OVEER-DUE Fokti Updates: Calling People Out!!!

determined_to_grow said:
I dont know whether anyone called these people out yet but lexi84 and Sistaslick!! I love their albums and their hair. I would love to see updates!

Yup, they were both called out! :lachen:
macherieamour said:
HAHAH! Im so sorry guys. Im in finals for b school and in between I work a lot on my consulting project so I can only jump on and off during class:look: Thanks to everyone who has PMed me. I promise I will respond when I can sit down and spend some time on your pms:)

Ok I do have a confession tho! I havent updated my album because....... I ran out of Keracare and was using Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged hair and it dried out my hair SOOOOOOO bad so any progress I have will be chopped off when I get my hair done in a week. Hence, Im afraid to post progess pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Say it ain't so:( . Maybe its not as bad as you think and you won't have to cut it.
Add Nay to that list. I know she still post here sometimes so she's still around. I've been waiting for her to update her album for a while now. Can's wait.
HoneyDew said:
me too! :lol: :lol:

I have not taken any pictures of my hair since I got it cut in September. I get so disappointed is my progress sometimes. I just posted about it last week. :( Honestly, I don't see much difference, but maybe it's too soon for me to get excited about.

I can tell some changes in my hair though. I was never able to tuck my hair in the front (bangs) behind my ears - and now I notice that I have been able to do that over the last few weeks. So something must be happening. :)

I'm sure you hair looks beautiful HoneyDew. You have definitely made progress if you could do the "tuck" :) . I looks nice and thick in your siggy.
I haven't updated since May or June? but I'm on the hide hair until X-mas challenge, that's almost done, 4 weeks to go now so if I don't update the week of Christmas, feel free to crack the whip and put me on full blast.
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I added a few pics of my texturized afro flat ironed in my fotki and in the hair gallery. The pics are 3dys old after sleeping on it but oh well:perplexed
Ok I have not updated in a long time but there is a good reason....my hair looks exactly the same. I never do anything to it (rollerset, braid, twist, flatiron etc.) because I'm too lazy. I've been busily snipping away the non-phyto hair. As soon as I get any added length I will add some pictures. Sorry!
Laziness gets the best of everyone. But thank you for calling some people out, because I waited for a few updates too. Like Isis.....Still waiting.