**PIBBS DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!*****

$136 for shipping is to much. I emailed him back, lets see what he says.
I emailed him and he told me the same thing:nono::nono:. $136 is way too much. The deal would not be worth it for that price.
I am starting to give up on this one!!!!
Lets see what he says.

ETA:For those of you that don't have to pay this much for shipping...this is a good deal, I don't know that you will get any better. Things are getting expensive.
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I see some of you all are having issues with this guy's shipping quotes, but IMO some of you are getting really good deals on this Pibbs :yep: Just because that other deal got it super cheap...*smh* The Pibbs is originally sold at a min of $300 to upwards of $350 or $400+!! I understand $136 for shipping is absolutely ridiculous and needs to be addressed, but some of y'all are just nitpicking. You either want a Pibbs or you don't :rolleyes: And I won't mention how much people spend on products or salon visits each month or in a year's time...:nono:

Sorry, I'm venting because it's been bothering me for a few days now...:ohwell:

Shoot. I paid $309 for mine (after tax and everything) :wallbash: but I wanted it, and that's how investments go sometimes...I don't regret my purchase.

That is all...:yawn:
This is a pretty good deal. Kudos to OP for arranging. I bought mine from buyrite prior to both deals and paid $318 including shipping ~2006. No sale or anything.
I must say that it has been worth every penny. I love the dryer (514) and u can have the comfort of being in a "beauty salon" 24 hours a day. And since my schedule is ridiculous and can't make a reliable hair appointment, that thing is a Godsend.
You are right, this is a good deal. I have seen how much these dryers are going for.
For those who do not have to pay $136 you may want to get in on this deal, this dryer is not getting any cheaper, the manufacturer has increases their price. Think about it before you miss out again.
I see some of you all are having issues with this guy's shipping quotes, but IMO some of you are getting really good deals on this Pibbs :yep: Just because that other deal got it super cheap...*smh* The Pibbs is originally sold at a min of $300 to upwards of $350 or $400+!! I understand $136 for shipping is absolutely ridiculous and needs to be addressed, but some of y'all are just nitpicking. You either want a Pibbs or you don't :rolleyes: And I won't mention how much people spend on products or salon visits each month or in a year's time...:nono:

Sorry, I'm venting because it's been bothering me for a few days now...:ohwell:

Shoot. I paid $309 for mine (after tax and everything) :wallbash: but I wanted it, and that's how investments go sometimes...I don't regret my purchase.

That is all...:yawn:
You are absolutely right!!!!!
I see some of you all are having issues with this guy's shipping quotes, but IMO some of you are getting really good deals on this Pibbs :yep: Just because that other deal got it super cheap...*smh* The Pibbs is originally sold at a min of $300 to upwards of $350 or $400+!! I understand $136 for shipping is absolutely ridiculous and needs to be addressed, but some of y'all are just nitpicking. You either want a Pibbs or you don't :rolleyes: And I won't mention how much people spend on products or salon visits each month or in a year's time...:nono:

Sorry, I'm venting because it's been bothering me for a few days now...:ohwell:

Shoot. I paid $309 for mine (after tax and everything) :wallbash: but I wanted it, and that's how investments go sometimes...I don't regret my purchase.

That is all...:yawn:

I don't feel that I'm nitpicking because the deal he gave me is no more better than what I can get out there without rushing out to buy it before the 25th. And I don't go to salons nor do I spend a lot on products, so $300 is a lot for me. It IS an investment, that's why I'm currently trying to decide if it's worth it for me to just buy it at the regular price, which is no more worse than the deal we're getting right now. Plus, I have the flexibility of not having to rush out and buy it in 3 days.
I don't feel that I'm nitpicking because the deal he gave me is no more better than what I can get out there without rushing out to buy it before the 25th. And I don't go to salons nor do I spend a lot on products, so $300 is a lot for me. It IS an investment, that's why I'm currently trying to decide if it's worth it for me to just buy it at the regular price, which is no more worse than the deal we're getting right now. Plus, I have the flexibility of not having to rush out and buy it in 3 days.

Like I said, "Some". Not all. We all have choices. And this particular deal doesn't work for you. The thread that was started by Gymfreak preceeded this one, so some people knew that a deal was in the works with this guy and were prepared. But because it's not like the other deal they are IMO nitpicking. If that doesn't apply to you, then clearly my posted wasn't about you.

But I do agree with you in regards to having to make such a decision in a short amount of time. Which is why I bought mine dryer separately and on my own. I live in Atlanta, so that was better for me as I did not have to pay shipping or worry about it getting banged up on its way to my home.
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I spoke to Richard today, he is aware of the concern regarding shipping. The shipping prices he is quoting are the prices he is getting from UPS. He said that he has had a very good response to this deal from the ladies here and therefore he will be in touch with UPS to see if they can come up with a better, flat rate price for Canada and for the US. I will be intouch with Richard on Monday, he is out of town but his guys will let him know what UPS says on Monday
I see some of you all are having issues with this guy's shipping quotes, but IMO some of you are getting really good deals on this Pibbs :yep: Just because that other deal got it super cheap...*smh* The Pibbs is originally sold at a min of $300 to upwards of $350 or $400+!! I understand $136 for shipping is absolutely ridiculous and needs to be addressed, but some of y'all are just nitpicking. You either want a Pibbs or you don't :rolleyes: And I won't mention how much people spend on products or salon visits each month or in a year's time...:nono:

Sorry, I'm venting because it's been bothering me for a few days now...:ohwell:

Shoot. I paid $309 for mine (after tax and everything) :wallbash: but I wanted it, and that's how investments go sometimes...I don't regret my purchase.

That is all...:yawn:

Yeah. I'm gonna have to agree with you on this one. I got a Pibbs the last time they did the last deal, but I didn't get the deal price because I ordered it on my own. Even still, it is a good deal. Every time I had looked online the prices for the hair dryer alone were around $359.

Keeping in mind that the last time the deal was made on this forum, gas prices were much cheaper. Gas prices have a lot to do with the shipping. Just like you're paying high prices for for gas, everyone else is too. They are running a business and have to make a profit regardless of how much we all want(ed) one. I'm sure the actual owners of Pibbs have upped their prices as well. All of that needs to be taken into account.

Additionally, the hair dryer comes in two HUGE boxes. So I doubt very highly that he would be able to do $250 (which includes shipping).

If he could, though, I would order a second one just for the hell of it. :lachen:

But that $136 (via UPS) is over the top, though.
Yeah. I'm gonna have to agree with you on this one. I got a Pibbs the last time they did the last deal, but I didn't get the deal price because I ordered it on my own. Even still, it is a good deal. Every time I had looked online the prices for the hair dryer alone were around $359.

Keeping in mind that the last time the deal was made on this forum, gas prices were much cheaper. Gas prices have a lot to do with the shipping. Just like you're paying high prices for for gas, everyone else is too. They are running a business and have to make a profit regardless of how much we all want(ed) one. I'm sure the actual owners of Pibbs have upped their prices as well. All of that needs to be taken into account.

Additionally, the hair dryer comes in two HUGE boxes. So I doubt very highly that he would be able to do $250 (which includes shipping).

If he could, though, I would order a second one just for the hell of it. :lachen:

But that $136 (via UPS) is over the top, though.
I agree. Richard is trying his best to give a deal that works for all of us, but ultimately he has a business to run. Everything is getting more expensive and we have to keep up with what is going on in the world in terms of economy.I understand $136 is TOO much (I am in Canada, so I feel all the Canadian ladies about this one), but for others, I think he is giving us a very good deal and I know he is negotiating a better shipping price with UPS, this is out of his hands, shipping is done by UPS and if they say NO deal, that is what they say. I don't blame UPS either because they are running a business too and gas is expensive.
Lets face it ladies, this deal will not look exactly the same as the one before, because this time is not exactly like the time before. Things have changed and in actuality the Manufacturers of the PIbbs have increased their prices and the seller also has to pay more to ship from Italy, I was told this my all the sellers I contacted when I was working on the deal.
Thank you Mandy for all of your hard work on this deal. Please let us know what Richard says about the shipping. I am still interested in the Pibbs but I have not emailed him as of yet.
I GOT IT!!! :yay:

I happen to be in ATL for the week en route to HOU so I went to BuyRite and picked up my Pibbs!!! Richard is out of town so Doris assisted me. Everyone was very helpful and it was a pleasant transaction. I can't wait to get home and set up my new toy...um I mean dryer :look:

Thank you so much for arranging this deal Mandy! You are greatly appreciated!!! :dance7:

P.S. Maybe now we can pull their legs for a steamer deal :grin:
Is this the same company that we used for the first deal? If so, we def need to work on a steamer deal, we are bringing them a lot of business. :look:
No this is someone else. He has been talking deals about other stuff too, but I am not sure if he has steamers. We will see.
I GOT IT!!! :yay:

I happen to be in ATL for the week en route to HOU so I went to BuyRite and picked up my Pibbs!!! Richard is out of town so Doris assisted me. Everyone was very helpful and it was a pleasant transaction. I can't wait to get home and set up my new toy...um I mean dryer :look:

Thank you so much for arranging this deal Mandy! You are greatly appreciated!!! :dance7:

P.S. Maybe now we can pull their legs for a steamer deal :grin:
You are welcome girl, I am glad this worked out for you.:grin:
I GOT IT!!! :yay:

I happen to be in ATL for the week en route to HOU so I went to BuyRite and picked up my Pibbs!!! Richard is out of town so Doris assisted me. Everyone was very helpful and it was a pleasant transaction. I can't wait to get home and set up my new toy...um I mean dryer :look:

Thank you so much for arranging this deal Mandy! You are greatly appreciated!!! :dance7:

P.S. Maybe now we can pull their legs for a steamer deal :grin:

Hahahah! You seem so excited! If I'd known you were heading here to Houston, I might have asked you to pick mine up for me. :grin:
Yeah. I'm gonna have to agree with you on this one. I got a Pibbs the last time they did the last deal, but I didn't get the deal price because I ordered it on my own. Even still, it is a good deal. Every time I had looked online the prices for the hair dryer alone were around $359.

Keeping in mind that the last time the deal was made on this forum, gas prices were much cheaper. Gas prices have a lot to do with the shipping. Just like you're paying high prices for for gas, everyone else is too. They are running a business and have to make a profit regardless of how much we all want(ed) one. I'm sure the actual owners of Pibbs have upped their prices as well. All of that needs to be taken into account.

Additionally, the hair dryer comes in two HUGE boxes. So I doubt very highly that he would be able to do $250 (which includes shipping).

If he could, though, I would order a second one just for the hell of it. :lachen:

But that $136 (via UPS) is over the top, though.

Other than the time frame to make teh decision its still a pretty good deal. Its not as good as the last one but if you have the money you better get it now before it goes even higher.
Other than the time frame to make teh decision its still a pretty good deal. Its not as good as the last one but if you have the money you better get it now before it goes even higher.
I think he will have to extend the time frame, because he has not gotten back to me regarding final shipping prices.


$280 for the ladies in US
$300 for the ladies in Canada


prices will go up after that.


If you would like to purchase, please go to the seller's website:


On the main page, go to a link called "credit card Authorization" This is a PDF form that you will need to print out, fill out according to instructions and then fax over to the store. The form has the fax number on it. You can also mail it, the address is on the form.
Please make sure you mention Long hair care forum on the form and that the Authorization is for a PIBBS HAIR DRYER.
The instructions on the form ask you to fax a copy of your drivers license, but you can use any legal document that has your signature, because they need to match your signature on the authorization to another document. You can copy the document then white-out any information that you do not wish for them to see, but it has to show your signature.

DO NOT PLACE YOUR ORDER ONLINE, YOU WILL NOT GET THE DEAL. The dryer is on 20% off for us so make sure that is what you are getting.(INDICATE $280 FOR US OR $300 FOR CANADA)



Thanks to Gymfreak and Artemis for initially working on this and putting me in touch with the seller!!!!

Good job, Mandy! Especially on the Canada deal. You were able to get them to go down by almost $70. That's great.

Thank you SOOOOOOOO much.

Now for the ladies that already have a Pibbs, is there any type of *detailed* construction? Or can I just set up and plug up?
I'm going to purchase it! Mandy thanks again for your hard work. Just 1 question, what about the people who he quoted with a shipping of $40 or $45? That would be less than the flat rate of $280. Sorry....I don't mean to rack your brain. I'm just curious about the folks who live closer and therefore wouldn't need to pay that much for shipping.
I'm going to purchase it! Mandy thanks again for your hard work. Just 1 question, what about the people who he quoted with a shipping of $40 or $45? That would be less than the flat rate of $280. Sorry....I don't mean to rack your brain. I'm just curious about the folks who live closer and therefore wouldn't need to pay that much for shipping.
Sorry girl...I don't have the answer to that. If he quoted you that, then I would suggest that you email him and continue that conversation with him, I don't really know what the agreement was around that quote. All I know is that he is offering a flat rate now. He may be able to give you that price if that was what he had initially quoted.

this is a great deal. I wish I had the money for it. Everyone who is able to get one with this deal should be thankful.

Thank you SOOOOOOOO much.

Now for the ladies that already have a Pibbs, is there any type of *detailed* construction? Or can I just set up and plug up?

Hey there.
It comes in two boxes. It's very simple to put together. I had mine up in like 5-10 minutes. All you have to do is put the "X" shape piece on the bottom of the base (you'll need a wrench or something like that) and then put the head on the top of the base. You'll be good to go from that point.
