Post Your Current Hair Worries...

MizaniMami said:
Girl my worse fear (the bolded came true) came true after I relaxed the last time. I tried to texlax but it didn't relax AT ALL in some parts!! Girl all I can say is make sure you get that smoothing together. Especially with all that strong healthy newgrowth that you have been giving that extra love to lol!:lol:

Thanks girl!!! I tried to practice with conditioner so hopefully it takes but we'll see!!!Wish me luck!!!!:)
I'm worried that:

1) I'm not gonna "like" all of my hair textures once I'm natural
2) I'm going to get frustrated by transitioning by the end of this year
3) The back of my hair won't grow fast enough to match up with the front.
4) I'll never be mid-back or waistlength--or at least any time soon
5) Once I'm natural, I won't know what to do with my hair
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I worry that:

* The back of my hair is growing much more quickly than the front and sides and I’ll have to settle for the usual layers (I’m shooting for one-length hair). :ohwell:

* I'll get the urge to cut my hair during my usual Autumnal re-invention phase.

*That I'll get discouraged.
I'm worried that my breakage parts will not catch up.
I'm worried about not reaching my hair goals (bra strap)
I'm worried about my sides being so thin.
ReeRoberts said:
I worry about....
1. How to keep my hair from breaking off, when trying to do protective styles, bunning, bantu knots, and get my new growth to lay flat, straight and shiny, like I have seen in so many pics:) of ppl wearing thier protective styles.

For me, nothing works as well as a good roller set! I don't use setting lotion. After I wash my hair, I put on extra virgin coconut oil, rusk smoother leave in over my whole hair strands, and NTM serum on the ends. Girl, it comes out nice and smooth and flat - even the roots.
Also, check the conditioner that you are using. I was using NTM, which is OK. But now I use ORS Olive Oil replenishing pac as my conditioner. The difference in the texture is amazing!

I have tried bantu knots and just letting it air dry straight (putting the same moisturizers I mentioned above in my hair using both methods) and my hair comes out dry and tangled. HTH. Good luck!

My personal worries are:
1)When will the broken spots (damage from braids) grow out to be as long as the rest of my hair? My hair looks thin a lot of days because the hair is uneven.
2)How long will I have to wait for brastrap? When I went to college, I thought that my hair would be long (come on, I had 4 years) but I didn't know what I know now. I worry that 4 years from now, even with my regimine, I won't reach my hair goals :(
3)Finding a good hairdresser that I trust to do my perms.
-I'm worried that my hair will not grow to the length I want (BSL). It already have seemed to been at a stand still so I cut 2-3 inches out of frustration :(

-I'm worried that my hair will start breaking again

-Using too much heat now that my ends are healthy. To be consistent with airdrying is hard :lol: How does Isis do this??:lachen:

- I want to try MSM and not want any severe side affects

- That my next relaxer won't take. Since I've been taking vitamins, my new growth laughs at me, and I use a pretty stong relaxer Bantu mild :lachen:

Is it true that hair goes into a resting stage for at least 5-6 weeks? I want to know since MissFallon and I are seem to be experiencing the same thing.
i worry about when the heck i'm gonna get 2 waistlength i'm, very eager

i worry that i might have to trim if i get uneven at waistlength boo hoo, i dnt wannnnnnna!

i worry about my retouches, i dont want to get them so early, but i might have 2...or stop vitamins
I'm worried:

That my hair won't stop falling out/shedding and I'll have practically no hair by the end of the year.

That the front of my hair will be uneven b/c I started trimming and then stopped and don't know where I left off.

That my hairline will never fill in and only get worse since it's been 2 years since I took out those devil braids that ripped my hairline with them (those african braiders were the death of my hairline). :(

ETA: That doing this haircare thing has done more harm than good to my hair b/c it looked healthier and longer before I knew what I was doing. Then everyone around me will laugh at me and say "I told you so."
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Im worried about:

My shedding
and the strength of my hair..
and not finding a relaxer that straightens my hair totally
I worry:

That the closer I get to BS, my ends will start thinning again
If my crown will ever catch up with the rest of my hair
If I'll ever have a decent ponytail
If I stop being persistent, my hair will fall out
mscounselor said:
Lasting 10 more months in my transition. I had it flat ironed for my trip to Jamaica (I kept it from reverting YEAH).

Finding natural products for my hair that being unemployed I can afford.

Growing out my layers so I can keep my hair out of my face

Finding affordable accessories such as headbands and clips.

Flowers, jeweled barrettes, hair sticks, headbands, u name it!:D
My hair will never thicken up on the ends.
I’ll never be able to enjoy long hair because I’ll always be obsessed with keeping it healthy and protected.
I’ll fall deeper into the throes of product junkism.

