PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Action?

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Honey Vibe said:
CurlyCrly, it's ironic to say the least that you're not so sure about PP Biotin's potency now, and you were the person who started this thread!

I haven't experienced any itching, but my nails are growing like weeds. It's a wonderful indicator that increasing my biotin dose was a good idea.

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Actually, I wasn't sure about it's potency in the beginning either. That's why I asked the question that I asked.
I increased my intake to 7000 mcg yesterday. One more month.
I have been taking 5mg of biotin for 17 days now and my one a day multivitamin has a full set of vitamin b. My scalp itched some but I am not sure if it was the biotin or just my regular itchiness. One thing I did notice was the inside of my thighs were itching really bad and that is not normal for me. I haven't really noticed any growth or anything but I am going to stick with the pills for at least a month or more to see what happens. I was already getting at least 1/2inch per month, maybe my scalp is maxed out. I have a question that is totally unrelated to biotin, but I don't know how to start a thread. How does the caffine in coffee affect hair growth? I don't drink coffee but I need to start because I keep falling asleep in class. I am just afraid to drink coffee because I don't want it to slow down my hair growth and bone development.
okay am i crazy? i just typed the last post, went searching to see when i posted that i had gotten the pills then scratched the entire left side of my head while typing. i didn't even notice. so, maybe something is happening.
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dstdiva said:
okay am i crazy? i just typed the last post, went searching to see when i posted that i had gotten the pills then scratched the entire left side of my head while typing. i didn't even notice. so, maybe something is happening.

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Question deos Biotin thicken up the hair??? Man my hair has gotten so thick in just a few weeks. I ahve some new growth (1/2 an inch) but it is very managable and I pull my rollers tight to hide it. I have been compliments on a daily basuis onm how thick my hair is getting.. Today onie ofco workers said "You have to be ithr growing your perm out or in need of a touch up" I said actually neither I ahd a touch up about 3 to 4 weeks ago, I ahve just been taking better care of my hair. My hair is so big and fluffy!!! I just love it. Thanks ladies!
Re: PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Actio

I just got my order of PP Biotin yesterday! I just started today. I hope the results are the same as everyone else's. I will let you know soon! I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I don't have the "itchies" yet, but we'll see after my shipment arrives
! Goodness, I can not wait to try PP Biotin.
I just received my order and i calculated how much I had. I bought 6 bottles. With 100 tablets per bottle and 5 pills per day if my calculations are off I think I have a 4 month supply. So by the end of the summer I should be done. Hopefully I will have some new growth.
God bless you all.
My! I astound myself with this self restraint. I have not bought Puritan Pride's biotin yet. I am still gathering research. There are not enough testimonials of increased growth rate, just itching. Bottom line: Everyone feels the scalp sensation but does everyone get an inch or more per month?

I didn't get an inch or more, but I did get an increase of newgrowth by my normal 12 weeks compared to when I didn't use PP. It's hard to measure my newgrowth, because I don't have a full relaxer.
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Crysdon said:

I didn't get an inch or more, but I did get an increase of newgrowth by my normal 12 weeks compared to when I didn't use PP. It's hard to measure my newgrowth, because I don't have a full relaxer.

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could that be a factor curly? i am wondering if maybe the texturizer makes it harder to tell. i'm hoping this may be a factor because i would hate to think you are taking 5mg of biotin and its not making a difference. maybe you could try freeda biotin. i think jade recommended it and said it was more potent then pp. maybe that might make a difference for you.
God bless you all.
You're right, a texturizer does make it difficult to tell when there's growth when I wear it curly, but I can tell that there's not much difference in growth when my hair is straight.

I started taking 7 mg of biotin a week or so ago. I won't be buying more. My hair grew Ok before taking this and the other products and it was/is thick and healthy, so I doubt if I will make any additional purchases of some of these vitamin/mineral products.
Re: PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Actio

I started taking my PP Biotin about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I haven't gotten any scalp itching out of the ordinary. I do notice that hair elsewhere on my body is growing faster, and my roots feel a bit grown out even though I just relaxed three weeks ago. I'll see what's happening on my head in about another 2 weeks or so.
I've been taking it for about a month now. I started out taking 5 tablets per day, but cut back to two when I couldn't stand the itching anymore. (Some of my other vitamins have biotin in them--I think I od'd!)

