Pj Support Thread 2010 Pt.1

i'm having some serious itching from my skin peel i had yesterday....i decided to play in my hair as a destraction until my bendaryl kicked in. i applied JBCO to my scalp, moisturized w/ jane carter solutions and sealed w/ JBCO, then did a french twist. tell me what you think? do i look like an old lady?

i'm considering wearing this as my an alternative to my bun...:rolleyes:


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Update to my ramblings:

OK I've had about 4 people compliment me on my hair today. I finally looked in the mirror and was like wow my hair is actually quite nice and hanging with less shrinkage. Could it be the steamer? Hot Steaming Ladies please chime in LOL

looks great!!!
I have been sick and distracted/annoyed by a friend so I havent had much time to pay attention to my hair. That means I havent bought anything though.
What is so special about a "Steamer"? What is the purpose/use of it? Where is a good place to start looking for them and how much do they cost?
i used to read a certain blog where she would interview naturals. the naturals would say "oh i wash my hair 2-3 times a week, or i shampoo my hair everyday". and i would be all :perplexed and whatnot lol. but now that i started washing my hair 2-3 times a week i totally get it. my curls act funky with too much moisture and become crazy weighed down easily. my hair looks its best when freshly shampoo's. and now that i use sunshine and coconut confidence and shea butter every single day its build up city if i dont watch it.

oh yea, i gotta get back on using my bee mine(not that i think its doing anything) and my jbco.

and i still wanna dye my hair:ohwell:
I took a little extra MLK time.......actually Friday & Tuesday for a looong weekend.:ohwell:

So, I will be Hendigo-ing Friday, since I'll be home all day.

I've been alternating between the Steamer and the Heat Cap for my DC'ers, so this week it's the Heat Cap.:grin:

I still have a little bit of AO GPB to use up and I have some L'anza Kukui Nut, So, I will try to get rid of those.

I want to use some things up this Week!:blush:
I Can't Wait until Saturday (when you use yours CB):grin: Give Us All the Details.......:look:

I can't wait either.
I was so tempted to take off work today so I could use it. :rofl:

And don't worry...I won't leave out anythang...:eyebrows2

And this doesn't really have anything to do with anything, but I just got my order from Oregon Trails Soaper Supply, and I don't know what to think.
The avocado butter and sunflower butter are really great and have a wonderful consistency. Super creamy and thick.
But the mango butter is all hard and rocky. :perplexed
And the fragrance oils are making me mad...the mango one is nice, but the coconut one is so...manufactured and heavy. I thought it'd be something lighter and more natural. Like an actual coconut, freshly cracked, straight from the tree. That's one of the best smells in the whole world to me. Not this lame imitation, sickly sweet coconut smell. I'm going to experiment with heavier dilutions and see if it smells better, but in the future, I think I'm going to go somewhere else for coconut fragrance oil.
I really hate my hair today. I did a braid out on dry hair and it was cute when I left the house this morning, it looks crazy now. I need a half wig.
I took a little extra MLK time.......actually Friday & Tuesday for a looong weekend.:ohwell:

So, I will be Hendigo-ing Friday, since I'll be home all day.

I've been alternating between the Steamer and the Heat Cap for my DC'ers, so this week it's the Heat Cap.:grin:

I still have a little bit of AO GPB to use up and I have some L'anza Kukui Nut, So, I will try to get rid of those.

I want to use some things up this Week!:blush:

I forgot about that, enjoy your time off. I know im going to rest those 3 days.
tomorrow im gonna do a pre poo with AO camomile conditioner(i think thats the name lol) then i will co wash with giovanni nutra fix.
sigh, i shoulda BEEN subscribed lol..

goals are

1. Use what I have
2. Create a regimen that works for ME
3. learn how to "know" my hair... when i need moisture/protein etc
4. continue to know that hair growing takes patience..after goin thru 2 sets of locs, thats ONE thing I know bout my hair lol..

lookin forward to being interactive in this thread :)
I need to do my hair this weekend, but I feel like I have so many other things I need to get done so that I cant spend a long time on my hair!

I have three medicine cabinets and a ledge in my bathroom filled with hair and skincare products. I really need to use some of this stuff up!
All this talk about steamers is making so jelly that I don't have one.

Eisani, hope you feel better.

Chaos, I think you are the second person in this thread today to say ayuvedic powders didn't do anything for them. I think I am getting more and more uninterested in using them.

Only thing I use is Henna and amla, I use it for the color actually. All the rest is too much for me.
i'm having some serious itching from my skin peel i had yesterday....i decided to play in my hair as a destraction until my bendaryl kicked in. i applied JBCO to my scalp, moisturized w/ jane carter solutions and sealed w/ JBCO, then did a french twist. tell me what you think? do i look like an old lady?

i'm considering wearing this as my an alternative to my bun...:rolleyes:
Your hair looks pretty. Its nice and thick.
I can't wait either.
I was so tempted to take off work today so I could use it. :rofl:

And don't worry...I won't leave out anythang...:eyebrows2

And this doesn't really have anything to do with anything, but I just got my order from Oregon Trails Soaper Supply, and I don't know what to think.
The avocado butter and sunflower butter are really great and have a wonderful consistency. Super creamy and thick.
But the mango butter is all hard and rocky. :perplexed
And the fragrance oils are making me mad...the mango one is nice, but the coconut one is so...manufactured and heavy. I thought it'd be something lighter and more natural. Like an actual coconut, freshly cracked, straight from the tree. That's one of the best smells in the whole world to me. Not this lame imitation, sickly sweet coconut smell. I'm going to experiment with heavier dilutions and see if it smells better, but in the future, I think I'm going to go somewhere else for coconut fragrance oil.

I just clicked on your Dance Off youtube channel and I'm :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I've been meaning to post this for a while... Not that it's a big deal, but it just sat the wrong way with me.

Not too long ago, a poster was commenting on customer service... she seemed that she feels it's the company's job to bend to her will. She said if she wanted a different scent, consistency, or formula, she asked for it. :perplexed I figured, if you were that particular in what you wanted, why not just do it yourself? Or find another product.

But I know these home-run companies do whatever they can to attract and keep customers, so they'll do it. And I guess if it's not too much trouble, there's no harm done. I just thought the whole concept was :perplexed, but I suppose small, natural companies exist for that! Idk...
I've been meaning to post this for a while... Not that it's a big deal, but it just sat the wrong way with me.

Not too long ago, a poster was commenting on customer service... she seemed that she feels it's the company's job to bend to her will. She said if she wanted a different scent, consistency, or formula, she asked for it. :perplexed I figured, if you were that particular in what you wanted, why not just do it yourself? Or find another product.

But I know these home-run companies do whatever they can to attract and keep customers, so they'll do it. And I guess if it's not too much trouble, there's no harm done. I just thought the whole concept was :perplexed, but I suppose small, natural companies exist for that! Idk...

If I owned a small business and wanted to retain loyal customers, plus I had the capacity to produce a unique product according to a persons specifications I'd probably do it. Assuming it benefits me moneywise and the customer doesn't mind waiting. With all these lines to choose from I guess that's one way to stand out.
Did it rub you the wrong way because the "customer" had a bad attitude about it?
If I owned a small business and wanted to retain loyal customers, plus I had the capacity to produce a unique product according to a persons specifications I'd probably do it. Assuming it benefits me moneywise and the customer doesn't mind waiting. With all these lines to choose from I guess that's one way to stand out.
Did it rub you the wrong way because the "customer" had a bad attitude about it?

That's what I figure too. I think it was the sense of entitlement with which she said it. And I hatehatehate inconveniencing others. I'd sooner trouble myself then someone else.