Calling you out! All you *****'s without fotkis (hwf for short lol)

Alrighty ladies. I KNOW that some of you are like me and wish that some of these *****'s on here would create a fotki so we can admire their strands. Go ahead and call them out here and tell them to get to work :whip:

...said Bre bre, who hasn't updated her fotki since 2006.:scratchch Yes, I'm calling you out AGAIN :yep: it's time for you to write your own name on your own list. go 'head...hook it up. put it near the top of the list.:poke:


Well I'm real new, I have a fotki; I'm just trying to figure out how to black out or scratch out my face in my pics before I post the link to it, and I'm waiting on a new digicam coming in tomorrow so I can add new stuff.

Simple solution...cover your face with your hands. or hold a piece of paper in front of your face.

I have a fotki . but I no longer use it I decided to compile all my pics at picoodle instead after I had to much drama at fotki.

Understandable...but how you 'gon tease us talking about a picoodle.
Is that something that we can view? Where's the link? :lick:
Pretty please? can we see it?

Ummm I got a fotki but I aint posting it :lachen:

Ummm, I can see that. Tease!!! What's the deal? I need my meds!:curtain:

Newflowers & Tinky... I agree with Bre, snap too it your excuses are not acceptable:lachen:And're on serious punishment. Brand new camera from the "friend" and all no pics for your hair sisters??? Tisk-tisk.:naughty:
Alrighty ladies. I KNOW that some of you are like me and wish that some of these *****'s on here would create a fotki so we can admire their strands. Go ahead and call them out here and tell them to get to work :whip:

There is one lady in particular that I will be calling out for sure (once I find her name) plus a few others :grin:

This is all in love ladies, all in love :hug3:

((Rolling my neck)) Who you calling a *****?:grin: I need to get a digicam so I can start a fotki. I'm hoping to make mine somewhat inspiring to those who have suffered severe breakage. I want to track my progress as I make my journey from damaged & uneven to long & strong.
mannnnn, i tried that once. so much work. creating folders, locking, unlocking ugh!!! i just gave up.
FB I am sure your hair would be an inspiration to many if you did it again. Just don't do all the locking and stuff or even create folders if you don't wanna:yep:

I have one but I'm shy so I took the link down. :look:

Whatchu mean you "shy". Girl you betta get that link up! We lubbs stalking hurr on this board :grin:

Mook, I would update my fotki but I broke all my fingers and my computer is no longer working :nono:
((Rolling my neck)) Who you calling a *****?:grin: I need to get a digicam so I can start a fotki. I'm hoping to make mine somewhat inspiring to those who have suffered severe breakage. I want to track my progress as I make my journey from damaged & uneven to long & strong.

:yay: I would love to see your pics! And, if the "*****" fits :look: :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I am cracking up off this thread :lachen:

I have every intention on getting a fotki but I am still new and trying to figure this whole fotki thing out. Plus I am struggling with taking pictures of the back of my head for lenghth shots.:wallbash:

I will figure it out one day :look:
No fotki no time, in fact if my DH caught me making a fotki(don't know how) and not putting that same time of my growing business, he would kill me. Also, I don't like taking pictures, in fact if I don't take a picture the rest of my life, I could care less.

Well I'm real new, so I know you didn't mean me in particular, but I have a fotki; I'm just trying to figure out how to black out or scratch out my face in my pics before I post the link to it, and I'm waiting on a new digicam coming in tomorrow so I can add new stuff.

Just take pictures at angles that don't have your full face in it. Or wear a mask, I've seen it done. Makes me giggle, but I'm there too look at hair not mugs. :lachen:
*entering thread quietly....sitting in the back**

I'm apples, and I'm a hwf...:look:

I have pictures (some dated /some not) of the good, bad and ugly of my hair downloaded on my computer.

I also have many pics of my skin-which has turned around 500%, after a short unexpected stint of adult acne 2 years ago!! Pics of my personal edges progress....

Also pics of my pj stash...which is totally out of control!!:blush:

I am terribly unorganized right now, with so much on my plate and just haven't made time to arrange it all into a fotki! :look:

I actually created one awhile back, but never got around to adding pictures. I forgot the password tho...

