***Online Dating Support Thread***

Why did this tall, sexy, man message me and we chat for nearly an hour. Nice banter and engaging conversation. Only to find out he's just looking for a regular hook up.

His profile said ltr so I was disappointed. He said something like 'feel like having some fun Saturday night' At first I thought that was a flirty way of asking me out but my sixth sense kicked in and I asked what does fun entail. And he said "everything. I haven't had some fun in a while" with a wink. I wrote back that he was nice and good looking but sorry we were looking for different things.

He was very sweet and said he understood and he didn't want to really date at the moment so he didn't want to waste my time. We also joked about me saying sorry to him and that I shouldn't be. I said "OK good because I'm not" LOL

I'm really not but I've gotten into the habit of saying it to keep the fragile male ego from shriveling up and lashing out at me with nonsense that I don't want to be bothered with. Like young dude I mentioned above.

So yeah Friday night and home with nothing to do. Maybe I'll wash my hair and give myself a manicure.

Eta: Oh I didn't write about the young dude in here but in the singles support thread.
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I seriously need to see him again. I'm hoping he can grow on me. He is just everything right now. I wonder if this is just the Aquarius effect :nono:
Is it weird that I just turned down a date from a guy on OKC. We chatted yesterday and today. So he said he was thinking of ordering dinner tonight because he didn't want to go out. I told him that I had plans but cancelled because I didn't feel like going out either. So then he asks do you want to meet for a drink later then? Idk why but it annoyed me. I told him I cancelled plans because I didn't want to go out but somehow he thought he would get the green light spur of the moment? And that's the next thing that it's spur of the moment. What happened to making plans with a person? Because you're bored and you think I have nothing to do I'll go meet you? I don't even have his number yet. Maybe I'm overreacting. I feel like he'll disappear now but I'm good with that if that's what he's going to do.
^^^The last minute plan wasn't necessarily a big deal. He knew you were free for the night (you didn't feel like going out for a multitude of possible reasons). His phrasing was wrong.

His job was to make you feel it was worth it to leave your house for him. He should've offered you dinner and maybe an uber.
^^^The last minute plan wasn't necessarily a big deal. He knew you were free for the night (you didn't feel like going out for a multitude of possible reasons). His phrasing was wrong.

His job was to make you feel it was worth it to leave your house for him. He should've offered you dinner and maybe an uber.

I still wouldn't have gone. I think it's quite rude for a man that might be interested in me to ask me last minute, same day, within a few hours to meet him especially never having met before. Maybe I'm old fashioned. I expect someone to plan ahead especially for a first time meeting.

Anyway, he did message today to say he realized it was last minute and asked me out for this week. I haven't responded yet but I will tomorrow.
I still wouldn't have gone. I think it's quite rude for a man that might be interested in me to ask me last minute, same day, within a few hours to meet him especially never having met before. Maybe I'm old fashioned. I expect someone to plan ahead especially for a first time meeting.

Anyway, he did message today to say he realized it was last minute and asked me out for this week. I haven't responded yet but I will tomorrow.
I agree, especially after you already said you canceled plans because you didn't want to go out. He clearly wasn't listening and was only thinking of his own wants.
Just joined OKC and Black People Meet

Don't know if I really wanna put a picture of myself on the site, but it won't work any other way. What kinds of pictures do you ladies have on the sites?
Just joined OKC and Black People Meet

Don't know if I really wanna put a picture of myself on the site, but it won't work any other way. What kinds of pictures do you ladies have on the sites?

I also joined Black People Meet. I would say one pic of your whole body and then one of just face should be good enough.
Ok been chatting with a few men...one just wants to meet...seems a little too eager...i told him..i dont do hook ups..he said ok...but wants to meet after i get off work...at night...My male coworkers said ..i might turn up missing...leave him alone. Next guy
.seems cute..is in Jamaica....but totally does not look like his picture....i want to run....but i already gave him my phone number...Another guy seems sweet but his.email seems suspect....the army doesn't use gmail....and he has dissapeaerd.....I think ill stop this online stuff...but i get curious about the large number of men i see saying they are single....Where are they in real life???Men just look in person......Online is a little scary
My ex messaged me on Okc with a copy and paste message. You know the..."hello beautiful my name is Shawn. I liked your pictures and was blah blah blah"

I am genuinely puzzled :huh:

I've been back on here for a week after a year long hiatus. Today a guy hit me up saying "welcome back!" :lachen:. So I responded with "thank you" :look:.

This round of meeting people might be interesting :lol: