365-day challenge

I wanna enter the challenge, too!

I'll list my start date as having been September 1, 2002. This is when I started getting serious about taking care of my hair by using quality products and washing & deep conditioning more frequently.

My email address: [email protected]
This is actually good timing for me since I took out my braids at the end of Dec. 2001. I'll start the first of the year, like Tracy.

In Jan, I plan to start a vitamin routine with B-5, L-Cysteine, Country Life Maxi Hair or Vitol Great Hair, and Total EFA.

Valerie, I really like your routine. It's very organized. I have been trying a lot of of things and currently, my routine is no routine. The only thing I do with consistency is my herbal ACV rinse after conditioning.

Do you think the pantothentic acid in your rinse helps to thicken your strands?

Please provide your e-mail addresses & take note of the other e-mails already listed. This is our "back up" plan just in case there's system issues with this board.
Thanks ladies,
December 1, 2002-December 31-2003: Mahalialee's Winter and Summer Regime: Hair Type 3b fine curly -75 % shrinkage -NATURAL ---current length-(back)top of bra strap, (front), past armpit length, bangs-necklength; Color-dark mink with copper and gold streaks.
Specifics: No chemical treatments: Air drying-Occasional use of Dome Hair dryer: Alternative hair cleaning: Use of natural organic hair care products: Combination & Rotational Methods of Hair Care:
Target Goal: accumulate and retain 8" of NEW GROWTH by Dec-31-2003
6 Major Objectives: . increase tensile strength and elasticity
. maximize delivery of moisture to hair shaft
. maintain healthy follicles and scalp
. priortize /reduce nutritional supplements
. minimize handling of hair during the week
. preserve the health/ pliability ends and hair shaft

METHODS: .Using a personalized variety of NATURAL products: (oils, sprays; clays, organic fruit & vegetable powders and purees, that have been incorporated into copyrighted recipes) on a rotational basis in harmony with 6 major objectives
.Alternating Crown and Glory Method (Robin Woods) with personalized styles of ...Wrapping & Rolling -cornrows & ponybuns
Some Favorite Product Keepers: Extra Virgin Olive Oil First Cold pressing Komeini; mustard oil; Pure Shea Butter: Pure Apple Cider Vinegar (with mother); Aloe Vera Juice; Juice of Wild Rosemary; Black Strap Molasses; Pure Coconut Oil; *Infusium 23; Cholesterol; Liquid Lecithin (Large jar); Essential Oils; *Nature's Gate Shampoos & Condidtioners;Dr. Bronner's Castile; Eqyss Megatek (coats) & shampoo Straight Arrow Moisturizer-for humans;
Priortized Supplements: Organika MSM powder; Nature's Way Vitamin C. Crystals; Biotin 1000 mg.; Hair Force Hair Supplements;GNC Twin Labs Protein Capsules: GNC Ultra Mega Gold for Women; Praire Naturals Ultra Silica; Fo Ti. I do not take these supplements everyday. I take breaks when I feel "Loaded" (with Vitamins). 2 weeks on; 3 days off basis.
HAIR TOOLS: wooden comb, bone combs, restricted use of brush; professional hard bonnet portable hairdryer: microwaveable heating cap; long silver clips, large bobby pins for wrapping; large plastic pins and wooden hair forks for styling: cut off panthose and silk sleeve cut offs for tying up hair at night.
SPECIFIC CHALLENGES: *avoiding over manipulation of scalp, hair strands and ends; *blending in gray naturally with henna ; *avoiding product buildup; gain more thickness; strengthening and thickening of hair shaft; keeping scalp health and toned

Hair Care Specials: detoxify and shampoo every 2 weeks; dryclean (oils)1x week; intensive deep condition every 2 weeks alternating protein & acid treatment and moisture & oil treatment in a henna base
Shampoo: Nature's Gate; Eqyss;- Winter: Summer> Shikakai, amla, henna, tulsi, neem, powders;
Conditioners: Nature's Gate, Henna, Fullers's Earth, yogurt, mayo, Rosewater, blackstrap molasses, a varietyof hair packs; eggs, coconut milk, eggs & honey, beer; brewer's yeast, fruits &veggies ,cholesterol, apple cider vinegar and honey shampoo; seaweed shampoo
Moisturizers: water; glycerine, rosewater, juice of rosemary;Clear Rinse every two days to control build up.
Special Products: Megatek, (Eqyss); Straight Arrow Moisture conditioner; Mahalialee's copyrighted recipes: ongoing researching new ideas and methods of improving hair quality and growth.
Essential Oils: Ylang Ylang, Spike Lavender, Tea Tree Oil, Lemongrass, peppermint, rosemary, (would like to try new oils)
Oils: EVO, sesame oil, mustard oil, wheatgerm, flax seed, castor oil, emu oil, jojoba, coconut, Vitamin E.
DIET: increase healthy salads; seeds, juices and fruits; reduce junk food intake; drink lots of water,
Reduce stress levels!
Regular Routine: *Cathy Howse Method when hair is not braided: Clear rinse every 2 days. Do a scalp treatment nightly with emu oil, castor oil and Megatek mixture to which I add essential oils. Section and comb hair only after a shampoo or deep treatment// Crown and Glory Method when braided. (temporarily suspended due to neck and shoulder problems); protective styling always. <font color="blue"> </font color> /images/graemlins/laugh.gif Mahalialee4@ Yahoo.com
Oh sorry honeys it's [email protected]

And I have to make an adjustment before I shoot myself in the foot before I begin.

