Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega Tek Challenge

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Caribgirl that is some amazing growth!
I used my MT yesterday and today. I didn't feel any itching at all so I hope it still works good. I hope to be midback by the end of the year.
Thanks, Pretty!!!

I just want to thank ALL of you wonderful MT/OCT ladies for your support, wisdom and encouragement!!! I'm so very happy that I started this challenge and I'm a part of this family !:grouphug:
Hi all you lovely ladies, i have been one of the many lurkers but u ladies have won me over with those results, i was truly blown away :spinning:, well done girls !!!:yep:.

So i ordered mine & it arrived this morning hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i really need it because about 6 months ago i was silly & changed the relaxer that ive been using for year all of my hair fell out, i mean a had no hair left at all :sad: i was heartbroken but i believe everything happens for a reason, i was a hair grease girl, Dax was my baby, it was the norm for me to grow my hair long in braids take my hair out relax it and the watch it all fall back out again, i tried every hair grease there is, so when my hair fell out i went to google and looked up black hair care, and my eyes were opened, my hair no longer breaks i can count how many hair shed aday THANK YOU LADIES !!!!!!!! MUCH LOVE !!!!!!!!

ANY WAY i was just wondering when u ladies use mega tek do u dc with a moisturising dc or a protein dc is ors mayo ok ? THANKS !! sorry for long 1st post :perplexed :grin: lol !!!

and i'malso scared of my hair going hard with the mt have any of you ladies had that problem ?
How long have you been using the OCT System? Did you experince the shedding? What is your regimen? I know you explained some of it, but when exactly are you apply the CT and how often? I know it's a lot of questions. I am very excited that you discovered how to make the shampoo and creame rinse really work for you. TIA

Oops! I'm sorry that I didn't see your post. I have been using it only once a week or every two weeks for the last month or so. I used the OCT itself, mixed with MT everyday or every other day. In the beginning, I had some shedding but nothing major. Shedding has all but ceased. You have to keep using the product for a few weeks and the shedding WILL stop. I had stopped using the shampoo and rinse for a while because I didn't like to use too much in the beginning, plus, it can be expensive. But trying it again the other day made it worth it!! I think it's well worth it! :yep::yep:
Hi all you lovely ladies, i have been one of the many lurkers but u ladies have won me over with those results, i was truly blown away :spinning:, well done girls !!!:yep:.

So i ordered mine & it arrived this morning hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i really need it because about 6 months ago i was silly & changed the relaxer that ive been using for year all of my hair fell out, i mean a had no hair left at all :sad: i was heartbroken but i believe everything happens for a reason, i was a hair grease girl, Dax was my baby, it was the norm for me to grow my hair long in braids take my hair out relax it and the watch it all fall back out again, i tried every hair grease there is, so when my hair fell out i went to google and looked up black hair care, and my eyes were opened, my hair no longer breaks i can count how many hair shed aday THANK YOU LADIES !!!!!!!! MUCH LOVE !!!!!!!!

ANY WAY i was just wondering when u ladies use mega tek do u dc with a moisturising dc or a protein dc is ors mayo ok ? THANKS !! sorry for long 1st post :perplexed :grin: lol !!!

and i'malso scared of my hair going hard with the mt have any of you ladies had that problem ?

Welcome!! So sorry you had to go through that - but at least it led you here, eh?

I'd suggest (and I know, it's SOOOO long) that you do read the first challenge thread - it's so chockful of information that will allow you to fully understand the product, and to understand how to best build a supportive reggie for your hair.

I will say though, that this is a protein rich supplement, and most of us are slacking off a bit on the protein side of things, and really ramping up the moisture, instead.

Good luck, and again, Welcome!
Welcome!! So sorry you had to go through that - but at least it led you here, eh?

I'd suggest (and I know, it's SOOOO long) that you do read the first challenge thread - it's so chockful of information that will allow you to fully understand the product, and to understand how to best build a supportive reggie for your hair.

I will say though, that this is a protein rich supplement, and most of us are slacking off a bit on the protein side of things, and really ramping up the moisture, instead.

Good luck, and again, Welcome!

Thank you jk for your hearty welcome & your advice :bighug: thanks hon well i guess i better start reading ! :grin: lol !!

thanks again
So are we aware that Egyss & Ovation are the same company???

You gotta love the marketing...

whoever did this is a genius...

it's like the same thing just one marketed towards humans

the other towards animals...

Sorry I'm late on this... it's just GENIUS !!!
So are we aware that Egyss & Ovation are the same company???

You gotta love the marketing...

whoever did this is a genius...

it's like the same thing just one marketed towards humans

the other towards animals...

Sorry I'm late on this... it's just GENIUS !!!

Oh, girl, yes! Long time! :lachen: LondonDiva actually sent Ovation an email, asking for details about the difference between the two, as someone was told that the ingredients in Ovation were 'stronger' or of a different percentage, but they NEVER replied - so, yeah, it's an act of pure marketing brilliance... :lol:
So are we aware that Egyss & Ovation are the same company???

You gotta love the marketing...

whoever did this is a genius...

it's like the same thing just one marketed towards humans

the other towards animals...

Sorry I'm late on this... it's just GENIUS !!!

Yes, we are aware!
So are we aware that Egyss & Ovation are the same company???

You gotta love the marketing...

whoever did this is a genius...

it's like the same thing just one marketed towards humans

the other towards animals...

Sorry I'm late on this... it's just GENIUS !!!

Gosh DARN you got some purty hurrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok...back to the topic.
I used to get hard tough hair. Clarifying every 2 weeks helps plus deep conditioning twice weekly with moisturising conditioner and moisturising hair and sealing 2x daily

Hi all you lovely ladies, i have been one of the many lurkers but u ladies have won me over with those results, i was truly blown away :spinning:, well done girls !!!:yep:.

So i ordered mine & it arrived this morning hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i really need it because about 6 months ago i was silly & changed the relaxer that ive been using for year all of my hair fell out, i mean a had no hair left at all :sad: i was heartbroken but i believe everything happens for a reason, i was a hair grease girl, Dax was my baby, it was the norm for me to grow my hair long in braids take my hair out relax it and the watch it all fall back out again, i tried every hair grease there is, so when my hair fell out i went to google and looked up black hair care, and my eyes were opened, my hair no longer breaks i can count how many hair shed aday THANK YOU LADIES !!!!!!!! MUCH LOVE !!!!!!!!

ANY WAY i was just wondering when u ladies use mega tek do u dc with a moisturising dc or a protein dc is ors mayo ok ? THANKS !! sorry for long 1st post :perplexed :grin: lol !!!

and i'malso scared of my hair going hard with the mt have any of you ladies had that problem ?
Oops! I'm sorry that I didn't see your post. I have been using it only once a week or every two weeks for the last month or so. I used the OCT itself, mixed with MT everyday or every other day. In the beginning, I had some shedding but nothing major. Shedding has all but ceased. You have to keep using the product for a few weeks and the shedding WILL stop. I had stopped using the shampoo and rinse for a while because I didn't like to use too much in the beginning, plus, it can be expensive. But trying it again the other day made it worth it!! I think it's well worth it! :yep::yep:

Thanks SP! I really appreciate your input.
Okay, I had to go and dig back through the old thread to find out when I made my 'new' mix.

I posted about it on 5/7, so lets' say I mixed it up around then, and I just used the last of it last night.

I also discovered last night that I was using a FOUR ounce container, not EIGHT like I thought it was - so I went through 4 ounces in 2 months (give or take a week). 2 ounces a month, one bottle should last me at least 6 months. :bouncy: That's not bad at, ALL.

Anyhow, I thought I would grab my updated recipe (I think the one in the first post doesn't have the honeyquat in it) and adjust it for four ounces instead of the eight I thought it was.....

I'm mixing mine in a 4 oz tub now and in that tub I add 2 capfuls of castor oil, 20 squirts of Vitamin E oil, 4 capfuls of SAA and 6 capfuls of Honeyquat. Mix all that together, and then mix in the megatek. I really like it!

So. *thinks* I know that the little red capfuls are 1/8 teaspoon...... so that's 1/2 teaspoon of SAA and 3/4 teaspoon of Honeyquat. I think it's roughly (eyeballed) the same amount of castor oil & vitamin E oil, and I think one of those capfuls of castor oil was 1/4 teaspoon, so 1/2 teaspoon CO and 1/2 teaspoon Vit. E.

Hrrm. 6 teaspoons is an ounce, and I'm using a total of 2.25 teaspoons of 'add-ins', which is a tiny bit under 1/2 an ounce, so I'm using a total (roughly) of 3.5 ounces of Mega-Tek per mix.


3/4 tsp Honeyquat
1/2 tsp SAA
1/2 teaspoon Castor Oil
1/2 teaspoon Vitamin E Oil
3.5 ounces MT

I mix the first four ingredients together in the tub, then add the MT to it.

I'm about to make another tub tonight, I think. I'm debating, though. I got the ingredient for the MoeGro stuff last night, and I want to give the oil at least a week to steep, and then I'm going to make another mix, using that oil as the base oil - but I'll only be using that on my hairline. Hrm.

I wanted to use the boosted mix for a month before I started using it on my whole head, so I'll need at least 2 ounces of MT to get me through. Okay.

I'll make 2 ounces of the 'normal' mix tonight, and 2 ounces of the boosted mix next week... I suspect I'll know something for certain in 2-3 weeks on that one, so.... yeah.

That should work.

:lol: I posted all this here, hoping my rambling would help someone... I need to copy this over to my blog, too. :lachen:
Im so happy happy for all the ladies achieving great growth with Megatek/Ovation.

Has any of the ladies with thinning/balding edges see it fill in from the use of Megatek/ovation and as qucikly as it is growing the other areas of hair?

My edges fell off a while back and I was thinking about using MN on the edges and Mega tek all over.
Im so happy happy for all the ladies achieving great growth with Megatek/Ovation.

Has any of the ladies with thinning/balding edges see it fill in from the use of Megatek/ovation and as qucikly as it is growing the other areas of hair?

My edges fell off a while back and I was thinking about using MN on the edges and Mega tek all over.

Yes, mine came in fast and gray but thanks to Jesus they are now getting darker. I rub my edges with it every day.
Yay! I got a name right! I've always been so bad at that - I'll remember something til the day I die, but the source? Phhfft. Gone.

Oooh, you lucky WOMAN!!!! Girl, if you are treating your hair right, by the time you finish a GALLON of this stuff, you should be waistlength. :lachen:

DH is sitting here watching me fondle (yes, fondle) the box of herbs and powders I just got from mountainrose herbs.

I think he thinks I'm a witch, sometimes. :lachen: :lachen::lachen:

But I betcha he'll keep in line. *hefts the bag of horsetail and gives him the sideeye*


:rofl: Oh you are too funny. :lachen: Girl, don't be scaring that man of yours. He might ban you from coming on here. :lachen:
:rofl: Oh you are too funny. :lachen: Girl, don't be scaring that man of yours. He might ban you from coming on here. :lachen:

SHIMMIE!!!!!!!!!! Hey Honey, how've you been?!?!?!?

:rofl: He's not scared, cuz he knows I love him (and he keeps in line)...... I'm just trying to keep him aware of the potentialities. ;)
Im so happy happy for all the ladies achieving great growth with Megatek/Ovation.

Has any of the ladies with thinning/balding edges see it fill in from the use of Megatek/ovation and as qucikly as it is growing the other areas of hair?

My edges fell off a while back and I was thinking about using MN on the edges and Mega tek all over.

I've combined MN with Ovation and Castor; I had a little spot a while back and it filled in tiny fine baby hairs. I'll take that over a bald spot anyday. :lol:

I just mixed a little dab of each in the palm of my hand and focused on that little area.
Okay.......Feeling my newgrowth today and at first I thought that I just haven't seen the growth kick yet but I think I am wrong. I pulled some of the curls and they longer than they should be right now at 7 weeks post. I think my hair is more curly and defined which is why it was fooling me.

Has anyone else noticed that?
SHIMMIE!!!!!!!!!! Hey Honey, how've you been?!?!?!?

:rofl: He's not scared, cuz he knows I love him (and he keeps in line)...... I'm just trying to keep him aware of the potentialities. ;)
:kiss: Hey Pretty Lady...I'm still here. I've been spending the summer with my family since school is out and taking extra dance classes.

I noticed 'our' Ovation/Mega Tek thread was changed, but I'm glad we have the link to the original one. That was a great thread and we don't deserve to lose it; there's too much precious information in there.

I owe you new progress pictures. I promise not to forget.

I took a 'brief' break from Ovation and focused on the Garlic treatments to stop some shedding. I take garlic tabs and once a week garlic oil treatments for my hair (garlic powder and castor oil mixture -- my hair loves it) :lick:.

JustKya, I thank God for your recipe mix with the Mega Tek; the SAA, Honeyquat, and oils (I used Castor and Johoba oils in my Ovation mix).

The oil mix is much better for me than the straight Ovation. My hair didn't like that much protein. :lol: But it's really beautiful and I'm happy. :yep:

Much love to you and hubby. I promise to come back soon with pictures.

My love and prayers to everyone here. :giveheart:

I'll be back......... :kiss:
Gym: I think most of the relaxed ladies have noticed that their NG is softer and 'straighter' than it normally is. :yep:

Shimmie: Oooh, what kind of dance? That sounds so fun!! Yeah, DSD took care of us and our thread - have you seen the progress pics thread? :thud: Makes you wanna but MT/Ovation all over again. :lol:

Don't be a stranger now, ya'hear? :bighug:
Gym: I think most of the relaxed ladies have noticed that their NG is softer and 'straighter' than it normally is. :yep:

Shimmie: Oooh, what kind of dance? That sounds so fun!! Yeah, DSD took care of us and our thread - have you seen the progress pics thread? :thud: Makes you wanna but MT/Ovation all over again. :lol:

Don't be a stranger now, ya'hear? :bighug:

Thanks Kiya. That would explain it. Hummm If that is true then I have a inch in some parts:grin:
Yeah! Where the heck you been Shimmie? We've been missing you 'round these parts! :yep:
Hi 'Evening Snow' :kiss: I'm still here. It's summer and my babies are out of school and I've been enjoying being with them and taking extra dance classes.

I love and miss all of you here. I'll be back and I owe you progress pictures.

I wish you blessings and love from Heaven above. AND Healthy Long, Beautiful Hair that shines and swings. :lol:

Blessings pretty lady. :giveheart:
Gym: I think most of the relaxed ladies have noticed that their NG is softer and 'straighter' than it normally is. :yep:

Shimmie: Oooh, what kind of dance? That sounds so fun!! Yeah, DSD took care of us and our thread - have you seen the progress pics thread? :thud: Makes you wanna but MT/Ovation all over again. :lol:

Don't be a stranger now, ya'hear? :bighug:
I'm a Belly Dancer and I do Hula and Polynesian Dance as well :hula:

I'm training to teach so that I can give my very best to the students that God blesses me with. :yep: I want to teach wives how to dance for their husbands........ :blush3:

I'm so glad this thread was 'saved'. Thank God for DSD. All of you have done so beautifully with your hair progress.

Nice & Wavy, YOU, Sareca, Aggie, London Diva, January Noir and so many of the other beautiful ladies. I have to 'catch up on the pictures in the progress thread.' All of you are so pretty.

Good Job Ovation / Mega Tek Ladies! :flowers: Good Job!

To the Newbies on Mega Tek and Ovation --- Stay with it! Please do not give up. I have cut my hair 3 times since February and it grows back super fast. It really does. :yep:

If you experience any shedding.........use the garlic and oil --- IT WORKS! It heals the hair and brings it back on course for new and healthier growth!

OH........... for the ladies who have experienced darker hair, it's the Castor Oil in the Ovation that makes the hair darker. My hair has gotten very dark with Ovation, and Castor Oil definitely darkens hair. :yep:
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Okay.......Feeling my newgrowth today and at first I thought that I just haven't seen the growth kick yet but I think I am wrong. I pulled some of the curls and they longer than they should be right now at 7 weeks post. I think my hair is more curly and defined which is why it was fooling me.

Has anyone else noticed that?

Yes..... my new growth is very curly. Although my entire head is curly, the new growth is curlier :lol: Is curlier a word... :lol:

Keep up the good work, gymfreak.........don't give up. You will love the results.

Stay with the ladies here..... they will get you through any rough spots you may encounter. I don't know where I'd be without them and their knowledge and encouragement.

Happy Hair Growth to you, angel. :giveheart:
I'm a Belly Dancer and I do Hula and Polynesian Dance as well :hula:

I'm training to teach so that I can give my very best to the students that God blesses me with. :yep: I want to teach wives how to dance for their husbands........ :blush3:

I'm going to my first bellydance class on Saturday! :D I'm so excited!! :D

Okay, back to the regularly scheduled program.. :kiss:
Yes..... my new growth is very curly. Although my entire head is curly, the new growth is curlier :lol: Is curlier a word... :lol:

Keep up the good work, gymfreak.........don't give up. You will love the results.

Stay with the ladies here..... they will get you through any rough spots you may encounter. I don't know where I'd be without them and their knowledge and encouragement.

Happy Hair Growth to you, angel. :giveheart:

Thanks for the encouragment Shimmie!
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