What hair type am i??? photos inside. (POLL)

what hair type am i?

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I want to start off by saying that your hair is very pretty
I read in you signature that you press seasonally...Does that mean that you press often? If so I think your a 3c/4a with some heat damage and that is why your hair appears to be looser or straighten out in sections
I was never a consistinent "presser" or anything but I did not know my true texture until I went cold turkey (no heat, no chems) and even now in different states it still decieves me (wet, dry, streched, shrunk ect)
I voted 3c-4a, but you are definitely a 4a. Some sections of your hair may be 3c though. But overall it looks 4a from the beach pic.
Lol, that is why I don't pay attention to hair type guidelines..if it were that clear and that simple the poll would not be soo close. It is mostly subjective I believe, I just kind of guess on mine...who cares?
i disagree with ladies that said 4a, here are pics which demonstrate type 4 hair.

I should know i'm mainly type 4

i believe you are a solid 3c


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kbragg said:
Yeah, you're is a little more curly than her's. Here's some pics that may help: http://www.blendedbeauty.com/Products-Hair-Types.html My daughter is like the last girl (The exception to the rule)....very textured but a looser curl pattern.

OMG! This site is great! I often get confused when typing hair, I mean REALLY what IS the difference between 3b and 4a and if both bublin and so19 are 3c IMO how come their hair's so different! I know that website spans 3s and 4a but doesn't have 4b but it's great to show the differences in the 3s and 4as.

on topic: By that website I got u as "the exception to the rule" or bb3 (more the left pic than the right) which looks kinda 4a-ish to me, but I think really you're 3b/4a (like thats even a combination lol!) I voted 3c/4a because as far as I know you can only be 2 types that are next to each other on the scale. HHG!
jtsupanova said:
I want to start off by saying that your hair is very pretty
I read in you signature that you press seasonally...Does that mean that you press often? If so I think your a 3c/4a with some heat damage and that is why your hair appears to be looser or straighten out in sections
I was never a consistinent "presser" or anything but I did not know my true texture until I went cold turkey (no heat, no chems) and even now in different states it still decieves me (wet, dry, streched, shrunk ect)

you are right my ends used to be damanged around my edges they actually lost all curl in some places :perplexed , they have since become healthier. I used to press all of my hair about once every 2 months but i would hotcurl my edges nearly everyday so thats why they were damaged straight at the ends. My hair holds heat very well, and once striaight it doesnt revert unless its saturated in water. I am going to agree with the 3c-4a, possibly even more 4a, i think my sister is more 4a tho because her hair is amost like mine but her curl pattern is smaller so its slightly more corse. I have never had a perm because I couldnt convience my mother to give me one (yet she gave my sister one???) , since she could comb thro my hair and straighten it herself (and she is not a hair person) but she would never do my hair more than once every 2-3 months with a pressing comb. I think i might just update with a 3c-4a hair type. i dont know if i can say i am completly a 4a, but i guess by some standerds i am a 4b so its highly subjective.
i voted 3c-3b definitely. Your texture is no way near a 4b. THere are some 4b hair types on here that you can look at and you are no where close to that.:look:
mrsmeredith said:
i voted 3c-3b definitely. Your texture is no way near a 4b. THere are some 4b hair types on here that you can look at and you are no where close to that.:look:
I agree with you
I would say 3c-4a. Very pretty! But you ladies are right, hair typing is subjective. And product makes people's hair look different. How many peoples heads have we seen on this board naked with no product? That could very well make a difference. But all in all, why does it really matter outside of product reccs and methods?
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thanks everyone for your opinions :D

i am happy to announce i am a 3c-4a,

i did a close examination of my hair and i would agree that the top 1/2 of my hair is a 3c where as the back and a bit on the sides is a 4a texture.

my hair is pretty mixed between both a 3c and 4a, i do wish my texture was even because some of my curls are as large as my big finger or larger and some are as small as a pin :eek: its always been like that also, my mom told me a part of my hair took forever to curl and now i have this part of my hair that seriously barley curls, sometimes i thought mayb it was heat damage bit this section is always sticking out because there is barly any shrinkage, my texture is also extreamly frizzy..makes me jealous of those who have even beautiful curls. :ohwell:
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Qetesh said:
thanks everyone for your opinions :D

i am happy to announce i am a 3c-4a,

i did a close examination of my hair and i would agree that the top 1/2 of my hair is a 3c where as the back and a bit on the sides is a 4a texture.

my hair is pretty mixed between both a 3c and 4a, i do wish my texture was even because some of my curls are as large as my big finger or larger and some are as small as a pin :eek: its always been like that also, my mom told me a part of my hair took forever to curl and now i have this part of my hair that seriously barley curls, sometimes i thought mayb it was heat damage bit this section is always sticking out because there is barly any shrinkage, my texture is also extreamly frizzy..makes me jealous of those who have even beautiful curls. :ohwell:
Love your siggy pic....georgeous!!
I truly do not know.:confused: I have yet to figure out what type I am.
I wish they had pictures of heads attached to the hair type-so that I could see what Andre is describing.:perplexed
Qetesh said:
thanks everyone for your opinions :D

i am happy to announce i am a 3c-4a,

i did a close examination of my hair and i would agree that the top 1/2 of my hair is a 3c where as the back and a bit on the sides is a 4a texture.

my hair is pretty mixed between both a 3c and 4a, i do wish my texture was even because some of my curls are as large as my big finger or larger and some are as small as a pin :eek: its always been like that also, my mom told me a part of my hair took forever to curl and now i have this part of my hair that seriously barley curls, sometimes i thought mayb it was heat damage bit this section is always sticking out because there is barly any shrinkage, my texture is also extreamly frizzy..makes me jealous of those who have even beautiful curls. :ohwell:

Whatever it is, it's some nice healthy virgin hair!!!! Yourhair is more curly than most "4s". I ,too have mixed hair types. It's looser in the back, kinkier on the top and on the sides it is very kinky. When wet, I can really see the differences. when it dries, it's all frizzy/bushy.
You are definitely not a 4 "anything". that's a strong 3b. Beautiful hair girl :cool:. I'm a 4b if you want to see my lhcf gallery.
LocksOfLuV said:
Oooh now I see, IMO you are def. a 4a. It's very pretty!

Hmmm... I think it's a little loose for 4a... at least at the ends, but I can see it in the crown... I'd say 3c 4a (3d :lol: ... I'm just gonna make that up. LOL) Either way....whatever it is it's gorgeous.

Your hair is gorgeous! Great inspiration for us transitioners. Dunno about the hair type thing but you seem to have that sorted out. :)
I'm not good at hair typing, but I definitely don't see any 4's. Type 4 hair is nappier than yours. I'd say 3C.
everyones comments are starting to confuse me:confused:

i am putting it to rest tho because regardless of my hair type its something i have to live with anyway.

this reminds me when i am at the beach and someone speaks to me in anohter language or asks what race i am, its pointless to try and figure out specifics i am black period, if i agree with them and say i am mixed with something its almost like i am denying the main driving part of me. being that i am african american i am sure at some point some type of mix went on. but the bottom line is it doesnt change that i am black and i have black nappy hair.

on anohter point i want to stress how happy i am to have found this site i grew up not knowing how to take care of my hair at all, its not completly surprising that it has always been long because i didnt put chemicals in it, i rarely even moisturized it :ohwell: since i didnt keep it up i knew i couldnt handle going to the salon for touchups ext. I also didnt use heat to much cuz i knew the smell of my hair burning was not the best idea:lol:

my mother has type 4 hair and she always had relaxers so she didnt know technically how to take care of her natural hair or my natural hair. all she used was pink oil and she would always blow dry my hair with an attachment after washing. she wouldnt detangle with a widetooth sometimes she wouldnt bother with conditioner not to drag on with this post but i do wonder why she never gave me wash and go looks back then as i think it would have been cute on me as a young child, im sure its because she had no clue how to keep it moisturized and it would jus poof up. my point is she didnt really know what to do with my hair, but she didnt think it could handle a relaxer and she also knew enough to let it be my decision when i was 12-13.
Since this site i have actually started to appriciate my natural texture whatever it is AND i am learning how to take care of it :D so THANK YOU EVERYONE at LHCF!!!!, i have been trying so many new things i never even knew i could do so much to my natural hair besides press it straight.
Qetesh said:
it never matted up or dredded on me, i have heard from other black females of this happening just from them not combing for a few weeks.
Eh, my hair mats and dreads if I go more than 2 days without combing it. So I dunno about that being the deciding factor, because I doubt anyone would classify me as a 4 anything.