***Online Dating Support Thread***

Whew! Talk about a long hiatus. So let's catch up on my ventures...

Basically nothing new, lots of guys who didn't last, and then I met HIM. It's been 3 months now. It started out casual because I was supposed to be moving overseas, and he agreed that we would have a long distance relationship. I was a little skeptical, but I went with it. Then the move got cancelled and we've been together since. Things got bad lately because I let my previous trust issues get the best of me. out of nowhere the other day he asked if I had gone through his phone before (he leaves it unlocked). Because I can't lie to him, I told him yes, and he was not happy. Now we're kind of in some limbo where I'm not sure if I should stay with him and he's not sure if he should stay with me. Not sure if I should cut my losses and move on and try to start with a trusting relationship or just stop being so paranoid and trust him. Hmm....

Why were you going through his phone?

Would you stay with someone who went through your phone when you weren't around? Serious question.
Why were you going through his phone?

Would you stay with someone who went through your phone when you weren't around? Serious question.

Mainly curiosity. He was always pointedly saying that no one ever texted him and it sounded like B.S to me so I wanted to see for myself what he was up to. I honestly wouldn't care if someone went through my phone. They would find nothing incriminating and it would show that even if they didn't trust me at the time, they found their reason to trust me after validating that nothing shifty was going on on my end.

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I was just catfished :look:
I was sitting at the bar waiting, drinking, looking cute. I WAS expecting tall dark and chocolate, but instead tall scrawny molestor Chester. He tapped my shoulder and said "Hey frogkisses right?!?" I looked and said "Nope, wrong person." :cry3: He was a persistent liar talmbout "I know I didn't use my pictures but it's ____"
I just stared at him. I really couldn't believe it. So I finished off my drink in one big gulp :lachen: and started digging for my cash. I could tell he was getting confused so I said "I'm not looking for whatever you're looking for, so I'm leaving." He went from docile to irate in .02 seconds. And verbatim yelled at me "I didn't realize you were a shallow b****!!!!" :rolleyes: Oh boyyyy. By this time I had my hand on my pepper spray. But the bartender was a brother and he instantly came over and told ol Chestor Molestor to leave for making everyone uncomfortable. Chestor gets uneasy, says he'll quiet down etc. bartender asks if I want to stay and I say no. So he walks me to the doors of the bar, I say my thanks and then drive outta there!!! I took many extra turns and streets in case Chestor was following me. :mad:

I'm ordering some chicken wings and drinking some tequila. :lachen:
I was just catfished :look:
I was sitting at the bar waiting, drinking, looking cute. I WAS expecting tall dark and chocolate, but instead tall scrawny molestor Chester. He tapped my shoulder and said "Hey frogkisses right?!?" I looked and said "Nope, wrong person." :cry3: He was a persistent liar talmbout "I know I didn't use my pictures but it's ____"
I just stared at him. I really couldn't believe i

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :dead:

you are hilarious. where are you? i want to come visit and **** up the town with you!
I was just catfished :look:
I was sitting at the bar waiting, drinking, looking cute. I WAS expecting tall dark and chocolate, but instead tall scrawny molestor Chester. He tapped my shoulder and said "Hey frogkisses right?!?" I looked and said "Nope, wrong person." :cry3: He was a persistent liar talmbout "I know I didn't use my pictures but it's ____"
I just stared at him. I really couldn't believe it. So I finished off my drink in one big gulp :lachen: and started digging for my cash. I could tell he was getting confused so I said "I'm not looking for whatever you're looking for, so I'm leaving." He went from docile to irate in .02 seconds. And verbatim yelled at me "I didn't realize you were a shallow b****!!!!" :rolleyes: Oh boyyyy. By this time I had my hand on my pepper spray. But the bartender was a brother and he instantly came over and told ol Chestor Molestor to leave for making everyone uncomfortable. Chestor gets uneasy, says he'll quiet down etc. bartender asks if I want to stay and I say no. So he walks me to the doors of the bar, I say my thanks and then drive outta there!!! I took many extra turns and streets in case Chestor was following me. :mad:

I'm ordering some chicken wings and drinking some tequila. :lachen:

Wow, you're good.
i'm glad you got away safe. He sounded dangerous.

