Paging everyone who's doing the 365-day challenge.

Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

There is actually another post that began this, but you can post on this one or however you want. Just let us know where you're at now with regime, care, vit's and then your goals, and update when you can. Welcome aboard.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

ok,here goes. I got my touch up 4/15 after 13wks and I'm happy with my growth. I've gained about 2 inches after having my ends dusted. there was some scary momments because even though I didnt request it my stylist lightly relaxed my hair and I'm so used to having bone straight relaxers I was a little freaked that my newly relaxed new growth still had "life" to it and still had a little wave pattern. I went back to her wondering if she had meant to do a bone straight and failed and she explained that not relaxing the hair bone straight was healthier and such so I'm ok with that. I was just a little surprised that a stylist did it without being forced to. Anyway, I've been trying to do this hair care thing since Nov 02 and I've made a lot of progress in my opionon! I went from washing once or twice a month to once or twice a week, blowdrying on high and curling near daily to never! no oils or moisturizers to daily moisturizing treatments, shedding and breakage to normal shedding and no breakage and barely end of neck length to past my shoulders! I'm still fine tuning and discovering but I'm really excited and looking to the future! I am taking supplements, mostly pp or vit world and the core vites consist of 3000mg msm, 6000 biotin, 2000 b-5, efa's and a variety of others that I dont have enough space to list (ask Adrienne!) I've really noticed mega growth since adding the pp biotin so thats a keeper! It's hard for me to measure my hair cause its past my shoulders but not bra strap and it's different lengths. the sides are at my collar bone and the back is maybe 2 or more inches longer. my goals for this year were to reach bra strap by Dec but I'm thinking I might fall just short unless I get some massive growth. I would like to be bra strap definately by april of next year and as for my ultimae goal, mid back would be nice to see!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

seeing your pics, i think you'll be there way before april of next year, godzookii!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

great regime godzooki and good luck on yo hair goals
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

thanks Adrienne and Ngaa. I'm hopeing for the best. Adrienne I would love to reach those goals sooner than later! I wore my hair down pretty much for the last time (or at least a long time) on Easter and as I type its bunned with my moisturizers and s-curl. It was kinda nice cause my hubby couldnt keep his hands out of it and while I would be talking to people he would be standing next to me pulling my hair back and laying it correctly or something! I'm still tripping over not having a bone-straight relaxer though! gotta get used to it. You guys are fab!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.


Well, today (yesterday rather) marked my 5th mth of my challenge & my 1st official update post.

Current ------------------> relaxed, top of bs, healthy
Challenge goal --------> 3" past bottom of bs (12-14-03)
Main goal----------------> waist length (12 / 04)

Ultimate goal ----------> tailbone length (06 / 05)


Optimum No Lye Relaxer (regular)
Crème of Nature poo for dry & brittle *
Motions Lavish poo & Moisture Plus conditioner
Motions CPR poo & conditioner
Motions Leave-In Conditioner
African Royale Hot 6 Oil
Alberto VO5 Moisturizing Hot Oil *
Suave Clarifying poo *
S-Curl Moisturizer *
Miss Cool 5 Min Setting Lotion

- Those with * were added since joining the challenge.
- I've replaced Extra Virgin Olive Oil w/VO5 for pre-treatments. VO5 actually penetrates & I can definitely see the results.

- My last conditioner wash was about 2 mths ago. The wonderful results I once recvd with Suave Coconut diminished over time. So now I'm looking forward to using Clairol's HE balm after reading Jade's review.

- I'm extremely satisfied with my Hot 6 oil therefore there's no need to try WGO (per my original challenge post).


- Herbal Essences Conditioning Balm
- Infusium 23 Leave in (purchased but haven't used)
- Distilled water (for daily spritzing & maybe rinsing)

One thing I've started doing is "measuring the hair". My starting point is the back bottom of my neck, where the neck meets the shoulder. It's much easier for me to measure this way, because I'm simply measuring only the hair hanging down my back. As of my last touch up (04-19-03), I measured at 11".


- Flintstones Complete chewables (daily)

- Country Life Biotin 5mg (daily)
- GNC Ultra Nourishair (hate pill size; take when ever!)
- B-Complex (hate pill size; take when ever!)

This is the major update to my regime since joining the challenge on 12-14-02. I began the vits on 04-26-03 (I believe). I have a problem swallowing pills
, the reason for my inconsistency, but I'm still seeing wonderful results.
I have noticeable growth, but will not measure until next touch up.


* Hot oil treatement 30min (1 hr if time permits) w/warm VO5
* Wash w/CON, Motions (Moisture Plus or CPR) weekly
* Deep Condition 30min w/Motions (Moisture Plus or CPR)
* Air dry in braids/twists/ponytail/flexi's w/Motions leave in conditioner, Hot six oil
* Spritz with water &/or S-Curl &/or Hot 6 oil for daily moisture
* Clarify every 3-4 wks w/Suave, followed by CON or Motions poo


- Addition of vits & ...
- Since my last touch up, I have been "air drying" in braids, cornrows, single 2-strand twists, 2-strand flat twists, ponytails, & will try flexirods. I wear the hair down for the 1st 2 or so days, then pull it back into a loose bun there after until it's time to wash. I'm planning to "air dry" until Sept 1, when my summer grow out challenge ends. Then I'll probably alternate air drying with ugh
roller setting


- deep condition w/hooded dryer. Now that I've grown to love the "freedom" (to move about) of air drying over the "restricting" roller setting, it's very difficult for me to sit under that dangone hot dryer, even for 30 mins.


I'm achieving wonderful results with my current regime & products. I have visible growth, have retained length and there's absolutely no

Hope everyone else is having much success with the challenge

God bless u all,
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Hi Ladies and congratulations on those of us have reached their initial hair goals. My hair when stretched reaches just past my shoulders. It has different lengths, the sides, stretched are passed my chin and my back is passed my nape and touches my back.

My regime is to rinse daily, also I wash my hair once a week and I deep condition it, either with henna wax treatment. That is done on a Sunday. At the moment I have sent off for some long and strong lotion available from under grooming. My next trim is due on Monday 2 June. But I shall get you posted on my progress. I hope to be bra strap length, by August God willing.(That will be the stretched length). February 2003, is my first year being natural. Good Luck to all with their challenges.
. I also will look at DeLaSeoul, Honey Rockette, Denises and Adrienne pictures for inspiration. Thanks for everyone's support.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

I liked your format Peachtree, so I'm stealing

Current ---> relaxed, colored, highlighted, and rinsed - top of shoulderblades, healthy
Challenge goal --------> brastrap (1/1/2004)
Main goal----------------> waist length (1/1/2005)
Ultimate goal ----------> same as above.


Motions Oil Relaxer (Mild)
Lanza Protien Plus Shampoo
Oliva Shampoo (a wionderful little gem I picked up from the health food store)
Lanza Deep Cleansing Shampoo
Jherri Rhedding ResQ Leave-In
Motions Nourish Leave In
Conditioner and Water (right now I'm using a mix of NACIDIT and ELucence)
Jherri Rhedding Protein Pac
Infusium 23 Power Pac Conditioner
NACIDIT Olive Oil Conditioner - mixed with 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil.
Pantene DMR
Pantene DMR Deep conditioner (it has real name but I can't remember it right now.)
John Frieda Perfect Curls
L'Oreal Taming Cream
Keracare Silken Seal


- As soon as I move and get my life together, I'll institute more preshampoos. Right now I just don't have the time.
- Distilled water (for daily spritzing & maybe rinsing)

I'm not measuring, but I will take pics with every relaxer or every other relaxer. I got a trim recently and too much was taken off so I'm still at the length I was in about March, but with all of the daily washing/rinsing/conmditioning and the complete lack of heat I've been able to make happen with the waether warming up and in light of my recent color and the bootcamp that was instituted then , I really feel that my ends will be in good shape when I relax again in the beginning to the middle of June. I don't think I'll need to trim and I think I'll retain about an inch of growth by then which will be nice. One inch at a time


- Vitol Great Hair
- KAL Silica (1800mgs.)
- Nature's Plus Ultra Hair Thick Shake
- NOW Biotin 5mg
- Pantothenic Acid (Twinlab 1000mgs)
- Flax/Borage Mix (I forget the brand but it's working well so far. I think it's making my ahir curlier and softer)
- I am going to add MSM gradually - in a third of the dosage most people take and see what happens. I'm hoping that by building up to 2 and 3000mgs that I'll avoid the headaches and the awful cystic acne I got when I first tried it.


* Wash w/Lanza PP or my other shampoos depending on how my hair is feeling and what it seems to be asking for.
* Deep Condition 30min w/any of the above conditioners 3x a week. Leave in only through the shower in the morning. Protein only once a week followed by Pantene or Elucence. All other conditioning treatements are for moisture.
* Wear hair curly 90% of the time.


- Wearing hair curly - which means no heat and minimal manipulation.
- Washing daily for the most part.


- do my preshampoos
- dilute my shampoos as I know I should for daily washing
- take my vits
- keep doing what I'm doing
- stop buying products and changin what's working. Everything I use above is working and there are a few new things in there that work - but I have a ton of products that work just as well if not better in my closet and now that I've actually had to pack them I am appalled, ashamed and understand why I'm broke.


My hair is softer and healthoer than ever - and it's colored and relaxed AND higlighted and rinsed -- and I'm very proud of that because, to me, it proves that black women who relax CAN have WHATEVER look they want just like other women (cuz don't we sometimes just feel a little more constrained than pther races of women - like we have all these limitations? Maybe that's just me.
hwell: ) and I kind of feel like I'm a testament to that. And I'm also just generally happy that my hair has gotten so long. Among my friends and relatives I'm the "hair guru" and that feels nice. Both because I'm accomplishing something (however minor) that's really important to me and also because I'm making a difference in the "self image thought process", if you will, of women who see me every day and ask: "who does your hair? it's so healthy - how come? How can you color and relax with no breakage? will you help me with mine?" And it feels good - because I may not have all of the answers - but I have some and I'm happy to share them. I haven't always felt good about myself and I know that I sometimes wanted to take someone's hand and have them show me a way to make "me" better so I didn't feel so bad. And even though I never did have that - it feels good to be able to provide that for someone else. I know that's kinda OT but it's one of the things that I've felt rewarded by on my journey - so I thought it was at least a little relevant here.

And besides - I know my waist length grandmother is looking down from heaven and is proud.

It's too long to spell check completely - so forgive me. Not that I can usually spell or type properly anyways!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Current ------------------>4 inches
Challenge goal --------> 5inch by end of july
Main goal----------------> 7 inch by december
Ultimate goal ----------> bra strap length

satin bonnet
creme of nature shampoo
s curl activator (non drip )
d & l cholesterol
fantasia protein treatment

some puritan pride biotin

1000mg of pantothenic acid
1500mg of msm
1000mg of e.p.o.
5mg of biotin
b complex
am in cornrows lik i sed before and will stay for next two yrs or so. am doin the no poo method which is comin along fine.

take my vits more regularly and to exercise more and drink more water
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challe

Hello Ladies:
I'm kinda new to the site and I joined the challenge about two weeks ago. Already, though I have about .5 inches of new growth. I'm in braids now so I do not have any measurements as of yet, also I'm making the transition from relaxed to natural so it may be a little difficult for me to measure once my braids are out.... any suggestions?
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challe

Hi everyone, I am somewhat new I just do not post that often I am doing more reading to gain a tight regime.

As of May 11, I started with the vitamins from GNC Multi, Ultranourish, Biotin, B-5,B-12, and MSM.

I try to relax in between 8 to 10 weeks with Motions Mild- because my hair and scalp are so sensitive, I would have a lot of burns or sheeding with anything else. (Started motions on May 11).

I wash my hair with Pantene PRO-V for relaxed and natural hair and Condition with the same but add a little of the deep fortifying conditioner from pantene in there also.

I just start the pre-shampoo with TCB's natural hot oil this week.

I use Aphogee keratin, motions silk protein, and sometimes pro pac as a protein treatment every two weeks to once a month.

I am not good with a style so I usually wrap every night and wear it down unless I am on day 3 of my wash, then I roll my hair with jaw clip. Oh yeah and every night I use leave in conditioners ( Motions, Infusium 23, Nexxus Headdress)

Oh and for oils I use Kemi and today I went to buy Parnevu( but not to sure how it will work)!!!

I am looking to gain at least four inches by September and this will bring me half and inch to an inch from my bra strap--but my main goal is healthy hair first.

P.S. Any suggestions on the itchy scalp.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challe

Ok, I just wrote a somewhat wordy response but it got sucked into the anonymous internet posts vortex! So briefly, in case the other post shows up: I'm happy with my progress. My hair is much healthier. Thanks to Tracy and Jade21 with their advice about pantothenic acid (500 mgs, 2x/day), my hair actually looks thick! It looks *so* much better than it did last Spring! I forgot to add in my other post that I've been rinsing my hair daily or every other day, after working out at the gym. The cut I got last year has grown my hair out evenly, and the daily moisture combined with the twice-weekly warm oil treatments, deep conditionings, and occasional Cellophanes treatments has worked wonders on my hair. I have to thank the knowledgeable members of LHCF for the invaluable advice. In addition, each member has served as an inspiration just by showing up for the quest to longer, healthier hair - the posts encourage me when I feel like slacking off.
[I tried that for a minute and it wasn't good for the hair, lol.

I don't know how long my hair will be by the end of the 3 month summer challenge or even by the end of the year but I am enjoying the journey!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challe

Ok, it's been 2 months and it's time for updates.
I think I did it again-I got 1.25" each month for 2 months again. This is not official measuring, this is natural. When I get it straightend which with the way it's growing may be never, then I'll post another update.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challe

Hi everyone,
It's time to post, I'm a little late by like a week or so for the 2-month mark but we're keeping this relaxed and I've been busy.
So here goes my update, I've gotten about 1.5-2 inches natural for the past 2 months and I don't think I'll straighten until Nov/Dec. I have been taking my vitamins every other day, and excersizing 4-5x week.
Until next update keep up the positivity and grow that hair.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challe

Thanks for keeping this up, Lucia.
My hair is visibly thicker than the last time I posted.
I don't know how much new growth I have b/c I gave up tape measuring but the heat, exercising, and supplements must have had an impact because I have the same amount at 7 weeks as I usually do at 12 weeks (based on sight and feel).

My upcoming goal is to continue increasing thickness and length. Not much to change in my routine this point. Oh yeah - I joined the Bun Challenge and the Growout Front and Sides challenge as well.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challe

I started my 365 day challenge on august 1st and Ive already noticed a major difference, my hair is much softer and shinier and Ive already passed the mark I used to get my retouch done with no breakage! Things are goin great!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Hey ladies,
time to check in again.
I'm keeping the dream alive, hope you are too.
Anyway I have about 1-1.5" of new growth but it's natural and braided. I will be unbraiding next month and straightening my hair for an OFFICIAL measuring because December 6, 2003 is the end of my 365-day challenge, wow that's quick, so I will have to re-commit some new goals or something for another year.
I've noticed there are alot of mini-challenges on the board lately and sinc we only check in every 2 months even if it's a year long it doesn't seem that bad. But if you have suggestions like spreading out checking in, or something PM me.
Also please leave or better email me a valid e-mail address (my emailis below) so we can contact each other in case the board goes down
I have most of you in my ADbook but addresses change and some new people have joined up.

BTW here's my email address:
[email protected]
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Well I just started my 365 day challenge on August 1st. my hair is already thicker and the apperance and strength has already improved. I am also doing the bun challenge and this helps a lot!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Detailed post Here:
current: mid-BS
challenge goal: below BS to waist
main goal: waist length in 2004
ultimate goal: tailbone length 6 months after reaching waist

current products:
Matrix biolage, salon care cholesterol, Aphogee protein treatment and balnce and keratin cond, infusium 23, lamaur bone marrow cond, WGO, Amla dabur oil, mustard oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, and hot-6-oil.
HF-37, multi's, flax seed, fo-ti, spirulina, msm, panthothenic acid.
I take vit's every other day or every 2 days, and on off days I drink extra water.
hot oil, shampoo, protein treament, cond and deep condition w/ cholesterol
just skipping 2 days in between vitamin days and more excercise. I do the baggie method now when I unbraid instead of just wearing it down.
Products/methods to try:
Miss key, Clairol 5x, Garnier fructis.
Motivation focus:
Need to keep going so I can wait out until I hit my goal
Repost of Update:
Anyway I have about 1-1.5" of new growth but it's natural and braided. I will be unbraiding next month and straightening my hair for an OFFICIAL measuring because December 6, 2003 is the end of my 365-day challenge, wow that's quick, so I will have to re-commit some new goals or something for another year.
I've noticed there are alot of mini-challenges on the board lately and sinc we only check in every 2 months even if it's a year long it doesn't seem that bad. But if you have suggestions like spreading out checking in, or something PM me.
Also please leave or better email me a valid e-mail address (my emailis below) so we can contact each other in case the board goes down
I have most of you in my ADbook but addresses change and some new people have joined up.
BTW here's my email address:
[email protected]

Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Babygurl said:
Well I just started my 365 day challenge on August 1st. my hair is already thicker and the apperance and strength has already improved. I am also doing the bun challenge and this helps a lot!

[/ QUOTE ]
I just looked at your pic's, I can see the progress your hair is noticably thicker and some length too.
Keep up the good work.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Yeah, Babygurl your hair is looking really nice. Im loving that shine on day 67. Keep up the good work.
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Thank you very much Lucia and HoneyLD! I appreciate it!! You ladies are the sweetest in the world!
Re: Paging everyone who\'s doing the 365-day challenge.

Your welcome babygurl we're all here to keep each other positive, focused, and sometimes "in check" .
u gro gurl