Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega Tek Challenge

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For all of the ladies that needed to be added to the challenge list send me a pm and I will add you.

Ladies I appreciate each and everyone one of you for the positive turn around that you made.

Now, to everyone, lets get focused on what we are here for again.

:yep:Growing our hair long and healthy!! :yep:
Adding more protein? :eek:

Is anyone else besides me just using the MT straight, no chaser?I haven't noticed any additional shedding or dryness or anything. I just apply straight to the scalp.

I think think she's referring to SAA, Silk amino acid. Alot of the ladies are adding it with an oil to their mix. I even add some to my OCT.
It is getting HARD to stretch. I was a 6 month stretcher with the help of braids every 3 months. BRAIDS and MT??? forget it, in 23 days I swear I have an inch plus, I retwisted my side twists last night and said hell no from my cut at the end of April it was 3 inches past my collar bone (see pic #1 in siggy) I even noticed a difference in length since my hair wash last weekend. So wearing braids and fast growth is just not even worth the time and I don't want to look like whoopi goldberg on a daily (and before anyone gets upset I used to wear locs myself...a disclaimer is always needed on LHCF these days as to not upset folks:rolleyes:) So right now I'd say 8 weeks and I really don't want to do that but as there is substantial new growth the possibility of overlapping is minimised, plus I'm a careful self relaxer.

I can't answer your 2nd question as I mix mine with a drop of oil and some SAA.

Good luck with your MT :yep:

bwahahahaha @ whoppi, i know what you mean:look:
i'm getting a forest under my braids, they really are getting messy fast.
i've only had them in two weeks:ohwell:

i usually can keep braids in three months. oh well, MT is working!!!:yep:
Oh my gods, ya'll, I'm getting itchies. *twitches*

I had a few yesterday, and I just kinda ignored them, but today? Feels like the ants are marching in on my scalp!!

I haven't gotten my hair wet all week though - so that might be it too.... but wooooooo!!!

The itch, the itch!
i've been getting the itchies too...

but has anybody noticed any tenderness? not so much tenderness to the touch, but a tenderness of the scalp still. I've just been happy to have it (tenderness) because i'm guessing it means my hair is growing! :)
i've been getting the itchies too...

but has anybody noticed any tenderness? not so much tenderness to the touch, but a tenderness of the scalp still. I've just been happy to have it (tenderness) because i'm guessing it means my hair is growing! :)

My scalp gets a tiny bit sore & warm when I'm massaging it, but otherwise, no, no more than normal.
*Personal note to you all*

I see this all like hindsight is 20/20 now , that I never should have started that thread while upset! and directed my frustration at everyone using this product as a whole or as you all one in the same! I am sorry to all of you for that part of my wrong doing! In my heart the whole time I didnt see it that way, now I can and do! The saddest part of all is the reason I got called 'captain save a head' was because I am actually known to really try to help, but it hurt me and I reacted to that , but it never should have been directed at the people using this product as a whole. The funny thing (not really funny at all though) is all of us went at it and I just realized that the one that called me a name never even showed up while we were all in an uproar! It was my mistake letting my upset play into someone's hand! I should know better and I apologize to all of you' as though all of you 'were acting the way I was accusing' that one or two in the other thread of being! I hope and pray this doesnt spark any more drama as that is the last thing I want. I did have my feelings about the risks and am not here to reapeat any of that! I am just sorry , really sorry that I reacted out of my frustration, speaking to all who use this product as a whole, that was really really wrong. And I JUST want you to know , that I truly do wish you all (all of you) the best and as usual, happy hair growing! I dont know if things will ever be 'lhcf as usual' ever again, but I couldnt part from this without a formal apology on my part to each of you! I Know where I felt wronged and it was wrong for me to lash out because of it, Trust me usually I know better! I hope there is forgivness from here, if not I understand! hugs to all of you! take care of yourselves and your hair! (there is no sarcasm whatsoever in me) I PRAY you all know that! God bless!

:bighug:We are family girl so don't sweat getting upset sometimes. We all have a right to express our feelings and as a family, we forgive and move on! Thanks for the words of apology because it shows just how a real family should be!!! Much Love to you and BTW- I really don't know was said to spark the apology, but we are family, so apology accepted!!

Hi Ladies,

I am going to start the MT challenge!!!:yep: I order ot today. I read the Mega-Tex recipe and have a question on the MN. What is MN? Sorry don't mean to be dense. Thanks!
I appreciate all the women who are apart of this OCT/MT challenge!

Ya'll are blessed and highly favored!

I'm so happy to be growing with you....we are doing our thang!

I am so upset right now:wallbash: I ordered my Mega Tek on the 13th of this month but it isn't here yet. I want some growth too:lachen:
Used up the last of my OCT today and my MT came--right on time!:look: :woot:

I used the Cell Therapy for 5 weeks--I am a slow grower *u can tell from my fotki lol* and I am soooo excited about the amount of growth that I got!!

I didn't measure or anything but I'm guessing that's almost 1/2 an inch

Thanks for sharing the info on this--I've tried MANY growth aids and NONE have compared to this!

Used up the last of my OCT today and my MT came--right on time!:look: :woot:

I used the Cell Therapy for 5 weeks--I am a slow grower *u can tell from my fotki lol* and I am soooo excited about the amount of growth that I got!!

I didn't measure or anything but I'm guessing that's almost 1/2 an inch

Thanks for sharing the info on this--I've tried MANY growth aids and NONE have compared to this!


Congrats, ayoung!!! That's amazing!!! :wow:


I get so excited with each new success story posted here - it's just SO amazing how well this stuff works!

Thank ya'll, for keeping me inspired!! :bighug:
Used up the last of my OCT today and my MT came--right on time!:look: :woot:

I used the Cell Therapy for 5 weeks--I am a slow grower *u can tell from my fotki lol* and I am soooo excited about the amount of growth that I got!!

I didn't measure or anything but I'm guessing that's almost 1/2 an inch

Thanks for sharing the info on this--I've tried MANY growth aids and NONE have compared to this!


Girl...look at all that newgrowth:blush:

You grow on girl....congratulations!!
Used up the last of my OCT today and my MT came--right on time!:look: :woot:

I used the Cell Therapy for 5 weeks--I am a slow grower *u can tell from my fotki lol* and I am soooo excited about the amount of growth that I got!!

I didn't measure or anything but I'm guessing that's almost 1/2 an inch

Thanks for sharing the info on this--I've tried MANY growth aids and NONE have compared to this!


Grow it long and strong, sis!!!! I see that growth (which looks a bit longer than .5 inches- more like a tad bit more than 1 inch :grin:).
Used up the last of my OCT today and my MT came--right on time!:look: :woot:

I used the Cell Therapy for 5 weeks--I am a slow grower *u can tell from my fotki lol* and I am soooo excited about the amount of growth that I got!!

I didn't measure or anything but I'm guessing that's almost 1/2 an inch

Thanks for sharing the info on this--I've tried MANY growth aids and NONE have compared to this!


So happy for you! Congrats!
Used up the last of my OCT today and my MT came--right on time!:look: :woot:

I used the Cell Therapy for 5 weeks--I am a slow grower *u can tell from my fotki lol* and I am soooo excited about the amount of growth that I got!!

I didn't measure or anything but I'm guessing that's almost 1/2 an inch

Thanks for sharing the info on this--I've tried MANY growth aids and NONE have compared to this!


:wow: :bouncy: :congrats: :flowers:
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