PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Action?

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SeaMist said:
Okay everyone. I purchased two bottles of the Freeda Biotin in 2.5mg a week ago. I take two which is the equivalent of 5mg, and I'm telling y'all, I'M ABOUT TO GO CRAZY WITH THIS ITCHING!

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LOL!! That's why I started this thread weeks ago. I was about to go crazy too. My level of itching eventually decreased though.
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SeaMist said:
Okay everyone. I purchased two bottles of the Freeda Biotin in 2.5mg a week ago. I take two which is the equivalent of 5mg, and I'm telling y'all, I'M ABOUT TO GO CRAZY WITH THIS ITCHING! I'm sitting at this computer madly posting, trying to ignore the creepy-crawler feel that's running amuck all over my head, as if someone is running track and field up and down this bad-boy! I don't know whether to be happy or mad at this?

I should be happy right? BUT all this "follicular action" IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! Doggone it
They cost $9.56 at Willner Chemists here in NYC, and the 10mg cost well over $56.00 I have nothing to report but a glowing review for this brand in terms of hair-growth, but the drawback is the crawling feel that accompanies it

Alas, the price we women pay for beauty!

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Yall gon make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here....
Now why did you have to go there? Ok, Ok, I know, I made u promise not to hold out on me anymore
. I'm definitely gonna have to try this out, cause that protein drink you recommended definitely gives me follicular action
. However, I never get any itching feelings...I alwys get the crawling feeling. Do you actually get itching where you have to scratch it?
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Yall gon make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here....

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Thanks CurlyCrly. I have been scratching my head all day long and it is still itching as I type! This is why sometimes I purposel stop taking PPB for awhile because the itching was too much. Now that I found out Freeda is just as potent, I may have to stop for two days or so to give my scalp a break
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Armyqt said:
However, I never get any itching feelings...I alwys get the crawling feeling. Do you actually get itching where you have to scratch it?

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Yep! Not so much anymore, but I still have to scratch. It drove me nuts initially. I stopped scratching and started rubbing/massaging because I noticed some red spots from scratching. lol
Armyqt the protein drink gives me more of a "bristling" effect. Like a plant stalk shooting up out of the ground if this makes sense. These biotin pills make me itch to the point that I really have to scratch my head! It's 8:45PM in NYC and my head is still itching! Oh well, I chalk it up as the price of faster hairgrowth
Hi all!
I'm fairly new to the board and I'm thinking about getting the biotin. But I think that I read somewhere that you have to take b vitamins for it to be really effective. Is that true or am I confused.

Also, do you have to take a combination of the other things I've noticed alot of you take (msm etc.)to get these growth results. Just wondering, cuz my NEW goal is waistlength after seeing Ms Zanna photo of the month. Thanx guys!
Hi divanerare4m

the b-complex and biotin work synergistically with one another, meaning they work better if taken together and don't function properly when taking alone. Zanna's hair is to die for and she is a wonderful inspiration
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SeaMist said:
Hi divanerare4m

the b-complex and biotin work synergistically with one another, meaning they work better if taken together and don't function properly when taking alone. Zanna's hair is to die for and she is a wonderful inspiration

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Seamist -

What are some other b-complex vitamins? I'm not sure if I am taking them or not.
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SeaMist said:
the b-complex and biotin work synergistically with one another, meaning they work better if taken together and don't function properly when taking alone.

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I take Country Life Maxi Hair which has 2000 mcg of biotin and I take 2 additional 1000 mcg a day for a total of 4mg a day. Does anyone know if the hair vitamin can take the place of taking the b-vitamin. thanks!
I dont know about hair growth but my nails are growing like crazy! I thought hair and nails were almost the same thing
argh!!!! Oh why couldnt it be the other way around!!

Hello Ladies:

I am happy to report that I ordered my PP Biotin last Tuesday and received it on Thursday! I had tried ordering it last month, but they had a problem with my card # and I never called them to rectify.

I've been taking them for 2 days now, so of course I haven't yet experienced any bristling, follicular action, but I'm already itching.

