Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-)

Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Since the other thread closed, I'll have to post my Challenge 1 results here!

First pic was March 22, a few days before the challenge started:

And here's today, after my first flatironing in 3 MONTHS! :shocked: Craziness, coming from someone who would flatiron once or twice a DAY! Oh, the wispy ends were dusted a little, so it looks a lot better than before.

This is MAJOR progress for me because this is the first time I've ever retained my growth! My hair grows really slowly, so I was beyond surprised! I've been using S-curl and sealing with coconut oil almost every night. I might have been overdoing it because I saw a lot of shedding, so I might try cutting back to 3 times a week and see how that goes. I've been PSing every day with buns and hair claws.

Thanks so much for starting the challenge, I can't thank you all enough!!

Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

I am joining in the challenge please add me to the list!!!
Purchased Wave N. did not care for it at all!!! Decided to try out CFCG and now I am in LOVE... Can't wait to see some results!! Yay
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Traded in HS 14-in-1 for Donna Marie Moisture Mist. HS wasn't really doing it for me and I love liquid juice better than lotion.
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

*Looks around and makes sure the coast is clear... :look: ..clears throat*

I've come to check in!

I'm actually "Juicinnnn' Reallll Guuud!!" (as rapped to "Push It!").

I've been wearing wash n' go's, so i've been homemade juicin' and using longaid activator gel.. Do i get a Gold Star, Chelz?
Purrty Puleez? :spinning:

I'm twistin at night and shedding is laughable. I am elated. I actually have been encouraged to start Megatek again. :grin:


Lol, yesssssssssss, you get a gold star,:grinwink:
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Ok so I have been noticing more SSK than is normal for me. Anyone else notice this? Nothing has changed in my regimen besides adding the juice. Besides the extra knotage I love the juice. Any suggestions?

How are you wearing your hair after juicing??
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

i've gotta get some more juice today :(
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

soooo, me think me wants to make another change to my juice and reggie :D

I KNOW I KNOW! last time i made a change it was a disaster but i thought this one through a bit more. so i'mma go for it lol
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

I used brbc as my juice today.
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Juice Juice Baby!!! :grin:
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Still juicing my hair every morning:yep:.
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Last weekend I decided I needed to clarify. I'm not sure why I felt that way because poo and clarifying have never been my friends. Atlas I've been avoiding cones the last year or so and since I started the juice I was worried about build up.

My hair wasn't really complaining. I think it was more of a preventative measure. sooooo, I made a mix of baking soda and honey ( a recipe I found on line) and followed with a vinegar rinse.

My hair is a mess now. I have DC'd twice and continued to juice every day this week. My shrinkage feels like it's doubled and when i do the twists that I've been doing they just don't feel like they have the same slip. It's fuzzyier near the roots as well as the ends

---- :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I think I'm going to try a henna this weekend and see if that helps. i don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?

On another note i did find HS today so I'm looking forward to adding that to the juice rotation.
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Hello fellow juicers! I haven't fallen off the planet! I did slip off da juice for a little while though! :look:

But now I have seen the error of my ways! I was noticing that my hair wasn't as soft as it used to be and so I started back juicing, just today in fact! My hair is feeling MUCH better!

lwilliams1922, I am sorry to hear about your situation and unfortunately, I don't know how you can get your hair back on track, though I wonder if it's a porosity issue? :scratchch

Please keep us updated and let us know how the henna treatment goes! :yep:
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Juicing with Smooth n Shine curl activator gel
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

My hair has this gorgeous shine to it and it is so soft from the roots to ends. It feels so moisturised. There is no going back now, juice for life. Moisture = Retention, very simple. Cannot wait for my WbD in the post.
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Still juicing daily. Adding back S-curl into the rotation.
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Juicing the braids with AVJ, Glycerin, & Water.
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

soooo, me think me wants to make another change to my juice and reggie :D

I KNOW I KNOW! last time i made a change it was a disaster but i thought this one through a bit more. so i'mma go for it lol

:naughty: And what are we changing this time? :eyebrows2
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Hey Chelz :) How's it hangin ?
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

can i join? i've been doing this (unknowingly) and i use carefree curl gold! :)
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

I'm cool, you know stayin' juicay :lol:
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Hello fellow juicers! I haven't fallen off the planet! I did slip off da juice for a little while though! :look:

But now I have seen the error of my ways! I was noticing that my hair wasn't as soft as it used to be and so I started back juicing, just today in fact! My hair is feeling MUCH better!

lwilliams1922, I am sorry to hear about your situation and unfortunately, I don't know how you can get your hair back on track, though I wonder if it's a porosity issue? :scratchch

Please keep us updated and let us know how the henna treatment goes! :yep:

Girllllllll what I tell you about slippin off tha juice??!!!! :bat:

Oh yeah, hey Sianna banna how have you been? :giggle: