
ok so im sorry to hijack the thread and i probably should post a new spinoff but...... are firemen the same way?
I have to agree with above...I was engaged to one.....the most "loving,convincing,sincere" hoe ever. I had my worst heart break ever dealing with him. That was long before meeting a REAL man who is now my husband.
That cockyness is part of their training and I really think it affects their brains and turns them into power finatics.
That's just my opinion..I would never date a cop ever ever again!

that cockiness leads to intimidation tactics
same here girl. worst heart break of my life as well because he was my first love/boyfriend. 7 years girl. I'm now happily married, but my ex still stalks me. I've been married for almost 4 years, been with my sweetie for almost 7 years also. (not concurrently) it was putting a strain on my relationship. they always seem to "get" your number, or just "pop up", always know when you're home or not. I've been stalked on I-95!! some of them are stalkers!!!
till this day, crazy dude stills wants me to have his kid!!!:nuts: in his mindset, it was really to keep me eternally 'bound' to him somehow.Never ever again. girl! there's always exceptions, but the consensus seems to be the same here. some of them lead double/triple secret lives
ok so im sorry to hijack the thread and i probably should post a new spinoff but...... are firemen the same way?

From my understanding (and research) they have SEVERE mental issues that are associated with the job. They dont get any love from me :nono:
Funny you should mention this...
I did a little research and yep, he's married to a fellow police woman. Damn shame! No more policemen allowed over here... :nono:

Good for you! Smart move and research....no way..one time was enough for me...:spinning:crazy, cocaine, alcohol, jealous:nono:...I was blessed to escape it all in one piece!!
Marrying a fellow policewoman won't stop them either.
Pops' first wife was a PO.
He cheated on her with his current wife (non-PO).
I swear I'd never date a PO.
Did you all know there's a # you can call to see if a PO is on duty?
At least in Chicago there used to be one.
My Dad would day he was "working late".
My Mom would call the # and get his schedule & know he was lying.
My SO is a police officer and he probably is a HOE! I was with him before he was and I actually helped him through the academy....SUCKER!
My God this is an interesting thread. Come to think of it I met this guy who is a State Trooper. He was a true gentlemen and very respectful. Hmmm..I think I need to hang back on this one.
I don't get the point of singling out police officers. . . when it comes down to it about 90% of all men out there are hoes, regardless of profession. :perplexed

Policemen are no different, with the exception that they happen to be more up front about it. And those men gossip like a big bunch of teenage girls. . .:blush: Hang around a station and you'll know everybody's business by the end of the day.

My husband is a police officer. He's an upstanding citizen. He's God-fearing. And he's faithful. I don't care what the rest do. . . that's their problem.
I just got out of a relationship with one. In my experience they are hard to trust especially where I live. The police officers here look at it as a badge of honor to cheat on their wifes and SO's. It is so bad that they don't even go to hotels to cheat, another one of their fellow officers will let them use their homes. I would just proceed with caution as I would with any other man. A woman's intuition is hardly ever wrong. Do what you feel is best. There is nothing wrong with meeting new friends. Eventually you will find out what he is like.
BTW your hair is GORGEOUS! :yep:
Anyways, what makes you think he's a hoe?
Does he exhibit strange behavior?

In general, it is his character, but I have noticed some changes since his new found social status.

We've had trust issues from the beginning and out relationship is hanging by a thread. Something about the power he "thinks" he has is just beyond me. Since becoming a police officer he "thinks" he is invincible. If I'm driving and I don't run through a red light he gets mad and says "You're in the car with me, nothing can happen to you"!!! This type of behavior!!! He is just verbally abusive and has no remorse whatsoever! He goes to the gym everyday now and I catch him looking in the mirror, smiling and staring at himself. He "jokingly" talks about getting b*tches. I don't know if he has ever cheated on me, but I know he is disrespectful when I'm not around because he is when I am......and we live together and there are 3 guns in the house (they were here before he was a cop though).

Oh and he goes out and stays out until the next morning at least once a week. I have stopped arguing, I am just creating my exit strategy.

I will say that I do like the perks....but I will get over them.

Thanks for the shout out!
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In general, it is his character, but I have noticed some changes since his new found social status.

We've had trust issues from the beginning and out relationship is hanging by a thread. Something about the power he "thinks" he has is just beyond me. Since becoming a police officer he "thinks" he is invincible. If I'm driving and I don't run through a red light he gets mad and says "You're in the car with me, nothing can happen to you"!!! This type of behavior!!! He is just verbally abusive and has no remorse whatsoever! He goes to the gym everyday now and I catch him looking in the mirror, smiling and staring at himself. He "jokingly" talks about getting b*tches. I don't know if he has ever cheated on me, but I know he is disrespectful when I'm not around because he is when I am......and we live together and there are 3 guns in the house (they were here before he was a cop though).

Oh and he goes out and stays out until the next morning at least once a week. I have stopped arguing, I am just creating my exit strategy.

I will say that I do like the perks....but I will get over them.

Thanks for the shout out!

That's awful. Please leave asap!
In general, it is his character, but I have noticed some changes since his new found social status.

We've had trust issues from the beginning and out relationship is hanging by a thread. Something about the power he "thinks" he has is just beyond me. Since becoming a police officer he "thinks" he is invincible. If I'm driving and I don't run through a red light he gets mad and says "You're in the car with me, nothing can happen to you"!!! This type of behavior!!! He is just verbally abusive and has no remorse whatsoever! He goes to the gym everyday now and I catch him looking in the mirror, smiling and staring at himself. He "jokingly" talks about getting b*tches. I don't know if he has ever cheated on me, but I know he is disrespectful when I'm not around because he is when I am......and we live together and there are 3 guns in the house (they were here before he was a cop though).

Oh and he goes out and stays out until the next morning at least once a week. I have stopped arguing, I am just creating my exit strategy.

I will say that I do like the perks....but I will get over them.

Thanks for the shout out!

What the hell?

Yes, girl- please put some plan in action to remove yourself from this situation.

And be careful..........
In general, it is his character, but I have noticed some changes since his new found social status.

We've had trust issues from the beginning and out relationship is hanging by a thread. Something about the power he "thinks" he has is just beyond me. Since becoming a police officer he "thinks" he is invincible. If I'm driving and I don't run through a red light he gets mad and says "You're in the car with me, nothing can happen to you"!!! This type of behavior!!! He is just verbally abusive and has no remorse whatsoever! He goes to the gym everyday now and I catch him looking in the mirror, smiling and staring at himself. He "jokingly" talks about getting b*tches. I don't know if he has ever cheated on me, but I know he is disrespectful when I'm not around because he is when I am......and we live together and there are 3 guns in the house (they were here before he was a cop though).

Oh and he goes out and stays out until the next morning at least once a week. I have stopped arguing, I am just creating my exit strategy.

I will say that I do like the perks....but I will get over them.

Thanks for the shout out!

I was cheated on and verbally abused by one as well.
Wow it's sad that most feel this way about Policemen. My fiance is an undercover officer and he is the absolute best. I have known him for 7 years (we were just friends at first...no benefits either!) and been with him for 1 year. I love him to death. He has never given me any reason to be insecure or worried. When he's not with me he's calling me or texting me to tell me how much he loves me. Plus his cousin and bestfriend are policemen as well and they are really good guys. Not everyone is the same though. Well, glad I have a good one.
I don't get the point of singling out police officers. . . when it comes down to it about 90% of all men out there are hoes, regardless of profession. :perplexed

Policemen are no different, with the exception that they happen to be more up front about it. And those men gossip like a big bunch of teenage girls. . .:blush: Hang around a station and you'll know everybody's business by the end of the day.

My husband is a police officer. He's an upstanding citizen. He's God-fearing. And he's faithful. I don't care what the rest do. . . that's their problem.

That's right lady! *high five*
My cousin has been “dating” a cop in Jersey City for about oh…..8 years+???? I know that fewl is cheating, lying and there are some other things she doesn’t know about him because he keeps it well hidden. She has never event met his PARENTS and thinks that’s freakin ok! :mad: I swear….why do women put up with sheyet like this? I have never dated a cop because I know they are liars, cheaters, abuse their power and are sometimes abusive towards women. Can’t stand them…can’t stand them….can’t stand THEM!
My cousin has been “dating” a cop in Jersey City for about oh…..8 years+???? I know that fewl is cheating, lying and there are some other things she doesn’t know about him because he keeps it well hidden. She has never event met his PARENTS and thinks that’s freakin ok! :mad: I swear….why do women put up with sheyet like this? I have never dated a cop because I know they are liars, cheaters, abuse their power and are sometimes abusive towards women. Can’t stand them…can’t stand them….can’t stand THEM!

Wow! That's any man, not just cops. But her not meeting his parents after 8 years is a big warning sign.

It's so sad that cops get a bad rep, I guess it rings true that one bad apple spoils a bunch.
Wow! That's any man, not just cops. But her not meeting his parents after 8 years is a big warning sign.

It's so sad that cops get a bad rep, I guess it rings true that one bad apple spoils a bunch.

Sorry...I haven't met any that I thought were good ones like your guy. I'm just biased I guess. :ohwell:
Wow it's sad that most feel this way about Policemen. My fiance is an undercover officer and he is the absolute best. I have known him for 7 years (we were just friends at first...no benefits either!) and been with him for 1 year. I love him to death. He has never given me any reason to be insecure or worried. When he's not with me he's calling me or texting me to tell me how much he loves me. Plus his cousin and bestfriend are policemen as well and they are really good guys. Not everyone is the same though. Well, glad I have a good one.

Well,I *try* not to generalize b/c at the end of the day,its just their J-O-B. I actually met ANOTHER cop last weekend. :look: I will admit I am smitten by him at this point.I did my research and hes not married. I'm still a tad weary but I will just proceed with caution. :yep:

Im glad you have a good one though. A good man is a good man regardless of profession. :grin:
And on that note I will tell you this.....

I have a good friend, fine as all get out, sweet, and devoted, very spiritual, devoted to family, and police officer.

He is a beautiful person. When he broke up with his GF, women were in line, and standing and rushing over when he called their number. During that time he was quite wild, but he met some one, and was a little scared but he decided to give love a try again.

This man is faithful, devoted, introduced the woman to his family pretty fast (a little too fast IMO, he did him), hangs out with her all of the time, or her family, or their families together, and loves being a PO.

Not every PO is going to be a hoe. Period.

Remember if you focus on him being a dog/hoe, you will get what you focus on....

Focus on his good points and let them develop.... However if your inner voices senses crazy.... BACK UP! PO's access is too great, and nothing to be played with.....
Well,I *try* not to generalize b/c at the end of the day,its just their J-O-B. I actually met ANOTHER cop last weekend. :look: I will admit I am smitten by him at this point.I did my research and hes not married. I'm still a tad weary but I will just proceed with caution. :yep:

Im glad you have a good one though. A good man is a good man regardless of profession. :grin:

Thanks hun, and you are dead on about a good man being a good man :yep:

GMW I agree, you always get what you expect.