has in store for me. I appreciate everything He brought me through and I am blessed to be able to make it to another year!! Praise the Lord.
Dear Lord, I want to thank you now for my mothers healing. She went in the hospital on Wednesday to have exploratory surgery ( a simple procedure, I thought) and stopped breathing on the table. They immediately administered CPR to revive her but she still remains unconscious. She is getting better daily. I thank you now Lord for her totally healing? Ladies please pray for my mothers complete healing. AMEN!

I want to thank God for everything he does for me.

Ever had the impression that your prayer was answered and handed on a silver platter?

Ok, I know this seems odd. But for over 6 years I always wanted to go back to school. I prayed and prayed. Now, nearly 7 years later. I know its seems like a long time. I have to admit the timing could not be more perfect than now! Within those 7 years of waiting, I was able to be by my family's side. I even saw one of my parents pass away in front of my very eyes. God gave me strength. We manage to surmount incredible financial obstacles. I did 3 years without having a job.

Everything seems to be falling in place. I have some exams to complete before applying to the school. I found all the resources with ease. I needed a software to help me with the editing of my essays. It usually costs 100$ I got it for 24 $.There are many more things, coincidences that I have witnessed. Its seems that things are being served to me on a silver platter. At times I wonder if I was meant to receive it. Has anyone experienced something like this? How did things turn out? Any regrets?
I just want to say that God is good. . .all the time. I have been struggling with the idea of my unemployment for some time now although God has been making a way for me the whole time and keeping my family and I comfortable. I struggled with accepting that he just takes care of me because he wants to. I felt the need to do something in return and it was eating me up(that worldly outlook is a hard and bad habit to break).
I had been feeling like I was missing something. There was an emptiness that I felt and I couldn't seem to fill it. I've been saved so I thought maybe I was either doing something wrong or looking in the wrong place to fill that void. I tried different angles to approach God hoping that I would come up with the right one.

Last week I had a breakthrough and God told me that all he wanted was for me to just spend time with him. Talking, sharing, just being myself with him and building the father daughter relationship that he created me for. I was like Ohhhhhhh. I hadn't even realized that rather than being in relationship with God, I was just placing orders and leaving my tips for him.

To make a long story short, since that day, I have been spending time with God in more ways than just praying. He is a part of my family. Not just the creator of it.
So many other things have been opened up to me and to top it all off, I got comfortable with God just taking care of me and trusting that even though my last unemployment check would be on Monday(2/9/09) For some reason, I wasn't worried about the uncertainty. I knew God would pull something out of his bag, just like he always does, right in a nick of time, just before I begin to panic and resort to some bad decisions.

Well wouldn't you know that God made a way out of no way. I got a call this evening from a temp service that I work with. I had interviewed for a position a couple of weeks ago but another candidate got the job. Well, the other candidate isn't there so I got the job. I start on Monday 2/9/09. Isn't that something! There will be no lapse in my income. There will be no time of uncertainty. No famine, no heatless nights, and no candles burning in my house. God made a way.

He made a way when I let go and just stopped trying to help him to help me. I stopped trying to rationalize with him what I needed and the best way to go about it, I stopped trying to figure out what he would do to make a way for me.
To top it all off, in the mail today I got a check for 240.00. I had been expecting a check but didn't know how much it was. This too is a blessing!!!
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SN you brought TEARS to my eyes right now with your post. Girl you are truly a Daughter of Abba Father! Gurl I am so crying right now! Gurl God is so, so, so, Good. I am so blessed by your praise report. PRAISE GOD! I am so Happy For You!
Thank you for sharing SN! I totally love it.

Can't nobody tell me that there is no God. There are
too many evidences of His love and existence all around
us... beginning with the fact that we woke up on this side
of the ground!

Thanks again,

~ Preciouzone ~
I just wanted to thank God for moving in my life. He is such an awesome and faithful God! I recently found out that my office was going to be relocating. I spoke with my husband about it and of course, he was against moving. I totally understood since he was the primary bread winner. So after I received the news, I must admit I was nervous about looking for another job. I knew that things were rocky in the economy and I had been on this job for almost 6 years. WELL LET ME TELL YA......The regional vice president came down to meet with me. He told me that he understood me not being able to relocate and said that he wanted to do whatever possible to keep me on board. He asked me how I felt about working from home. Oh my goodness! This was just unbelievable. I almost cried right in front of him. God stepped in and worked it out for me. I am currently in the process of making the transition to work from home. Talk about extraordinary favor! God is good!!!!
Well, it's going...lol! I just recently prayed about that too. I've gotten back on track. No more excuses! I didn't know how to balance work, school, home and exercise. I created me a little handy dandy schedule and so far it's been a big help. I feel confident that I will reach my weight loss goals this year!
That's good to hear. It sounds like you have a lot going on. Whatever
inspired you to do your video.. keep at it and I pray that you reach your
goal as well!

~ Preciouzone ~
I'm crying ..in tears today ..remembering ...2007 I was in landlord tenant court ..not because I was a bad person...but with all the hurt I'd had with my dad's illness and death ..hard as I tried
I simply was not earning enough for my high rent and it had accrued to over 4500 dollars.... by the grace of God with artists grants specifically for artists/writers in trouble... I was able to raise that money and keep the landlord from seizing my apartment but I had to pay on time for a year or risk a holdover
when they can seize your apartment even if you do have money to pay delayed rent

I was in such fear

Today....it is Feb 27...the landlord just slipped the March Rent bill under my door..I wrote out a check for 1340.00 while happily listening to U2 and in an hour when I go out for errands..I will pay the rent on time ..before it is due knowing rent through summer is assured with work of my heart that is paying me NOW

All praise be to God

Thank you God Thank you Thank you
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I want to thank God for hearing my prayers. Things at work are getting better and something happened earlier that I am convinced is a miracle. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

I know when the time is right to leave this place HE will set up something good for me. I have no doubts.

Thank you Lord for my wonderful, wonderful, wonderful husband. I cant even tell you how blessed I am for God to send me this man. I am awed by the Lord's generosity for finding the right person for me (I come with a lot of baggage).

Thank you Lord God. Thank You!
The Lord is faithful, so faithful. Praised be His name. When we are faithless, He is yet faithful, for He cannot deny His own character.

I am so thankful to You Lord for Your persistence in loving me and keeping me as Yours, even as I have allowed the heart's distractions to eclipse my vision of You. But You reign as King and I pray that You would be lifted up as God and King--the great Lord--in all our hearts this day. Amen.
Last week was a trying one for me. I never sought after the face of the living God like I did in prayer, worship, and praise last week.

Thank you Lord for always keeping me and answering my prayers! My life is not mine but yours. I lay it before you.

Your blessings are undeserved, and I humbly thank you for them all. I love you!
I just got admission to one of the top business schools in the Country!! :-D I'm reeling with excitement! Praise the Lord God Almighty!! It's been a long journey but my life is finally starting to come together ... thank you Jesus!
Last week when I went to the oncologist, the doctor said the most recent tumors were gone and that there were others, older ones, that were shrinking. I knew I couldn't feel them any more, but the tests confirmed what I was thinking, that they were gone. The doctor was so excited. I love it when the doctors and nurses even are amazed at how God heals my body.
My mother went in to the hospital for an exploratory procedure
that required general anesthesia and TOLD NO ONE except my younger brother
she was accompanied by only by a friend...
the rest of us ..three out of four..were in the dark.

she called after it was over....
to report they had removed some thing that turned out to be nothing
and now she is fine....

Praise God :)