~~~Pop Your Bra Strap Ladies 2007~~~

tsmith said:
Shunta, I just relaxed last Saturday and I need about 1 1/2 inchs to be brastrap. I won't be there in July, hopefully I'll make it in August but as you know we'll be in the Hide Ya Hurl TiL XMAS Challenge then but I will be able to show the progress I made since April! And Nelli! Did I tell ya, I love ya hurr? Cuz I do!;)
Girl, you and all those hide your hair challenges:lol: Why do you always gotta make us wait?:lol: Yeah, Ill bet that you'll definitely have that 1 1/2" by August.:)
shunta said:
Girl, you and all those hide your hair challenges:lol: Why do you always gotta make us wait?:lol: Yeah, Ill bet that you'll definitely have that 1 1/2" by August.:)

Rabia started it:lol: but yah I'm tired of all this hiding. I think after this year I'm done with the extensive hiding. I mean it has done wonders for my hair and all but what's the use of having long hair and don't wear it down SOMETIMES! So I think next year I will wear it down atleast 2 days out of the week:lachen: and baggie the rest of the week:D

ETA: IDK, I am trying to get to midback or possibly waistlength sooooo I might stay on target!LOL. As you can see, I'm confused as hayl! LOL
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I have been able to retain my growth with the techniques I have learned at LHCF and I think I will be able to hit BSL by 12/07. Thanks, LHCF. What do I have to do to be a part of the challenge?
hennagirl said:
I have been able to retain my growth with the techniques I have learned at LHCF and I think I will be able to hit BSL by 12/07. Thanks, LHCF. What do I have to do to be a part of the challenge?

You just did it! :) Welcome. :wave:

With this one there are not special rules. Just keep taking care of your hair, and retaining the growth. Pop in every once in a while to let us know how you're progressing. We are just shooting for BSL by Dec. 31, 2007.
Hey Ladies sorry I've been out of it!!! It has been crazy over the last 4 months!!

Congrats to all the ladies that have reached brastrap, and to the ladies who are almost there!!

Welcome welcome to all the new challengers, thanks for joining our challange!!

Next month will be 6 months in to 07!!! The time is flying by huh!!

Make sure you post pictures, and update your albums.

*ElleB said:
I'm in! I was supposed to be there this fall but didn't make it :( But by the spring/summer it will be on and poppin!

I just cut my hair too! I'll post pics soon. I have to start over, but since we're the same length maybe we can keep ea other on track? Hair buddy!
Because my hair is in layers the bottom half has reached the top of my BSL but the upper half as a way to go. Im getting a serious trim in July because the braids thinned my ends some so Im not sure where i will be when my stylist is done but I trust her and she has never cut more than was needed. I will post pics in 3 weeks.
I haven't been on LHCF for a minute due to my school studies, but I'm still on and working towards brastrap. I've had a few setbacks so I may not hit my target by December but I'll surely be close. HHG ladies!:)
mimi said:
I haven't been on LHCF for a minute due to my school studies, but I'm still on and working towards brastrap. I've had a few setbacks so I may not hit my target by December but I'll surely be close. HHG ladies!:)

Glad to have you back. Just keep growing girl. You may get a surprise summer growth spurt. :)
I can't remember which challenge I joined so I will just post here. I am a little less than 2 inches away (after a very very generous trim) so I guess that puts me at October. I am waiting on my summer growth spurt so we will see what happens.
Ok ladys I have to give you an update, I got my hair cut to get some style; a little long layers. So I lost 11/2 or maybe 2 (I haven't measured) on my hair. I will take pictures and post in my Fotki soon, so I will be BSL hopefully by August, or October.

Oh by the way, my touch up/corrective came out great, now when she was detangling me it just glided threw. She only notice 2 spots that was corrected but hey when my whole head was relax, texlax, relax, texlax and relax. I will take the 2 small spots anytime. She will take care of that next touch up. So I know not shedding is over, and no more tangles.
I feel like my hair is growing soooo slowly. I have continued to rollerset and not use direct heat. But now I am inbetween APL and BSL with about 2.5-3 inches away from my goal. I hope to reach it by my last touch up of the year in December.
wait wait wait it's not too late after all! I can still hopefully be BSL by Christmas at least! I'm in!!!
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Synthia said:
Oh, I guess I've been using full BSL with my own special definition.

To me it means thick and full hair ....like where I expect to be after growing and then chopping directly at brastrap. I use it to mean the volume of the tresses at brastrap ...because one can have thinnish hair and be brastrap -- that's how I'll be at first and then keep cutting til I have fullness at brastrap.

Weird definition, I know.

I see what you mean, in fact I always thought that was what everybody meant when they said " full BSL". Both defintions are right, but the BSL I'm shooting for by the end of '07 is fullness @ brastrap.
oh man!! i think i'm going to make it to BSL this year girls.... I'm almost there. I'll post pix tonight. I straightened my hair for the first time since February and there has been some progress. A tiny bit of my hair is reaching the top of my bra....It's on now...
Hi ladies I'm officially at Bra Strap lenght I'm sssooooo happpyyy:weird::weird: thank you Jesus
Now I'm on my way to Full brastrap:antlers:
thank you again ladies for your :kiss: support!
i would love to join im hoping to be brastrap this year im hoping its possible since im pregnant maybe ill get a growth spurt
:dance7: Congrats to all those who've made it!

Well, I've been slacking lately. I'm guessing I have one inch or so to go. I was hoping to make it to BSL last week but my last touch up was 3 months ago and I am not planning to get one anytime soon, so I can't say when exactly I will make it. I'll have to do a length check the next time I get my blowout. We'll see!:)