Pj Support Thread 2010 Pt.1

I've been meaning to post this for a while... Not that it's a big deal, but it just sat the wrong way with me.

Not too long ago, a poster was commenting on customer service... she seemed that she feels it's the company's job to bend to her will. She said if she wanted a different scent, consistency, or formula, she asked for it. :perplexed I figured, if you were that particular in what you wanted, why not just do it yourself? Or find another product.

But I know these home-run companies do whatever they can to attract and keep customers, so they'll do it. And I guess if it's not too much trouble, there's no harm done. I just thought the whole concept was :perplexed, but I suppose small, natural companies exist for that! Idk...
I remember reading that and it gave me a bit of a pause as well. I can understand customizing things when it's financially feasible, but honestly, unless it was a MAJOR purchaser, one of my regulars, or someone that carries some weight and influence on the boards, I probably wouldn't do it. That's just me though. If memory serves correctly, I don't think this particular person fit the latter category. At least not IMO and my circle of PJ's within the society :look:
The only thing i ask for is to leave out the coconut oil if possible. Only hairveda does. But i don't expect anyone to do it for me. I always send an email and if they say no i look at something else.
i sorry robot and mkd but i think i hate butters and bars shea butter. its very very VERY grainy. ive never seen shea butter like this beofore. its creamy and soft but once i rub it in my hands it is really grainy and the grains do not melt. infact the grains look like salt or sugar and you can see it in my hair. it makes my hair soft but the grains are crazy. i will not repurchase because texas naturals shea butter is 10x better.

i am almost finished my ojon revitalizing mist. i will repurchase because its a staple but i will wait until i finish my TW mist.
Goodmorning ladies, still not doing much to my hair. Im going to wash on friday. Im also still using the same products. My shea challenge will be over in about a week and sunshine is my staple moisturizer. Im doing good on the hair budget but going over on everything else:look:. I will start over on monday trying to do my whole buget of what i planned out. But on the hair front im doing good.
Hey yall! I'm off to Cancun this morning and twisted my hair last night.

I used up:

Jane Carter Nourishing Conditioner
Lush's Big Tease hair gel.

Later gator!
Hey PJ buddies I have some items to sale and before I post to the exchange thread I wanted to give all first bids. If no takers by Fri I'll post. Thanks

Items for sale paypal please, shipping depends on your location

Hesh Brahmi 2 boxes $3.00 each

Indigo 100g $4.00 will get ½ bag unused free (sold)

Karishma Henna $3.00 will get ¼ bag unused free

Hairveda vatika frosting 2 jars unopen $6.00 each

Qhemet Burdock Root cream 8oz only 1/8 used $8.00(sold)
Braids by Breslin Four Style in one compilation ($40 includes shipping)
Micro braids

Braids by Breslin Cornrow compilation ($15 includes shipping)
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i sorry robot and mkd but i think i hate butters and bars shea butter. its very very VERY grainy. ive never seen shea butter like this beofore. its creamy and soft but once i rub it in my hands it is really grainy and the grains do not melt. infact the grains look like salt or sugar and you can see it in my hair. it makes my hair soft but the grains are crazy. i will not repurchase because texas naturals shea butter is 10x better.

i am almost finished my ojon revitalizing mist. i will repurchase because its a staple but i will wait until i finish my TW mist.
^^Damn Che, I hate to hear that. I hope when I whip my shea it doesn't act a fool like that.

Itown, I PM'd you! :look:
i sorry robot and mkd but i think i hate butters and bars shea butter. its very very VERY grainy. ive never seen shea butter like this beofore. its creamy and soft but once i rub it in my hands it is really grainy and the grains do not melt. infact the grains look like salt or sugar and you can see it in my hair. it makes my hair soft but the grains are crazy. i will not repurchase because texas naturals shea butter is 10x better.

i am almost finished my ojon revitalizing mist. i will repurchase because its a staple but i will wait until i finish my TW mist.

Wow, really! I'm sorry, Che. I've never had that problem and I ordered 5 lbs and each container was perfect. It's possible you got a bad batch.
I think I'm going back to henna for coloring. My last BKT was in November so I think it's ok to henna at the end of this month or the beginning of next. I miss my auburn hair and cellophanes just don't take anymore :( I have one more I'm gonna try (Sebastian Coloushines) and if that one doesn't work, I MIGHT be selling all of my OG Color Showers and Sebastian.
I wish I could henna. I can't wait for this da*m color to grow out of my hair so I can try it.
i sorry robot and mkd but i think i hate butters and bars shea butter. its very very VERY grainy. ive never seen shea butter like this beofore. its creamy and soft but once i rub it in my hands it is really grainy and the grains do not melt. infact the grains look like salt or sugar and you can see it in my hair. it makes my hair soft but the grains are crazy. i will not repurchase because texas naturals shea butter is 10x better.

i am almost finished my ojon revitalizing mist. i will repurchase because its a staple but i will wait until i finish my TW mist.

I *heart* TNS. Everything I got (butters and oils) from there was great. I wasn't happy with the Mango butter but I know that is just the normal consistency and when I melted it down it and let it cool it came out really nice. I may need to reorder in the spring since my body lotion came out great.

I have a confession to make:nono:. I ordered from Jasmine's 2 Shea Conditioner Rinses 2, avocado/silk DC, 1 Shea Souffle, 1 Detangle leave-in. I don't know what the scents will be like but I had been eyeing Jasmine's for a while and read the reviews. I figure if I don't like it I'll give it to my friends especially since it was on sale.

For my order and breaking my mission statement I'm going to give more money to the church and to the Red Cross for the people in Haiti then I had planned to already. No more buys until March including hair accessories.
yea robot im thinking i got a bad batch. i know they say if you heat the shea butter too much or make it too hot too fast it gets grainy and crystalized. so im thinking thats what happened.

i am officially a student again lol. school starts week after next so my budget is very tight. infact im putting myself on a no buy for about 2 months. so today i purchased some shea butter from the bss but its not the yellow shea butter i first got that says african shea butter on the lid. this one is called ispe or something like that. i love it so far. it is the same texture(super soft) as the kind i got a few weeks ago at the DC armory. i gave that one to my mom though.
i also got the aphogee 2 step system that i have been planning on getting forever.

so now im good on shea butter, i have 2 shea butters and a bunch of sunshine and 2 coconut confidence.
today i co washed with a mix of giovanni nutrafix and organix coconut milk conditioner.
i used kbb hair milk as a leave in and coconut confidence as a moisturizer. my hair feels great.
Che, do you like the hairveda shea butter. I didn't use it by itself, I whipped it with some other shea that I had. The consistency seemed nice though. Let me know if you like the aphogee 2 step.

Congrats on school!
Che, do you like the hairveda shea butter. I didn't use it by itself, I whipped it with some other shea that I had. The consistency seemed nice though. Let me know if you like the aphogee 2 step.

Congrats on school!
honestly i havent tried the hairveda shea butter but i think its refined. the reason i say that is because it doesnt have a smell and the color is completely white. and it doesnt say its unrefined like most companies want you to know. if i use it it will be on my skin and not my hair.

i plan on using the aphogee this weekend so i'll let you know. im going to make sure i deep condition extra well after using it too.
I am joined this group. I just took boxes of clothes and beauty supplies down to the women's shelter and the lady said they would take wigs there too the never turn anything down.
My Mission:
1: Only keep what works
2: Stop trying to replace what works
3: Realize just because something is NEW or says NEW FORMULA does not mean I need it
4: Realize the guy on the infomercial/HSN is not talking to me or about me
5: CVS and their stupid CVS reward bucks are not my friend and do not save me money they only make me buy more
6: I will avoid the beauty supply store and sephora
7: I will keep a list of what I have bought so I can not rationalize or conveniently forget a purchase
Hi ladies! I know this is not a challenge, but I'm a pj and I need support! I had sold/given away a lot of products, but my stash is growing again. I'd like to eventually get to a point where I have my staples and stick to them only. I did good for a few months where I was only using Giovanni products, but I'm over them now. I've moved on to Rusk Sensories Calm shampoo, condish, and detangler....but now those are almost gone...
i am officially a student again lol. school starts week after next so my budget is very tight. infact im putting myself on a no buy for about 2 months.

I'm So Proud of You Che! This time, stay in until you Graduate!:yep:

I am joined this group. I just took boxes of clothes and beauty supplies down to the women's shelter and the lady said they would take wigs there too the never turn anything down.
My Mission:
1: Only keep what works
2: Stop trying to replace what works
3: Realize just because something is NEW or says NEW FORMULA does not mean I need it
4: Realize the guy on the infomercial/HSN is not talking to me or about me
5: CVS and their stupid CVS reward bucks are not my friend and do not save me money they only make me buy more
6: I will avoid the beauty supply store and sephora
7: I will keep a list of what I have bought so I can not rationalize or conveniently forget a purchase

Great Mission Statement Rosie (and Welcome) btw: You are My Hair Inspiration.:drunk:

Hi ladies! I know this is not a challenge, but I'm a pj and I need support! I had sold/given away a lot of products, but my stash is growing again. I'd like to eventually get to a point where I have my staples and stick to them only. I did good for a few months where I was only using Giovanni products, but I'm over them now. I've moved on to Rusk Sensories Calm shampoo, condish, and detangler....but now those are almost gone...

Good Self-Observations LaToya!:yep: Welcome and we will definitely give you alot of "Support" Good & Bad:blush:

Just realize it's a daily battle. But we'll all get to where we want to be (eventually).:yep:
I am joined this group. I just took boxes of clothes and beauty supplies down to the women's shelter and the lady said they would take wigs there too the never turn anything down.
My Mission:
1: Only keep what works
2: Stop trying to replace what works
3: Realize just because something is NEW or says NEW FORMULA does not mean I need it
4: Realize the guy on the infomercial/HSN is not talking to me or about me
5: CVS and their stupid CVS reward bucks are not my friend and do not save me money they only make me buy more

6: I will avoid the beauty supply store and sephora
7: I will keep a list of what I have bought so I can not rationalize or conveniently forget a purchase

Wooh, you ain't neva lied. :nono:
I am joined this group. I just took boxes of clothes and beauty supplies down to the women's shelter and the lady said they would take wigs there too the never turn anything down.
My Mission:
1: Only keep what works
2: Stop trying to replace what works
3: Realize just because something is NEW or says NEW FORMULA does not mean I need it
4: Realize the guy on the infomercial/HSN is not talking to me or about me
5: CVS and their stupid CVS reward bucks are not my friend and do not save me money they only make me buy more
6: I will avoid the beauty supply store and sephora
7: I will keep a list of what I have bought so I can not rationalize or conveniently forget a purchase
:lachen::lachen:your list is too funny. esp. the part about the HSN guy. for a long time i thought he new me :spinning::look:
Okay I've decided I do like Hairveda's ACV rinse. I've used a full bottle and on my second one now. I have the other's refridgerated. I know I can get a lot of uses out of this bottle.

I'm thinking I really like Darcy's Pumpkin Conditioner. It is really hard to get out that darn bottle. Worse than AOGPB or AOHSR. I really can't smell the pumpkin and it suds up too :spinning:. I will make a decision by next week.

Finished my cocolatte sample. I already knew I liked it but Nouvelle offered to send it with my cassia and I was like sure. It will be on my list of 5 butters/creams/pomades. I can actually see the bottom of this storage drawer. I'm so happy about that. I'm using aloe butter now. It won't be a repurchase it is grainy.
I discovered I may use up quite a few things all at the same time. I just went and pulled out my EVOO.

I will be adding this now to all my Moisturizing DC Treatments. I have about 1/4th of a Bottle left. I will replace the EVOO and the EVCO (as I will be adding both of these 'penetrating' oils into my DC'ers) and both are 'almost' gone.

I did use up a Bottle of Dudley's PCA Moisture Retainer and a Pkg. of Henna (I am mixing that up for tomorrow a.m.).

I am really looking forward in continuing to put a huge dent in my Stash. I will keep just using up stuff. So, far, haven't been really 'tempted' to buy anything new.:look:

But know I will prolly look at the new Qhemet DC and the SSI Reconstructor when they come out. Not even sure, if I'll purchase anything. It will depend on how much of my 'existing' things I use up (oh....and how good the 'Discount' is:look:)

A poster sent me the neatest little applicator bottle(s) w/a comb attachment. I will definitely put those to good use. They were really 'cleaver'.:yep:
Okay I've decided I do like Hairveda's ACV rinse. I've used a full bottle and on my second one now. I have the other's refridgerated. I know I can get a lot of uses out of this bottle.

I'm thinking I really like Darcy's Pumpkin Conditioner. It is really hard to get out that darn bottle. Worse than AOGPB or AOHSR. I really can't smell the pumpkin and it suds up too :spinning:. I will make a decision by next week.

Finished my cocolatte sample. I already knew I liked it but Nouvelle offered to send it with my cassia and I was like sure. It will be on my list of 5 butters/creams/pomades. I can actually see the bottom of this storage drawer. I'm so happy about that. I'm using aloe butter now. It won't be a repurchase it is grainy.

Good Post Shay:yep: I can't believe something is Harder to get out than those Crazy AO Bottles!:sad:

I can't wait to put a Huge Dent in My Stuff. I want to Use Up so much stuff. And only doing my hair once a week really makes things 'creep' along. But..............I'll get there.:grin:

I also used Aloe Butter tonight. And you're right, it won't be a repurchase.:look: