How much Biotin are YOU taking?

For about 1 week and a half I've been using Purvana Biotin at 2500 mcg, AND 2 1000 g MSM. My skin broke out (small but noticeable lumps like a rash). I NEVER break out, but I just upped my water intake (which I should be doing anyway) and the bumps began to subside immediately.

However, I mix these two in my smoothies with a 12-in-1 vitamin, some other supplements and blend. I allso use MTG and BT...

(I also COULD stand to wash my pillowcases):blush:
NONE!!!! If i can help it.:wallbash: When i added biotin as a seperate supplement to my vitamin reggie....I noticed that my face was getting pizza-ish. I stopped the biotin and it has returned to normal.
Now alittle biotin is in my other supplements and that is enough for me.
I take pride in my nice skin...and will NOT take biotin as a seperate supplement ever again.
Thank goodness I was not achieveing max growth with it i don't miss it. I sure hope it doesn't bother ur skin. HHG
I take 7000 mcg a day plus the 1200 mcg that's in my hair vitamin for a total of 8200 mcg. I have been doing this for three weeks, my hair is growing like weeds, and my skin is not breaking out. I also take a laundry list of other vitamins including B-12 and a B-Complex. Finally, I drink 60 to 80 oz of water everyday.
I take 5000mcg and I dont get any bumps. Everyone's going to react different to different dosages. Just make sure you are getting in enough water and you should be fine.
I am taking 2.2 mg in my HSN vitamin and 300 mcg in my multi + 200 mg of msm...