I'm not a good liar and so I woulda been like "yes, I'm keyawarren and now I'm out. Deuces".
I might just throw myself into the craziness. The guy is pissing me off royally. We had an argument yesterday that went along the lines of me saying that I'm not sure if we should be together, then him saying that we shouldn't, and me saying kbye. So he came by in the afternoon to get his things and ended up nearly crying in my arms telling me he loved me and he doesn't wanna lose me. So being the sucker that I am I kept him

But today we have a date and he pissed me off and he isn't even here yet. He's just always ready to fight and I'm tired of it. And when I put him back in his place he pouts like a child. I shoulda left him yesterday but I'm not quite ready to start all over again. Sigh...
So I went on this guy's profile on OkCupid and he seems really awesome. His profile seemed really familiar and I know he wrote me at some point but I didn't write him back. I am not sure why. I can't find his message so I must have deleted it. My thing was I couldn't figure out why I wouldn't write him back.. the only thing i could think of was if he wrote a crappy first message and I was turned off and deleted it. So I messaged him and basically said that, lol. Told him this was gonna be a weird message and then wrote what I just typed. He tells me that he did write me. But then claims he can't see the message that he sent me for whatever reason (i dont believe him) but says he's attracted and wants to get to know me. BUT... thing is after the initial first messages he took like 4 days to respond. So I never answered his msg. I don't have time for that mess to me its like if you're really interested you don't take 4 days to respond and when he did respond he didn't mention anything about why it took so long. I am wondering if I did the right thing (in not responding) or should I say something about him taking so long or should I just leave it alone?

I wouldn't even reconsider the whole not writing him back thing if it wasn't for the fact that it's cuffing season, I don't want to spend the holidays alone and he's like the only decent prospect I've seen around lately.
Never made an online profile except for Tinder and that was for the shits and giggles.

I'm not looking for anyone but I do want to be entertained. What website should I try out?
my good friend in his 50's whose a brotha met a wonderful sistah in her 50's on tinder both professionals and etc etc....and they've been dating for a few months looking good..

i didn't know older peeps were on tinder? i thought it was moreso fwb set-up...
i went on a date with this guy 3+ years ago from OKC and he hated me.:lol: i remember posting about it in this thread. unsurprisingly, our first date was the last and we never spoke again.

i just went to linkedin to unsubscribe from their stupid emails and he appeared as "people you may know". i only recognized him by face, not by name. what in the entire ****? how is this possible? never had his number in my phone, we were never friends on facebook, not in my email contact list and we have no mutual connections. this is creepy as fuh.
i went on a date with this guy 3+ years ago from OKC and he hated me.:lol: i remember posting about it in this thread. unsurprisingly, our first date was the last and we never spoke again.

i just went to linkedin to unsubscribe from their stupid emails and he appeared as "people you may know". i only recognized him by face, not by name. what in the entire ****? how is this possible? never had his number in my phone, we were never friends on facebook, not in my email contact list and we have no mutual connections. this is creepy as fuh.

I have tons of dudes from okcupid pop up on linkedin, even ones who never had my phone number cause we never ended up meeting. thats how scary the internet is. I have also had parents of dudes show up.
does tinder give the name of your instagram or something? randomly getting friend requests from dudes since i linked insta to tinder.
i have a couple messages from some guys i should be dating but its so hard to reply to these stupid ass messages now omg

need to hire someone to do this **** for me
a girl i grew up with on facebook was exposed as a penny hooker a few days ago.:rofl: today she posted a screenshot of something from plenty of fish and because i have no life i had to see her profile (to see if she's openly hooking obvs). during my search for her i saw EVERYBODY from my little hometown on there and it was NOT pretty. completely covered in tattoos, exposed flap jack titties, 4+ kids but never married, 90% of the words misspelled, grills, sloppy & overweight, plastic barbie doll weaves with visible glue etc. etc. etc.

i don't understand who is ****ing these women OR men because they are all groce as ****.:barf: my god would i be just like them if i never left? the thought is sickening.

i feel for online daters who don't live in a big city because there are literally only 2 datable people in small towns.
a girl i grew up with on facebook was exposed as a penny hooker a few days ago.:rofl: today she posted a screenshot of something from plenty of fish and because i have no life i had to see her profile (to see if she's openly hooking obvs). during my search for her i saw EVERYBODY from my little hometown on there and it was NOT pretty. completely covered in tattoos, exposed flap jack titties, 4+ kids but never married, 90% of the words misspelled, grills, sloppy & overweight, plastic barbie doll weaves with visible glue etc. etc. etc.

i don't understand who is ******* these women OR men because they are all groce as ****.:barf: my god would i be just like them if i never left? the thought is sickening.

i feel for online daters who don't live in a big city because there are literally only 2 datable people in small towns.

What is a penny hooker?

btw, they are ****ing each other. Leave them be :look: