Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega Tek Challenge

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Ummhmm, I hear you calling me Mikey!! :lachen::look:

Ummm, I don't think that's a good idea to mix a new product up with your old product. I don't know why. I'm just thinking:nono: If anything, I would purchase the Moegro Oil and put it on the back burner until your MT is gone and then try the Moegro for a couple of months and see the difference between the two. I'm just saying boss:rolleyes: I'm just saying.
Thanks for the advice! See, I am getting a bit of cold feet now because I did a flexi rod set and it seems like I have more ng than curl :lachen:!
But seriously, I may relax on the 15th. I don't want a heap of breakage and any setbacks!!

:nono::nono: We don't want no breakage. Shoot, I'm thinking about doing my touch up next week because my ng is screaming...it's touch up time *****, you know what's up:grin:. Honestly, I start getting anxious around 10 wks and do my touch up. My hair seems fine, no breakage but I wanna see how much my hair has grown. I'm super excited this time because I think I should almost be mb:rolleyes: Imma try to hold off until 2 more weeks though:spinning::yep: Ion kno...

I will be MIA for a while. I don't want to get into why right now as it is very difficult to talk about it but I will be back soon. I promise to keep up with my MT and check in before 9/1.

I'll miss you all.

:nono::nono: We don't want no breakage. Shoot, I'm thinking about doing my touch up next week because my ng is screaming...it's touch up time *****, you know what's up:grin:. Honestly, I start getting anxious around 10 wks and do my touch up. My hair seems fine, no breakage but I wanna see how much my hair has grown. I'm super excited this time because I think I should almost be mb:rolleyes: Imma try to hold off until 2 more weeks though:spinning::yep: Ion kno...

I did my last touchup ahead of schedule too. I was trying to make it 12 weeks. I made it 11 weeks but next time I'm relaxing it 10. :ohwell:

I will be MIA for a while. I don't want to get into why right now as it is very difficult to talk about it but I will be back soon. I promise to keep up with my MT and check in before 9/1.

I'll miss you all.


Go in peace, explosiva - I hope things are well for you!!
I've been lurking in there :curtain:

I'm tempted---even more now b/c I didn't think about infusing the oils that I already cut the MT with :scratchch:


Have any of ya'll be checking out the MoeGro thread? I've been keeping an eye on it, and - well, I have this idea that I want to run past my MT/OCT sistren.

Basically, what the MoeGro method is an infusion of horsetail (shavegrass) and or nettle herbs in oil, and the oil is then applied to your scalp on a regular basis, and it's supposed to be giving some sistas some AMAZING growth. BOth horsetail and nettles are longtime hair 'aiding' herbs, and they both seem to be 'safe' herbs - horsetail can be not so good for people with high blood pressure, but otherwise, it's all good.

Now. I'm all about bumping things up a notch, and I'm all about simplicity.

My MT mix already includes Vit. E oil and Castor Oil. I just ordered some horsetail and nettles. I'm going to infuse them in the Vit E & Castor Oil, and then use that infused oil in my MT Mix.

I'm going to start with a small 2oz version, first, to try it out, and see what my scalp thinks - I figure that way, if my hair just HATES it, I haven't wasted that much MT.


Thoughts? Ideas? Am I just being too greedy, or do ya'll think this might actually work?

I'm also (as soon as I get paid) ordering a replacement battery for my camera - I can't start something new without pictures!
Anybody else calculating how many inches they'll have by the end of the year?:look:

If we hit 1 inch per month/two months---until the end of the year! :blush:WOW!
Anybody else calculating how many inches they'll have by the end of the year?:look:

If we hit 1 inch per month/two months---until the end of the year! :blush:WOW!

Oh yes, I already got excel working the formulas to tell me when to expect SL, APL, BSL based on my current growth rate. :grin:
1/09 - SL
8/09 - APL
1/10 - BSL

I may revise it if I see dramatic changes with my MT.
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Oh yes, I already got excel working the formulas to tell me when to expect SL, APL, BSL based on my current growth rate. :grin: I may revise it if I see dramatic changes with my MT.

:lachen: Do your thing with the excel!!

I actually haven't - I'm just kinda coating along, getting there when I get there..... :)
I did my last touchup ahead of schedule too. I was trying to make it 12 weeks. I made it 11 weeks but next time I'm relaxing it 10. :ohwell:

Sareca, I can never make it to 12 weeks:wallbash: I get too antsy and wanna see the growth. Imma try but then again, I don't want to experience any breakage, trying to stretch outside my regular 10 weeks. All I can do is try right. Wow! I don't know with the 4th of July coming up and all:rolleyes: Decisions, Decisions. So JustKiya have you decided what you're going to do?
:nono::nono: We don't want no breakage. Shoot, I'm thinking about doing my touch up next week because my ng is screaming...it's touch up time *****, you know what's up:grin:. Honestly, I start getting anxious around 10 wks and do my touch up. My hair seems fine, no breakage but I wanna see how much my hair has grown. I'm super excited this time because I think I should almost be mb:rolleyes: Imma try to hold off until 2 more weeks though:spinning::yep: Ion kno...
You Ain't never said a lie :lachen::lachen:. My ng is saying the same thing too. Wow!! Can't wait to se your update :grin:!!

I did my last touchup ahead of schedule too. I was trying to make it 12 weeks. I made it 11 weeks but next time I'm relaxing it 10. :ohwell:

With this MT, I don't think stretching for a long while is very necessary for me. The growth is unbelievable :grin:.
Girl, u r not playing!! :rofl:

I know that's right!

I feel like I KNOW I will hit APL good and strong this year:yep:

Oh yes, I already got excel working the formulas to tell me when to expect SL, APL, BSL based on my current growth rate. :grin:
1/09 - SL
8/09 - APL
1/10 - BSL

I may revise it if I see dramatic changes with my MT.
You Ain't never said a lie :lachen::lachen:. My ng is saying the same thing too. Wow!! Can't wait to se your update :grin:!!

With this MT, I don't think stretching for a long while is very necessary for me. The growth is unbelievable :grin:.

Girllll, I can't wait either:grin: I don't know how in the world anyone can stretch to 8 weeks with these products:nono:
So JustKiya have you decided what you're going to do?

:giggle: I suspect I'm going to try it. What I'm going to do though, is just use it on/in one area of my hair - maybe right behind my ear, so if something crazy happens, it'll be contained. ;)

I've got a couple bottles of MT - I don't have enough patience to wait til I'm allllll done with it.
U gonna use the powder or the herb (fresh or dried)?

What oil r u gonna use to infuse?

R U gonna use just the horsetail or the nettle too?

R u gonna make a stronger infusion since it's gonna be mixedw/ other stuff or keep it diluted?

*questions questions questions* :grin:

:giggle: I suspect I'm going to try it. What I'm going to do though, is just use it on/in one area of my hair - maybe right behind my ear, so if something crazy happens, it'll be contained. ;)

I've got a couple bottles of MT - I don't have enough patience to wait til I'm allllll done with it.
U gonna use the powder or the herb (fresh or dried)?

What oil r u gonna use to infuse?

R U gonna use just the horsetail or the nettle too?

R u gonna make a stronger infusion since it's gonna be mixedw/ other stuff or keep it diluted?

*questions questions questions* :grin:


This is my rough mental recipe - we'll have to see if it holds up. My thought, though, is to use:

1 oz Vit. E oil
1 oz castor oil
(I'm using the same amount, so that I keep the proportions of the oils in my MT mix right)
1/2 oz each of the horsetail and nettle (stronger infusion than the original recipe)

I'm still only going to add 1/4 oz of oil to 2oz of MT - so this is making enough for...... a whole bottle of MT, if I so liked.
Sareca, I can never make it to 12 weeks:wallbash: I get too antsy and wanna see the growth. Imma try but then again, I don't want to experience any breakage, trying to stretch outside my regular 10 weeks. All I can do is try right. Wow! I don't know with the 4th of July coming up and all:rolleyes: Decisions, Decisions. So JustKiya have you decided what you're going to do?

I, too, am struggling to make it to 12 weeks and I'm only at 9 weeks. This is a new thing for me, as I can usually stretch for 4 months at a time, since my hair is so fine. I'm struggling to make it this time, though. My hair in my avy is 8 weeks post. I hope that I can hold on. Something's definitely happening with my hair and it's a good thing. I no longer shed and have no breakage!!

This is my rough mental recipe - we'll have to see if it holds up. My thought, though, is to use:

1 oz Vit. E oil
1 oz castor oil
(I'm using the same amount, so that I keep the proportions of the oils in my MT mix right)
1/2 oz each of the horsetail and nettle (stronger infusion than the original recipe)

I'm still only going to add 1/4 oz of oil to 2oz of MT - so this is making enough for...... a whole bottle of MT, if I so liked.

Good idea about adding the infused oils. Maybe I'll try that after I relax this summer.:drunk:
Lol, yes very happy!

