***Online Dating Support Thread***

So I'm done with online dating, but why am I just now learning about whatsyourprice.com? I've been going on dates for the free when I could've gotten paid??

OK, bro.
Think it's time to give online dating a try. Are you all limiting your options to guys in your area or are you open to long distances too?
oooook, so I decided to just go on okc real quick to see what is up in my neck of the woods. My profile had been de-activated since..May 2012. My pics are from the first half of 2011 :lachen:

I had my age range set to 20-25 lmao. I reset it to 25-35 omg I'm old now! :lol:

There are some nice looking guys in this age range around my zip code.

The last message I got in 2012 was this:

"OK let's get the formalities out of the way. You're a nerd, i'm a dork sounds like a great match. I'm an avid cook proly better at it than you would expect. I'm smart friendly and cool all at once. Next, "

aww lol.

I've been on here for 10minutes, tops and I have 2 messages. ****. I'm about to de-activate my profile again until June! And my pics are from twenty ELEVEN :lachen:

ok, let me hurry up and get off.
ok. Disabled. I told 1 guy I'd be back in June lol

There are tons more men than women 25-35 within 25miles of me on okc. This is fantastic news.

So yea, I searching through 'show me women who are interested in men...' looking specifically for black women.


Come on.

Come onnnnn now.

What are the damb pictures!!???! Face all close TOO close to the camera, bunk lookin ass glasses, stupid af angles, hair stupid looking, smiling all stupid, lookin all funky. The **** is embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I feel like making my profile say "I came to SLAY. The end" smdh lmao.
oooook, so I decided to just go on okc real quick to see what is up in my neck of the woods. My profile had been de-activated since..May 2012. My pics are from the first half of 2011 :lachen:

I had my age range set to 20-25 lmao. I reset it to 25-35 omg I'm old now! :lol:

I recently re-activated my POF and had to tweak and update some of my old stuff too :lol:. I was hoping that getting back online would get me excited about dating again but if anything it did the opposite. The choices are horrible now! In the past I could find at least 4-5 possibly dateable guys with a new search. Now, I'm hard pressed to find even one. I also just re-activated my free trial Match account. I was gonna subscribe if I saw at least a few guys I liked but there was literally no one I would seriously consider. :ohwell:
Since you live in the same area as me, do you find the options for black men to be very small or nearly non-existent? I'm online dating (just started today) and there's just not much there.
I was just coming in here to complain about this. NOTHING BUT WHITE DUDES! Like damn! I'm not saying that I have anything against them, I dont really have a preference but REALLY? And the black dudes I do encountet want just sex.

I'm hoping when I visit Sac tomorrow I'll see if the pickings are better there. Cuz having to branch my search to 50-100 miles is crazy. I'm not driving that far nor am I making anyone else do it either.

And this is from 2 sites. OKC and POF. I want to try the paid sites but from what I'm seeing I don't think they'll be a big difference.
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I think this dude got scared and is brushing me off now. He thinks I'm trying to catfish him. We met online and started texting. It's only been a few days so we haven't gotten on the phone yet. So he asks me for a pic of myself and I accidentally use on from my profile (Idr what the hell my profile looks like all of the time. I just set it and forget it *shrug*). Anyway, he's like, "umm thats a pic i saw already" so i send him another one, which is fine of course. But then he's like "hey, lets skype" Nah man. I ain't doin' alladat. You are the only one with the issue. Besides I don't even like him enough to be downloading apps to appease his uncertainty. I'm good. Bye. I told him, I don't have video chat capabilities, but we can talk on the phone later. he said ok. Haven't heard from him. Idc. :lol:

My energy for this is running low again. I'm gonna take it easy,
I must really like this dude to meet him on the dame day he asks AND it's shampoo day? Or I'm really horny. Either way really.

You ask me out but then don't have an exact plan. Not even a time just "in the afternoon." *cuts eyes*
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Profile: @ the gym every night.
Currently working out at Everybody Fights in between the Seaport Area and South Boston every afternoon til it closes. I stand out because I think I am the only husky hawaiian tan guy there. My goal is to drop all of my weight and within next year. I should be more fit than ever and most likely turn some gorgeous heads that are single and have interest in more than a fling.

interested in friendship only, no pressure. Let's just be friends and go out (not a date)

Message: looking good to cuddle up and watch movies with. Then leaves his number.

F*** you very much with your wack, probably broke self.
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"Well surprise me. I wanna see all of your sexy self."

Mind you I have a full body picture on my profile. And I just took a pic of myself right after getting my hair done. So he's doing 1 or both things: 1) trying to see how far I am 2) trying to get pic to do whatever with (share, laugh, masturbate, whatever).

Either way I am not amused. They ALWAYS show their a$$. And he's Hispanic too?
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Am I only one who wonders when guys ask "where are you orginally from", if it's because they're hoping you're an "exotical?" Or have just been on this board too long? :look:

It's not the worst question in the world, I just noticed that it's consistently like the 2nd one all guys ask.
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Am I only one who wonders when guys ask "where are you orginally from", if it's because they're hoping you're an "exotical?" Or have just been on this board too long? :look:

It's not the worst question in the world, I just noticed that it's consistently like the 2nd one all guys ask.
not really. I would assume its because I live in a city with a high population of transplants.
...why am I getting a huge surge of Hispanic men viewing my profile. Wtf is going on?

This isn't ethnicity/race related. I like all men I just think it's weird cuz they never checked for me (that I know of) before (real life or online). And I rarely see Hispanic/black together irl.
First date of 2015 wasn't a disaster. He was nice, cute, gorgeous Irish accent, ticked all the boxes except the "I want you so bad I want to take your clothes off" box. He asked for my no at the end of the night. Maybe we could be friends. I think I'll have at least one more first date before the weekend ends.

:look: I want him so bad right now:2inlove: