Calling you out! All you *****'s without fotkis (hwf for short lol)

How do you get the side-by-side pics? I want to do a before and after.

OMG - does this make me a HWF Highjacker? :pirate:
I have a fotki, but I don't have any new pic, so won't post it until I update. And I have to be careful about what I write in the captions too. Why did I click on someone's fotki pic to get a better look and this add popped up on the side with too nekkid people rubbing and humpin each other. Has anyone else seen that add? I think her caption had something in it like "excited about Bra strap length" or something like that and she was in her bra...yall are familiar with the type of pic I'm refering And when I tried to continue through her album the add kept popping up from the beginning over and over again. lol Fotki is bananas!:spinning:

Anywho, my hair isn't anything exciting anyway. (
:sekret:Many may be thinking it, but I'm going to say it queen_t i'm calling you out. With all that beautiful hair, you know you need to share it. You have the:pics: and you have a :fan: so whats the problem:lachen: get to work.:whipped:I really do love your hair!!! <Quickly runs out of the thread>.
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Seeing as how I just joined 2 days ago, I know you dont mean me, but I still feel bad! I've been stalking all of you for the past 2 months and haven't given any one the chance to do the same :lachen:. Well I REPENT!! Fotki to come soon as I get off my lazy butt and take some pictures! :yep:

Lexib? how ya gonna have a fotki, put up a link for it all on public display and stuff ~AND~ not have a password put in a convenient place.

I think Bre-Bre is right about yall HWF ladies........strike that, I KNOW she's right about yall :lachen:

the noive of some folks puttin a tease out there like that..........:lachen::lachen:
:sekret:Many may be thinking it, but I'm going to say it queen_t i'm calling you out. With all that beautiful hair, you know you need to share it. You have the:pics: and you have a :fan: so whats the problem:lachen: get to work.:whipped:I really do love your hair!!! <Quickly runs out of the thread>.

:blush::blush::blush: No you didn't froggie!!!!! :grin:

LMAO!!! I actually just opened a fotki account over the weekend, but after a grueling semester of grad school, all I wanted to do was chill!!

I promise, I'll get on it! hehe

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Hey, it soulds like you described me. I did have twists and they were pinned up. I am not sure if my avti came up though. I am new to posting. I am currently wearing yarn braids. They look a little like locs. The effect is mat. They have been in a month now. I like it. Most people think I have locs. My computer crashed. So I am having difficulty posting piccies. But they are coming.l:drunk:
I'm one guys. sorry! i'm just busy and I don't take the time out to do it. once the summer gets here i will work on. i love u guys.:grouphug:
:lachen: :lachen: @ this thread! I can't talk I just put mines up.. hey maybe that should be a requirement to job the board... hmmmm j/k
Alright Bre! You knew this was coming...LOL

Where's your 08 Update :grin:

As I told another poster:

Sorry, I cant put pics up at this time. I broke all of my fingers plus my computer is broken. Also, me no speakuh the engless :lachen:

I will be posting an update pic after my 30 day no heat stretch which will end in about 2 weeks. :yep:
Question... Can anyone tell me where I can find an inexpensive but good quality digicam so I can start my fotki? My camera phone isn't giving good quality pics.
As I told another poster:

Sorry, I cant put pics up at this time. I broke all of my fingers plus my computer is broken. Also, me no speakuh the engless :lachen:

I will be posting an update pic after my 30 day no heat stretch which will end in about 2 weeks. :yep:


Just giving you a hard time! Have you reached APL yet? Are we the same length? I'm hoping for APL in September
I was one of those Heffas Without a Fotki lol but I just created one about a week or so ago. I dont have many pics of my natural hair ( I only have 2 pics thus far) but every time I get it done I plan on measuring in and posting my pics on my fotki.
I just spent three days putting this thing together thanks to BRE and FROGGIE!!! :grin:

Just putting the finishing touches on it now.
I don't have a digital camera yet, just a camera phone nor do I have a scanner. I still prefer the fabulous results of the 35 mm camera, which I used to take pictures of my hair a few years ago when Verifen Complex asked me numerous times to send some in. The quality of my two 35 mm cameras are better--pictures are sharper and clearer. :woot:

I haven't learned how to post avatars and fotkis yet, but I will do this once I have time to learn. :wallbash:

If anyone wants to see my pictures, just go to Click on the "Testimonials and "Before and After" tabs. My hair is naval length or a few inches from waist length now. I'm Barbara from Beverly Hills.