I know we’re posting our worries but it’s important for us to remember that we need to know potential problems so we can be alert, but these are, by no means, words of defeat. Keep speaking those words of affirmation to yourself, and put the worries out your mind! I think DSD chose her screenname for a reason! Happy Growing!
KhandiB said:
Im worried about:

My shedding
and the strength of my hair..
and not finding a relaxer that straightens my hair totally

KhandiB your hair is AMAZING!!!!
Just beautiful!:D

ETA: my worries

1. That I can't stretch long enough to reap the benefits of the MSM, Biotin and MTG.
2. That my frustration with protective styles is ruining all of my progress.
3. That when I relax, I won't see the progress that I am looking for
4. That I won't find "the one" product for me!
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Thanks You!!!! :D
crlsweetie912 said:
KhandiB your hair is AMAZING!!!!
Just beautiful!:D

ETA: my worries

1. That I can't stretch long enough to reap the benefits of the MSM, Biotin and MTG.
2. That my frustration with protective styles is ruining all of my progress.
3. That when I relax, I won't see the progress that I am looking for
4. That I won't find "the one" product for me!
My worries:

*My next visit with my stylist. Last time she said I needed a "trim" and it was more like a cut. :mad:

*Will I be able to continue to color my hair and still have long healthy hair?
I worry:

-That I'll fall off of the haircare bandwagon and start neglecting to do things like taking my vits daily, moisturizing daily or 2x a day, forgeting to do protein treatments etc.

-That I won't be able to do my own weaves, going to attempt it in the next few weeks

-That people are right and my hair will never get to the length that I desire (this worry is going away more and more though)

-That I won't get up the nerve to self-relax like I want (this would completely eliminate hairdressers for me), still pondering this.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
That I will never fill in that gap in the center of my hair, see:


Sweetie, does you mama know you on the internet unsupervised? From your posts I thought you were older, but looking at your signature ... what are you 12?
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sareca said:
Sweetie, does you mama know you on the internet unsupervised? From your posts I thought you were older, but looking at your signature ... what are you 12?

:lachen: I can't tell, are you being serious? if not, she's married.
Where do I begin?

I'm worried...
That I'm not going to be able to take care of my hair properly. I'm used to getting it professionally done every two weeks and calling it a day.

I'm concerned that I'm not going to be able to perfect my regime.

I don't do nearly as much as most of the ladies on the board, so I'm concerned that I'm not going to succeed in reaching my goal of apl.

And lastly, I'm worried that I'm going to be disappointed at the end of the year and throw in the towel.
I'm worried that I won't make shoulder length by the end of this year.
I'm worried that when my hair eventually gets to bra-strap length, it will be thin and see-through looking.
I'm worried about post-partum shedding after having a baby.
Worried that no matter what I do, I cant stop the breakage in middle of my head.. so I've went from a few inches from bra to armpit for nothing!
felicia said:
:lachen: I can't tell, are you being serious? if not, she's married.

Thanks for clearing that up for me! Jeez, when I am 50, I will look 20 then:grin:
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Thanks for clearing that up for me! Jeez, when I am 50, I will look 20 then:grin:

that's true :lol: this one lady told me I look like I'm in middle school. maybe i'll look like i'm in college when I'm 50 lol
It's kind of nice to know that it's not just me...:look: biggest worry is about my breakage and my consistency...I buy vitamins and I'll take them pretty good for a while...same thing with my regimine except I don't have one...I have got to develop a regimine and an eating plan that will benefit my hair and skin and the rest of my body.
That it's breaking off. Sometimes when I comb I'm still seeing little pieces of hair fall out. I've done my best to keep it moisturized while it's been braided up. I noticed when I took it down last week it was very soft. When I went to the shop to get my hair done, the woman even commented on how soft it was before she started to braid it. I don't know where these little pieces of hair are coming from and it's frustrating me!! I've been DC'ing to stop the little bit of shedding I saw when I washed it. That looks like it stopped. But these little random pieces of hair I'm seeing are annoying me. I'm guessing they're coming from the part of my hair in the front that's being left out. I hope that part isn't breaking off. It's always been shorter than the rest of my hair from bangs, breakage, and so on. I want that part to catch up. I'm thinking about opting for a full weave next go round.
I'm trying a new multivitamin right now, and I'm worried about the high vitamin A content. It's right at the upper limit for palmitate and I just wonder if I should really be taking this for the long term. Everything else is in it is good, so I thought I'd try it. But the fact that it keeps weighing on my mind makes me think that when I run out in a couple weeks I'm going to be trying something else--just for the peace of mind :perplexed
...that my hair is still breaking
...that I will never reach BSL
...that I won't have as much time for my hair while I'm pregnant and will lose the progress that I've made
...that all the length I get from my pregnancy will disappear after the baby is born