Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega Tek Challenge

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I am so tempted to call in from work tomorrow.
My MT is going to be delivered tomorrorow and
I want to wash, DC and do my hair...
I cant wait!:lachen:
:woot: MsHottie!!! Have you already figured out your moisturizing products to use with it?

:lachen: StellaB - girl, go to work!!!! Unless to trying to go out tomorrow night and floss yo' hair???? :look:
has anyone ordered their mega tek from horseloverZ.com? if so, how are they about shipping? they gave me a tracking number yesterday or the day before but the usps website says they have not received a package to be shipped. why are they playing with me like this?
Just wondering...does anybody here combine ayurvedic with OCT/MT? I'm using OCT and have been eyeing the ayurvedic practicers lately... If so, how do you combine the two?
has anyone ordered their mega tek from horseloverZ.com? if so, how are they about shipping? they gave me a tracking number yesterday or the day before but the usps website says they have not received a package to be shipped. why are they playing with me like this?

Did you request USPS shipping, non-Priority? If so, it won't get updated til it's at your house. The Post Office don't give all that much detail. :lol:

Just wondering...does anybody here combine ayurvedic with OCT/MT? I'm using OCT and have been eyeing the ayurvedic practicers lately... If so, how do you combine the two?

I still use henna (rarely, though), and shikaika and amla to wash my hair. I used to massage amla oil into my scalp - but the Mega-Tek handles all my scalp massage needs, now.

I usually mix the powders into a thin paste, mix it into my DC, and have a nice DCw (Deep Conditioning coWash) all at once. If I'm feeling really special, I'll do a homegrown steam treatment on top of it all - my hair LOVES it.
Used up the last of my OCT today and my MT came--right on time!:look: :woot:

I used the Cell Therapy for 5 weeks--I am a slow grower *u can tell from my fotki lol* and I am soooo excited about the amount of growth that I got!!

I didn't measure or anything but I'm guessing that's almost 1/2 an inch

Thanks for sharing the info on this--I've tried MANY growth aids and NONE have compared to this!


Awww, congrats Andrea. I am so happy for you.
Whoaa! I just started using this 6/18. I was already like 8 weeks post or so but right now I'm going on 10 weeks and I can actually say, I have never had this much ng @ 10 weeks post relax before:blush:. My ponytail is pulled back into a bun and the ng is thick and is like really poofy (even with a scarf on) I usually can not really tell the amt of ng I have at the very back of my head, you know the kitchen but that bad boy is thick as all get out:blush: I can't wait until I do my touch up even though, I was already 8 weeks post when I started using MT. I'll be able to give a more accurate update in September!:yep:

ETA: I'm having a little shedding but nothing to cause concern about. Considering the fact that I'm almost 10 weeks post, a little shedding is expected. I'm not using anything to combat the shedding right now because it's my normal amt of shedding!
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Are you stretching to September?

Whoaa! I just started using this 6/18. I was already like 8 weeks post or so but right now I'm going on 10 weeks and I can actually say, I have never had this much ng @ 10 weeks post relax before:blush:. My ponytail is pulled back into a bun and the ng is thick and is like poofy (even with a scarf on) I usually can not really tell the amt of ng I have at the very back of my head, you know the kitchen but that bad is thick as all get out:blush: I can't wait until I do my touch up even though, I was already 8 weeks post when I started using. I'll be able to give a more accurate touchup in September though!:yep:
Used up the last of my OCT today and my MT came--right on time!:look: :woot:

I used the Cell Therapy for 5 weeks--I am a slow grower *u can tell from my fotki lol* and I am soooo excited about the amount of growth that I got!!

I didn't measure or anything but I'm guessing that's almost 1/2 an inch

Thanks for sharing the info on this--I've tried MANY growth aids and NONE have compared to this!


You have had great progress! Woo hoo!
Whoaa! I just started using this 6/18. I was already like 8 weeks post or so but right now I'm going on 10 weeks and I can actually say, I have never had this much ng @ 10 weeks post relax before:blush:. My ponytail is pulled back into a bun and the ng is thick and is like really poofy (even with a scarf on) I usually can not really tell the amt of ng I have at the very back of my head, you know the kitchen but that bad boy is thick as all get out:blush: I can't wait until I do my touch up even though, I was already 8 weeks post when I started using MT. I'll be able to give a more accurate update in September!:yep:

ETA: I'm having a little shedding but nothing to cause concern about. Considering the fact that I'm almost 10 weeks post, a little shedding is expected. I'm not using anything to combat the shedding right now because it's my normal amt of shedding!

Sometimes, I think it's best to delay the onset of OCT/MT until you are a few weeks post, because it just causes the NG to come in so fast. I do not recognize myself right now with my forest of NG- it's a nice problem to have, and just like ayoung I'm a slow grower......:rolleyes:. I am glad that it's working for you already:yep:.
U r giving me hope ayoung, I'm a slow grower too I can't wait for my OCT to get here. Great growth!!!

Used up the last of my OCT today and my MT came--right on time!:look: :woot:

I used the Cell Therapy for 5 weeks--I am a slow grower *u can tell from my fotki lol* and I am soooo excited about the amount of growth that I got!!

I didn't measure or anything but I'm guessing that's almost 1/2 an inch

Thanks for sharing the info on this--I've tried MANY growth aids and NONE have compared to this!

Sometimes, I think it's best to delay the onset of OCT/MT until you are a few weeks post, because it just causes the NG to come in so fast. I do not recognize myself right now with my forest of NG- it's a nice problem to have, and just like ayoung I'm a slow grower......:rolleyes:. I am glad that it's working for you already:yep:.

Thank you! I'm glad it's working for you also. Girllll, I don't know wth is going on:lachen:I wanted to wait until after I relaxed in July to starting MTing so I can give accurate results but LD was not having that:lachen:This is a little complexed for me because I don't usually mess/comb my ng after I'm 6 weeks post and all this parting is brand new to me:lachen: especially with all this extra ng:blush:I'm going to keep applying every other day :yep: but once I relax in 2 weeks, I'll MT every day/other day and then when my ng starts coming in, I'll reduce my usage because I like to leave my ng alone while it's doing it's thang:rolleyes: When I start messing with my ng after I'm 6+ weeks post, My hair starts breaking and I don't want that! But oh, this stuff is so AMAZINGGGGG!!!!!
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Thank you! I'm glad it's working for you also. Girllll, I don't know wth is going on:lachen:I wanted to wait until after I relaxed in July to starting MTing so I can give accurate results but LD was not having that:lachen:This is a little complexed for me because I don't usually mess/comb my ng after I'm 6 weeks post and all this parting is brand new to me:lachen: especially with all this extra ng:blush:I'm going to keep applying every other day :yep: but once I relax in 2 weeks, I'll MT every day/other day and then when my ng starts coming in, I'll reduce my usage because I like to leave my ng alone while it's doing it's thang:rolleyes: When I start messing with my ng after I'm 6+ weeks post, My hair starts breaking and I don't want that! But oh, this stuff is so AMAZINGGGGG!!!!!

i cant wait to have growth like yours. i'm 3 months post and installing braids. it is the hardest job ever to part my hair! add that to a whole month of MT and dont know what im gonna do:nono:
Thank you! I'm glad it's working for you also. Girllll, I don't know wth is going on:lachen:I wanted to wait until after I relaxed in July to starting MTing so I can give accurate results but LD was not having that:lachen:This is a little complexed for me because I don't usually mess/comb my ng after I'm 6 weeks post and all this parting is brand new to me:lachen: especially with all this extra ng:blush:I'm going to keep applying every other day :yep: but once I relax in 2 weeks, I'll MT every day/other day and then when my ng starts coming in, I'll reduce my usage because I like to leave my ng alone while it's doing it's thang:rolleyes: When I start messing with my ng after I'm 6+ weeks post, My hair starts breaking and I don't want that! But oh, this stuff is so AMAZINGGGGG!!!!!

Yeah T!
So happy for you! I remember we started around the same time- 2 weeks ago :yep:! I was in LD's cheering section to get you to start before your relaxer (misery loves company :lachen:). I can relate as I'm now 12 weeks post and the ng is crazy but surprisingly manageable. I was going to relax in July but I feel adventurous and will relax around the 1st or 2nd of Sept :perplexed:ohwell::spinning:!
Im so happy :grin:

I finally felt some new growth *as i was applying MT yesterday*

I was starting to get worried :lachen:

But Im bummed out cause Im running out of MT :wallbash:

Im on Holiday and wont be buying some more until september :sad:

I guess Ill have to cobtinue appling it every other day and dilute with alot of castor oil .
OK, I've been lurking for like E-V-E-R but I just had to come out to give a shout out to:

NICE & WAVY (thanks for being such a darling & helping with my issues). Your progress is amazing!

JUST KIYA, L.D., TT8....and all my OCT/MT sistas! Y'all r such an inspiration. I got on the OCT/MT bandwagon 2 wks ago but I didn't join the challenge b/c I don't want to keep track of my progress until I see the tip of my hair touching full APL - hopefully by December (Fingers crossed). I'm already too obssessed with my hair. Tracking my hair's growth will drive ME CRAZY!! :spinning:

I feel everyone's excitement. I'm excited too.:grin: Keep doing ya thang.

Just stopping by to say to everyone, I graciously appreciate all of you that accepted my apology. I didnt respond to each one because I didnt want this thread to turn into my responses to all of you, since this is a thread with one purpose I didnt want to cause any further interruptions on it! But I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart

you know its funny, I see this stuff working for ya'll and I am so happy both see the results and to see how happy you all are with the results, I just cant help but to think, all of us, not long ago, would be scared to death to use keratin this way and ya'll know if anyone came on the board back in the day asking should they use Aphogee daily we all would have screamed NOOOOO! So my how times change, I never would have thought using Keratin this way could lead to something good like hair growth that you guys are seeing

well congrats to you all and thank you again for accepting my gracious apology , I just wasnt gettin it! Wishing you all happy hair growing and ya'll are getting it with this! I hope it all stays safe for all you! God bless! just didnt want you all to think I wasnt acknowledging the ones that accepted my apology with love and grace! I saw them all and I am thankful for each and every one of your gracious hearts! :yep: much much love to you all! always!

cont'd hair success to you all! :hug2:
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Hey guys, I just started on my MT regimen. It came yesterday, and I applied it last night after my co-wash. I'll be doing this every night for the next 2 months after which I will do a touch-up riiiight in time for the sept 1st check in. I'll be 4 months post relaxer by that point. I'm at 2 right now, and I already have about an inch or more of NG, so I can only IMAGINE what's going to happen in the next few months!!:eek2::brainfog:

Here is my starting pic. I just lightly blew it out with very little products. Pardon my ends, when I'm deep in a stretch they always appear thinner due to shrinkage @ the roots. :rolleyes:


Hi ladies

I followed you guys over here,cause y'all just up and moved the campsite on a girl:grin:

I got my MT like three days after ordering it:yep:

So i'm on this!
Ot smells soo good:lick:
I'm in braids,so i don't have anything to say about the shedding as yet.
I'll probably get some garlic shampoo or condish just in case though.
Congrats to everyone that recieved their Ovation/Mega-Tek!!!
Be sure to take your before photos and GROW BABY GROW!!
Oh my gods, ya'll, I'm getting itchies. *twitches*

I had a few yesterday, and I just kinda ignored them, but today? Feels like the ants are marching in on my scalp!!

I haven't gotten my hair wet all week though - so that might be it too.... but wooooooo!!!

The itch, the itch!

The itchies have calmed with me now. I only get em more when i spray with the Premier Spray. but i got the growth though I can see that for sure. :yep: This month applied for 24 days and have about an inch, less in some parts, but this week has been a fasssssst growing week for me. I'd be intrigued to see my hair post wash and re-twist tomorrow.

i've been getting the itchies too...

but has anybody noticed any tenderness? not so much tenderness to the touch, but a tenderness of the scalp still. I've just been happy to have it (tenderness) because i'm guessing it means my hair is growing! :)

I've only noticed tenderness in one teeny tiny spot. I wear my hair daily in a style that require not one ounce of tension so I know that can't be attributed to that.

My scalp gets a tiny bit sore & warm when I'm massaging it, but otherwise, no, no more than normal.

I get the warm 'soul glo' feeling all over my head after applying every night. That's how I know this stuff absorbs and doesn't clog as I wash 1x per week and apply daily. Plus no build up under the nails if I have a little scratch.

I am so upset right now:wallbash: I ordered my Mega Tek on the 13th of this month but it isn't here yet. I want some growth too:lachen:

What? I'd be mortified. I get my Eqyss stuff in 2 days all the time. I think Blaque Angel got hers the next day. And I'mma say it again for the UK?European folks http://www.tailgator.com you can order Eqyss samples there too. If it's not listed e-mail Debbie and see if she can hook you up. She's a sweetheart.:yep:

Mine took literally 3 1/2 weeks to arrive.

Nahhhhh I'd be committing a crime I'd be calculating a potential 0.75 inches lost waiting for my ish. I'd be goin gansta on the postman. :mad:

DANNNNNNG!!! Eleven pages already. Goodness this thread can grow fast:grin:.

Aggie, Mine shows 4, change your settings so you see the maximum 40 posts per page. :)

Used up the last of my OCT today and my MT came--right on time!:look: :woot:

I used the Cell Therapy for 5 weeks--I am a slow grower *u can tell from my fotki lol* and I am soooo excited about the amount of growth that I got!!

I didn't measure or anything but I'm guessing that's almost 1/2 an inch

Thanks for sharing the info on this--I've tried MANY growth aids and NONE have compared to this!


