Poll- For Long Term Hair Health and Length: HOW OFTEN DO YOU WASH/COWASH?

For Long-term hair Health and Length, How often do you wash/cowash?

  • Everyday of the week

    Votes: 44 9.0%
  • Every Other Day

    Votes: 54 11.0%
  • Twice A Week

    Votes: 180 36.8%
  • Once A Week

    Votes: 158 32.3%
  • Every Week and a 1/2

    Votes: 11 2.2%
  • Every 2 Weeks

    Votes: 27 5.5%
  • Every 3 Weeks

    Votes: 10 2.0%
  • Once a Month

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • About 1-2 times Every 2 Mos.

    Votes: 2 0.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
How often do you wash or cowash? Do you think this is working for you or not? I just wanna know what you ladies are thinking. I am thinking about cutting down from every 3-4 days to every 5-7 days.

Ladies who do intensive water rinses only you can count that as a wash.
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Hey Mizani!! Well, when I first 'discovered' CW I went crazy, that was in May and up until July I would CW 3x per week AND regular wash 2x per week. Too much manipulation since I bun everyday too. So anywho, Aug I omitted the CW altogether and now I wash every 3 days and deep condition every Saturday. I think once it gets even chillier(maybe end of Oct) I will drop to 1x per week with poo and deep conditioning.
I wash once a week, and co-wash MAYBE 3 days into this cycle. When i do, i co-wash with my hair in a braid..... and i dry it in this same braid. So there is no manipulation at all. I usually dont co-wash though.....

This 1x weekly wash seems to produce pretty good results for me. :)
i reg wash every other day
because if i wait longer ill have a huge tangled mess to deal with.
my hair loves water so when i washed the next day or every other day my shower brush/comb just slides through my hair with zero breakage
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I shampoo every two weeks, no co-washes in-between and it works excellent for me. I've been doing this way for a looooong time and I think it's the best way for me to retain length. When I shampoo I see the most breakage and shedding so that's why I choose to do it infrequently, also it cuts down on heat since I'm only heat styling twice a month.
I CO wash about 2x to 3xs a week which are my workout days. Usally do a deep conditioner with one of them too.Then Sundays are my clarifying/shampoo/deep conditioner/and protein treatment if needed days. My hair loves co washes!! OT just want to mention I did my first clarifying shampoo(EVER IN MY LIFE) this week and did a mayo treatment with africas best and my hair loved it. WOW!!!:D B4 I started taking care of my hair I would use so much gel and mousse and grease no wonder my hair was at a stand still it was all clogged up. LOL
I acually rinse with water and then condition..not sure if that counts as co-wash about 1/3days and wash 1/week with deep condition.
Since folx are singing..... *LOL*

Never on Sunday,
Monday's too soon,
Tuesday & Wednesday,
Just won't do,
Thursday & Friday,
Weekend begins,
but my saturday wash I never miss.............suga!


I cowash once a week, lightly rinse my twists 3x a week.
I cowash every single day of the week. Been doing that for over a year, including the winter time and I my hair LOVES it. :) I have experimented with cowashing less and what I ended up with was something very similar to a rat's nest, with lots of knots and too much hair in the drain. I don't think I could use shampoo every day, though, unless it was a REALLY moisturizing one. I shampoo when needed and even then, I try to concentrate on the scalp as opposed to the ends.
nappywomyn said:
Since folx are singing..... *LOL*

Never on Sunday,
Monday's too soon,
Tuesday & Wednesday,
Just won't do,
Thursday & Friday,
Weekend begins,
but my saturday wash I never miss.............suga!


I cowash once a week, lightly rinse my twists 3x a week.


Now thanks to you and Black Cardinal, I'll be in synagogue tonight singing that song in my head!!!!
I didn't vote because I wash whenever my hair says "Hey you down there! I'm not doing so good....":lol: I have no idea how often that is. Sometimes my hair just feels hard and dry even after moisturizing and sealing, so I just wash it. I never CW. It makes my scalp itch really bad. CWing for me is just like using grease or oil on my scalp. It itches the mess out of me!
I co wash 2x per week and deep condition 2x per week as well. My hair is very, very dry and this helps it alot and my hair loves water.
I voted every 2 weeks but I always change from week to week. How often I wash depends on what hairstyle I'm wearing. ;)
I usually wash every two weeks at the salon, but now that I'm trying to do my hair myself these days I'm switching to once a week. I wanted to wash tonight, but I need to buy some CPR first, my hair has been shedding a lot since my last relaxer.
When the scalp is itchy and I fail the scratch 'n' sniff test, I wash. The scalp is boss--the hair just wants to be fed and left alone.
when i am pressing my hair out i will wait about 2 months b4 washing it.. may be nasty but i usually will give my scalp tea tree oil treatments which keep the itch down, once its starts to itch alot i wash it and flat iron again. i even work out with my hair straight and it doesnt revert.

when i dont straighten my hair its 1ce a week ot 1ce every week and i 1/2 i co wash and wash every 3 weeks or so.

this provides the best results for me, but it probably wouldnt hurt not to go 2 months between washing my hair.
I've been co wasing daily since April and my hair loves it. I tried the once a week, once every 3 day thing, and my hair just dries up and tangles, so everyday co washes for me.
Well when I first joined the site i was cowashing almost everyday however I'm only washing once a week now and it works out fine for me. less manipulation!!!!
Wow. I'm really shocked at how many people have the time to wash 2x per wk. I would never have time for that. I never thought I would be a bi-weekly washer, but I think my hair has really grown from doing this. Must be the less manipulation thing.
I mainly co wash once a week and shampoo and deep condition once a week but when my newgrowth comes in I co wash every 2 days. I don't know what I am going to do now that it is getting cold in regards to co washes because I do not want to get sick... but my hair needs to be co washed once I hit that 6 week mark....so right now I am trying to figure out what am I going to do in regards to co washing in the winter.
My hair hates me if I daily cowash. I tried it for almost a month, and it was BREAKAGE CITY. Never again!! I'm still figuring my wash schedule out, but I waited 6 days for the first time in a long time, and my hair was really dry and my scalp was itching like crazy. My hair needs the hydration of washing. I think my hair and scalp will be good with every 4-5 days.