Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega Tek Challenge

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Cant wait to see update pics after you relax.......your hair is absolutely gorgeous! NEVER CUT YOUR HAIR WHILE YOU HAVE UNRELAXED NEW GROWTH!!!! From experience - when you have unrelaxed new growth AND relaxed hair the relaxed ends start to look stringy and thin because the unrelaxed hair pulls up the straight relaxed hair making it look thinner and more uneven than it really is.
So ladies, I think I NEED to relax. There is NO way I'm going to survive a 4 month stretch at this rate with all this hair.... Its never been so hard before for me and I'm just not happy with my hair. I think I'm being too hard on myself right now, but in any case my roots are UNCONTROLABLE! Lol. A good/bad thing. The length is DEFINITELY coming though! My hair has never been this long. I'm just trying to really keep myself from trimming my uneven ends lol. My middle/crown grows like a weed and the nape is at least now catching up!

I just patted my hair, I lightly flat ironed after my wash/DC yesterday. Um I can't feel my scalp, I've got a straight up TWA up there, and that's after I got the roots really good. Geez!
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so i am not the only one. i noticed this on monday when i let my hair airdry. which normally is a no no when i have a lot of new growth. just too thick to manipulate. i decided to air dry beings i was putting it up in a bun anyway. but to my surprise after it airdryed i noticed the new growth was soft. i could have actually got a comb through it if i wanted to (trying not to comb too much during the week).

this was the main thing i was concerned about with growth aids. my hair responds very well to growth aids, but my hair naturally grows in thick. and when its growing fast with the aids (like when i used mn) almost like weeds, the new growth was too thick. i had to get tree braids so that i did not have to fight with the new growth all the time.

but i noticed with using mt my new growth is softer. man i am in heaven with this mt. and i am getting growth for sure. u cant beat that.

OMGoodness, I was just thinking about this on 2 days ago, how soft my hair still is at over 3 weeks post my last relaxer. I likey:yep:!!!
I have to tell you ladies that I was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG about the Ovation system products!!!!!!!!!!

You see, I had finished my OCT and just started using MT because it was cheaper. But I still had the shampoo and the rinse to finish up. So, last night while I was in the shower, I decided to wash my hair, followed by the rinse with the thought of "finishing" out the products.

Well, let me tell you: I had forgotten how good the shampoo felt. But the RINSE!!! Oh, my goodness, the RINSE!!!

Listen, I am almost 11 weeks post and my roots are horrendous, dry and I felt as though I would have to relax very soon.

Well, the RINSE totally softened my NG. I shampoo'd, then applied the Rinse covering with a plastic cap while I did my business. Not expecting much, I took the cap off when I finished my business for a final rinse. My Jilbere shower comb melted my NG as I rinsed the RINSE out. I couldn't believe it! I totally thought that I would have to struggle to get through this forrest of NG. Not so!! My hair detangled effortlessly. I realized that perhaps I was using the RINSE wrong before. I had been using the RINSE with heat and it wasn't very moisturizing that way. From now on, I will incorporate the RINSE after the Shampoo WITHOUT HEAT in the shower.

I applied Moisture Balance Conditioner as a leave-in (you can use it that way), and sealed with Aloe Vera oil. I allowed my hair to dry about 80%, added more MBC, sealing this time with Hot Oil 6, separated my hair in 4 sections, braided up. This morning I awoke to a beautiful braid out, the first time ever that my braid-outs actually looked good. Compliments all around when I arrived to work today...

I immediately got on line and ordered the entire system again for the $54 price.

I figured that I would add the OCT to the MT mix that I already have just as I was doing before; or, just experiment with it as the directions suggest.
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How long have you been using the OCT System? Did you experince the shedding? What is your regimen? I know you explained some of it, but when exactly are you apply the CT and how often? I know it's a lot of questions. I am very excited that you discovered how to make the shampoo and creame rinse really work for you. TIA

I have to tell you ladies that I was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG about the Ovation system products!!!!!!!!!!

You see, I had finished my OCT and just started using MT because it was cheaper. But I still had the shampoo and the rinse to finish up. So, last night while I was in the shower, I decided to wash my hair, followed by the rinse with the thought of "finishing" out the products.

Well, let me tell you: I had forgotten how good the shampoo felt. But the RINSE!!! Oh, my goodness, the RINSE!!!

Listen, I am almost 11 weeks post and my roots are horrendous, dry and I felt as though I would have to relax very soon.

Well, the RINSE totally softened my NG. I shampoo'd, then applied the Rinse covering with a plastic cap while I did my business. Not expecting much, I took the cap off when I finished my business for a final rinse. My Jilbere shower comb melted my NG as I rinsed the RINSE out. I couldn't believe it! I totally thought that I would have to struggle to get through this forrest of NG. Not so!! My hair detangled effortlessly. I realized that perhaps I was using the RINSE wrong before. I had been using the RINSE with heat and it wasn't very moisturizing that way. From now on, I will incorporate the RINSE after the Shampoo WITHOUT HEAT in the shower.

I applied Moisture Balance Conditioner as a leave-in (you can use it that way), and sealed with Aloe Vera oil. I allowed my hair to dry about 80%, added more MBC, sealing this time with Hot Oil 6, separated my hair in 4 sections, braided up. This morning I awoke to a beautiful braid out, the first time ever that my braid-outs actually looked good. Compliments all around when I arrived to work today...

I immediately got on line and ordered the entire system again for the $54 price.

I figured that I would add the OCT to the MT mix that I already have just as I was doing before; or, just experiment with it as the directions suggest.
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My first MT comparison update!!! I so love you guys!!!!

I posted the other pics under the MT/OCT progress thread:


OMG! OMG! OMG! You go, woman.
I had to force myself off this board yesterday to get to work. I just got back to reading. You guys are some prolific writers. Or maybe just very chatty. LOL Anyway, as I go through the posts, I see Caribgirl's pics. I have to catch my breath. OMG!

So there's hope, there's really hope. I will get my edges back AND get out of this TWA. YES!!!!!
OMG! OMG! OMG! You go, woman.
I had to force myself off this board yesterday to get to work. I just got back to reading. You guys are some prolific writers. Or maybe just very chatty. LOL Anyway, as I go through the posts, I see Caribgirl's pics. I have to catch my breath. OMG!

So there's hope, there's really hope. I will get my edges back AND get out of this TWA. YES!!!!!

:lol: We are VERY chatty. And, there are a LOT of us, too. :wave: to the lurkers.... ;)

And there is more than hope, there is an almost certainty!!!

I'm still amazed and awed that so many women are having such wonderful results - and that so few women are having either bad results, or none at all!!!

I've been around for a while, and never has a growth aid had such - DOCUMENTED results.
:lol: We are VERY chatty. And, there are a LOT of us, too. :wave: to the lurkers.... ;)

And there is more than hope, there is an almost certainty!!!

I'm still amazed and awed that so many women are having such wonderful results - and that so few women are having either bad results, or none at all!!!

I've been around for a while, and never has a growth aid had such - DOCUMENTED results.

I so agree with this post! Honestly the light bulb finally went on when I read somewhere, lawd don't get me to quoting...that someone used it to bring their hair back after chemotherapy, it was a wrap for me after that. I was like I might as well just go oneand order.

Might I also add that Cariib girl's picture sealed the deal- I ordered some MT today:look:.

I am either gonna do the Nice and Wavy technique or do a half and half combo with the OCT and the MT.......decisions, decisions.....
OK, I just thought I'd give you ladies a chuckle for the day. I am trying to stop looking at my head. I mean, I swear I see new growth every day. So yesterday, when I finally pulled myself away from this board & headed to work, I pulled down the visor mirror to look at my head. I swear, it's an obsession. Anyway, I have been experimenting with the-leave-the-condition-in-trying-to-get-more-defined-kinda-curls-thingy to this very tight 4a hair. I had problems with residue, so I have been adjusting the amount I leave in. So, as I was checking my new growth again, I thought, "dang, still residue at my widow's peak & edges". Then I realized, widow's peak - it's more defined & the "white residue" is actually gray hair. So my edges are coming in - but gray. Plus the spots of residue I was seeing thoughout my hair was mainly gray hair. (Good thing I ordered the henna from FNWL). My huband thought this was so funny, especially since I tease him about his graying. He asked me, do they have "Just for Women?" LOL

So, MT is working, I've got white evidence to prove it.

