Post Your Current Hair Worries...

alot of you guys seen to be worrying about breakage. last year i had tons..the only cure was NOT COMBING if i had decided 2 airdry...i mean THROUGHOUT. if any of u are combing airdried hair please stop it, unless you are rollersetting. your hair will snap off.
pyxis777 said:
1)When will the broken spots (damage from braids) grow out to be as long as the rest of my hair? My hair looks thin a lot of days because the hair is uneven.

Same here. But mine are due to a weave left in too long. It has been a year and I am still trying to deal with this. :(

I am also worried about:
-my lack of relaxer stretching ability
-styling methods - I have trouble since my hair is so uneven. :(
Can't believe I'm about to say this, but my one & only worry right now is finding the right products/roller sizes to make my rollersets last longer. Everything else is A-OK!!! :) Finally!!! :lol:
Candy_C said:
alot of you guys seen to be worrying about breakage. last year i had tons..the only cure was NOT COMBING if i had decided 2 airdry...i mean THROUGHOUT. if any of u are combing airdried hair please stop it, unless you are rollersetting. your hair will snap off.

Candy_C--yesterday I combed my hair in the shower then let it air dry by pulling it all back into a ponytail. At the end of the day I took my hair down and I couldn't even get my fingers through my hair let alone a comb. This morning I just through on a scarf. I'm at a loss for what to do.
That I won't be able to stretch to 4-5 months like I dream of

Won't be able to find a stylist as talented as my current stylist when I relocate

The adrenaline rush I receive from perusing the hair product aisle and I keep wanting hair products from Nordstroms

Having dreams of hair envy--too focused on long hair
1)trying to find a style that works with my schedule and face shape because i am tired of buns and ponytails
2)finding a stylist who can style natural hair at an affordable price(so far natural stylist don't even exist here )
^with these two issues i noticed a lot of stylist here have a negative attitude when they see you are natural. i tried the dominican salon and the stylist i got doesn't appear to know what to do with my hair. she never put enough product in my hair and she didn't bother to put oil or gloss in my hair so my hair looked very dull and dry. the only good thing i can say is that they understand when you say you want a trim.

i went to get my hair pressed and the lady asked me 100 times why i didn't have a perm. she did ok with my hair but when she trimmed it she took too much off and when it was wet she attempted to brush my hair with a bristle brush.

i am kinda tired of braids and the last place i went too a year ago turned me off so bad i don't even want to get braids anymore.

so its seems like a catch 22-either wear protective styles all the time or wear a wig and as of now its too hot for that.

i tried braid outs and stuff but those styles do not work well with my face shape and the shrikage is HORRIBLE. my hair is past my shoulders but with shrinkage it gets as short as my checks and doesn't look good :(

3)finding new products that work well with my hair and will assist me getting to my hair goals
4)gaining and retaining the length of my hair.
i worrry about moisture i live in the desert 110+ heat and my hair seems to suck any oil or water placed on it even when it itsnt hot

split ends/mid shaft splits where i texturized worry me even though i think most of it was cut off in the back and half or more is gone elsewhere

i worry that i will not make armpit by the end of the year
Alliyasmom said:
Where do I begin?

I'm worried...
That I'm not going to be able to take care of my hair properly. I'm used to getting it professionally done every two weeks and calling it a day.

I'm concerned that I'm not going to be able to perfect my regime.

I don't do nearly as much as most of the ladies on the board, so I'm concerned that I'm not going to succeed in reaching my goal of apl.

And lastly, I'm worried that I'm going to be disappointed at the end of the year and throw in the towel.

After all we talked about??? I won't let you do it girl! We are in the same city I got your back! :grin:
Pxxxix777: What happened with your braids that caused you to have breaks in your hair? What kind of hair were you using? What do you think was the major cause? bonjour
I worry about:
If I will ever run out of products so I can buy more. (I overstocked on Nexxus and can't wait to be able to have a real reason to go to the BSS and try something new, I find myself buying all kinds of rollers now) lol
When I have some shedding I wonder if I've reached my growth span, and if I'll ever make my next goal.
I'm never this worried about my hair. But I went to make a change yesterday and got highlights and let them talk me into getting a "trim" and letting her flat iron it as well.

- The highlights are a lot lighter than I'd originally pictured in my mind. (I guess she had to lift it a lot to get it blonde and not brassy)

- I could have flat ironed it myself, I'm great at it and I was charged more for it because I have a lot of hair.

- She cut off 4 inches or so. I have it pincurled right now so maybe I'm not remembering it correctly, but it felt so short to me. My mom even commented on it being shorter.

The whole point of my growing it out so long right now was to get more of the damaged parts cut off. But I wasn't in the mindset to cut so much. I'd thought I could show off my length and then cut it next month. Now I have this mop of "short" blonde hair.

