Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega Tek Challenge

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Glad to see this new thread. I've been in the OCT challenge since April 15th, when my first bottle of OCT arrived....can't believe I'm still workin' off the very 1st bottle! This stuff is great!:yep: I have enjoyed some nice growth. I am in the C & G challenge, so I can't wait to see what I've got when the braids come down:yep:
i cant wait to have growth like yours. i'm 3 months post and installing braids. it is the hardest job ever to part my hair! add that to a whole month of MT and dont know what im gonna do:nono:

Tell me about it but the most important thing is. Gotdammit IT'S Working:lachen:You are already 3 months post and you're in braids. When you come up out them braids, you're going to be really happy:yep:
Yeah T!
So happy for you! I remember we started around the same time- 2 weeks ago :yep:! I was in LD's cheering section to get you to start before your relaxer (misery loves company :lachen:). I can relate as I'm now 12 weeks post and the ng is crazy but surprisingly manageable. I was going to relax in July but I feel adventurous and will relax around the 1st or 2nd of Sept :perplexed:ohwell::spinning:!

I remember and yall sent me right over the top:grin: Whoaa, September huh? I can't wait to see your progress. Make sure to pay attention to your tresses every week, hayl everyday and give your hair extra TLC. You know the rest so I won't write you a novel:lachen: but listen to your hair and and your stretch will be fine!
See I told you now I don't have to whoop you Madea style :lachen:

You're right LD was not having that. I was looking at my computer screen like you'd grown another head. Wait and use MT until when.....? Which part???? I'm glad you started and are getting the results. Sounds like your surprise at your growth is what i had. Now watch come touch up time. Last night I was megasagging and I was sitting in a dim room watching TV. Out of the corner of my eye I jump up "Raaaatid" I thought it was a spider. You know what my special bus self saw. The end of the twist on the side of my head flick past my eye quickly as I turned my head. So know I turn chu-pid and am afraid of my own hair :lachen:I've been spooked by my own shadow before but this takes the biscuit.

:lachen::lachen: Yep, you did LD. I knew it was a reason why I trusted you:yep: and yes I am surprised, this is crazy. Just being in a ponytail, my hair feels thickier, the ng waves feels deep (can't explain that any better) all I know my waves have never been this deep before. Although, I'm going on 10 weeks, my hair feels like I should be further along, like maybe 12 or 13 weeks. Idk:rolleyes: I'm just glad I jumped on this because I had stopped jumping on ships but this is amazing and I can't wait to see your update LD. You don't know the exact date, you'll be doing your touch up do you? I need to set a reminder but I know I won't forget:rolleyes::lachen:

Hey girls, I think I asked this in the last thread before I left for vacation but don't remember seeing a response and the old thread is closed....

***Ladies who used both OCT and Megatek***

Is OCT worth the money or should I just stick with the MT? Better yet, should I suck it up and buy both and use recipe above?

Are you using just the cell rebuilder/cell therapy?

Which website gets the MT ships quicker?
I've read a lot of ladies waiting weeks.:nono:

I apologize in advance if these are repeat questions.

TT8/DSD - Maybe we should start a OCT/Megatek FAQs at the beginning of thread. I know it will be time consuming, but it would save the thread from multiple questions from people like me. :grin:
OK, I've been lurking for like E-V-E-R but I just had to come out to give a shout out to:

NICE & WAVY (thanks for being such a darling & helping with my issues). Your progress is amazing!

JUST KIYA, L.D., TT8....and all my OCT/MT sistas! Y'all r such an inspiration. I got on the OCT/MT bandwagon 2 wks ago but I didn't join the challenge b/c I don't want to keep track of my progress until I see the tip of my hair touching full APL - hopefully by December (Fingers crossed). I'm already too obssessed with my hair. Tracking my hair's growth will drive ME CRAZY!! :spinning:

I feel everyone's excitement. I'm excited too.:grin: Keep doing ya thang.


Awwww...I'm glad I was able to help, sis!:blowkiss:
OK I'm IN!

I went to a equine store and bought Mega-Tek Rebuilder. The price was hiked up and last bottle, so LHCF may have stroke already :spinning:. I'll order online next time.

I cornrowed my hair striaght back (think dude style) and plan to apply daily between the parts.

I was pleasantly surprised at how creamy MT Rebuilder is and the great smell (beats MTG stench anyday)!

I want APL hair for my birthday!
Hey girls, I think I asked this in the last thread before I left for vacation but don't remember seeing a response and the old thread is closed....

***Ladies who used both OCT and Megatek***

Is OCT worth the money or should I just stick with the MT? Better yet, should I suck it up and buy both and use recipe above?

Are you using just the cell rebuilder/cell therapy?

Which website gets the MT ships quicker? I've read a lot of ladies waiting weeks.:nono:

I apologize in advance if these are repeat questions.

TT8/DSD - Maybe we should start a OCT/Megatek FAQs at the beginning of thread. I know it will be time consuming, but it would save the thread from multiple questions from people like me. :grin:

Start with post #2 of this thread to see all the FAQs
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Hey girls, I think I asked this in the last thread before I left for vacation but don't remember seeing a response and the old thread is closed....

***Ladies who used both OCT and Megatek***

Is OCT worth the money or should I just stick with the MT? Better yet, should I suck it up and buy both and use recipe above?I use both and it works for me and is worth the money. You can use either one and get the results you need...I just like using both because that way, both bottles last me that much longer!

