Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek Challenge

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Don't forget to DC weekly with a very moisturizing deep conditioner. Most of the ladies in this challenge are DC'ing about twice a week to counteract the dryness, okay?

Yeah, thanks. you all are soo sweet here! and smart... I feel like such an idiot. So then you apply it to your scalp and leave it till the next wash and then apply it again, yes? I think somewhere in here I read that... :look: sorry for the questions... I started out using it on my entire head... :nono:
***JN shaking her head with disbelief***
N&W don't do it guul... don't go because someone is really good at debating :lachen: I'm going to PM you to talk you out of leaving us...

please don't... you and London Diva are my inspirations, just to name a few. After seeing your hair N&W I knew I had to stop slacking off and get my behind in gear....
Although this sticky thread is a "safezone", I think I'm gonna be out for a little while. I really don't like "stuff" when it goes down and so....I'll see ya'll at the end of the summer.

Let's continue to get our grow on ladies!!!


Don't you let that mad woman run you away from here! Nope! She's a wackadoo. Stay here with us.

Yeah N&W, please don't let that girl make you leave us. We don't deserve that:grin:. We want you here with us honey. I'll be :sad: if you leave now especially how your input has been so helpful to us all.
Yeah, thanks. you all are soo sweet here! and smart... I feel like such an idiot. So then you apply it to your scalp and leave it till the next wash and then apply it again, yes? I think somewhere in here I read that... :look: sorry for the questions... I started out using it on my entire head... :nono:

This is correct honey We don't mind the questions at all.
Don't forget to DC weekly with a very moisturizing deep conditioner. Most of the ladies in this challenge are DC'ing about twice a week to counteract the dryness, okay?

Would ORS Replenishing conditioner qualify? I know that it certainly makes my hair feel very soft, but i don't know if it's considered a moisturizing or a protien condish.

Yeah, thanks. you all are soo sweet here! and smart... I feel like such an idiot. So then you apply it to your scalp and leave it till the next wash and then apply it again, yes? I think somewhere in here I read that... :look: sorry for the questions... I started out using it on my entire head... :nono:

So lets say i washed my hair once a week. Could i still apply MT every other day or do i only apply it once during that time? In other words, would it still be effective if i was basically applying it on top of a previous application from the day before, or do i need to start cowashing every other day so it can be applied to a 'fresh' scalp?

I'm trying to figure this out now, so i'll know exactly what to do when my order finally arrives.:yep:
So lets say i washed my hair once a week. Could i still apply MT every other day or do i only apply it once during that time? In other words, would it still be effective if i was basically applying it on top of a previous application from the day before, or do i need to start cowashing every other day so it can be applied to a 'fresh' scalp?

I'm trying to figure this out now, so i'll know exactly what to do when my order finally arrives.:yep:[/quote]

me too, I think you worded it better.
Would ORS Replenishing conditioner qualify? I know that it certainly makes my hair feel very soft, but i don't know if it's considered a moisturizing or a protien condish.

I consider it a moisturizing conditioner but some people consider it protien because of the trace amounts of protien in it. I have used it as my moisturizing conditioner for about a year until I switched to something else.

So lets say i washed my hair once a week. Could i still apply MT every other day or do i only apply it once during that time? In other words, would it still be effective if i was basically applying it on top of a previous application from the day before, or do i need to start cowashing every other day so it can be applied to a 'fresh' scalp?

I'm trying to figure this out now, so i'll know exactly what to do when my order finally arrives.:yep:

You can do that with no problem. Most ladies here are applying daily. But remember this is to the scalp ONLY. Not your hair. If you start getting alot on your hair you will want to start washing more often.
:lachen:this forum is full of nutters; I swear Im seriously going to start using the Ignore button.

Nice and Wavy dont let them get to you; these type of people belong on that other forum.

If you arent using all natural products you'll probably going to get all type diseases :rolleyes:

On a positive note that person made me apply some MT on my scalp and it felt good :yep:
Several weeks after I started to use OCT/MT I started experiencing some light-moderate shedding which I tackled successfully by using garlic poos and condish. I was not unduly worried as this happenes to me on/off over the years. However in the last week or so it seemed to have gotten worse and I realised the hairline at my forehead had receded by 1/2"!:sad: (I know its 1/2" because I have a teeny scar where my hairline starts, now my hairline starts 1/2" away from the scar) I have never had any problems with my hairline before and I am shocked and quite upset. To make matters worse I was in a department store changing room and the light was extremely bright and I noticed that my hairline has become see thru with my shiny scalp peeking through:whyme::pullhair::pullhair::pullhair::thud:I was not sure what to do or what was causing it, I just thought that I should stop putting all this crap in my hair and shave it off. Cant do that though as I have a big head and I dont think it would suit me:nono: Then I started thinking and realised that my hair looks (dirty brown and dull) browner than usual and looks a bit "washed out". I am taking all the vits I am supposed to (I was anemic before and had a big bald spot in the middle of my head) so I could not understand whats going on. Anyway I decided to check my haemoglobin levels at work and it is low- well below the healthy acceptable range. I have been checking every few month recently and it has been ok so I was surprised but glad I found the culprit. I will start checking it weekly now to ensure I don't go below the range or overdose on iron) I am increasing my iron intake and I have started taking the garlic tablets and most importantly I will be sticking to my OCT/MT challenge.
Would ORS Replenishing conditioner qualify? I know that it certainly makes my hair feel very soft, but i don't know if it's considered a moisturizing or a protien condish.

Answer: ORS rep pak is a mild protein and some use it once a week but my suggestion is to also incorporate some more moisturizing deep conditioner at least once a week as well.

So lets say i washed my hair once a week. Could i still apply MT every other day or do i only apply it once during that time? In other words, would it still be effective if i was basically applying it on top of a previous application from the day before, or do i need to start cowashing every other day so it can be applied to a 'fresh' scalp?

Answer: Daily co-washing is not necessary, however I would recommend DC'ing about twice a week but use shampoo at least once a week. The MT can still be applied daily on top of previous applications - make sure to do a brief scalp massage with it if you want to see some faster results. I added some essential oils to my MT for added stimulation.

I'm trying to figure this out now, so i'll know exactly what to do when my order finally arrives.:yep:

Hope this helps.
:lachen:this forum is full of nutters; I swear Im seriously going to start using the Ignore button.

Nice and Wavy dont let them get to you; these type of people belong on that other forum.

If you arent using all natural products you'll probably going to get all type diseases :rolleyes:

On a positive note that person made me apply some MT on my scalp and it felt good :yep:

We don't have to worry about that anymore because the moderators closed down that thread, THANK GOODNESS!!! That was such a hateful and angry thread that produced a lot of animosity which I am glad the moderators saw necessary to shut down. Way to go moderators.
I really can't wait to start this...but some people are experiencing lots of shedding? How do you guys combat this?

I am finding out that most people are using some form or garlic to curb the shedding. Either garlic shampoo/condish treatments, or garlic supplements.
I personally have already been taking garlic suppliments for the benefits that it has on cholesterol so I hope there is enough in my system to catch the shedding if it starts. I cant wait until my MT gets here.
I really can't wait to start this...but some people are experiencing lots of shedding? How do you guys combat this?

Check out my fotki for my garlic recipe anad take garlic supplements. There is another recipe right in this thread - look up post #1925 a few pages back for another one, also I use garlic poos, conditioners and treatments.
Hi :wave: newbie here.. I'm jumping on the bandwagon! But I'm starting slow so I bought the Mega-Tek Equine Cell Rebuilder & see how it goes..
Several weeks after I started to use OCT/MT I started experiencing some light-moderate shedding which I tackled successfully by using garlic poos and condish. I was not unduly worried as this happenes to me on/off over the years. However in the last week or so it seemed to have gotten worse and I realised the hairline at my forehead had receded by 1/2"!:sad: (I know its 1/2" because I have a teeny scar where my hairline starts, now my hairline starts 1/2" away from the scar) I have never had any problems with my hairline before and I am shocked and quite upset. To make matters worse I was in a department store changing room and the light was extremely bright and I noticed that my hairline has become see thru with my shiny scalp peeking through:whyme::pullhair::pullhair::pullhair::thud:I was not sure what to do or what was causing it, I just thought that I should stop putting all this crap in my hair and shave it off. Cant do that though as I have a big head and I dont think it would suit me:nono: Then I started thinking and realised that my hair looks (dirty brown and dull) browner than usual and looks a bit "washed out". I am taking all the vits I am supposed to (I was anemic before and had a big bald spot in the middle of my head) so I could not understand whats going on. Anyway I decided to check my haemoglobin levels at work and it is low- well below the healthy acceptable range. I have been checking every few month recently and it has been ok so I was surprised but glad I found the culprit. I will start checking it weekly now to ensure I don't go below the range or overdose on iron) I am increasing my iron intake and I have started taking the garlic tablets and most importantly I will be sticking to my OCT/MT challenge.
Evs girl, I am so happy that you found out what was really going on. I bet that came with some peace of mind. You were one of the ones who had me worried for a second. Super glad you tackled it. Now get to growin! GOOD LUCK!

Hi :wave: newbie here.. I'm jumping on the bandwagon! But I'm starting slow so I bought the Mega-Tek Equine Cell Rebuilder & see how it goes..
Hi curli! Make sure you read the first post of the challenge to get rules and etc. PM me when you get a sec.
I really can't wait to start this...but some people are experiencing lots of shedding? How do you guys combat this?

I just let it shed. I have garlic shampoo that helps but I don't really shampoo that often. If the shedding is really annoying I'll do 3 weeks on and 1 week off CT.
We don't have to worry about that anymore because the moderators closed down that thread, THANK GOODNESS!!! That was such a hateful and angry thread that produced a lot of animosity which I am glad the moderators saw necessary to shut down. Way to go moderators.

Uggh but she's at it again :rolleyes:

lol I swear folks live off drama :nono:
Sounds like some ladies have had a good relationship with the folks over at Eqyss. If there is a concern about the keratin or any of the ingredients, why don't one of us simply contact the representatives over there and ask them about it? :look:
I was trying so hard not to leap onto the MT bandwagon but I just can't fight it anymore. I'm almost out of my staple 'poos and cons and I just used the last of my MTG this weekend so that's the excuse I'm using to disguise my rampant PJ-ism. :sekret: Plus when I read about how strong it's making some of you ladies' hair I knew I had to give it a try. I ordered the shampoo and rebuilder yesterday so count me in! :trampolin
Updating...So as of yesterday it's been a week since using MT. And sure enough I have the itchies! Lastnight I'm rubbing my scalp and BAM newgrowth! It's so pronounced that it shocked me! So I went to a mirror to investigate and :yep: I'm growin a seabiscut!!!! I'm SO happy!:yay::yay:
so on average, how much newgrowth are people on MT seeing each month? i keep seeing things about increased hairgrowth/thickness but i haven't seen any numbers.
so on average, how much newgrowth are people on MT seeing each month? i keep seeing things about increased hairgrowth/thickness but i haven't seen any numbers.

When I use it daily consistently, I'm seeing 3/4 to an inch growth a month. I think that's about average, for most ladies.....about 1/4 inch a week.....
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