I had gotten the serum at a local Beauty Supply store that has the entire line. I have yet to see the entire line at my local Rite Aid etc. Although I happened to find it in a local Duane Reade. I say to just look around it may turn up. Around here it seems like they put the "extras" like leave-ins etc in a different section than they put the shampoos and conditioners. Its kinda stupid when you think of it.

I, too, have the milk serum and the other serum and use both. They are fantastic products and helps to relax my NG a little bit.

Have any of ya'll be checking out the MoeGro thread? I've been keeping an eye on it, and - well, I have this idea that I want to run past my MT/OCT sistren.

Basically, what the MoeGro method is an infusion of horsetail (shavegrass) and or nettle herbs in oil, and the oil is then applied to your scalp on a regular basis, and it's supposed to be giving some sistas some AMAZING growth. BOth horsetail and nettles are longtime hair 'aiding' herbs, and they both seem to be 'safe' herbs - horsetail can be not so good for people with high blood pressure, but otherwise, it's all good.

Now. I'm all about bumping things up a notch, and I'm all about simplicity.

My MT mix already includes Vit. E oil and Castor Oil. I just ordered some horsetail and nettles. I'm going to infuse them in the Vit E & Castor Oil, and then use that infused oil in my MT Mix.

I'm going to start with a small 2oz version, first, to try it out, and see what my scalp thinks - I figure that way, if my hair just HATES it, I haven't wasted that much MT.


Thoughts? Ideas? Am I just being too greedy, or do ya'll think this might actually work?

I'm also (as soon as I get paid) ordering a replacement battery for my camera - I can't start something new without pictures!

I have some Nettle Extract sitting in my cupboard, I've heard that Burdock Root is pretty good too. I think for now though I'm gonna stick with OCT to see how this product works out for me.

Sitting here right now with that SouuuuuuuuulllllllGlooooooooo feeling :grin:
Hey Ladies,

I started using my OCT today, this morning I shampooed with ovation shampoo, applied the Cell therapy massaged my scalp and hair, let it sit 5 mins. Then I added the creme rinse and washed. I also followed with Queen Helen garlic Shampoo and Nexxus Humectress conditionner. I love the smell of OCT it's yummy. And my SO just finished applying the CT to my scalp, I had to beg him to do it for me:lachen:. I am going to keep this regi for a couple of weeks and see if it works for me.
Happy Hair growing!!
Good luck Sengalese - that sounds fabulous!

I just finished megasagging and moisturizing my hair. It in fat plaits now, and I think I'll let them finish drying like this, and give myself something interesting in the morning.
Go for it JK! You are a Trailblazer, Girl. I'd love to see you get 2 inches per month, what would it hurt? Let me know how it goes, I'll follow suit.:grin:
I bet you are on to something big, or maybe Really, Really L-o-n-g....??

I totally agree!!! I'm just - curious to see if I can really get to that point. And truly, no! I realized that I wouldn't WANT my hair to grow any faster than 2 inches a month - I wouldn't be able to keep up with it! :lachen:

I'm just - curious. :look: To see if it makes a difference in the growth rate. If it doesn't, I still have the good that the MT is doing, and horsetail and nettles are good for your scalp/hair, period - even if they don't help the growth along.

They both are supposed to be good against dandruff, and generally keep the scalp happy...........

:look: But wouldn't it be interesting if it did increase growth, too?

I was just thinking. Since I started using Mega Tek Rebuilder, which by the way Ive been using for 3 days. I have had a couple itchies when I first put on but subsides after it goes in..anyhoo. I am wondering if you guys are still doing protien treatments. I have been doing with Nexxus Aloxxi Emergency, but I am not sure if I need to be doing that anymore? What do you guys think?
Today was my first day using MT and i've got the itches like it aint nobody's business! :arguing:and it must be my imagination cause ask me why i feel a little tiny curl coming up from under my braids?? this MT betta stop playing with my head:nuts:

i'm posting my starting pic. its the top view of my braids.


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I was just thinking. Since I started using Mega Tek Rebuilder, which by the way Ive been using for 3 days. I have had a couple itchies when I first put on but subsides after it goes in..anyhoo. I am wondering if you guys are still doing protien treatments. I have been doing with Nexxus Aloxxi Emergency, but I am not sure if I need to be doing that anymore? What do you guys think?

No you don't need to do any additonal protein treatments. If you forget some early findings about using MT or OCT, go back to post #2 of this thread. (Or is it #3 - I forget)
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