YOU DIDN'T GET NO HALF INCH:rolleyes: THAT LOOKS LIKE IT'S CLOSER TO AN INCH!!!! STOP BEING MODEST. I looked at the picture hard and guess your fingernail is probably close to a 1/2 inch compared to the hair pulled taut and i can see the NG CLEARY. Measure your fingernail bed and from that you can gauge a better estimate of the growth attained. But i see an inch or so :yep: Unless you got the teeny tiny fingernails.

Grow it long and strong, sis!!!! I see that growth (which looks a bit longer than .5 inches- more like a tad bit more than 1 inch :grin:).

DITTO :grin:

Whoaa! I just started using this 6/18. I was already like 8 weeks post or so but right now I'm going on 10 weeks and I can actually say, I have never had this much ng @ 10 weeks post relax before:blush:. My ponytail is pulled back into a bun and the ng is thick and is like really poofy (even with a scarf on) I usually can not really tell the amt of ng I have at the very back of my head, you know the kitchen but that bad boy is thick as all get out:blush: I can't wait until I do my touch up even though, I was already 8 weeks post when I started using MT. I'll be able to give a more accurate update in September!:yep:

ETA: I'm having a little shedding but nothing to cause concern about. Considering the fact that I'm almost 10 weeks post, a little shedding is expected. I'm not using anything to combat the shedding right now because it's my normal amt of shedding!

See I told you now I don't have to whoop you Madea style :lachen:

Thank you! I'm glad it's working for you also. lll, I don't know wth is going on:lachen:I wanted to wait until after I relaxed in July to starting MTing so I can give accurate results but LD was not having that:lachen:This is a little complexed for me because I don't usually mess/comb my ng after I'm 6 weeks post and all this parting is brand new to me:lachen: especially with all this extra ng:blush:I'm going to keep applying every other day :yep: but once I relax in 2 weeks, I'll MT every day/other day and then when my ng starts coming in, I'll reduce my usage because I like to leave my ng alone while it's doing it's thang:rolleyes: When I start messing with my ng after I'm 6+ weeks post, My hair starts breaking and I don't want that! But oh, this stuff is so AMAZINGGGGG!!!!!

You're right LD was not having that. I was looking at my computer screen like you'd grown another head. Wait and use MT until when.....? Which part???? I'm glad you started and are getting the results. Sounds like your surprise at your growth is what i had. Now watch come touch up time. Last night I was megasagging and I was sitting in a dim room watching TV. Out of the corner of my eye I jump up "Raaaatid" I thought it was a spider. You know what my special bus self saw. The end of the twist on the side of my head flick past my eye quickly as I turned my head. So know I turn chu-pid and am afraid of my own hair :lachen:I've been spooked by my own shadow before but this takes the biscuit.

Im so happy :grin:

I finally felt some new growth *as i was applying MT yesterday*

I was starting to get worried :lachen:

But Im bummed out cause Im running out of MT :wallbash:

Im on Holiday and wont be buying some more until september :sad:

I guess Ill have to cobtinue appling it every other day and dilute with alot of castor oil .

Why are you on a challenge?
You couldn't hold me back till september, I'd be doing a whole heap of lying on that thread. YAY I PASSED!!! y'all heffers don't really know I bought some MT :grin:

OK, I've been lurking for like E-V-E-R but I just had to come out to give a shout out to:

NICE & WAVY (thanks for being such a darling & helping with my issues). Your progress is amazing!

JUST KIYA, L.D., TT8....and all my OCT/MT sistas! Y'all r such an inspiration. I got on the OCT/MT bandwagon 2 wks ago but I didn't join the challenge b/c I don't want to keep track of my progress until I see the tip of my hair touching full APL - hopefully by December (Fingers crossed). I'm already too obssessed with my hair. Tracking my hair's growth will drive ME CRAZY!! :spinning:

I feel everyone's excitement. I'm excited too.:grin: Keep doing ya thang.


HHG to you too! :yep: Thanks for the shout out. I appreciate that A LOT!!!

Congrats to everyone that recieved their Ovation/Mega-Tek!!!
Be sure to take your before photos and GROW BABY GROW!!

Trust me photos are going to be taken as soon as my touch up is done. You won't be able to get me here fast enough.
Why are you on a challenge?
You couldn't hold me back till september, I'd be doing a whole heap of lying on that thread. YAY I PASSED!!! y'all heffers don't really know I bought some MT :grin:

Im on holiday until September and it would be way too complicated and expensive to ship the MT here :sad:. So im going to be more careful about how much I apply.
Are you stretching to September?

Oh NOOOOOO:lachen: My hair couldn't take that:nono: I'm doing my touchup July 12th. I will be 12 weeks. The next OCT/MT update is September, right? I was saying, I'll be able to give more accurate progress/growth in September because I'll be MTing on a fresh touchup:yep:
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