***Online Dating Support Thread***



profile game way too strong
Does anyone have experience in this area? He's 6'7" I'm 5'3" (petite). I have already responded that I think he's too tall for me, but he persists and now wants for me to call him. He appears to be promising...handsome, former pro. BB player, well dressed in pics. I think we would look odd together. Am I being silly?
Does anyone have experience in this area? He's 6'7" I'm 5'3" (petite). I have already responded that I think he's too tall for me, but he persists and now wants for me to call him. He appears to be promising...handsome, former pro. BB player, well dressed in pics. I think we would look odd together. Am I being silly?

I don't think you are being silly. He is going to look odd standing next to most short to avg height women at that height.

That's up to you if you want to give him a try...especially since you like his other qualities. And he can call you, JMO.
im much taller then you and went out with a guy who was around that height (but claimed 6'4" :rolleyes:) idk how it looked physically (i actually like the contrast) but it felt awkward af. i literally had to raise my arms to hold hands with him.:rofl:

with that said, if he wasn't begging me to meet up with him i would give it a shot. you never know.
My ex of a lot of years was 6'3 and I'm 5'3. It became normal to me and even to this day after years of being broken up, it's odd to date men closer to my height.

My last ex was 6'1 or so, more than twice my weight...it was odd at first too, he was a former high school/college football player and built like it...that too became normal lol.
^^Ladies, thank you so much for your response. Since, I have a tendency of dismissing fellas very quickly for various reasons ( thus I'm single) , I sometimes like to check myself to make sure I'm not being petty. I will definitely take your experiences and input into consideration. Hugs all around...:bighug:
lol it's so annoying. No one actually takes the time to read profiles. They just look at pics and send a message like "so what's your name?" When my name is on my profile. I just can not lol.
I've spoken to guys about this. They said they look at pictures, send a message, and if y'all start communicating they go back and read the profile (this is from the normal, not creepy guys). It's annoying, but I've accepted it now, but I'm no longer online dating right now, it was too overwhelming.
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^ Doesn't surprise me and you can tell most don't read profiles, they just skim pictures and go from there. Aren't men motivated by how attractive a woman is first anyway? As long as you ain't Claudine I think most men would give a woman whom they find attractive facial or body wise a shot (even if it is just to see her in person). I don't think even half are serious on there anyway...so...
in other news ive been chatting with a guy I think I might like... we are over 100 messages in the conversation and were tentatively going to schedule a meet tuesday... but now im having second thoughts because I feel like online dating is kind of jinxed and idk what we could do or how I could look that would make it "right" :lol: like im so used to online dating not going anywhere I dont want to meet and ruin the illusion that there might be sonething here...

ima push the meet back :ohwell:
in other news ive been chatting with a guy I think I might like... we are over 100 messages in the conversation and were tentatively going to schedule a meet tuesday... but now im having second thoughts because I feel like online dating is kind of jinxed and idk what we could do or how I could look that would make it "right" :lol: like im so used to online dating not going anywhere I dont want to meet and ruin the illusion that there might be sonething here...

ima push the meet back :ohwell:
Noooo, don't push it back.... Think positively.... Everything will go well. 100 messages means you must have something in common. This could be the one.... Enjoy!!'
Ok I'm tossing in the hat on this online dating. I say it everytime and then give it a try every couple of months and still end up meeting some crazy that is trying to jump into talking about marriage, eloping etc. This last dude really was annoying, breath was not fresh, and then on our 2nd date he fell asleep in the movies. I'm done and going back into focusing and trying to meet men the real way. Sorry just venting.