Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega Tek Challenge

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man according to your avi you hit APL in april...and you will be BSL by august...that's APL to BSL in less than 4 months?!

oh yeah if i get growth like this APL doesn't stand a chance.


:lachen:- Thanks sweetie! I have varying lengths but it will feel nice to have my longest length reach bsl :drunk:.

You WILL grow for sure, sis!!!
Your hair is growing, sis!!

Mine is softer! I noticed that my ng really gets coily though.

My new growth is more wavy than anything at not dry at all :spinning::spinning: so I will keep track for the month and let you all know... My slick ponytails are more of a fight right now... with fuzzies sticking up everywhere! Summer is not my friend at the moment..!!
Thanks!! I should have said that I mix EVOO into the MT bottle- that's all!!
I also make sure that I do at least 1 home grown steam treatment per week.
Awesome. mine consists of that and castor (just got jbco so I hope that's better) as well! :D I can't wait to see your hair (AND MINE and the others in this thread!) by the end of this year!!

Hey Ladies... I am just wondering ...have you noticed that your ng is much softer and more straighter with using MT????:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed I am 3 weeks post relaxer and something is definitely going on up in here:grin::grin:.....

Let Me know?????
Mine is! Well. It grows in coily as usual...but it's not hard to comb. I comb it in the shower, its' not a fight. I never had a problem with the scarf method, but now it doesn't even LOOK like waves I tied down. It ties down straight. :perplexed
I'm not complaining! Anything to keep me looking decent/avoid breakage till next relaxer!
...My hair is SO THICK. I love it!!
*Soundin like Resputia from Norbit* How YOU doin.....GURL!!!! I took a pen and went across your pic from the old to the new pic, and with my guestimation, you have 2 and 1/4 of new growth!!!!!!!!! Ok..so you will be very close to waist length by the end of the year!!!!! That is absolutely gorgeous!!! I am sooo happy for you.

Keep it growin sista!!!!

I agree with the above, I dont know how much growth you received, however it seems well in excess of 1 inch. Remarkable. :lachen:
Hey Ladies... I am just wondering ...have you noticed that your ng is much softer and more straighter with using MT????:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed I am 3 weeks post relaxer and something is definitely going on up in here:grin::grin:.....

Let Me know?????

Yesssssss! Okay i didn't know if this was normal or not,but my new growth is almost unnoticeable in some areas,but my hair is longer:grin:
My coils are def softer,and i also don't have a problem with the reported shedding(knock on wood) or breakage.
I'm good:yep:
Wow Caribgirl- your progress really made my morning!!!!!..Keep uo the awesome work, I cant't wait to see your full reveal in September!!!!!
Thanks guys for the warm welcome! It was the creme rinse that I used. After doing a mid week wash and conditioning, I air dried my relaxed hair without using the motions foaming wrap that I used in the previous wash....and :grin:...hard hair gone. It's back to the way its been for the last two weeks of use. I can hardly wait until I can get a pony tail. I know, I know such a small goal but eventually I would like to be BSL. I have not gotten the itches or shedding so far, knock on wood :wallbash:. I purchased the garlic capsules and will get the shampoo, just in case. I think I have found a routine that works for me: weekly CWC, air drying, heat only after wash, monthly clearifying, satin scarf/pillow, and vitamins.
WooooooW! Caribgirl your growth is fabulous! I can't wait to see your pictures in September. I hope my heart can handle it. This gives me unbelievable hope for my own hair. I'm excited, growth is not a problem, retention is...
Caribgirl that is some amazing growth!
I used my MT yesterday and today. I didn't feel any itching at all so I hope it still works good. I hope to be midback by the end of the year.
Awesome. mine consists of that and castor (just got jbco so I hope that's better) as well! :D I can't wait to see your hair (AND MINE and the others in this thread!) by the end of this year!

Mine is! Well. It grows in coily as usual...but it's not hard to comb. I comb it in the shower, its' not a fight. I never had a problem with the scarf method, but now it doesn't even LOOK like waves I tied down. It ties down straight. :perplexed
I'm not complaining! Anything to keep me looking decent/avoid breakage till next relaxer!
...My hair is SO THICK. I love it!!

I put castor oil and evoo as sealants :grin:!!

Wow Caribgirl- your progress really made my morning!!!!!..Keep uo the awesome work, I cant't wait to see your full reveal in September!!!!!

Thanks SS!!! Can't wait for your Sept updates too!!! We are doing it!!!

WooooooW! Caribgirl your growth is fabulous! I can't wait to see your pictures in September. I hope my heart can handle it. This gives me unbelievable hope for my own hair. I'm excited, growth is not a problem, retention is...

:lachen:Your heart has to stay well to see your awesome results!!!!!! You WILL grow LONG and STRONG, sis!!! :grin::grin::grin:
I'm curious about how many naturals are using OCT or MT? Are you using it only on your scalp like many of the relaxed ladies?

This is my second week using MT every night, and my weekly cornrows are just sitting on a thick, soft cushion of hair. I braided on Sunday and already (Wed) I can lift the braids up and wiggle them. I really think I'm get .5 or more of new growth weekly!

Is this really possible? :spinning:

I feel like I'll not only reach APL sooner (this summer), but also reach my ultimate goal of BSL THIS YEAR if this keeps up!

I just got the (5) extra bottles of Mega Tek! :grin:
What is IN the MT that makes the hair grow?

If you go to the original thread on this, there is lots of info about it. You can find it on the first page of this thread:yep: I know it's lots of reading, but it will help you to make your decision about using it.

I'm curious about how many naturals are using OCT or MT? Are you using it only on your scalp like many of the relaxed ladies?

This is my second week using MT every night, and my weekly cornrows are just sitting on a thick, soft cushion of hair. I braided on Sunday and already (Wed) I can lift the braids up and wiggle them. I really think I'm get .5 or more of new growth weekly!

Is this really possible? :spinning:

I feel like I'll not only reach APL sooner (this summer), but also reach my ultimate goal of BSL THIS YEAR if this keeps up!

I just got the (5) extra bottles of Mega Tek! :grin:

I'm natural and I have been using it since the end of March:yep:

Everyone's hair grows at different rates, even with products like these, but I do believe that you are getting the growth you see...this stuff is for real..it's not a gimmick, that's for sure:yep:
I'm curious about how many naturals are using OCT or MT? Are you using it only on your scalp like many of the relaxed ladies?

This is my second week using MT every night, and my weekly cornrows are just sitting on a thick, soft cushion of hair. I braided on Sunday and already (Wed) I can lift the braids up and wiggle them. I really think I'm get .5 or more of new growth weekly!

Is this really possible? :spinning:

I feel like I'll not only reach APL sooner (this summer), but also reach my ultimate goal of BSL THIS YEAR if this keeps up!

I just got the (5) extra bottles of Mega Tek! :grin:

I'm natural, and using it - the growth is really amazing - I suddenly feel like I have some hair to work with!

I almost wish I used heat, just so that I could really SEE the difference.

*le sigh*

Ahh, well.
I'm natural, and using it - the growth is really amazing - I suddenly feel like I have some hair to work with!

I almost wish I used heat, just so that I could really SEE the difference.

*le sigh*

Ahh, well.

Well, if you are heat free, then I can understand it...but chile, I had to use heat just so that I could see the difference, and what a difference it made:yep:
Well, if you are heat free, then I can understand it...but chile, I had to use heat just so that I could see the difference, and what a difference it made:yep:

I'm a wuss! :lol: I've done some WICKED heat damage to my hair in the past (trying to be gentle with it too), and I can tell that my hair is getting longer - it just doesn't photograph well! :lol: So, yeah.... I'm real scared of trying to use some heat (cuz it would be a DIY adventure) and messing up all the progress I have, ya know?

I dunno. Maybe at 3 years, I'll mess around.
So ladies, I think I NEED to relax. There is NO way I'm going to survive a 4 month stretch at this rate with all this hair.... Its never been so hard before for me and I'm just not happy with my hair. I think I'm being too hard on myself right now, but in any case my roots are UNCONTROLABLE! Lol. A good/bad thing. The length is DEFINITELY coming though! My hair has never been this long. I'm just trying to really keep myself from trimming my uneven ends lol. My middle/crown grows like a weed and the nape is at least now catching up!

I just patted my hair, I lightly flat ironed after my wash/DC yesterday. Um I can't feel my scalp, I've got a straight up TWA up there, and that's after I got the roots really good. Geez!
I'm a wuss! :lol: I've done some WICKED heat damage to my hair in the past (trying to be gentle with it too), and I can tell that my hair is getting longer - it just doesn't photograph well! :lol: So, yeah.... I'm real scared of trying to use some heat (cuz it would be a DIY adventure) and messing up all the progress I have, ya know?

I dunno. Maybe at 3 years, I'll mess around.

You are too funny....:lachen:but, I understand. I can tell the difference when I do my hair and when my stylist does it....I think I put to much pressure on my hair and she does it perfect! When it's time again in September, I"m going to make sure I let her do it:yep:

JustKiya...your hair is growing very long girl....you are shoulder length now, and that's only after a few months...so you know by September....you are going to be one happy lady:yep:
So ladies, I think I NEED to relax. There is NO way I'm going to survive a 4 month stretch at this rate with all this hair.... Its never been so hard before for me and I'm just not happy with my hair. I think I'm being too hard on myself right now, but in any case my roots are UNCONTROLABLE! Lol. A good/bad thing. The length is DEFINITELY coming though! My hair has never been this long. I'm just trying to really keep myself from trimming my uneven ends lol. My middle/crown grows like a weed and the nape is at least now catching up!

I just patted my hair, I lightly flat ironed after my wash/DC yesterday. Um I can't feel my scalp, I've got a straight up TWA up there, and that's after I got the roots really good. Geez!

:lol: Foxie!!! Girl, I think MT has put the deathstamp on many a sista's stretch!!
DON'T TRIM!!! You know better to trim when you have nappy roots - ain't nothing really hanging straight! :nono:
You are too funny....:lachen:but, I understand. I can tell the difference when I do my hair and when my stylist does it....I think I put to much pressure on my hair and she does it perfect! When it's time again in September, I"m going to make sure I let her do it:yep:

JustKiya...your hair is growing very long girl....you are shoulder length now, and that's only after a few months...so you know by September....you are going to be one happy lady:yep:

I know........ I did my hair in two french twists, and my 'ends' are laying on my back - not just barely, but comfortably.

*fans self* It's SOOO wonderful. Girl, by Sept. I won't know what to do with alla this hair!
:lol: Foxie!!! Girl, I think MT has put the deathstamp on many a sista's stretch!!
DON'T TRIM!!! You know better to trim when you have nappy roots - ain't nothing really hanging straight! :nono:

I know........ I did my hair in two french twists, and my 'ends' are laying on my back - not just barely, but comfortably.

*fans self* It's SOOO wonderful. Girl, by Sept. I won't know what to do with alla this hair!

Girl...by September...you are going to swing it through the computer screen and hairslap a few of us in the face with it:lachen::lachen::lachen:
My first MT comparison update!!! I so love you guys!!!!

I posted the other pics under the MT/OCT progress thread:


This is so inspiring!!
:lol: Foxie!!! Girl, I think MT has put the deathstamp on many a sista's stretch!!
DON'T TRIM!!! You know better to trim when you have nappy roots - ain't nothing really hanging straight! :nono:

Haha! Yes death stamp is sho nough right! Like it's literally stressing me out! I at least made it to 3 mons, I normally go to about 2-2.5. So yeeeeeeaaaaaaah. But then again my growth rate is never out of control.

Yeah my hair is soooo lucky that I didn't find the scissors, or else the woulda been on the floor!
What other Eqyss products are you all using? I just did a search, but this a very long thread and I can't find what I need. TIA!
What other Eqyss products are you all using? I just did a search, but this a very long thread and I can't find what I need. TIA!

Urm... there's actually another thread about the non-growth products - it was started by LondonDiva, I think it was.

Personally, I'm using the Premier Creme Rinse, and the Survivor Detangler, mainly. I have the rehydrant and avocado mists, but I don't use them much.

Oh, and the Marigold Bug Spray! :lachen:
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