My routine needs to be more flexible than what I posted so I'll change it just a tad.

Wash 2x weekly - once at home once at salon.
Shampoo: lately I've needed to altenate at different intervals between a clarfiying shampoo, a strengthening shampoo and a dandruff shampoo. I will use a shampoo that fits into these categories when my hair needs it every time I wash.

Conditioners: Mositurizing mostly (Nacidit Olive Oil Conditionerfor now), creamy protein (Mendex and Dudleys Rebuilder for now) every two weeks (at home) to be followed by a moisturizing one. Every wash and condition to be finished with Pantene.

I also didn't see heat or protective styling mentioned in my post so I'll add it. Protective stlye commitment for 5 days a week. I'm allowed to wear it down only the very frist day after washing.

I decided to wear my hair dark again so I'll be making that happen soon. Whatever maintenance that requires will be included as well. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm just bumping this up so we can just post on this one and the other 365-day challenge instead of starting new links all the time, If we can keep this up I mean, no pressure.
I will officially state that my challenge date started on 1/25/03 when I received my first lye relaxer. I will start charting my hair progress from that date.
I wanna join! Right now I am about an inch above horz. bra strap level and my goal is waist length by this time next year. I'll just say I began 4/01/03.
I like to keep my regime short and simple so:
Creme of Nature (green bottle)

Motions Moisture Plus
Motions Oil Moisturizer (protein)

Leave In:
Pantene Detangler

Vitamin E oil

Gentle Treatment No-Lye every 8-10 weeks

I just got got a touchup a week ago and now I wash, deep condition, rollerset, go to bed and when i wake up, I wrap my hair for about an hour and take it down before class.
I joined the site around 10mar, I'll say I started 15mar. My current hair length is 9 inches in the back (1 inch above bra strap) my goal is to be almost waisst length (which is about 13 inches). I measure from the nape (neckline), not the scalp.
Ok, it's been 2 months and it's time for updates.
I think I did it again-I got 1.25" each month for 2 months again. This is not official measuring, this is natural. When I get it straightend which with the way it's growing may be never, then I'll post another update.
make sure you put hair growth in decimals not fractions-0.50 no symbols, or signs, and make sure you didn't overestimate hair loss, and use their number for # of hairs on head.
I posted my update on the other 365 challenge... but basically, all is going swell. I believe I've met my 1" for May (I haven't measure), there's no breakage, only a couple product changes, I'm air drying til Sept 1, &amp; i've changed my vits regime from daily to every other day.... hair life is good
I got an inch since March (got a heafty trim then). My hair is doing really well, color and all. New pics in gallery as of June 8th.

Re-upped on vits for the summer challenge so will be taking:

Country Life Biotin (for speedy growth rate)
Barleans EFAs (Flax and Borage)
Twinlab Pantothenic Acid (For thickness)
Twinlab Hair Factors (For Aminos, C, and More Biotin)
Vitol Great Hair (For Aminos and Biotin)
Ultra Hair Thick Shake (Blended with Vanilla Silk for a full liquid dose of everything)
Finishing up Vitamin Shoppe Silica and then restocking Kal (For shine)

Hopefully the re-introduction of vits will up my growth rate which is what I'm working on now.
I have been faithfully taking my vitamins every day. i am not trying to over due it because before when i used to take more than a dozen pills a day i couldnt keep up with it. i mean if this is something i am to do for a long time i cant see myself trying to swallow 15 horse pills a day. just cant do it. so i have pp biotin take 5 a day will up to 8 soon. take twinlab b5 and take my flintstones chewable and ultra hair thick shake. the b5 and ultra hair i got the idea from tracy
, the flintstones chewable i reintroduced because of peachtree
and the pp pride were because of the constant reviews on this board. thats it for me. i get my hair roller set once a week and this week i will try a condition wash and see how it goes. other than that thats it. i dont want a complicated regime because i have a busy schedule and my hair usually isnt a top priority. God bless you all.
Oh crap(
) That hair growth potential website said my hair growth potential was 18.1 inches. Wow! If that is true then my goal of 10-12 inches is totally attainable.
Boy that website certainly depressed me...

and makes no sense to boot!

At 100,000 hairs grown per day (or whatever number they used)

growing .5 a month

losing 5 hairs a day

entered correctly according to the directions clarified for us above...

My growth potential is .4 inches???????????? Well then clearly I'm a hair growing enigma of some kind....

to them!
Wow - just by taking out a comma - I can now grow 32 feet of hair appraanrently...


Hi Tracy, I know I'm late but are you taking a multi with your regimen? I'm thinking about modifying my regimen to take the Vitol in place of my multi vitamin.
Cleo - no sweets - with everything I'm taking I get everything I'd get in a multi and then some...
Thanks, I think I will use the Vitol to substitute the multi in that case. The only thing that I won't get between what I'm taking and the Great Hair is zinc and Vitamin D, but I can alter my diet to incorporate the two. Hopefully I'll have just as much success as you are having.
Just a quick lil update on my challenge...

My last relaxer was April 19th; I have about 3" of new growth; I'm transitioning out of this relaxer via trims; my goal is still waist length hair, once there, I'll begin my trims