PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Action?

Oh my God! This was another really funny thread!!!
I read from the beginning to end. I stopped somewhere in the middle to go out for lunch and came back just to get a major attitude when I had to do some work!!!
Okay... QUESTIONS........ Pleeeeeeeeease answer my questions because I've been DYING to know for so long now and then saw this thread. I've been taking GNC's biotin in addition to GNC Nourish Hair (a total of 3600 mcg). I keep reading about some miraculous growth for some people so it makes my growth pale in comparison.
I was wondering if the increased dosage of biotin actually makes a difference because I did notice that a lot of you take 5000 mcg on average. I know that biotin is water soluable and will be expelled through urine if not needed. I guess the question is am I wasting pills by taking so many a day? Has anyone taken GNC's brand and then PP and noticed a noticeable difference?

BIGGEST QUESTION... Do you think the "itchies" could be a reaction to something in the pills? Has anyone asked the company if that's normal?

LAST QUESTION... Can someone tell me about their growth before and after using the PP biotin. Pleeeze...
I'm so excited. My hair grows I guess at a normal rate but I'm starting to get greedier by the day when I read these threads!!!
Hi Ny2atl! I took 5 mg of Country Life Biotin and it did nothing for me. I thought it was me 'till I started reading posts from other people about how Country Life didn't do anything for them, either. I'm 3 days into my PP Biotin, so I don't have any insight. I hope to see a difference in a few weeks!!
I hope taking 5 a day isn't a waste, cuz I'm greedy too
Nyatt, I haven't noticed any itching but I am getting the growth. Keep in mind that I increased my dosage to the recommended 5mg back on page 2, and said I'd post the results. I was very skeptical, but now I'm never turning back.

I always had light side burns (no lower than my ear), scraggly eyebrows and a light "lady's moustache". Now my moustache is more noticeable (to me), my eyebrows are thick enough to make people suspect I'm penciling them in now, and my sideburns are chique lamb chops. None of it has gotten to the point of undesirability.
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Kitkat said:
Hi Ny2atl! I took 5 mg of Country Life Biotin and it did nothing for me. I thought it was me 'till I started reading posts from other people about how Country Life didn't do anything for them, either. I'm 3 days into my PP Biotin, so I don't have any insight. I hope to see a difference in a few weeks!!
I hope taking 5 a day isn't a waste, cuz I'm greedy too

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I was taking the 5mg VitaminShoppe brand and it didn't do a lot for me. I've been taking the PPBiotin for about 3 weeks now and I have noticed faster growth. It's growing at regular pace now. I got a good 1/4" in 2 weeks. I used to experience really slow growth. It seems like I'm on pace for the normal 1/2" per month which is good. Maybe it'll speed up even more. I'm hoping...

I also notice the hair around the edges is growing in faster...this used to be my problem area. Even when I needed a touch up badly I would have barely any new growth on the edges and now I have new growth there evenly with the rest of my hair. Hope that makes sense!!!

I think we better stop praising PPB so much, Puritan's Pride might see this and raise the prices. This is definitely one of the best deals around!
I've taken the Vitaminshoppe brand 5mcg biotin, and while it was effective (stronger nails), it does not compare to the PP brand. I have noticed that my shaved hair grows in a lot faster, my eyebrows are thicker, lashes longer and new hairs sprouted up in my head that are @ least an inch long. I noticed this because everytime I put my hair in a ponytail, little pieces would be sticking up. I am 100% positive this is not breakage because of the way these new hairs are sprouting up all over and I did a little investigating
. So evidently, the PP biotin has accelerated my sleeping follicles as well as the active ones. WOOHOO
ACCKKK!!!! I know JUST how you feel, dstdiva! I don't know where you are geographically but girrrrlll....when I order something online, I want it yesterday! And after reading this thread I was too ready to have my own bottles. I ordered 6 bottles (paid for 2).

Anyway, I ordered them on 3/24/03 and they did not get here until today (4/2) until around 6:30pm. The fool from UPS (UGH...I loathe them, as well) didnt even ring my door bell. Just left the box by the front door. Probably cause he know he was wrong holding on to my sh$t for however long it was sitting in his fool truck.

I called Puritan Pride's Cust. Svc. dept. today and the woman said that for UPS they say to allow 5 bus. days and USPS, 2 weeks, girl! Hate to be the bringer of bad news. But just thought you should know. Of course, they don't say that on their dang website. And HULLOOOOOO???? Mine took 7 damn business days to get here. I was ready to hurt somebody over there. They sure didn't hesitate to charge my credit card. HMPH!

Sorry, I got a little carried away. And the important thing is that it's here now.

KITKAT - you must live in the tri-state area if you got yours that fast with 4th class (that's what Debbie, the cust svc girl said they use if you don't choose overnight or 2nd day). I am all the way in Arizona(duh, I'm sure you figured that out) but Hell, it didnt even take my black a$$ 7 days to drive here from NJ...PUH-LEASE!!!!
And this stuff BETTER work after raising my blood pressure this way!

Sorry, Ladies! I know I sound Looney

Ummm...happy hair growing???!!!!!
I noticed that the hair at the nape of my neck is starting to grow further south. I hope that it won't go too much further. I don't want a hairy back.
Ok, you guys are MAKING me go order this and can I mention that I just received of new bottle of Country Life
. Oh well, I'll just use it until I receive PP Biotin.

I guess I'm GREEDY too because I already have a little itchiness but I what MOOOOOORE!!!
I wouldn't worry about it Curly. Hair adds to your symmetry and accents your body. I don't shave any hair anywhere, except my armpits, like, once every 6 months. I never understood why a hairless body was attractive rather than, well, kind of nauseating... The guy I like shaved his face stubble but it's part of what attracted me to him in the first place.

I'm enjoying these attention-getting sideburns, and I hope my nape is keeping up with them.

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CurlyCrly said:
I noticed that the hair at the nape of my neck is starting to grow further south. I hope that it won't go too much further. I don't want a hairy back. &lt;img src="" alt="" /&gt;

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I'm almost finished with my second bottle. The itchies have subsided (finally!) and I got more growth with PP than with CountryLife. The two bottles were just a test run, I ordered 6 more bottles yesterday.


I've never grown hair under my armpits, except for when I was pregnant. Well now I have enough hair there to twist

I have a slight "lady mustache", but it's no big deal, I'm going to bleach it before summer.

My eyebrows are being plucked every other day and the strands I pluck are thicker than before and a little more resistant to pull out.

I'll spare you the details of the "other place"
with more hairgrowth.

I give Puritan's Pride
Ok u ladies are scaring me with the stories of hair in other places!! I have been shaving my legs once a week though since taking Biotin all togetehr though! It seems is though I shave under my arms every other day!!!

I got a DEEEPPP trim back in decemebr and my hair was about my shoulders. I am happy to annouce that my hair is officially touching my shoulder on the sides again and the back is on it's way down my back again!!!! I am so happy. I am taking picture sbut i still have alot of film left so I will be posting pics soon hopefully. I may opt for a flexirods set for the weekend maybe????? That is another pic oppurtunity. I am loing this Black rinse on my hair as well!!
Goodness... some of you are sooooooo funny! I went online to place my order but then.... WORK came!!!
I'm going back to finish my order. I have 2 bottles (with 4 free ones) in my cart. CAAAAAAAAAAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!! You guys have me all dying to itch!!!
I still wonder what causes the itching with PP and not other brands. Hmmm...
AZJeepgurl, you're right - I live in Brooklyn, New York. I placed two orders on Wednesday and Thursday. The Wednesday order came on Friday, though I wasn't at home to get it,
and then both were delivered on Monday. Since I live in an apartment building, they won't just leave it if you're not home. I don't have much faith in UPS, but they were okay this time around. I had a UPS delivery that took almost 2 weeks once (this had nothing to do with PP), and girl you know I was popping blood vessels!!). When I called UPS to ***** and complain, they said that delivery time from their perspective depends on when the shipper sends the goods; UPS has no control over that. I do know that UPS can take longer depending on where you live.
HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone have a coupon number? I was at the online checkout and the coupon code was there but I didn't have one. I read that some of you got $5 off. Does anyone still have a number that I could use??? Please.
i've been trying to stay away from this thread, but dammit i can't!!! I'm currently taking CL biotin in 5mg's and I'm experiencing scalp activity (but i'm also doing scalp massages every night) so i'm not sure what to attribute the activity to. How long does this sale last??? I'm planning on switching brands b/c of the raves, but not for another month or so
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i've been trying to stay away from this thread, but dammit i can't!!!

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LOL @ Beana3

It's ok, do it. Go get yourself some "itchies".
Thx so much KitKat!!!!!!!!!!1
Well alrighty then... now I can impatiently wait for my UPS man to deliver my itchies too!!!!!!!
Can't wait, can't wait!!!
I am getting hair growth in "other places" as well!!!

As long as it's growing on my head to I'll shave, wax, and pluck the other hair!!! My leg hair is getting ridiculous I'm gonna have to take out stock in NAIR!!! And it feels like it's growing in thicker is that the biotin or the Pantothenic acid!!! Anyway it's all good!
Based on this thread alone I finally made the plunge and purchased the PP Biotin, it cost me $5.90 total for three bottles!!

On a side note: I am also going to purchase pantothenic acid as well.

That was my shopping for the day!
Is anyone taking the PP Panothenic Acid already? if so how is and how long does it take to notice a change in your hair? I am thinking of ordering some.
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dstdiva said:
DAMN, DAMN, DAMN! it wasn't there! another day without my fix!

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PP probably ran out of biotin
the way we have been ordering.

you think they noticed the increase in biotin orders?
How much Biotin can a girl take daily without a problem? Would 10,000mcg be too much, 20,000? to jumpstart to another level...like a loading dose?
holy........ I thought the usual dose used by thr body was 3600, so I can understand taking 5000. but 10,000???

Your body would just ermmm "eject" a ton of it, I personally think that much would be a waste.

I'm using only 2000mcg/2mg and so far I've noticed a HUGE boost in hair growth.