BTW, I am mustering up the courage to post my before pic & then I will officially join this challenge.
OK, I just thought I'd give you ladies a chuckle for the day. I am trying to stop looking at my head. I mean, I swear I see new growth every day. So yesterday, when I finally pulled myself away from this board & headed to work, I pulled down the visor mirror to look at my head. I swear, it's an obsession. Anyway, I have been experimenting with the-leave-the-condition-in-trying-to-get-more-defined-kinda-curls-thingy to this very tight 4a hair. I had problems with residue, so I have been adjusting the amount I leave in. So, as I was checking my new growth again, I thought, "dang, still residue at my widow's peak & edges". Then I realized, widow's peak - it's more defined & the "white residue" is actually gray hair. So my edges are coming in - but gray. Plus the spots of residue I was seeing thoughout my hair was mainly gray hair. (Good thing I ordered the henna from FNWL). My huband thought this was so funny, especially since I tease him about his graying. He asked me, do they have "Just for Women?" LOL

So, MT is working, I've got white evidence to prove it.

BTW, I am mustering up the courage to post my before pic & then I will officially join this challenge.


And, you know, someone - was it JN? - said that her grays started turning BROWN again, with OCT. I don't know if MT will have the same effect, though.

Man, who was that?!
So I relaxed 11 days ago and I have a centimeter of growth already :blush: It's starting to creep me out cause I'm a slow grower.
I knew my hair was growing but I never got around to taking pics since I don't post pictures here anyway. But now that I am newly relaxed I can clearly see the growth.& if I continue with these kinds of results I will average at about an inch a month:blush::blush::blush: Needless to say, I am so happy for finding this board and you ladies introducing me to MT:blowkiss:


And, you know, someone - was it JN? - said that her grays started turning BROWN again, with OCT. I don't know if MT will have the same effect, though.

Man, who was that?!

JK, now that you mention this, I noticed this reddish/brown hue around the top of my head. I was confused because I had cut off the colored straight ends & had noticed no more red. Then over the last few days I noticed this red hue. I was wondering which of my products could be causing this. Now with this discussion I am wondering, could it be the reddish/brown is the already gray hairs that were there, & the white is the new growth?
Hmmmmm/ Something to pay attention to. No matter. I'll take the white, the red, whatever as long as it indicates growth.

My hair is singing: " I'm growing, I'm growing, lalalalalala"
:lol: We are VERY chatty. And, there are a LOT of us, too. :wave: to the lurkers.... ;)

And there is more than hope, there is an almost certainty!!!

I'm still amazed and awed that so many women are having such wonderful results - and that so few women are having either bad results, or none at all!!!

I've been around for a while, and never has a growth aid had such - DOCUMENTED results.


When I started MTG was all the craze! then BT! then MN! then the Indian stuff!

Each thread would blow UP for a few months with everyone saying that they are "going" to start using the miracle product.......but there seemed to be very few follow-up photos of actual proof of GROWTH.
:grin::grin:I recieved my MT today:grin::grin:
I took the time away from applying to let you guys know. I'm so exited smells okay coconutty....

When I started MTG was all the craze! then BT! then MN! then the Indian stuff!

Each thread would blow UP for a few months with everyone saying that they are "going" to start using the miracle product.......but there seemed to be very few follow-up photos of actual proof of GROWTH.


I think one benefit to MT/OCT is that it works so fast!

You usually get the 'Is my hair growing, or am I going crazy/seeing things??' feeling in the first week - most hair products, you have to use for at least two, sometimes four weeks for that.
Then, in week two to week three, you usually have the 'Oh my gods, my hair IS growing!!!' feeling.....
By week four, you usually have a picture that will make people drool, fall out, and whip out credit cards - a point at, for most other growth aids, you are just getting to the 'Ehhh, yeah, I'm pretty sure something is happening' point by then.

:spinning: Utterly amazing.

I am so happy I could cry.....
My Gallon size of Mega Tek came today... it was waitin for me when i got home!!!!!!!!!!
You know I had to hug the bottle and do a treatment( added SAA & EVOO):lick:

My husband thinks I have lot my mind:grin::grin::grin:
That was me!!!! :grin: (and Sareca too) :yep:

Yay! I got a name right! I've always been so bad at that - I'll remember something til the day I die, but the source? Phhfft. Gone.


I am so happy I could cry.....
My Gallon size of Mega Tek came today... it was waitin for me when i got home!!!!!!!!!!
You know I had to hug the bottle and do a treatment( added SAA & EVOO):lick:

My husband thinks I have lot my mind:grin::grin::grin:

Oooh, you lucky WOMAN!!!! Girl, if you are treating your hair right, by the time you finish a GALLON of this stuff, you should be waistlength. :lachen:

DH is sitting here watching me fondle (yes, fondle) the box of herbs and powders I just got from mountainrose herbs.

I think he thinks I'm a witch, sometimes. :lachen: :lachen::lachen:

But I betcha he'll keep in line. *hefts the bag of horsetail and gives him the sideeye*

Is there a diff between these beside price:

http://eqyss-online.stores.yahoo.net/16ounmegreb.html 16 oz 29.95

http://eqyss-online.stores.yahoo.net/16ounmegcoat.html 16 oz 34.95

http://eqyss-online.stores.yahoo.net/2ounmegcoatr.html 2 oz 12.45

All from the same site of course...I dont see ingredients listed.

I think the only difference between the first one and the second one is that the second one is branded towards human. And I think the only different between the 2nd one and the third one is size.

I'm sure between all of us, we all have each one - post up ingredients, ladies!

I think my bottle is the first one. *gets up to check*

Nope. Interesting.

That bottle says 'Equine Cell Rebuilder'. Mine says Equine Rebuilder. Then, under that, there's Thicker Fuller Longer Manes and Tails, and under that two boxes, the top one with Coat, and the bottom one with Hoof in it.


I wonder if they just have old pictures.



Someone should order all three.

fondle[/I]) the box of herbs and powders I just got from mountainrose herbs.

I think he thinks I'm a witch, sometimes. :lachen: :lachen::lachen:

But I betcha he'll keep in line. *hefts the bag of horsetail and gives him the sideeye*


At least i am not alone in my Madness!!!!! :lachen::lachen:
Great progress caribgirl- you should be BSL by next week lol
Thanks!:lachen:I hope that I am BSL :lachen::lachen:- Let me go and apply my MT right nowwwww!! :lachen:

This is so inspiring!!
Thanks so much Candy!!

Thanks Eva!!!

Congrats on all your progress! That is amazing!!!! :woohoo::club:

Please share your regimen, too, when you get a chance! :congrats::kiss:
:lachen::lachen:!!! I love your energy- thanks sooo very much!!

I use garlic poo/CON poo, followed by a moisturizing dc 2x a week. I apply NTM and then place MT on my scalp only every night. I then seal with EVOO and castor oil. I mix my MT with EVOO.

OMG! OMG! OMG! You go, woman.
I had to force myself off this board yesterday to get to work. I just got back to reading. You guys are some prolific writers. Or maybe just very chatty. LOL Anyway, as I go through the posts, I see Caribgirl's pics. I have to catch my breath. OMG!
So there's hope, there's really hope. I will get my edges back AND get out of this TWA. YES!!!!!

:lachen:Awww, thanks so much, rhapsdy!!!! I am so excited for your growth that is surely not residue :lachen::grin:!!!

I so agree with this post! Honestly the light bulb finally went on when I read somewhere, lawd don't get me to quoting...that someone used it to bring their hair back after chemotherapy, it was a wrap for me after that. I was like I might as well just go oneand order.

Might I also add that Cariib girl's picture sealed the deal- I ordered some MT today:look:.

I am either gonna do the Nice and Wavy technique or do a half and half combo with the OCT and the MT.......decisions, decisions.....

Oh SS!!! I'm happy that my progress has inspired you!!!! All of these ladies have inspired me with their successes and it's great to return a bit of all that I have received here!!! :grin: Thanks so much!!

Great growth CG, Im happy for you!!!!
Thank yo so very much, Eyes!!!

caribgirl are you applying mega tek to your scalp everyday ???????????

I apply every single day like an addict :lachen::lachen::lachen:!!
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