Are you using just the cell rebuilder/cell therapy? I use cell rebuilder

Which website gets the MT ships quicker? I've read a lot of ladies waiting weeks.:nono: I'm not sure...someone will chime in i'm sure.

I apologize in advance if these are repeat questions.

TT8/DSD - Maybe we should start a OCT/Megatek FAQs at the beginning of thread. I know it will be time consuming, but it would save the thread from multiple questions from people like me. :grin:
Hope that helps!
:lachen::lachen: Yep, you did LD. I knew it was a reason why I trusted you:yep: and yes I am surprised, this is crazy. Just being in a ponytail, my hair feels thickier, the ng waves feels deep (can't explain that any better) all I know my waves have never been this deep before. Although, I'm going on 10 weeks, my hair feels like I should be further along, like maybe 12 or 13 weeks. Idk:rolleyes: I'm just glad I jumped on this because I had stopped jumping on ships but this is amazing and I can't wait to see your update LD. You don't know the exact date, you'll be doing your touch up do you? I need to set a reminder but I know I won't forget:rolleyes::lachen:


T..I'm so happy that you are getting your growth on girlie!!!

This stuff is amazing...isn't it?
I finished a whole bottle of OCT and I just started MT so I can't compare just yet....but, here is a website for MT that ships fast. Use coupon code ezpet2008A to get $5 off.

Hey girls, I think I asked this in the last thread before I left for vacation but don't remember seeing a response and the old thread is closed....

***Ladies who used both OCT and Megatek***

Is OCT worth the money or should I just stick with the MT? Better yet, should I suck it up and buy both and use recipe above?

Are you using just the cell rebuilder/cell therapy?

Which website gets the MT ships quicker?
I've read a lot of ladies waiting weeks.:nono:

I apologize in advance if these are repeat questions.

TT8/DSD - Maybe we should start a OCT/Megatek FAQs at the beginning of thread. I know it will be time consuming, but it would save the thread from multiple questions from people like me. :grin:
what's megasagging?

Mas'sagging' with 'Mega'Tek. :lol: ;)

Where IS Shimmie?

OK, I've been lurking for like E-V-E-R but I just had to come out to give a shout out to:

NICE & WAVY (thanks for being such a darling & helping with my issues). Your progress is amazing!

JUST KIYA, L.D., TT8....and all my OCT/MT sistas! Y'all r such an inspiration. I got on the OCT/MT bandwagon 2 wks ago but I didn't join the challenge b/c I don't want to keep track of my progress until I see the tip of my hair touching full APL - hopefully by December (Fingers crossed). I'm already too obssessed with my hair. Tracking my hair's growth will drive ME CRAZY!! :spinning:

I feel everyone's excitement. I'm excited too.:grin: Keep doing ya thang.


You are more than welcome!!! That's what supporting each other is all about, ya know??

The itchies have calmed with me now. I only get em more when i spray with the Premier Spray. but i got the growth though I can see that for sure. :yep: This month applied for 24 days and have about an inch, less in some parts, but this week has been a fasssssst growing week for me. I'd be intrigued to see my hair post wash and re-twist tomorrow.

I've only noticed tenderness in one teeny tiny spot. I wear my hair daily in a style that require not one ounce of tension so I know that can't be attributed to that.

I get the warm 'soul glo' feeling all over my head after applying every night. That's how I know this stuff absorbs and doesn't clog as I wash 1x per week and apply daily. Plus no build up under the nails if I have a little scratch.

Yes, me too, as far as seeming to be a fast growing week. I put my hair in some box braids at the start of the week, and I SWEAR they feel longer. :look: I lost the danngone battery to my camera, and Canon is talking 6-8 weeks to get me a new one, so - I'm claiming it RIGHT NOW, I'm going to be shoulder length by the time I take some new pics ya'll, ya heard?!?

And yeah - even as I'm madly scratching - no ick under my fingernails - my scalp is smooth and clean.

Fabulous stuff, ya'll.
I missed my mega saggin' last night:sad: because I had to go out last night and was too tired to do it when I got back home, but when I get off from work today, Im gonna be takin' care a ma business:yep:. I need to DC my hair today and henna on the week end too.
Ya'll hair growth is serious business. :yep: I went out to the club last night, came back at 3 am, dead tired, and STILL pulled out my MT bottle to get my mega-sag' on. :lachen:
Mas'sagging' with 'Mega'Tek. :lol: ;)

Where IS Shimmie?

You are more than welcome!!! That's what supporting each other is all about, ya know??

Yes, me too, as far as seeming to be a fast growing week. I put my hair in some box braids at the start of the week, and I SWEAR they feel longer. :look: I lost the danngone battery to my camera, and Canon is talking 6-8 weeks to get me a new one, so - I'm claiming it RIGHT NOW, I'm going to be shoulder length by the time I take some new pics ya'll, ya heard?!?

And yeah - even as I'm madly scratching - no ick under my fingernails - my scalp is smooth and clean.

Fabulous stuff, ya'll.

She is fine and is taking a break. She will be back!

I'll let her know you asked for her.
It's here! It's here! :yay:

Here's my starting progress picture, it's the best I could do because it was from the last time I flat-ironed and right now my hair is experiencing shrinkage:

Wonderful! Wow...you have a great start on your hair already. Your hair is nice and long. Look forward to hearing about all your new growth popping through....:grin:

It's here! It's here! :yay:

Here's my starting progress picture, it's the best I could do because it was from the last time I flat-ironed and right now my hair is experiencing shrinkage:

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