Paging everyone who's doing the 365-day challenge.

Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

I'm starting this challenge today if it is not too late. So, I will mark November 16, 2003 as my official start date for the 365-day challenge. I am starting of at least 9 inches of hair. I am currently in braids. I will check up in a month or so to record my progress. My goal is to have hair that is at least bra-strap length.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

I'm still hanging in there. I can't say my hair has been happy with me lately b/c I'm using up all of my products and many of them have helped me rediscover why they're not my staples. In fact, I'm thinking of tossing them into the waste basket just to save my hair and get back on track with my faves.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

It's never too late it's all up to you when you start and keeping up but once you sign up we will be paging for updates.
I agree, I think you might just want to get rid of them so you don't ruin the good work you've been doing.
Happy hair growing
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

I started this challenge April 17, 2003. So I have 7 months down, 5 months to go. I have retained about 4 inches of hair since that time. My hair had a big boost in the beginning of the year where I was getting 3/4 of an inch a month before I started the challenge, but now I am getting .57 inches a month. So it seems like I get a hair boost in the winter, but my growth slows down in April.

So by January I will have grown 7.25 inches of hair. Not bad.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

I've seen your pic's, you're really doing something right your hair is growing like weeds-in a good way though. Keep it up.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Ok ladies I've finished my first 365-day challenge, and going for the second one. My hair has been pretty healthy even though I had some set-backs early this year.
I took down the braids and straightened and the longest part of my hair in the back is just touching my lower bra strap (my hair is U-shaped), the good news is it's very, very thick (no see through ends) and I only have minimal split ends to trim off and I can keep most of my length.
New Products
I used a new shampoo/cond- Jasons jojoba, no SLS, and it's cheaper than Aubrey Organics and just as effective as the SLS shampoos for that squeaky clean.
I followed up with cholesterol and keratin for deep cond 10 mins. Then I used black henna with a little bit of neutral hennalucent, it made a less messy paste and worked fine. I think the henna has helped with thickness and less split ends.
New Challenge
Goals are still to reach waist length sometime in 2004 and then go on to tailbone length.
Keep my hair healthy with treatments, trimms, oil, henna and to retain as much length as possible.
Starting 365-day challenge 2 wish me luck.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

My challenge is up this month... it may have even passed already. I was relaxed when I signed up... I'm 8mths transitioning now, so my challenge objectives have changed.

I'll update & sign on for another yr soon
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Hey where is everybody? Where are the challengers, come on post, I hope we're still on the wagon, even if you fell off get right back on we are all here to encourage.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Can someone tell me what this challenge consists of? I wanna start next week.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

It's just you pick any day you want to start and set one or a couple of goals for yourself. Then you post updates every 2 months or so, you can join and start at any time no pressure.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Okay, I'm ready.

1. Grow and KEEP at least 6 inches of hair by this time next year, December 19, 2003.

Okay, I'm done.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

How bout I was thinking the exact same things as Karonica.
I'm in.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

I'm doing this challenge, I have 8 more months to go (I got serious about growing my hair in August 2003). I really just wanted to get over my hump and get hair longer than I usually have by the end of the challenge.

But I am also in the 12/12 challenge which is another 365 day challenge and that one is more aggressive. I'll definitely beat my hump and have hair longer than ever before if I get 12 inches in 12 months!!

Let me just state for the record (so when I check back months and months from now), that as of today, December 18th, I'm averaging 10 inches of natural hair on my head and currently 22 inches from hairline to ends while 3 inches away from bra-strap.

Until next check-in!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

CrownnGlori said:
How bout I was thinking the exact same things as Karonica.
I'm in.

[/ QUOTE ]

We're starting the same time.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

I'm in! I will start today. My goal is to reach bra strap length which is 6 inches away. Goals are:

1)Stretch relaxer out to 12 weeks (normally 6-8 weeks).
2)Wear protective styles 95% of the time.
3)No direct heat, only use hooded dryer for rollersets and wraps. Air dry most of the time.
4)Take my vitamins! (MSM, Biotin, Multi, etc.)

