

exceeding expectations...
Hey! :wave:

I met a police officer last weekend and my friends were like,"did you ask him if he was married?" "I wouldn't talk to a policeman,dont trust them." :perplexed: They made me feel naive b/c they all expressed the sentiment that," most policemen are married h0es." My father & uncle are in law enforcement so I feel even more pressed to wonder. :spinning: :blush:. Are these common beliefs regarding policemen or are my friends just being "extra"? I have dated two officers before and they seemed okay...

Also,are there certain professions that would make you think twice about dating a man?
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girl i knew of 2 of them that spent half of their time on duty, hollering at women.

I knew a girl that was dating one and didn't find out he was married until a month later.
My Dad & his twin are both in law enforcement.
And after spending my entire life around them.
I can honestly say that 95% of them are hoes.
There's 4% that just haven't become hoes yet.
Then there's 1% that's either gay or really faithful.
They love the power that comes with it.
Not to mention it's the perfect alibi to being out late.
Plus, women love men in uniform.
If you think he may have potential take it slow and throughly research his situation. You don't want to miss out on a possibly good relationship if he's not like all the others. I used to work around a lot of male Police Officers and the truth is the majority of them were juggling women. Not all, but I'd say at least 3 out of 5 were.
If you think he may have potential take it slow and throughly research his situation. You don't want to miss out on a possibly good relationship if he's not like all the others. I used to work around a lot of male Police Officers and the truth is the majority of them were juggling women. Not all, but I'd say at least 3 out of 5 were.

I dont want any wives knocking on my door. :look:
Im talking from experience. They are on a power trip, they are man hoes and not good news at all. I learned this from dating one and from meeting his friends.
I also hate to generalize, but I also haven't heard good things about cops. A good friend of mine is a city attorney and has an office in a police station. She also said most of them are hoes. There job provides A LOT of excuses for them. Someone already mentioned weird work hours. But they are don't wear wedding rings. If you ask the cops it because criminals like to target married police (I guess). However, this is just another excuse to act single in the street.

Personally, I don't like cops. I think many of them are ego trippers and power abusers. I would NEVER date one. That blue line is a hard one to cross. Seriously, if he's beatin your arse, who's gonna help you?????
My Dad & his twin are both in law enforcement.
And after spending my entire life around them.
I can honestly say that 95% of them are hoes.
There's 4% that just haven't become hoes yet.
Then there's 1% that's either gay or really faithful.
They love the power that comes with it.
Not to mention it's the perfect alibi to being out late.
Plus, women love men in uniform.

Are you me????

They do look daggum good in uniform though (only if they're fit:look:)...

ETA: Most of the ones that seem to be faithful are married to women in law enforcement....
Shoooot... one asked me out on a date for this weekend...:nono:
i already don't like police officers that much, and i do know that some of them are abusive..
waiting for more responses in this thread... doesn't look hopeful though...
Are you me????

They do look daggum good in uniform though (only if they're fit:look:)...

ETA: Most of the ones that seem to be faithful are married to women in law enforcement....

Funny you should mention this...
I did a little research and yep, he's married to a fellow police woman. Damn shame! No more policemen allowed over here... :nono:
Shoooot... one asked me out on a date for this weekend...:nono:
i already don't like police officers that much, and i do know that some of them are abusive..
waiting for more responses in this thread... doesn't look hopeful though...

I know way too many men in law enforcement including family, friends and neighbors. For the most part, they are really good people, responsible, and make a very nice living. Good people doesn't equal good husband material but not all are bad or abusive.

I would definitely think twice before I let one bring a gun into the home. They can just as easily leave it in their locker plus if the gun gets stolen while at home or in the car (which happens all the time) they can get in trouble. So there is no excuse whatsoever:nono: I don't trust men with guns so I don't budge about this.
Wow. I never thought. The only cop I know is my ex-roomie's dad, and he is as devoted as ever...as far as we can possibly tell and see..
My cousin is a PO..and come to think of it....he does have two chirrens out of wedlock. All this time I thought he just had the "good stuff", now I see it's all because of the badge.
I know way too many men in law enforcement including family, friends and neighbors. For the most part, they are really good people, responsible, and make a very nice living. Good people doesn't equal good husband material but not all are bad or abusive.

I would definitely think twice before I let one bring a gun into the home. They can just as easily leave it in their locker plus if the gun gets stolen while at home or in the car (which happens all the time) they can get in trouble. So there is no excuse whatsoever:nono: I don't trust men with guns so I don't budge about this.

I never even thought about that.
Thanks! you just made my mind up.
I don't know about police officers in the USA, but I was in the police force in London UK... :nono: ... I don't trust them mutha**$*""*.
Problem is, they are so big headed and think that the uniform makes them an instant "catch". A lot of them are married but forget all about that when they get to work, trying it on us (female officers) and random females :nono:... :nono:.

QUICK STORY: I KNEW a male officer who kept going on about his recently deceased wife... which was sad and all, but then he started going off on a tangent.
He kept on asking me out (and I'm thinking ok, he's single so I guess thats fine)...WRONG! Apparantly he was seeing a lady who lived not too far from the complex where we both did our training. Thank God I did'nt go out with this guy (he had no chance in hell anyway because I was not single, he had three kids and he was a bit too old for me... 40 and I'm 26).

But OH GOD... Caribbean police officers are even worse (I'm originally from Barbados and I've been to Grenada for a while) ... they make me sick... full of corruption.
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Hey! :wave:

I met a police officer last weekend and my friends were like,"did you ask him if he was married?" "I wouldn't talk to a policeman,dont trust them." :perplexed: They made me feel naive b/c they all expressed the sentiment that," most policemen are married h0es." My father & uncle are in law enforcement so I feel even more pressed to wonder. :spinning: :blush:. Are these common beliefs regarding policemen or are my friends just being "extra"? I have dated two officers before and they seemed okay...

Also,are there certain professions that would make you think twice about dating a man?

Daddy was a truck driver, needless to say, I would never, ever, ever mess with a truck driver:nono:
I don't know about police officers in the USA, but I was in the police force in London UK... :nono: ... I don't trust them mutha**$*""*.
Problem is, they are so big headed and think that the uniform makes them an instant "catch". A lot of them are married but forget all about that when they get to work, trying it on us (female officers) and random females :nono:... :nono:.

QUICK STORY: I KNEW a male officer who kept going on about his recently deceased wife... which was sad and all, but then he started going off on a tangent.
He kept on asking me out (and I'm thinking ok, he's single so I guess thats fine)...WRONG! Apparantly he was seeing a lady who lived not too far from the complex where we both did our training. Thank God I did'nt go out with this guy (he had no chance in hell anyway because I was not single, he had three kids and he was a bit too old for me... 40 and I'm 26).

But OH GOD... Caribbean police officers are even worse (I'm originally from Barbados and I've been to Grenada for a while) ... they make me sick... full of corruption.

Sad but true:sad:
My Dad & his twin are both in law enforcement.
And after spending my entire life around them.
I can honestly say that 95% of them are hoes.
There's 4% that just haven't become hoes yet.
Then there's 1% that's either gay or really faithful.
They love the power that comes with it.
Not to mention it's the perfect alibi to being out late.
Plus, women love men in uniform.

exactly, alot of them also moonlight as security or do alot of "OT" but they dont be working.

my best friends has been dating a PO for about 6 years now and he seems like a readlly great guy but alot of his friends (who are also PO's) are whores. some are married whores.
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i hate to generalize but a lot of them are abusive too. just be careful.

Exactly.. That has always been my thoughts, especially if you want to break it off. I'm thinking he can get access to any records or find out where I live/work. He can stalk me, beat me, tie me up and hide me..maybe even kill me and get away with it. ALL because he's the LAW :rolleyes:

Maybe a little extreme :lachen:, it's a possibility, though. I know a lady who was killed by her husband, who was a cop, and as someone else mentioned about them marrying nurses, she was a nurse.
My Dad & his twin are both in law enforcement.
And after spending my entire life around them.
I can honestly say that 95% of them are hoes.
There's 4% that just haven't become hoes yet.
Then there's 1% that's either gay or really faithful.
They love the power that comes with it.
Not to mention it's the perfect alibi to being out late.
Plus, women love men in uniform.

I have to agree with above...I was engaged to one.....the most "loving,convincing,sincere" hoe ever. I had my worst heart break ever dealing with him. That was long before meeting a REAL man who is now my husband.
That cockyness is part of their training and I really think it affects their brains and turns them into power finatics.
That's just my opinion..I would never date a cop ever ever again!
exactly, alot of them also moonlight as security or do alot of "OT" but they dont be working.
my best friends has been dating a PO for about 6 years now and he seems like a readlly great guy but alot of his friends (who are also PO's) are whores. some are married whores.

Funny I didn't see this comment earlier...but that's how I busted my ex cop...he was supposedly moonlighting working overnight on a side job.....lets just say he worked it allright. And I busted him red handed!
I can't speak frome experience. One of my girlfriends is married to a cop. He's very sweet, attentive, into church and to my knowledge dosen't cheat. She's a lawyer so it could be bad for him if he does and she catches it. She's also a judo champion so if they ever had knock down drag out fight, my dibs is on her.:yep:

Sounds to me he's more the exception than the rule.