I'm sure, I'll be able to give an update in a few weeks.

Thanks to you all!
Hi OnlyChild!

I take a 50mg B-complex capsule by Solaray. The B-complex family consist of:

Vitamin B6
Folic Acid
Vitamin B-12
Pantothenic Acid
Choline Bitartrate
Does anyone have any problems w/Biotin interfering with your monthly cycle? I read before in a thread where some people had problems w/this and I actually had a weird cycle this past month and wondering if it's related to biotin.

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Does anyone have any problems w/Biotin interfering with your monthly cycle? I read before in a thread where some people had problems w/this and I actually had a weird cycle this past month and wondering if it's related to biotin.

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I did JenJen, but it was a good change.
Hi, I am a new member here and first of all, I just want to say that I enjoy this forum so much. I have recieved a lot of good hair tips from these posts and they have been really helpful. I would like to know the difference between the country life biotin and the PP biotin? I currently just bought the county life biotin 5mg, but now I want to buy the PP biotin. Is it true that the country life biotin is not effective at all or is PP Biotin just better than than country life? Inquiring minds wants to know!
Welcome SHenson,

I tried both and I must say the PP biotin is more effective than Country Life. Country Life does work, but PP seems to work faster. HTH

To answer your question, yes, Biotin affected my monthly flow. It made it come late and my cramps were worst than usual.

I love Biotin, but I will make sure to avoid taking it around ovulating time.

Hope that answers your question. Everyone's body is different, so it may not do this to you.
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JenJen2721 said:
Does anyone have any problems w/Biotin interfering with your monthly cycle? I read before in a thread where some people had problems w/this and I actually had a weird cycle this past month and wondering if it's related to biotin.


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Hey JenJen, I'm going through this right now
. I can't say if it's good or bad yet though.
For those who are waiting on their PP Biotin results don't forget to take your Biotin with a B-Complex they work better that way!
Ok i am happy to report ive been getting the ticklies on my scalp all day.
I just started back with the 300 mcgs of biotin. I take 2 after breakfast and one b4 i go to bed.
Re: PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Actio

Thanks Kenesha and everyone else who posted (on this thread and others) about taking biotin with B-complex. I had no idea, but thanks to you ladies I was able to buy B-complex with my Puritan Pride order and make out like a bandit!!!!

Now let's just hope this works!!!!!
Re: PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Actio

Hello everybody. I am fairly new to these posts, I've been reading and learning and sampling certain hair products and vitamins. This is truly a wonderful site. I bought GNC Biotin, GNC MSM and B complex. I had been experiencing the itchy scalp, tingling and the feeling that my hair is too heavy for my scalp one week after taking the vitamins. I didn't know what to do about the feeling, so every time I got an itch, I pulled out m CDHHB and massaged it on my scalp. Since I've read these posts, I have hope that my hair is growing.
The itching was driving me crazy! I cut back to 2 tablets per day. My CL Maxi Hair already has 2000 mcg of biotin and my herbal booster has 1.6 mg. I think my scalp od'd on biotin!

I think I'm going to take 5 tablets for a week or two and then cut back to two tablets and do that off and on so my body doesn't get used to a particular dosage. Maybe I can shock my hair into staying in the growth phase.

Re: PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Actio

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dstdiva said:

what is CDHHB?

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probably Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter
Alright I've got a little "follicular action" goin on. (that term cracks me up) I used take PP biotin before and switched to Country life for a month out of curiosity. I'm back now and there's definitely more goin on than with the CL. I think it only took a couple of days b4 I started noticing the itchies. It's not driving me crazy or anything so I hope it keeps on doin what it's doin.
I'M SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED.... I got my "stuff"... (feeling like a junkie)! My PP biotin arrived today! I'm sad because I already took my biotin (GNC's brand) for the day. That GNC will get back shelved and I'll start my PP tomorrow!!!!!! Can't wait... Come on itchies! I'm ready!!!

Will report later!