Pet Peeves about going to the Salon


There may have been a post a while back on this but I don't remember. Ok, my pet peeve is when they're not careful with your hair. Especially after blow-drying I end up having more breakage than I originally started with. I often feel tempted to remind them "IT'S ATTACHED!"
I hate having to sit there for 2 hours before I'm even acknowledged when of course, I was there at my appointment time.
I'm really anal and I like things done EXACTLY the way *I* do them - which is, of course, COMPLETELY unreasonable.

I don't like them to comb my hair at ALL when there is a reconstructor in my hair. That's why I do my protein conditioners at home (for the most part)....

PRODUCT OVERLOAD. I always have to practically WRESTLE the product out of their hands once my hair is dry and before they wrap it. NO! NO GREASE! NO OIL! NO SPRAY! NO SERUM!

It's like they have never seen a dime before - because "dime-sized" means NOTHING! I ahve only had ONE stylist who understood the amount of product my hair needed.
I've only been to a salon twice in the last five/six years. During my Oct. 2003 touch up, what I disliked was

1)They were impatient with the detangling process.
2)Overlapping occurred with the following explanation: "Because you have at least three inches of new growth I couldn't help but overlap. It's easier to not overlap if you come for touchups every six weeks." (How illogical is that?)
3) being scolded for airdrying my hair as part of my regular routine. He said "Do you think you have wash & wear hair? I hope you didn't think I was going to let you leave this salon today with wet hair!" (I hope he didn't think I would pay $110 for a touch up without complete service!)
4)After all of the above, he implied (never openly stated)that my hair was in good condition. But nevertheless, he seemed to continue searching for something wrong. Finally, during the rollerset, he noticed that the hair near the nape of the neck was shorter - about one inch shorter than the rest. (As a result of me trimming it that way.) He said "Ah-ha, you have some breakage here!!!" I informed him that it wasn't breakage. His response was "Oh."

I'd like to stay away from salons
but I cannot do my own touch ups.
Hairdressers that speak to others in the salon in a language that they think you don't understand to tell the others that you have "bad hair".
Rough blow drying
product overload( especially when they pour the product directly on the hair instead of putting onto the hands first!!)

You are so right about the fine toothed comb. It's like everyone wants to style your hair with it.
2 1/2 hours late to start.
Tried to let you sit there with a wet head just to get you started.
Then take a break to eat dinner but don't tell you so it looks like she disappeared for another half-hour.
They have at least 1 person booked every 1/2 hour. ( There is no way you can do 3 perms in a hours time.)
Is still the best hairdresser you've found because they listen and do exactly what you ask......when she finally starts.....
Shall I go on
"Anky, I'm going to put you under the dryer for a deep conditioning and I'm going to the bank to get some money. I think I will be back in about 30 min, so just sit there and let your hair fry, i mean Bask in the luxury of my hair dryer which is on extremely high. Tata!"

--my stylist
Definitely rough combing, late starts and giving you a tiny towel that gets soaking wet after your first trip to the shampoo bowl and you can't have another one b/c they are all dirty!!
anky said:
"Anky, I'm going to put you under the dryer for a deep conditioning and I'm going to the bank to get some money. I think I will be back in about 30 min, so just sit there and let your hair fry, i mean Bask in the luxury of my hair dryer which is on extremely high. Tata!"

--my stylist

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate when you are at the shop for an hour waiting on your stylist, so you decide to call her at home (cause you know she is still there), which turns out to be her wake-up call because she is still in bed. And you have to ask her to please get up out the bed and come over to the shop to do your hair. But when you are 15 minutes late for your appointment because the bus broke down, and she charges you a $10.00 late fee.
I don't give a tip if they are late getting started, leave, take a dinner/lunch/brunch break because they are on my time. Last time I checked, it is my money and I can take it somewhere else.
I hate when stylist go to eat and leave me at the washbowl.
I hate when they take forever to get started on me even if I am on time.
I hate seeing lots of little kids running around the salon and taking up the chairs...steups
Chanteuse said:
Definitely rough combing, late starts and giving you a tiny towel that gets soaking wet after your first trip to the shampoo bowl and you can't have another one b/c they are all dirty!!

[/ QUOTE ]

ITA i haven't been to a shop to get my hair done since like 2001 but all the things you mentioned irritate the shyt outta me. The TINY hand towel kills me. i have water running down my face into my ears and of course the towel is completely soaked and the stylist is just continuing to spray even more crap on my hair. i hate that. how damn cheap. i wanna walk in with a bag of bathtowels from walmart for 2.88 each and toss it on the counter. But then they would just get all "why you bringing me stuff??? i can afford my own supplies" well damn it --spend the money on something in the shop. Better products, towels, driers that don't fry the brain, extermination for the bugs--SOMETHING pls --ahh that vent felt good
1) i hate when she is tells me only white people wash their hair everyday.
2) if you don't get a touch-up every 6 wks your hair will break( $60.00 touch-ups)
3) you should get a trim with ever touch-up so your break doesn't split up the shaft.
4) you need grease so your hair and scalp isn't dry
5) base your scalp...for what?
Tracy said:
I'm really anal and I like things done EXACTLY the way *I* do them - which is, of course, COMPLETELY unreasonable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Join the club.
Unfortunately this spills over into my social life as well. I'm praying about it.

The last time my cousins visited a threw their Dollar Store combs in the trash and replaced them with new ones. They were all like, "What the hell...?" Those combs kept me awake at night.
-cutting way too much off!!!!!
-rough blowdrying
-not leaving the conditioner on long enough. right after they shampoo, they squeeze the water out put the conditioner on and rinse right off
-using spritz
-dismissing my suggestions
Daughter said:
Those who try to come at my hair with a fine-toothed comb. NO.

Those who try to blow dry it to death.

[/ QUOTE ]

I especially love when they tell you how thick your hair is as they proceed to rake the fine-toothed rattail comb through it. Can we say "alterior motive?"
My hair IS thick and i would like to KEEP it that way! lol
when she's trying, (no not trying...GETTING) to get her hair done while i'm sitting in the chair waiting for her to finish my hair. which is why i moved on to another