Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega Tek Challenge

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Sounds like another happy camper:grin: Where did you get the Organix Cocunut Milk Serum from?

Lol, yes very happy!

I had gotten the serum at a local Beauty Supply store that has the entire line. I have yet to see the entire line at my local Rite Aid etc. Although I happened to find it in a local Duane Reade. I say to just look around it may turn up. Around here it seems like they put the "extras" like leave-ins etc in a different section than they put the shampoos and conditioners. Its kinda stupid when you think of it.
Lol, yes very happy!

I had gotten the serum at a local Beauty Supply store that has the entire line. I have yet to see the entire line at my local Rite Aid etc. Although I happened to find it in a local Duane Reade. I say to just look around it may turn up. Around here it seems like they put the "extras" like leave-ins etc in a different section than they put the shampoos and conditioners. Its kinda stupid when you think of it.

I have yet to see anything but poos and condish from the Organix Line. I asked a couple of stores why and they said shelf space...I was like :perplexed "they need to get rid of something "I" dont like..lol.
Lol, yes very happy!

I had gotten the serum at a local Beauty Supply store that has the entire line. I have yet to see the entire line at my local Rite Aid etc. Although I happened to find it in a local Duane Reade. I say to just look around it may turn up. Around here it seems like they put the "extras" like leave-ins etc in a different section than they put the shampoos and conditioners. Its kinda stupid when you think of it.

Okay, Thanks, I'll look around, that Organix Coconut Milk sounds :lick: Your hair is looking good, I've been watching your progress:yep:
What the..........??? So none of y'all could grab a sistah, just ride off on your bald horses with your long flowing hair forgetting me:nono:....i was like where are the OCT/MT posts on my blackberry i woke up this morning to read NOTHING you fast hair growing heffers just ran off and left me with nothing but a blanket of my hair to keep me warm:mad:

Mine too. I've been avoiding looking in the mirror as I am a patient grower now thanks to my belief in MT and checked the back with my 2 mirrors last night. It looksa as though I may have 1-1 1/2 inches in approx 23 days. The NG is so soft it's decieving to the eye.

I second that it is so silky and like wavy (like the curl was loosened) and the only way I can tell it is ng is when it dries and the curl pattern tightens (but it is still silky) b/c otherwise if it is wet it is just so soft and silky and wavy and I have a lot of 4a and a little 3c and i was natural for a little while and I KNOW my ng is not like that!! But I also know my hair under these twists is straight not a curl (that isn't ng) near the roots so I also know it is all ng and I still can't believe that!! I'm just waiting to take my twists out and get a blowout to see if it is all in FACT ng b/c I just can't believe it, i'm like this has GOT to be slippage!!
Hey guys, just wanted to thank you all so much for this wonderful information! I've been reading and following everything closely and I'm so inspired by everyone's journey!

Yesterday made day 2 of using MT. First night I applied it to my scalp (mixed it with a generous amount of coconut & castor oils). Second night I decided to use it as per the directions after my co-wash (been doing nightly cowashes for a while now). I co-washed with HE Hello Hydration, massaged my scalp, rinsed, then applied the MT to the entire length of my hair and let it sit for @ 5 mins. All I can say is WOOOOOW! When I rinsed it out, my hair had this AMAZING resilience and supple strength. I can't really describe it. Not a hardness like you get from other heavy protein products, but just an amazing change that you can SEE and FEEL. I have fine hair that can sometimes feel a little too soft after too many days of co-washing, and this stuff I can see will add a perfect balance of strength to my hair that I'm sure if I leave it as one of my staples, I'll never need a hardcore protein again. When I rinsed it out, I chased it with a little more HE for some slip and added moisture.

I put in HE LTR leave-in, Organix Coconut Milk Serum, MT to my scalp, and did a bantu knot out that looks divine this morning (I feel like Joan from Girlfriends lol). This stuff is NO joke. Even handling my wet hair was amazing. I saw NO broken hairs.

I don't have fine hair but I do experience the same thing after co-washing back to back for so many days.

I did a hard protein treatment a few days ago but my ends are still breaking a bit from being a little too over-moisturized so I may follow your method today.
Ya know, I've considered that. And - I don't know. I would worry that it might start to cause build-up if done regularly - you might have to halve your washing schedule, or something, assuming you don't wash daily.

I don't know. My initial reaction is :perplexed - but I don't have any concrete reasons why.

Thank you for responding! I ended up not doing it twice in one day (i did it once before bed). I guess if I DID decide to do it twice, i'd probably do it with MT that was cut with some oils (castor, vit E, or SAA), as I normally use it straight.

i'm going to try not to forget (or be too tired) to do it every day (cause I want some dramatic results)... but if i ever did miss a day again, next time I might double up the following day. (I co wash every other day, so buildup isn't a worry). I wouldn't make a habbit out of it tho... to much work to part and apply twice a day.
I posted this question in the OCT/MT Progress Pix thread, but I believe I'll get more responses here.

So ladies,

Do you think you're getting, 1/2, 1 inch per month? How does it compare to what you normally get w/o growth aids?

I've been getting 3/4 to 1 inch per month since Dec/Jan by staying in weaves, various regimens/techniques, and vitamins.

Just trying to gage what to expect from MT.

I got an email confirmation that my MT was shipped yesterday. :woohoo:
^^I've always been a 1/4 inch in a month grower--even when I did sewins, vitamins, BT, MN---whatever---that was my growth rate more or less.

Then, to get almost an inch in 5 weeks with OCT!!! Girl--i'm jumpin for joy!:drunk:

Me???---more than 1/4 inch--are u kidding me???? :lol:

In 5 weeks i'm gonna take comparison pics again to see what the MT gives me.

