Poll- For Long Term Hair Health and Length: HOW OFTEN DO YOU WASH/COWASH?

For Long-term hair Health and Length, How often do you wash/cowash?

  • Everyday of the week

    Votes: 44 9.0%
  • Every Other Day

    Votes: 54 11.0%
  • Twice A Week

    Votes: 180 36.8%
  • Once A Week

    Votes: 158 32.3%
  • Every Week and a 1/2

    Votes: 11 2.2%
  • Every 2 Weeks

    Votes: 27 5.5%
  • Every 3 Weeks

    Votes: 10 2.0%
  • Once a Month

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • About 1-2 times Every 2 Mos.

    Votes: 2 0.4%

  • Total voters
I wash my hair once a week and I co-wash once a week too.
But I guess washing a lot may be too much manipulation ^^
I just started my hair care journey 3 months ago. At first, I was doing conditioner washes every other day, poo washes once a week and then deep condition on sundays. I learned very quickly that my hair does not like to be messed with like that!! I had breakage out of the WAZOOO....so, I cut it down to once every 5-7 days. I have noticed a HUGE difference when i look into the sink. No short hairs all over the place :)
In the summer, I like to CW almost daily, at least 3-4 times per week. Winter I wash on weekends and maybe will CW once during the week.
Mostly 2x a week. Wednesday & Saturday. But now that I am getting braids, it will be every 2 weeks I do a thorough cleanses of my hair/scalp.
I typically wash 2x a week. Saturday being my con/poo/dc day and usually Wednesday being the co-wash day. I find I have to wash 2x week because of all the extra moisturizing I've been doing...just to get a good rinse in and start over again.
I am a newbie so I have been trying to get my wash thang together. I was washing my hair twice a week when I found this board. My hair really loves the CWs so when I joined that was my new deal.

I am now VERY pregnant and to be honest I am too tired to wash my hair today (which is my midweek point) so I am converting right now to once a week (LOL :lol: )
I wash once a week mostly on sat or sun. The night before my wash I use OJON restorative treatment & let that soak overnight. The next morning I wash & DC.
I did my first proper co wash yday after washing on Saturday and it was fine. Its still a little wet this morning cos I air dried in plaits. I used Yakini’s co wash potion and it was lovely. ;)
I don’t mind doing it but I think ill stick to every other Wednesday and was weekly as I normally do when my hair isn’t in braids.
I have dry hair and it loves co-washes and moisture. i try to shoot for at least twice a week.

if it was summer, since it's so short and doesn't require braiding/twisting yet, i could be on every other.

i think the massaging action of the showerhead and fingers helps too. This might sound sort of hippiedippie-airyfaery but I'm convinced my hair likes the attention/energylove.

With my last head of hair(which grew to top of my back before i wrecked it:ohwell: ) every other day/3x week really seemed to be the practical(i needed time to braid or twist afterwards..my hair is very thick w/shrinkage) ticket.
Fall/winter/spring- I wash and DC once a week. It works out really well w/little manipulation.

Summer- I co-wash 2 times a week.

More than that is too much, I've found through trial and error.
My next routine is for every 2 wks. my hair tangles in a ball the moment dew hits it...so washing is a tangled ball of yarn for me. I dont know why my hair tangles so....:( :confused:
I have tangling issues too, so it's every two weeks as soon as cooler weather arrives, but every 2-3 days in summer.
I wash twice a week and in between I spritz my scalp and hair with water daily and then of course seal with oils after moisturizing. This seems to keep my hair sprouting out from the scalp...like a chia pet:lol:
I cowash two times during the week and on Friday I pre poo, poo and dc.
I wash & deep condition once per week w/a new relaxer and after 10/12 weeks post I do it every 2 weeks. Don't want to touch it much during this time because of shedding/breakage.
i used to co wash everyday my hair greatly benefited from it and was extremely soft and bouncy (i am a natural)

i do not have the time now so i wash every 3 weeks and i feel i am going cback to the daily co washing to get that soft bouncy feel ;)
In the summertime, I wash my hair once a week, and in the winter, every other week. i DC every time i wash, and do a hot oil treatment once a month. Also, it pretty much depends upon what type of hair you have. A friend of mine has really oily hair, so of course she has to wash more often than i would b/c my hair is drier.