My nails are long and strong. I haven't noticed an increase in my hair growth rate, though.
I really can't tell until I flat iron my hair, though. But I'll keep taking them just for the effect on my nails!
Well, I have been taking PP biotin for 8 days now, no scalp itching and no nail growth. Oh well, maybe it still too early to tell......
Well alrighty.... it's been about 2 1/2 weeks since I've been taking my PPB!!! It's been 3 1/2 weeks since my touch up and my ROOTS are UNNNNNRULY! I scheduled my next touch up for 8 weeks instead of my usual 6 weeks because the last 2 touch ups I felt as though I could have gone a little longer. NOT!!!!!!!!!!! Now, I'm wondering how I will make it another month!!!!

The thing is .... I don't know if I should attribute it to the PPB since it's only been less than 3 weeks. Just not sure. What do yall think? I did a conditioner wash last night and my hair dried all "FLUFFY" .... too fluffy! I keep feeling my newgrowth. I'm happy to feel it but at the same time I'm thinking I may need to reschedule my appointment.

I've heard that Humecto smoothes out new growth nicely. I guess I'll get some and give it a shot. If this growth spurt is due to the PPB.... then KEEP HOPE ALIVE!!!
BTW, I never experienced any itching!
Hey everyone,
I just ordered my PPB vitamins yesterday and i cant wait to use them. I am a new member and I am hooked on this thread. DO u all think that these vitamins need to be taken along with MSM to see maximum results. I ask this b/c i see that some people here say that MSM softens new growth which would be a HUGE HUGE benefit for me.
Hey Smylie82!!
I to think the MSM makes a big difference. My new growth is usually ROUGH and TOUGH and FIGHTS back when I try to comb it but now.... since I've been taking MSM (about 2 months now), it has a wavier pattern and is much more cooperative!!!
I have a whole crop of new growth... all of which is about 3 weeks old and thank the Lord, it's still feeling kind of wavy! Soooo...yes, I think you should take MSM along with your biotin.
Hey Ny2Atl,

I am here at work sneaking to write posts. I am soooo excited that I found this forum. You got my hype when U said that MSM softens up your new growth. I need that b/c thats what makes me prolong my perm to every 4 months. One big question, what brand of MSM do u use ? I dont wanna buy just anything b/c i am wary of what i put into my body.
I take GNC's MSM (1,000 mcg.)

Are you planning on taking any other vitamins other than biotin and MSM? I take Flaxseed Oil, biotin, B-complex, MSM and a hair vitamin.

I know how addictive this board can become. I also know about sneaking posts at work... I'm doing it now.
I got my sister hooked now too! She has become WORSE than me very fast! She's soooo hooked and a major product junkie!
Actually, the only other vitamins that I take are fiber and just started to take VItamin C. Do u think that it is unsafe for me to take Biotin and MSM w/o taking a Multi Vitamin?... im always sneaking here at work

Also, what about PP MSM, is GNC better ?
I've been taking 5mg of biotin since April 4th and no bristling, or itching yet. I also take the Ultranourishair which has 1200 mcg and B-50 which has 50 mcg, and not a itch.
Smylie... I think you should atleast take a multi with your biotin and MSM. Some vitamins work better when combined with other vitamins. A multi would cover all of your bases. I guess it's kind of like putting plant food in a plant and not watering it.

I take GNC's brand of MSM just because there's a store right by my house. They're reputable but some folks think they're too expensive. I'll go with reputable and 2 cents more.
As with everything, you have to find out what works for your body. There are some people here who have LOTS of luck with Puritan's Pride biotin and then others that have little luck. Sooooo.... you have to decide on the brand that works for you.

KISZ4TI... I haven't experienced any itching or "bristling" but I am experiencing GROWTH!!! I'll forego the itching!
Keep the growth comin' !!!