You should have really good results since u r already a fast grower and getting almost an inch a month :yep:
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I posted this question in the OCT/MT Progress Pix thread, but I believe I'll get more responses here.

So ladies,

Do you think you're getting, 1/2, 1 inch per month? How does it compare to what you normally get w/o growth aids?

I've been getting 3/4 to 1 inch per month since Dec/Jan by staying in weaves, various regimens/techniques, and vitamins.

Just trying to gage what to expect from MT.

I got an email confirmation that my MT was shipped yesterday. :woohoo:

I think I was getting about 1/4 to 1/2 inch a month without it. With MT, I am getting a full inch per month. Q
DSD, Thank you so much for the time and effort you are putting into maintaining this challenge thread which seems to have become a challenge in and of itself lately.
how do we get pics in here...that's why I always say it's in my fotki:lachen: Well that's where my 1 month progress is (still in my kinkys but you can def. see the growth!) pw: gabi
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Hello ladies,

I'm using ovation and i believe that i had great results however, I was not able to use the product every day. I also had to cut alot of ends off (not due to ovations, due to need)

For those using Meka tek, which product are you using. In Canada, it seems I can only find the coat rebuilder! Will this work???

Also is it mandatory to use the product on your hair? I'm getting braids tomorrow, and want to use it on my sclap only (everyday).

Please give any suggestions

Thanks in advance
how do we get pics in here...that's why I always say it's in my fotki:lachen: Well that's where my 1 month progress is (still in my kinkys but you can def. see the growth!) pw: gabi

Click on to the attachment button above after pressing post reply, this will take you to your pic file stored on your computer and if the pic is the right size already, press upload and the attachment will be visible in your post.

Another way I do it is I copy a pic from my fotki album and paste it in my post here. I do this with other pics that allow for copy and paste like products from a website that you want us to see/talk about, etc.
Hello ladies,

I'm using ovation and i believe that i had great results however, I was not able to use the product every day. I also had to cut alot of ends off (not due to ovations, due to need)

For those using Meka tek, which product are you using. In Canada, it seems I can only find the coat rebuilder! Will this work???

Also is it mandatory to use the product on your hair? I'm getting braids tomorrow, and want to use it on my sclap only (everyday).

Please give any suggestions

Thanks in advance
I just sent you a pm however I believe others will chime in as well.
Well I just used OCT again for the 2nd day and I have that cool tingling feeling again, although it's not as strong as it was yesterday.

Also, today I took FoxieRoxie's method and used it on my hair from root to tip. Left it on for 5 minutes while showering, and then followed up with Porosity Control and Suave Tropical Coconut. My hair feels nice and strong but moisturized! Brushing it into a wet ponytail today definitely wasn't as difficult as it usually is and I didn't see any broken hairs, which I usually ALWAYS do.

I also used it on my scalp afterwards as well.

This OCT is a keeper for me :yay:
I let my mom have the rest of my OT. I'm gonna switching to MT and see what kind of success I have...
I dunno...I have been using OCT since April, but today, I used MT shampoo and creme rinse for the first time. I actually think I like MT better. Somehow, I think my hair likes this stuff better and it smells great!
I used MT today and my hair is loving it :lick:

I first wet my hair then used the MT (mixed with CO oil) on my scalp and massaged.
Then applied the MT thouroughly threw the lenght of my hair.

That was followed by a shampoo and DC as usual.

I could immediately tell that my hair was stronger.

But i did loose alot of hair; even though I did a garlic-shea treatment on wenesday :ohwell:. Maybe I should let the garlic in the shea a bit longer.

oh well
Its been awhile since i checked in....:look:
But Im really loving the Smell of Megatek for some reason??
Im thinking about purchasing the Eqyss Shampoo...:lick:
Day 2 for me! :drunk:

Maybe I miss it, but I'll be the one to rave about how YUMMY Mega-Tek smells!

Forgetting the funk of MTG, MT rivals all of my regular conditioners and leave-in for creaminess and smell.

Hi VivEz daNs lamouR - I felt that cooling sensation too!

I just wet my cornrows and then apply MT to the parts and massage in. It completely soaks in and dry unless I wear a baggie!
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OK We might be on to something.

Have you tried using it just as a treatment ever? - (Applying it to the scalp/hair for 1-2 hours OR overnight. Rinse and apply a creme rinse (preferably the OVATION Creme Rinse or EQyss Premier Creme Rinse). If so, did you follow this routine at least 2x?

I would recommend (befoe you give it up) to cease applying it everyday and leaving it in until you wash again.

It might be to strong for you that way.

Just because others are doing it, doesn't mean that it's right for you.
Some people can apply daily (without washing out the same day) and some people cannot.
I'm thinking you cannot. :yep:

okay. i think i might that because i really love the growth i am getting from the oct its just the shedding that is has me upset. my hair doesnt seem thinner but all the shed hairs have me thinking that im gonna go bald one day lol. idk i am confused. thanks for your help:drunk:
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Ive been slacking a bit but. Ill be back on my game monday, applying my MT daily. I have a question though, is it best to cowash daily with MT or wash once per week. Im afraid If I cowash daily Ill just be washing out the MT before it has a chance to work.TIA!!
Ive been slacking a bit but. Ill be back on my game monday, applying my MT daily. I have a question though, is it best to cowash daily with MT or wash once per week. Im afraid If I cowash daily Ill just be washing out the MT before it has a chance to work.TIA!!

I wash every other day or at least 3 times a week. I apply my MT after I wash or cowash. Q
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