Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega Tek Challenge

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I meant to post earlier, but forgot after reading all the other replies...too many:drunk:

Anyway, personally, I think since she has a problem with buying anything else until finishing up one thing, I would just purchase it for myself, that way she can't really complain b/c it's not coming out of her pocket. I might not tell her at all. You could always pour some in an empty product bottle that you already have and stash it away. (I'm devious like that tho' :grin:).

When she's finished, you can either share with her (I'm selfish though, I wouldn't:lachen:), or show her how to order her own set.:yep:

Sorry, lilsparkle!!!

Yeah, I'm with GG here - I'd get some for myself, and then if she was interested, I'd share for a minute while I was waiting for the one ordered for her to show up. :lol:
thank you GG and Kiya for responding...what you said about purchasing it with my own money echoes my sentiments exactly, she cant say anything if i buy it. more than likely i will be mixing it with oil and thus i will need a label-free applicator bottle anyway; once she sees the growth taking off (crosses fingers) maybe she will say what is that and then i can say "a new growth aid". she's jsut as skeptical as i am so hopefully by then all my new growth will be enough to let her know its not a scam. if not i always have the pics in this thread :cough cough Nice & Wavy cough cough:
OK, Lilsparkle, off the top of my head...I think you need to go ahead and get the product. I do not advocate lying to her, so either tell her it's a new growth aid that you've seen picture proof of getting great results. If she just has to know what it is exactly, then tell her. If she says no way will she use it, then you go ahead. Once she sees how wonderful you're doing, she'll rethink it (as I sure many of us did - just like with MN:lachen:). Also, tell her is is safe for human use (show her the bottle or the website) and also let her know it is highly recommended for chemo patients for hair loss - which it is.

BTW, you are a wonderful dasughter for thinking of her. As a mommy, you make me proud.

thank you; i never had any intentions on lying to her which is why i was stuck as to what to do. me and her are in this together! btw i completely agree with Nice & Wavy; you are a wonderful addition to this challenge. it makes me happy to read your posts.

LilSparkle, I think it's only lying if she asks you about it and you don't tell or tell her something else. If she's happy using what she has, and you know she likes to wait until she finishes, why not wait until she's finished with what she has and THEN tell her about it? I mean if she sees it and asks, then fess up. But until then, why stress or be stressed?:look:
yeah i know all this stressing has me missing out on growth. its been 3 days which is like half a week. by the time it gets her i'm gonna miss out on 1/4" or more!!! LOL this calculation stuff is fun :dork:
deleted. i had a moment of insanity.

is kvvets the only one with a discount code?

ETA: nvm i bit the bullet and just placed my order through kvvets. 24.95 with free shipping and the minimum order charge of $5 was taken care of by that coupon code on the first page of this thread. i think it will take 4 days for me to get it...lets hope that means saturday and not monday.
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Sorry, lilsparkle!!!

Yeah, I'm with GG here - I'd get some for myself, and then if she was interested, I'd share for a minute while I was waiting for the one ordered for her to show up. :lol:

Yeah, that's what I would do too... I told my mom and bff about OCT and my friend bought it- twice and loves it. I am now going to use MT but I haven't told them. I'll wait and see how well it works for me and if it piques their interest.
How long is it taking you ladies to receive your MT? I ordered mine like 06/27 and I STILL haven't received it yet. I emailed them and they told me it take up to 10 business days for it to ship via USPS. I ordered from the easypetstore.com. I really can't believe it is taking this long. Maybe it's just me.:look:
I ordered from easypetstore a month ago and I did not receive my order, also they did not charge my account. I think they are backed up but they dont let you know that. You may need to contact them to check on your order. I cancelled mine and ordered from someone else.
Thank you Aggie! I just ordered it from the valleyvet.com website. I hope I don't start eating hay or something :lachen: Good Lord the crap I'll buy to make my hair long...

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Girl I know exactly what you're talking about.
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I ordered from easypetstore a month ago and I did not receive my order, also they did not charge my account. I think they are backed up but they dont let you know that. You may need to contact them to check on your order. I cancelled mine and ordered from someone else.

thanks... I think they already charged my acct.. I paid via paypal. yeah, I'll check again.
My first MT comparison update!!! I so love you guys!!!!

I posted the other pics under the MT/OCT progress thread:

Oh MY that is AWESOME groth! :yep: Now I want to use my Ovation every day. Amazing. If I get half the results some of you ladies are getting I will be soo happy :drunk:. One month, if you didn't take the picture, I'm not sure I would have believed you!

What is your regiem? HAve you ever used the Ovation when you were wearing braids....Remarkable

My first MT comparison update!!! I so love you guys!!!!

I posted the other pics under the MT/OCT progress thread:

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Oh MY that is AWESOME groth! :yep: Now I want to use my Ovation every day. Amazing. If I get half the results some of you ladies are getting I will be soo happy :drunk:. One month, if you didn't take the picture, I'm not sure I would have believed you!

What is your regiem? HAve you ever used the Ovation when you were wearing braids....Remarkable

Thanks so much, sweetie!!

I use garlic poo/CON poo, followed by a moisturizing dc 2x a week. I apply NTM and then place MT on my scalp only every night. I then seal with EVOO and castor oil. I also took the advice and use glycerin over the NTM during the day to help with my moisture level.

Pics are the best and without them I wouldn't have believed myself :lachen:.

I haven't tried ovation-just MT and I'm wearing 1/2 wigs and I just baggy underneath :grin:. I believe there are Ovation users here that are using twists and braids and they are doing so well too :grin:.
My first MT comparison update!!! I so love you guys!!!!

I posted the other pics under the MT/OCT progress thread:


*Soundin like Resputia from Norbit* How YOU doin.....GURL!!!! I took a pen and went across your pic from the old to the new pic, and with my guestimation, you have 2 and 1/4 of new growth!!!!!!!!! Ok..so you will be very close to waist length by the end of the year!!!!! That is absolutely gorgeous!!! I am sooo happy for you.

Keep it growin sista!!!!
my head has officially started itching like a ****...maybe that means i'm about to get some crazy growth like caribgirl *crosses fingers*
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Hey Ladies... I am just wondering ...have you noticed that your ng is much softer and more straighter with using MT????:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed I am 3 weeks post relaxer and something is definitely going on up in here:grin::grin:.....

Let Me know?????

I can't believe you achieved that much growth in one month. Wow!

Thanks JL! I'm so glad that I took pics!!

my head has officially started itching like a ****...maybe that means i'm about to get some crazy growth like caribgirl *crosses fingers*

:lachen:- Your hair is growing!!!

THAT IS AMAAAZING!!! What does your mixture consist of?? I saw your reggie in the other thread, so you use it straight, no oils? Just over the NTM? WOW!!!
Proof is in the pictures, ladies!!

Thanks!! I should have said that I mix EVOO into the MT bottle- that's all!!
I also make sure that I do at least 1 home grown steam treatment per week.
Hey Ladies... I am just wondering ...have you noticed that your ng is much softer and more straighter with using MT????:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed I am 3 weeks post relaxer and something is definitely going on up in here:grin::grin:.....

Let Me know?????

so i am not the only one. i noticed this on monday when i let my hair airdry. which normally is a no no when i have a lot of new growth. just too thick to manipulate. i decided to air dry beings i was putting it up in a bun anyway. but to my surprise after it airdryed i noticed the new growth was soft. i could have actually got a comb through it if i wanted to (trying not to comb too much during the week).

this was the main thing i was concerned about with growth aids. my hair responds very well to growth aids, but my hair naturally grows in thick. and when its growing fast with the aids (like when i used mn) almost like weeds, the new growth was too thick. i had to get tree braids so that i did not have to fight with the new growth all the time.

but i noticed with using mt my new growth is softer. man i am in heaven with this mt. and i am getting growth for sure. u cant beat that.
Hey Ladies... I am just wondering ...have you noticed that your ng is much softer and more straighter with using MT????:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed I am 3 weeks post relaxer and something is definitely going on up in here:grin::grin:.....

Let Me know?????

Your hair is growing, sis!!

Mine is softer! I noticed that my ng really gets coily though.
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