Wish me luck, because most of this stuff is new to me
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Glad to see more ladies joining, keep up the the hair growing. I'll check in soon.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Things are still plodding along. I'm trying to decide whether to transition or get another touchup next year...either way I'll keep moisturizing, conditioning, and protecting my hair.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

sounds like a good plan to me.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Thanks for the support, Lucia!
I hope, some day, to have hair that's around your length!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

I am going to try the 365 challenge this year!! My goal is to achieve brastrap in the back and at least chin length in the front layers of my hair. I am also going to do my own bun-challenge and wear braids as well. I plan to not relaxer anytime before March.

Wish me luck Ladies!!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Welcome aboard and good luck!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

I'm kicking things off well. My hair is hiding underneath a fake pony, and I am loving this look on me.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challe

Okay - I'm game.

I like Peachtree's and Tracy's format

Current ---> half napptural (I used to color my hair) and half natural. When I stretch my hair it stretches to my collarbone in the front and between my shoulderblades in the back (almost to my armpits), healthy
Challenge goal --------> brastrap (12/31/2004)
Main goal----------------> waist length (12/31/2005)
Ultimate goal ----------> same as above.
California Baby or homemade shampoo
Elucence Moisturizing Benefits Shampoo
Elucence Clarifying shampoo (when I am too lazy to make my shampoo)
V05 Strawberries and Cream Conditioner and/or Paul Mitchell The Detangler
Back to Basics line of conditioners (depending on my hair needs it could be the Ginger one for protein treatment or the Raspberry and Almond for deep moisturizing or Honey for moisturizing, or Green Tea for conditioner wash)
Vitale Super Reconstructor intense deep conditioner (another intense protein treatment)
homemade apple cider vinegar rinse
Various natural oils (olive oil, coconut oil, etc.)
Hairobics hair oil and detangler (love the smell)
Kemi Oyl Shea Butter Pomade

Bun challenge - I plan to wash my hair 1X per week using one of the shampoos mentioned above. When my hair feels dry or weird I will only use my homemade shampoo which is very gentle but cleansing. I will follow up with a mixture of the various conditioners mentioned above. I will mostly use the Paul Mitchell mixed with the V05 conditioner. I found a neat thing at the Container store that allows me to keep my condioners (ALL OF THEM
) in the shower , as well as my olive oil. It's a squeeze bottle that hangs on a suction cup hook in the shower. I can also take these squeeze bottles with me when I travel (which has been a lot lately). Anywho - once I condition my hair, while it is soaking wet (in the shower) I pour olive oil in my hair and then squeeze excess water (and oil) out. I then mix a tablespoon of my herbal apple cider vinegar rinse with a cup of cold water (this I will only do twice a month). Sometimes I will put additional oil in my hair (Hairobics) and then pull my hair into one to two ponytails (using scrunchies). I will then put the KOSBP on my ends (V-challenge) and either braid my hair or tuck it into a bun.

I will "try" to faithfully conditioner wash my hair every other day. When I just conditioner wash I will still use an oil in the shower and the sqeeze my hair to eliminate excess water/oil. I'll put my hair back into 1 or 2 ponytails and put KOSBP on my ends and either braid it up and bun it up

I might try the Surge (jury is still out on that one). I may wear a phonytail.

One a Day multivitamin(or something similar) OR Elements for the Hair (I think that is what it is called).
Flax seed oil (maybe)
Evening Primrose oil (maybe)
Calcium supplement

*Follow routine mentioned above weekly
* Wear hair curly 99.5% of the time (I may try a rollerset December 2004)
* Deep condition once a month with products mentioned above

Taking a hair vitamin

- consistently stay on routine mentioned above
- gently detangle my hair (I get impatient and start raking - yikes)
- take my vits
- actually bother to deep condition ( I fell off the wagon)
- Wear satin scarf and bonnet at night - consistently (and try not to sleep so hard that both come off!!!!!)

I'll try to update quarterly