How Often Do You Wash Your Hair??? (Poll)

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I've noticed that if I don't wash my hair within a weeks time that my hair begins to feel brittle and sometimes my hair snaps at the ends. It seems like when I wash and deep condition weekly my hair feels rejuvenated.
candibaby said:
i wash my hair every 10 days. i'm scared my hair will dry out if i do it more frequently, and what i'm doing works for me so...
what the hell was I thinking?!

Now I wash my hair once a week and condition wash once a week.
I wash my hair every day (sometimes I skip a day if I'm lazy) with a mild daily shampoo and condition every day with either PM Skinny daily conditioner or anything else that I have. I have been doing this for over a year and my hair is much more manageable and I have retained alot of length. When I first started my hair was about an inch past my shoulders. Now it is about 3 inches from my waist. Also I don't relax very often (so far my last relaxer was Feb. 15th) so washing every day helps me manage the new growth without suffering from breakage. I tried to go a few days without washing and doing conditioner-only washes but my scalp is so used to being clean that if I don't wash it, the itching is uncomfortable.
I conditioner wash every day and shampoo twice a week with either Isoplus Conditioning Shampoo or Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo.
I co wash my hair every 4 days which is twice a week. I use an ACV rinse one of the two times I co wash. I only shampoo once a month. I started using this bar shampoo from Lush products called trichomania. I always rinse my hair with a mixture of H20, glycerin and lemon e.o. every day.
I wash once a week if I straighten it or twice a week if I worked out alot. Shampoo with NTM poo' or pantene pro-v clarifying poo', protein /affirm 5-in and condition with nexxus humectress.
Falon said:
I wash every 3 days sometimes I might do it in two if the hair has a lot of product buildup.

Ha! That was back in May of course. Now that winter is here I am down to once a week. It's just to cold to deal with being stuck in the house all day cuz of airdrying.
I wash once a week with elucence shampoo (only shampoo that I can use).

I'm about to try no poos/curly girl. I will do that if I can still wash once a week with no issues.
I now do conditioner washes three days a week (M-W-F). If I get too tired or too busy, I will probably wash my hair once or twice a week.

I plan on shampooing 1-2 times a month just to use up my shampoo (I plan on doing the No 'poo/Curly girl Method ;)).
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I wash my hair using Porosity Control for the slip, since I cant afford my fav Keracare Detangling once a week usually on a Fri or Sat. I altenate between protein(Organics Hair Mayonaise) and moisturizing (CON) conditioners. Since I started transitioning again, I MUST use the blowdry to dry instead of airdrying, or it would be IMPOSSIBLE to get any comb through my tightly coiled hair. My hair is VERY fragile, so after drying on low heat I use WildGrowth oil for my scalp and press.
I've also noticed that my hair sheds LESS when I blowdry verse airdrying.
Lately I've been washing my hair once a week because I roller set it but I think I might go back to twice a week. By the end of the week my hair is just filthy (I live in Pasadena, CA) and oily from moisturizing. Health wise I don't notice any difference except when I wash twice a week it's cleaner and looks better.

Pre-poo with olive oil w/heat 20minutes
Shampoo with Phytobrush
Deep Condition with L'Oreal's Natures Therapy Mega Moisture w/heat 20 minutes
John Frieda Frizz Ease Texture Correcting Serum on soaking wet hair
Roller Set and dry (45 minutes - I use the biggest rollers I can)
John Frieda Wind Down
Blow dry the roots (just to get them to lay down)
Flat iron
Moisturize every other day or so with Egyptian Magic


this is a late response but I just joined 12-26-04.

I wash my hair twice a week, one with a moisturizing conditioner, and the other with a protein conditioner, both with a moisturizing shampoo.

I have type 4b hair and it is very dry and fragile so protein conditioners help to strengthen it.
Normally I wash my hair once a week with shampoo & conditioner. I also do deep conditions as well. However, now that I have cornrows I wash my hair every 2 weeks.
PrettyBrownEyes said:
I wash every 5-7 days. Every 5 days is best for my hair but, if I'm busy I may wait another day or 2 but not past 1 week. My hair and scalp seem to stay cleaner with my every 5 days routine.


Shampoo and condition with heat on Tuesday and Saturdays.

Cathy Howse conditioner and GPB on Saturday

KeraCare Shampoo & Conditoner OR
Eluence Shampoo & Conditioner on Tuesdays

Once a month K-Pak protien contioner with shampoo
Every 6 weeks Sebatian Penatraitt :)
Do you mean wash as in shampoo, or wash as in rinse and condition/CO wash? I only shampoo once a week, but I CO wash daily...I voted for daily washing.
Jewell said:
Do you mean wash as in shampoo, or wash as in rinse and condition/CO wash?
This is an old thread :lol: but when I asked the question I meant wash with anything whether it's shampoo, conditioner, or rinsing with water. ;)
Cool! I thought you meant washing in general, but I wasn't sure. Girl, I just reply to whatever is on the 1st 3 pages of this discussion since the last time I was here! I know, I know, I'm late more often than not! :p
At night I wash with Giovanni Tea Tree Triple Triple Treat Shampoo. This is a clarifying shampoo BUT it is not as drying/damaging as other clarifying shampoos (suave, pantene) because it doesn't contain lauryl or laureth sulfate. It is an organic and contains tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary and peppermint. After washing it leave your scalp very refreshed and tingly.
The reason I went back to shampooing is because afterwards I smother and massage my hair & scalp with 100% pure olive oil (some use 100%, others EVOO). I want my hair to be fully clean and stripped of anything so the olive oil can absorb completely. I cover my hair with a plastic cap and let the oil marinate my hair & scalp overnight. Just in case you haven't heard, olive oil kicks ***! It leaves you hair buttery soft and amplifies waves, curls, and kinky textures. In the morning I wash the olive oil out with ShiKai Amla Conditioner. This conditioner is also organic and it has a light fruity sent. I use StaSofFro as my leave-in.
I wash 2x per week. I pre-condition for 15-30 mins with evoo, coconut oil, honey and any old conditioner, 1st lather once and poo once. Then I deep condition with humecto and or 5-in-1 reconstructor for 30mins-2hours (depends on how I feel). Then airdry in a pony tail.