I wish I could post this without swinging a sword.
Have you all ever had a date, that made you go back and look at the pictures to see if this was a "bait and switch"?
I had a lunch date recently, it had been rescheduled 2x. I agreed to the 3rd offer because I was going to be on that side of town anyway. We've corresponded several times since October and always had brief and polite conversations so I figured ....what the heck.
His online pictures were mainly closeup headshots, and he's wearing a suit. One picture is grainy and appears more than 10 years old...[now that I look back]. I selected the restaurant and arrived a little early so I went ahead and grabbed a booth. When he arrived I restrained myself from immediately revisiting his profile to compare him to the photo's.
He looked different from his photo's, and in an he's-not-that-photogenic kind of way. BTW Marlow's Tavern is dimly lit.
And to boot, he LITERALLY , had to squeeze himself into the booth, "S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E".
I immediately asked him if we should get a table and he declined. He looked uncomfortable for the entire 1.5 hours we were there.
Because he is a nice guy, I remained, doesn't quite have a butt-his-face; and I am a bit of a chubby chaser but DAMN SON..... I assume that he has a medical issue for the weight; I'm a compassionate person but .....[I can't with the weight, which I guess explains the odd camera angled pic's in his profile....
Unfortunately for him, I am not willing to put any effort into unraveling any tomfoolery regarding profiles, profile pics, waddeling, and the like. Especially when this individual stayed requesting photo's of me...which I declined......again DAMN SoN!!!! No Bueno...