Poll: What should I do with my hair...??

What do YOU think I should do with my hair??

  • Go for a cute cut...maybe shoulder length

    Votes: 8 6.8%
  • Spice it up by coloring it

    Votes: 55 47.0%
  • Texturize/relax it and wear it straight more

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • Take a break AND switch it up with extensions, i.e. kinky twists

    Votes: 51 43.6%
  • (add your own suggestion!) ;)

    Votes: 7 6.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I need your honest opinions ladies.

I need a change and I need one bad. I feel like I get this way every year but never do anything about it. I've been natural over 7 years now and I've been wearing my hair in the same ol bun 80% of the time, with the occasional press.

I just want SOMETHING to be different. It's hard cuz I like my natural hair straightened, but the style doesn't last long nowadays cuz of when I work out. I could cut it to maybe shoulder length cuz I live in the south and it's about to be HOT around these parts pretty soon :look:

I could color it, which I've basically never done before...I just don't know WHAT to try. I've listed several options in the poll...what do YOU think I should do differently with my hair?

...and why?
If you need a break and a change - I'm all for sew-ins :grin:. You can get any style/color you want, and won't have to even worry with your hair for a while.
First let me start by saying your hair is gorgeous. Next, I agree with the sew in idea. That way you be as versatile as you please without risk of damaging your hair or regretting cutting it later.
Your hair is so beautiful. I suggest doing some extensions to give yourself a break because it will fit with your work out schedule and you can pull the hair up out of the way when its hot.

I would not cut it or relax/texlax. (Just my opinion)
I think some highlights would be a fun change for the upcoming warm weather. Whenever I get sick of my hair, or start contemplating a relaxer or short cut -- I just highlight. And maybe you could start getting more creative with your styling and limit your buns.
whatever you do dont cut it...you will regret it...and dont relax either..curlly hair is versatile...so I picked change the color or extensions and twist...
Hmmm...grow it longer? I can only allow the color. haha

Do not cut. Definitely don't relax. Remain a hair idol of mine (it's a honor!) :)
I understand how you are feeling because I got tired of wearing my perpetual WNG ponytail. Although straightening it and applying a reddish color rinse alleviated some of my anxieties, I still felt weighed down by my hair. Ironically, today I trimmed about 3 inches off and it feels so...liberating!

Now, I would not advise you to do likewise, but if your itching for something different, try a semi-permanent rinse first and go from there; don't do anything too dramatic unless you are looking for a drastic change (AKA no permanent alterations).

At any rate, please come back and tell us what you have decided to do; I would love to know. :grin:
Sew-ins.... brilliant suggestion! you can have almost any style,length, color texture you want! If you still want acess to your hair maybe full or half wigs.
Learn and perfect some great airdried styles- wngs, braidouts, twist outs, bantu knot outs, afros, etc. Maybe get some steam rollers or regular rollers and play around with rollersets? Do some of the romantic french & german braid styles that are hot right now. Get on youtube and look around for ideas!
You're hair is beautiful!

I would just get some highlights or color. That always gets me out of a rut when I'm bored. Do a demi/semi color.
I wouldn't do anything permanent that I may regret later. I think you should weave it up and practice some new styles on the weave and then switch up with your natural hair.
Please don't cut your hair. My suggestion is telax/relax. Or get some braids. But put the scissors DOWN!
How about u start wearing your hair down and let it "do what it do". By that, I mean, work with humidity & outside conditions rather than against it. Wear your press until it starts to poof. Then twist the poof up-- as big or small as you like. Wear the twits out (if you prefer); and then rock a twist out for as long as it lasts. Watch it get bigger and more striking. That is one of the remarkable things about being natural. I think you still have new avenues to discover. Try doing this on blow-out hair rather than flat ironed hair. Enough with the "protective" styles; you have obviously got bored with them. Besides, what's the point of having all of that hair and always keeping it in a bun? I will probably never understand that one!
I would personally get highlights. That's an exciting change without changing your natural texture.... definitely go to a beauticiam that you TRUST to get highlights.
Sounds to me like your only "issue" is boredom. :grin: In your case, I would opt for the following, in order:

1) Wear your hair down more often and let it do what it wants when the humidity hits. You may come to like the "big" look. To heck with the bun for now; you won't loose your length overnight. :look: Try different styles like braids as well.

2) Weave it up, wig it up. Half wigs are great fun. :yep: And sew-ins can look real to me. :look:

3) Color it. The same ol' styles may end up looking totally different. :yep:

4) Cut.... some bangs. :look:
How about u start wearing your hair down and let it "do what it do". By that, I mean, work with humidity & outside conditions rather than against it. Wear your press until it starts to poof. Then twist the poof up-- as big or small as you like. Wear the twits out (if you prefer); and then rock a twist out for as long as it lasts. Watch it get bigger and more striking. That is one of the remarkable things about being natural. I think you still have new avenues to discover. Try doing this on blow-out hair rather than flat ironed hair. Enough with the "protective" styles; you have obviously got bored with them. Besides, what's the point of having all of that hair and always keeping it in a bun? I will probably never understand that one!
i so agree with this!! and shan_2001's post too-too lazy right now to multiquote.
just get creative with styling. the sky is the limit with natural hair. you can even rock a shorter look with shrinkage taken into account-a wet bantu knot out will probably take you above shoulder.
cutting will likely NOT get you out of a styling rut-only cut if that's what you really wanna do (says the girl who got a neck length bob yesterday "just because it's spring":look::grin:)
Get a sew in baby....NO CUTTY, NO COLOR!!

The color could ruin ur hair's gorgeous texture and a cut is permanent----but a weave is 3 months :-)

I am looking to get a sew-in my self---like Derwin's baby mama on the "Game"--something classy and easy to maintain for 3 months.

Good luck with your decision but I would recommend a cut and a color as a last resort.