I've never taken any hair supplements, but now I'm gonna end up at the health food store stocking up on supplements.
PinkGyrl said:
I am worried that

2. i wont relax my hair right

3. my hair will continue to break even after all the knowledge I've gained from LHCF.

4. my hair wont grow

5. my hairline won't fill in

6. I am going to go broke from all the haircare products I buy

I agree with all of these, I am also worried about:

-Keeping stylists from cutting my hair and using heat

-My hair won't grow as fast as I want it to

-I won't prove everyone wrong (Especially my soon to be husband) about my hair not being able to grow.
I worry about my hair not regaining it's thickness since I lost a lot of bulk to extreme shedding/ hair loss since October.
1. styling my short hair without heat

2. Finding the Technique that works best with my hair
(ie. I still dont know how to wrap may hair properly or blowdry)

3. Finding the products that works best for my hair-I"m trying out diff products

4. Crown of my hair will never grow out as quickly as the back

5. My hairline will never fill back in completely
I am worried that

1. my edged thinning and going bald

2. I might relax my natural hair if I can manage it

3. not having my hair bradied

4. my hair wont grow

5. not buying the right products for my natural hair
hairlove said:
1. Why isn't my hair any longer than it was a year ago? :(
2. Growing out my layers
3. Using heat but maintaining length.

I have the same exact worries. I know my hair is longer, but I haven't seen the progress that others are reporting in a year. Also, I'm worried because I've learned the hard way that I have to use heat, or I'm asking for breakage.

About the layers... I'm worried since my hair is NOT all one length, I'm not really back at the longest length my hair has ever been. So I keeping pushing my goals back. :confused:

One more (I worry a lot). I have to wear a silk shirt or tank if I'm wearing my hair down because I'm worried about possible breakage.
I worry that my stylist is overprocessing my hair. I still have not found one down here that I am 100% comfortable with. It don't make no damn sense.

Fcuk this stuff I am just gonna start flying back home for relaxers.

I worry that my last relaxer with a no lye caused my hair to shed more than it's ever did. I lost so much freakin hair.

I am tired I need to just shave my head bald and start over.
I worry that:

I won't ever figure out my hair type.

My hair won't grow BSL.( I get close then the hair goes on strike or something)

My hair will have split ends again.

I won't stop being a PJ.(too many products under my sink)

I want to try MTG,but scarred my hair'll fall out.

I won't be able to keep my girls hair growing and healthy.

I worry that the few products I've found to work for our hair will be discontinued.

My biggest worry is that this forum will close and I don't know what I'd do w/o all this GREAT advice. I have learned sooo much from you all. Even things as simple as clarifying ,I've seen it in stores but have never in my life clarified my hair, until I've been on this forum. Also, when I got my damaged ends cut all @ one time( the avatar was taken after the cut), the advice I got from the forum on moisturizing and sealing it in has allowed me to so far keep em split free and healthy. Thanks Ladies.
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...that this Phyto relaxer i plan to get next week will not be the miracle relaxer i'm hoping it will be dry, brittle, breaking, affirm lye relaxed hair is not fixable and i will have to cut it all off and start over for the 100th time:perplexed
...I will not be anywhere near shoulder length come december
...I will never grow out these freaking layers or my thin damaged sides
I'm worried about the knots I'm getting on my ends.:perplexed

My uneven growth (my hair is always shorter on my left side and sometimes it looks like there's a chunk taken out the middle):(

My thin spot on my hairline:crying3:

Not being able to stop buying hair stuff:look:
Also, I worry about my Nape catching up to each other
and I worry about my right side growing the same as my left
KhandiB said:
Also, I worry about my Nape catching up to each other
and I worry about my right side growing the same as my left
I forgot about my nape....yeah, I worry about that one too.
Oh yeah I forgot about the little broken off patch in the back on the left side. It looks like it's growing but I'm afraid it might start breaking off again.
I worry about not gaining any length after stretching for so long or wondering if I am washing it too much. I also hate the way my hair feels when it's very dry due to the weather now.
I have way too much hair that and it takes forever and a day to dry. My schedual is becoming busy and I honestly dont have time nor will I have the energy to mess around with it. My two options is to cut it or put it up for the duration of the summer. I cant sit under my dryer in the summer!!!!
I worry that...
-My hair will continue to break and shed
-When I get my next weave....After I take it out my hair will be damaged
-My underprocessed hair will not get fixed...gotta trust someone to do that, definitely aint goin to the hairdresser..I think I have a hairdresser phobia
-When I go to get my hair trimmed I will have to end up gettin more than I though trimmed off...I am going to get rid of all dead/split ends.