OVEER-DUE Fokti Updates: Calling People Out!!!

caribeandiva said:
Shave it off? PrettyHaitian, have you lost it????

Caribeandiva, I gladly will speak for PH and tell you that, yes, she officially has! :lachen: All that gorgeous hair!!!! :)
I would like to add Carribeandream, Ekomba, ajamericandiva, Aiesha...
I have to think of more some have already been mentioned.
BeautifulWideEyes said:
I would like to add Carribeandream, Ekomba, ajamericandiva, Aiesha...
I have to think of more some have already been mentioned.

LOL!!! K! Will update now!
macherieamour said:
HAHAH! Im so sorry guys. Im in finals for b school and in between I work a lot on my consulting project so I can only jump on and off during class:look: Thanks to everyone who has PMed me. I promise I will respond when I can sit down and spend some time on your pms:)

Ok I do have a confession tho! I havent updated my album because....... I ran out of Keracare and was using Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged hair and it dried out my hair SOOOOOOO bad so any progress I have will be chopped off when I get my hair done in a week. Hence, Im afraid to post progess pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:shocked:AHHHH Say it isnt so Macherieamour?????????? Thats ok we (keracare club members) will welcome you back with open arms :dance7:
ive been slacking bigtime. totally fell off of my vitamin regime since june if not before. but, i'm updating in dec/jan so hopefully i'll have a decent amount of progress after 6 months.
esoterica said:
ive been slacking bigtime. totally fell off of my vitamin regime since june if not before. but, i'm updating in dec/jan so hopefully i'll have a decent amount of progress after 6 months.

JadedC, i was wondering where you'd been! Hadnt realized you changed your name. ;)

Im so adding you to the list, missy! You are sooo past overdue its not even funny!!!! :mad: :lol: :lol:
i've not really looked at my hair or even flat ironed it in months. well, apart from getting my sew in redone whenever i can be bothered. i just kinda got bored i guess. maybe if i start taking some vits i'll see results and start getting all excited again. im gonna have to get back on the wagon for 2007. its good to see everyone still going strong even though i havent done jack for months. cant even remember the last time i used aphogee. and to think i used to be so good... i wouldnt be surprised if i've only gained an inch in like 6 months. that'll teach me to fall off the wagon for almost half a year! :lol:
I'd like to see some updates from the listed ladies too. Oh and what about Zanna and Bodecia--if she's still a member...
HoneyLemonDrop said:
I'd like to see some updates from the listed ladies too. Oh and what about Zanna and Bodecia--if she's still a member...

Just added 'em! :)

I sure hope this thread prompts these slackers to update their darn Foktis! Hmmph!!!!! :p :D
I noticed that Lexi84 was on the list. Well, she has started a thread over at BBBH on 11/8/06 that shows her progress.
bgsix said:
I noticed that Lexi84 was on the list. Well, she has started a thread over at BBBH on 11/8/06 that shows her progress.

So I guess this means she has updated her Fokti? Kewl, i'll remove her from the list! ;)
macherieamour said:
HAHAH! Im so sorry guys. Im in finals for b school and in between I work a lot on my consulting project so I can only jump on and off during class:look: Thanks to everyone who has PMed me. I promise I will respond when I can sit down and spend some time on your pms:)

Ok I do have a confession tho! I havent updated my album because....... I ran out of Keracare and was using Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged hair and it dried out my hair SOOOOOOO bad so any progress I have will be chopped off when I get my hair done in a week. Hence, Im afraid to post progess pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh no, poor thing! I tried that shampoo about a month ago, and it was the worst stuff ever - Aphogee oughta be ashamed to market it to people with damaged hair.:nono: It made my poor hair feel like a wet stringy mop. I wish you the best in your hair recovery!
I don't have fotki yet. I don't know if i'm transitioning to be natural or if i'm going to relax.:look: my hair is soooooooooo damaged. I look like a plucked chicken. :lachen: soooo I'm not sure if I'm bold enuff to post some pics yet!

btw: anybody start at ear length who is now bra strap length? and gotta fotki to show it
KiniKakes said:
Awww sis! Im a grad student as well, so i do understand your pain!!! ;) No worries..... we'll look forward to your update, whenever it does come.

Oh gracious! So sorry about Aphogee Shampoo dilemma! That sucks, man! :( But please dont do anything too drastic...... DC that dried out hair like crazy, and then make a decision. :)

Yeah I would do the same. What helps me is adding a little oil in the conditioner like: EVOO, castor oil, or Aphoghee EFA (Essentail Fatty Acid oil) I favor the last in like a cholesterol conditoner i.e. Lekairs (orange). But please try before cutting. I like Aphogee products but I dislike their shampoo. I have experienced the same thing with their shampoo, but I did not cut my hair I just had to replenish moisture. HTH Stay encouraged.
Some of the ladies mentioned not only have not updated, but have been MIA from LHCF altogether.

I know I'm not on the list of the stalked, but I am sooo bad about updating my albums. Laziness is the main problem. I have updated recently, though--to show my natural hair growing out progress!:cool:
congrats on the new baby.

SweetCaramel1 said:
hey kk, i was trying to hold off relaxing until december and then updating................but................. i found out a couple of weeks ago that i'm preggors and won't be able to relax for awhile :look: anywho, i'll update soon, i don't think i have much progress though :cool:
longhairluva said:
Oh and for those who haven't seen it Dlewis has some awesome progress going on:D

I know! Look at that progress in such a short amount of time! I saw the pics and said :eek:
OH nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i can't believe i got called out lolololol............ i know i am guilty:lol: 1) i've been lazy and 2) i figured i'll just continue with my laziness and take pics with my next relaxer in january. (i'm trying to do a 5 month stretch) if i could make it:p . i've been wearing my hair braided up with a head wrap....nothing too exciting....kinikakes u are a trip...hahaha:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
godsflowerrr said:
kinikakes u are a trip...hahaha:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I was hoping you'd log on and mosey on over to this thread, so you could see your darn name blasted along with the rest of the SLACKERS!!!!!! :mad: :p :lol:

But seriously tho.... braided up with a scarf, eh? Thats whats up! :) I bet your hair is just growing like a weed up under there! We are gonna see some major growth in Jan, and i cant WAIT!!! Good for you girl!
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Kini...haha...how you gonna call people out, when you know that about fifty women (inc. some of the ppl you posted are on the Hide The Hair Till Christmas Challenge? :eek: :lachen: I mean...I'm not saying that if any of the ladies on the challenge post that I'm not gonna look:look: :look: ...but you gotta go easy on them (us? I'm on the challenge too)...we only have two months left!:D
SweetCaramel1 said:
i found out a couple of weeks ago that i'm preggors

:yay: :creatures :creatures :alcoholic :alcoholic :dance7: :dance7: :dance7: :woot: :woot: :clap: :hula: :bouncy: :bouncy:
:) :) Congrats!!!!!!!!! :yay:

Sorry didn't mean to hi-jack the thread!!!!

But I still want to see some pics remember when I first joined I told you, you were one of my hair idols. I want to see your progress :grin: :grin:
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blkbutterflyz0301 said:
I would love to see updates from Honeydew!

me too! :lol: :lol:

I have not taken any pictures of my hair since I got it cut in September. I get so disappointed is my progress sometimes. I just posted about it last week. :( Honestly, I don't see much difference, but maybe it's too soon for me to get excited about.

I can tell some changes in my hair though. I was never able to tuck my hair in the front (bangs) behind my ears - and now I notice that I have been able to do that over the last few weeks. So something must be happening. :)
kweenameena said:
I don't have fotki yet. I don't know if i'm transitioning to be natural or if i'm going to relax.:look: my hair is soooooooooo damaged. I look like a plucked chicken. :lachen: soooo I'm not sure if I'm bold enuff to post some pics yet!

btw: anybody start at ear length who is now bra strap length? and gotta fotki to show it

yeah. Lauren does. check out her album.
cmw45 said:
Kini...haha...how you gonna call people out, when you know that about fifty women (inc. some of the ppl you posted are on the Hide The Hair Till Christmas Challenge? :eek: :lachen: I mean...I'm not saying that if any of the ladies on the challenge post that I'm not gonna look:look: :look: ...but you gotta go easy on them (us? I'm on the challenge too)...we only have two months left!:D

:lol: :lol: If anyone is in the Hide Your Hair CHallenge then they are exempt! Let me know who so i can remove their name. :p
HoneyDew said:
I can tell some changes in my hair though. I was never able to tuck my hair in the front (bangs) behind my ears - and now I notice that I have been able to do that over the last few weeks. So something must be happening. :)

Thats awesome, girl!!!! :)
I dont know whether anyone called these people out yet but lexi84 and Sistaslick!! I love their albums and their hair. I would love to see updates!