----I'll get around to creating another soon......well, one day...:ohwell:
Seeing as how I just joined 2 days ago, I know you dont mean me, but I still feel bad! I've been stalking all of you for the past 2 months and haven't given any one the chance to do the same :lachen:. Well I REPENT!! Fotki to come soon as I get off my lazy butt and take some pictures! :yep:
I must say that I love what one member has done by putting a lot of pics and explanations in her journal. I thought I knew who it was but I remembered the wrong name...but her journal was the bomb!!
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I am a HWF, but I am not active around here enough for anyone to give a dang anyway! :lachen: I have a computer full of progress pics, but I feel like I will jinx myself if I post them. :lachen: So, I basically stalk myself at home ! When I hit the hair jackpot, meaning BSL and beyond, I may consider a fotki (I have one, but I don't update it). Until then, Imma just have to be a *****! :lol:
Well, I'm a proud HWF and plan on staying one. I had a Fotki years ago, which I rarely updated. I rarely, and I do mean rarely, take pictures of my hair. It makes no sense for me to have a Fotki. I have a picture of my hair in my profile but that hasn't been updated in damn near a year. :lachen:
I'll rep for the HWUF! I've taken a ton of pictures lately... but I'm too lazy to crop them and update my fotki :look:
*entering thread quietly....sitting in the back**

I'm apples, and I'm a hwf...:look:

I have pictures (some dated /some not) of the good, bad and ugly of my hair downloaded on my computer.

I also have many pics of my skin-which has turned around 500%, after a short unexpected stint of adult acne 2 years ago!! Pics of my personal edges progress....

Also pics of my pj stash...which is totally out of control!!:blush:

I am terribly unorganized right now, with so much on my plate and just haven't made time to arrange it all into a fotki! :look:

I actually created one awhile back, but never got around to adding pictures. I forgot the password tho...

----I'll get around to creating another soon......well, one day...:ohwell:
How you gon' forget the password to your own fotki :lachen::lachen: We want updates you hear?
I'm a guilty HWF! The main reason I don't know how. I can even start a thread yet. :nono: My digi is not very good, nor am I able to upload them on my computer; so I use my cell phone most of the time. I have a collection of pics from my first year.

I must say that I love what one member has done by putting a lot of pics and explanations in her journal. I thought I knew who it was but I remembered the wrong name...but her journal was the bomb!!

I have been thinking about using that same Journal idea I think it is Brownsugaflyygrl (sp)
Hey ladies - ***** checking in!!

I have pictures from this last year on my digital camera so there really is no excuse for me not to have a fotki. Every time we take the camera someplace - wedding, b-day party, super bowl party - people get to looking at all the old images that we have stored on there and when they get to my hair shots (especially beginning of hair journey) thare are like :nono::nono:. My neice even saw one and called me "Scary Spice" (I love spice girls - particularly Posh Spice)

I think my hesitation is me waiting for my own "AHHHH" moment where I see a dramatic difference. It's coming - slowly. Naw forreal ya'll - its coming.
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I don't have a fotki either. I just don't take pics of my hair (often enough to keep an album). Lately, I have been taking pics of my hair, but the pics aren't good enough to have everyone see them (so I end up deleting those pics)...
:look: I admit I am a HWF too. I just dont take too many pics of my hair. But I will definately start to note my progess...
i am a lazy procrastinator thats the main reason i don't have a fotki...i mean i have an account but no pics up there yet lol so i did have good intentions....and i have enough pics to put in it too, i'm just so lazy about it.

so thanks bre this might be the motivation i need to go head on and put one up (especially since i relax this weekend ) :drunk:
Hi and welcome :) I don't know how to scratch out/black out the face because I don't use any programs like that. I just show my face full on blast big 4head and all :grin:

Daggone, I can't find the woman I wanted to put on blast :nono: She appears to be a 4a or 4 b texture, she's brown skinned, and I think her avi/siggy has a picture of her with her twists pinned up. :wallbash:

:lachen::lachen: This had me rollin... because you cant find her you gon describe her . it's almost like she a fugitive. What's the reward? I believe I've seen her. just can't remember the name either.