***Online Dating Support Thread***

I done signed up for POF again. I feel like I'm much more carefree this time around. And trolling these dudes is kinda fun. I must be bored.

Anyway, I usually just delete people I'm not interested in. Well I decided to respond to this one dude. I just told him "thanks for the message. I'm not interested but I wish him well in his search". I think it must have turned him on her something. Within 2 minutes he sends 3 messages. First he says "LOL... Wow". Then he says "You're cold". Then he says "But I like it..." I'm about to block him cause he just sent another message.
I signed up for OKC ... which already seems more promising than Match at a lower cost. Anyway, I have already seen several couples' profiles and one looking for men 'willing to experiment with pegging.' :rofl: I am thoroughly amused.
I signed up for OKC ... which already seems more promising than Match at a lower cost. Anyway, I have already seen several couples' profiles and one looking for men 'willing to experiment with pegging.' :rofl: I am thoroughly amused.

I thought the same about OKC. Match is better for filtering you will not meet any couples on there.
Oh yes they allow all types of people on that site because OKC is the gift that keeps on giving :eek::lachen:

@kandake good luck with POF. Don't be afraid to use the block button on time wasters or men who do not take rejection well. You can change your mail settings to that members have to send at least 50 characters to you in their first message. This is a good way of filtering out time wasters.
I thought the same about OKC. Match is better for filtering you will not meet any couples on there.
Oh yes they allow all types of people on that site because OKC is the gift that keeps on giving :eek::lachen:

@kandake good luck with POF. Don't be afraid to use the block button on time wasters or men who do not take rejection well. You can change your mail settings to that members have to send at least 50 characters to you in their first message. This is a good way of filtering out time wasters.

Thanks for all the tips. I'm no stranger to on-line dating or POF. I definitely block people and have settings. But for whatever, I've been in the mood to play games. It's mildly entertaining.
I have a date on Fri with a doctor who messaged me through POF. Through casual communication we realized that we work for the same organization. He is not the most attractive guy but he seems "normal." As usual, I have no expectations of this guy.
@pearlific1 good luck with your date
@BEAUTYU2U that doesn't sound promising. Have you tried expanding your search to include the nearest major city in your state or maybe your whole state? I said I'm willing to meet people near me but I get matched with men from all over my country
@heirloom woah! that is awful yes tell her. Are they in a committed relationship?
Didn't think this would ever happen to me, but I saw my friend's man on OKC. The fool actually viewed my profile first. Once exams finish I'll show her the pictures of his profile

This happened to me. My friend's now ex-boo (who lives in another city) saved me as a favorite. I told her about it and she dumped him. Loser.
Yes, I have. But I'm not really interested in long distance relationships. Currently staying in the area for family reasons but I think relocation is going to be in the near future.
any updates?
ive been on more first dates
second dates are becoming a rarity I must be doing something or saying something that leads to no second dates
any updates?
ive been on more first dates
second dates are becoming a rarity I must be doing something or saying something that leads to no second dates
i have had perhaps 3 actual rounds of online dating so far. the first two led to boyfriends. the first time was when i started trying it out, towards the tail end of grad school and ended up dating a guy the november after i graduated. the 2nd experience was subsequent to that breakup - we broke up the following september and i had met the guy who was going to be boyfriend #2 the next month, in november. i was still dating other guys up until around march. broke up with the 2nd bf the following october (see a pattern?) and have been single ever since, which is going on 2 years.

the third round of online dating has been the one after the second break up and it is by far the longest... i'm not going to call it unsuccessful, even though it's not yet resulted in a boyfriend. it's not unsuccessful for 2 reasons:

1. this time i am consistently going out with much higher quality guys. guys i'm going out with now i don't think would have been interested in me three or four years ago, and i don't really think they should have been. i did a lot of growing and have really raised my standards generally. not just with men but with myself.

2. now that i know why the previous relationships failed, i am less likely to repeat those mistakes and unfortunately, those mistakes are generally the flaws we have that make it easy for us to get into soon-to-be-failed relationships. which is to say if i were willing to accept or overlook the things i had before, i would have found a new bf by now.

3. i don't want another meandering ambivalent relationship, and it's obviously a much smaller pool of guys who aren't full of ****.

4. i do consistently have longer relationships with the guys i meet now, i.e. more second dates.

the first round, i only met a handful of guys, but none of them panned out until the guy i ended up dating. he was probably the only, or the only other, guy i met online that i ended up going out with more than once.

the second round was a lot of me having fun with the entire thing and just wanting to experience being taken out on the town and getting to wear dresses and all of that, and i met a lot more men. some i definitely did want to continue to date, and none of them panned out, that i was really interested in. i can remember offhand 2 guys that i was very interested in initially, and neither of them went anywhere after the first date. to be honest when i did have second dates, looking back i would say it was because i put in a LOT more effort to nudge it along than i ever would now - if i had to do that kind of work now i would assume he was not interested and move on. there were guys who were interested in more that i was not interested in them, so they don't count. even though i wasn't getting a lot of second dates, i was getting high quality dates to all kinds of nice restaurants, sporting events, ice skating, all that stuff. so it's a process.

the third round (which i'm taking a break from) i can think of several guys i met from online that i had long term "things" with. everything was just less about ********. the only way i can explain it is just that i got better with each successive year. lets see, there was 1 that i hang out with off and on, going on 3 years now... 2 that i met in 2013 and we only recently blew that scenario up... 3 that has been chasing me down for about a year and a half that im not interested in... 4 with the brand new acura that i went out with three times and the door is still open there if i wanted... 5 who looked like a soccer player that i honestly wasnt sure why he wanted to hang out because the dates were boring and he was way too attractive for me... we went out twice which was good enough for me :lol:... im mentioning him because in the past i think he was a guy i would have gone out with once and never heard from again so even a second date was an improvement. and that's separate from about 4 or 5 guys that i have met IRL in the last year or so that are currently floating romantic options. i did of course still have the one-off dates, but now i am better able to recognize that sometimes when i would be upset about them, it was more that i wanted to prove a point by succeeding past the first date and not that i really wanted to. like they probably weren't interested in a second date because they didn't feel any sparks. i didn't feel those sparks either, but i still wanted them to like me more so i would "win" the date. and that's like a waste of time... i wouldnt want to go out with them again because i really wanted to it would be more "well MAYBE there is some potential here and MAYBE he or MAYBE i or MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE..." and like, i am not so sure that that is really sincere or actually worth the effort... i try not to live by maybe logic, especially since i don't think men do.

so for me it's just a combination of learning from and improving on things in the past as i move into the future, and wanting something more specific/less common and resulting in a narrower pool of real options. but i have definitely seen an improvement beyond the random one off dates, because i am only putting effort now into guys where it would be worth, for one reason or another, hanging out again. i have some that even if we wouldnt be a match for a relationship, we get along and enjoy spending time together, and it is comforting to make that match in a connection that goes both ways (even if it's not relationship material per se). it might be the case that you aren't connecting with those guys in a way that matters, even though you want to explore a potential relationship (without quite having anything legitimate to back up why, other than because it would mean you aren't quite so single).

really important that cannot be understated: i also became gradually better dressed with noticeably good make up skills. im sure that has played a big role, too because it isn't something that can be conflated with my body/"he doesnt like me because i'm too fat" because i was probably thinner at various points in the past.
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Thank you for sharing your experiences it is much appreciated
Yes, learning and improving is very important.

I would say I'm at stage 2 and possibly 3. I am enjoying the moment and having high quality dates.
The Rules fits my style of dating so I'm not going to put in more effort to move the dates to second or a relationship.
I give the signs of interest in a second date when its mentioned or he says he wants to see me again. I no longer attempt to fill in awkward silences. He has to put in the effort because he is pursuing me. It would be nice to have a second date or even to find the one but for now lets see what happens.

You've given me food for thought. I will reflect on what I could be doing or saying that is not allowing me to connect with these guys.
Most of my dates have been men who are used to women pursuing them. It could be because of their looks, success or connections. They seem to like that I'm different.

@BEAUTYU2U sorry you didnt have any luck with match
Yes, keep your OKC profile active. You have to do more filtering and vetting but the number of members on the site is higher than the paying sites.
I still haven't had an eharmony date yet. EH customer service suggested to me that I send smiles or the first message. I have so many more months to go of this membership :mad:
@JollyGal tbh what helped me was that i had to stop being so fake. i suspect thats probably going to conflict with playing by the "rules" but for me being fake with dating had me wasting my times with dudes that if i were honest i didn't even really want to be with... i just wanted to WIN the whole contest...

like for example ok... all my life i have basically been told that i'm a mean *****. so when it came to dating i wanted to be sure that i wasn't coming across as an arrogant mean ***** (aka angry black woman?), and ended up going overboard with being "nice." at one point i felt like... i really want to stop smiling so much on dates. like ok being friendly is one thing but being this "nice" and "agreeable" is not me for one thing, fake for another, and most importantly is it even really attractive?

and it was the power of suggestion that had me invested where i otherwise wouldn't have been. i remember going on a date with a guy and knowing right then, like, i didn't really like this guy... but i was panicking about the obvious feeling that he didn't like me either. why should i have been when the feeling is mutual? because when you're all smiling and trying to impress somebody and wanting to present yourself favorably, you are making an effort to get that person to like you and you're going to be hurt when they don't, EVEN IF YOU DONT LIKE THEM.

so yeah, it had to go. and in spite of playing passive as far as being the pursuer, i had to get aggressive as far as making sure i was being my usual charming yet challenging self to make sure i was actually appraising them as a potential partner, not just passively wanting to be liked. i had to stop worry about trying to win somebody over, which is tricky because obviously we want to make good, positive impressions on people just as a matter of course.
I signed up for OKC and Meld today. I'm curious to see how Meld works out. And what's up with Indian guys and Black women? Whenever I sign up for an online dating site, I receive a ton of messages from Indian men, but I don't get the sense the actually marry BW, is it a fetish thing?
I signed up for Match this past weekend and this was one of the responses:

I'm getting good at this. I could tell from your single photo that you have at least a Bachelors degree. There is something special about certain black women, observable in their countenance that gives this away. It's hard to explain as it takes repeated observations of different women. I'll try: your Beauty is so Heavenly Perfect-- the symmetry of your face, your smile, the way you hold yourself proudly ....-- that is the "clincher". And upon looking at your profile, you have a graduate degree! Your Beauty is Proof of the Creator's Perfection. I kid you not. Man! If I could but be in your presence a while I'm sure I could learn the secrets of the Universe .... . I'm blown away by my theory, AND of course your Beauty. Oh how perfect! Sorry I'm too old for you, but I am one of the best and shall always be so, just as you are a Perfect Creation. (Do you get drunk a lot and curse? This would be interesting data for my theory .... !) Since I had a very lovely black female roommate (platonic) followed by two other similar roommates, God has opened my consciousness to the Beauty of black women. Not just you all's Beauty, but your collective and individual charm, grace, vitality and zest for life. What can a humble man do in the face of such overwhelming positivity? Admit the living Presence of the Creator. Please consider Blessing me with your company and presence as a friend. You are too Beautiful for one fairly old Italian man to hog to himself as a intimate partner and you MUST have your choice of partners as the universe would not tolerate anything less. I love to learn. I love to teach. We don't teach enough in the great maw of competition that we call America .... . I am asking we chat, if you would be so kind. I want to learn as much as I can before I pas this mortal coil. I'm very well educated, fairy articulate and engaged in social justice research and advocacy. As such, I am compelled to learn as much as I can about human nature. You Inspire me to keep learning. I'm a Good man and make an exceptional friend. One of my goals is try and reduce human suffering. Being your friend would ease my burdens. (Ask me anything.) Bless you.

Woosah. Got another email from somebody looking like J.T from the 5 Heartbeats in one pic and ghey but trying to look straight in the rest.
I signed up for Match this past weekend and this was one of the responses:

I'm getting good at this. I could tell from your single photo that you have at least a Bachelors degree. There is something special about certain black women, observable in their countenance that gives this away. It's hard to explain as it takes repeated observations of different women. I'll try: your Beauty is so Heavenly Perfect-- the symmetry of your face, your smile, the way you hold yourself proudly ....-- that is the "clincher". And upon looking at your profile, you have a graduate degree! Your Beauty is Proof of the Creator's Perfection. I kid you not. Man! If I could but be in your presence a while I'm sure I could learn the secrets of the Universe .... . I'm blown away by my theory, AND of course your Beauty. Oh how perfect! Sorry I'm too old for you, but I am one of the best and shall always be so, just as you are a Perfect Creation. (Do you get drunk a lot and curse? This would be interesting data for my theory .... !) Since I had a very lovely black female roommate (platonic) followed by two other similar roommates, God has opened my consciousness to the Beauty of black women. Not just you all's Beauty, but your collective and individual charm, grace, vitality and zest for life. What can a humble man do in the face of such overwhelming positivity? Admit the living Presence of the Creator. Please consider Blessing me with your company and presence as a friend. You are too Beautiful for one fairly old Italian man to hog to himself as a intimate partner and you MUST have your choice of partners as the universe would not tolerate anything less. I love to learn. I love to teach. We don't teach enough in the great maw of competition that we call America .... . I am asking we chat, if you would be so kind. I want to learn as much as I can before I pas this mortal coil. I'm very well educated, fairy articulate and engaged in social justice research and advocacy. As such, I am compelled to learn as much as I can about human nature. You Inspire me to keep learning. I'm a Good man and make an exceptional friend. One of my goals is try and reduce human suffering. Being your friend would ease my burdens. (Ask me anything.) Bless you.

Woosah. Got another email from somebody looking like J.T from the 5 Heartbeats in one pic and ghey but trying to look straight in the rest.

Man, after reading the first 2 sentences, my eyes glazed over and had to stop reading. He isn't creative at all. Can we say "cut and paste?""
I deleted my OKC profile after a few days, I was underwhelmed by the choices. I may sign up for Match and POF after I return from Iceland.
The 6th heartbeat aka Ghey ain't gonna be my bae messaged me with his name and number. :look:

Do you respond to the undesirables, block them or ignore them?
The 6th heartbeat aka Ghey ain't gonna be my bae messaged me with his name and number. :look:

Do you respond to the undesirables, block them or ignore them?
I used to just ignore them, now I block them. If I looked at the profile and didn't respond, then they would leave annoying ass messages like, "oh you looked but can't speak? So rude".
I had this same problem. I didn't realize the men in my area were so bad-looking until I tried online dating. I guess I never paid attention to them. The white men look like big toes--bald on top, round, and pink. The black men are mostly fat with the giant belly. Then I started observing the men I see around town, and observing couples...That's how the men look. Unless they're still in their twenties.

I have decided that there are nothing but overweight, balding, below average looking cornfed nerds (not the good kind) in my area. Not that I didn't know but doing the Quick Matches confirmed that I am not in the right area for the right pool of men.