***Online Dating Support Thread***

So someone wanted to read positive online dating stories. Here's my ONE positive story lol.

So I met up with the guy I mentioned upthread for our first date. He's definitely shorter than what he put on his pof and since I'm 5'10 that's a problem. I need them to be honest about their height.

But anyway, he was very nice and we had great conversation. We're both passionate about the same things, we both work with young people...we really clicked :-)

BUT towards the end of the date he asked me if I plan to settle down in Atl. The answer to that is yes. he's a track coach at a university out here and is in the process of trying to coach at a school in Cali or Florida so he doesn't plan on living in Atl for much longer :-/

But he was cool so I would definitely hang out with him as friends until he moves.
So, my BFF and I realized the we were communicating with the same guy from Tinder. I actually went on two dates with the guy a couple of weeks ago. He wanted to have a lunch date with me yesterday however, I had a schedule conflict. He also tried to make plans with my BFF last night but, that fell through. We both agreed not to communicate with him anymore... He's a wierdo anyway!

ETA: Another Tinder called me someone else's name yesterday and tried to blame autocorrect... Serious Side-eye!!!
So, my BFF and I realized the we were communicating with the same guy from Tinder!

I had this kinda happen to me. My friend had gone on a date with someone from pof. She told me all about him so I knew his pof username. They hit it off pretty well.

A week later he message me and I politely told him about my best friend who he was "talking to" but he persisted. Talking bout he wanted to do things God's way by exploring all of his options. No sir you're not going to explore me and one of my good friends too. Since he didn't let it go I told my friend and she cut it off.
I have a date this Wednesday that I'm really excited about. I was very briefly on Tinder and we matched but I deleted the app very shortly after. So on Thursday he fave'd my profile on POF. I decided to go ahead and message him (something I hate doing lol!). Anyway we have been texting all weekend. He left town on Friday to go visit his family and came back tonight. We have a date set for Wednesday to this restaurant/bar that has board games, it gets great reviews on Yelp as a date spot, so it should be fun :) He seems really sweet and seems like he comes from a great family which is always nice.
Quoting myself to let you ladies know that sometimes this online thing works... I've been going strong with the guy I posted about above since our first date on October 30th. He asked me to be his girlfriend 2 weeks later and said I love you a month after that. I was smitten from the day I met him and it's been wonderful ever since. :2inlove:
I met a really sweet guy on POF and we went out on a first date earlier this week.

We made initial contact a couple of months ago, and he had asked me out a couple of times but I always blew him off because I had just gotten out of one relationship and wasn't ready to "deal" with anyone else. Things kind of fizzled out from there.

Well, last week, I just so happened to check my POF profile and saw that he had sent me a message so I contacted him again and we finally met up. I almost thought of blowing him off again, but I'm glad that I went through with things because I really like him so far. I don't know how far things will go, but he seems really into me. We shall see what the future holds.
Sometimes we attract what we want. I'm getting more phone calls and getting less texts.

I've had some more rejections but I'm getting over it by going on several first dates with potential suitors :drunk:
I'm enjoying getting out there and meeting new men. The pace of 1 date a week, is good enough for me.
There is one that I really like but he needs to ask me for a second date.
An old date from many moons ago (ok 3 years :look:) keeps checking me out on OKC. If he makes the first move I will be receptive.

@KiSseS03 congrats! you are proof this online thing does work good luck to you and your boyfriend :weird:
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I know I hate when guys do this, but would I be totally ***'ed up if I just went ghost on this dude?

7 days later, I still know nothing about him and vice versa. AND I forgot to mention that we chatted last year, and this is why it never went anywhere-because all he did was send me these wack a** "good morning" texts. I just feel like he's entirely too old (44) to not realize that there's no way this is going to hold my interest, and I'm not about hand holding grown a** men. This is Dating 101 and he's failing.
2) Got a message like above from a dude who I immediately recognized from a few years ago that was a flake. Didn't officially confirm our plans and hit me like "so what's up for tonight". Ninja, please. Glad I have such a good memory with stuff like this, keeps me from wasting time on fools I already know ain't about ish.

Same thing happened to me on Fri. We hung out for the first time on Sat. and he asked on Thurs. when was I free; I said Fri. but he never confirmed anything. Hits me on Fri, says he misses me (?), so I ask well am I gonna see you tonight? He roundaboutly avoids the question, so I throw a time out there to meet - this fool responds 5 hours later (and a half hour before the time I suggested) asking "wyd'? :rolleyes:

I'm glad I read this cuz he almost had me tripping for a min claiming I "ignored" him. Nah boo, ur just flaky and tried to keep me as an "option" for the night. I think it's a wrap. :yawn:
I want to read some positive online dating stories :)

I can give you mine. I've told this story on this thread before so my apologies if people had read it before.

I met my now FH on Match. I sent him a nice length email mentioning things in his profile that I liked and where we had common interests. Didn't get a reply so I wrote him off.

One month later I get an email from him. It says that he had let his subscription expire but had not deleted his profile. During this time Match was attempting to lure him back with daily emails of "look who like your profile today", "someone winked at you" but never included the text of the emails or pictures. One day Match sent him an email that said "crimsonpeach sent you an email amd here is what she said". He like what I wrote and shelled out the money to resubscribe to see my full profile. He liked what he saw and said he was the man that I had described in my profile and that we should meet for drinks.

Two years later and we are getting married later this year. When I was online dating I had the most success with Match. Met several good men on that site. Eharmony amd OKCupid were busts.
I know I hate when guys do this, but would I be totally ***'ed up if I just went ghost on this dude?

7 days later, I still know nothing about him and vice versa. AND I forgot to mention that we chatted last year, and this is why it never went anywhere-because all he did was send me these wack a** "good morning" texts. I just feel like he's entirely too old (44) to not realize that there's no way this is going to hold my interest, and I'm not about hand holding grown a** men. This is Dating 101 and he's failing.

So yesterday, dude text me "hey, are you not speaking to me" since I didn't respond to his text on Tuesday. I basically told him what I've been saying here, just nicer. He never replied.

For a brief moment, I wondered if maybe I'm expecting too much. This is the 2nd time I've voiced my dissatisfaction with how things were progressing with someone, and instead of them trying to do better, they bounced. But you know what? I don't think that's it at all. I think I'm just meeting shiftless, lazy ninjas who don't wanna deal with anyone who's gonna make them work. And if that's the case, I guess I'll be by myself for awhile. I am not settling anymore.
I have to give praise to the new iphone software update - it now shows the date and location of pictures taken if you used an iphone. I'm catching dudes in lies left and right - lying about how recent the picture is, where they currently are (this one is the best).
I signed up on Match and I regret it already. I had no idea it was this expensive. You really don't get to experience online dating with the "trial."

I think my profile comes off quite nicely though. Direct but light hearted. I think I'm giving this a month. I'm sure this thread will keep me entertained.
@BEAUTYU2U See how it goes! How many months did you sign up for?
Match didnt work out for me it might have something to do with numbers. At any one time there were only 50-60k members online if we divide that in half assuming there are equal amounts of men and women online spread across my country of 60 mill the numbers don't look so good.
Match seems to be good for US.
Will you be using other dating sites?

My first dates haven't progressed to second dates so I'm going to do some self-improvement and attend events hosted by the dating sites or meetup.
I have to give praise to the new iphone software update - it now shows the date and location of pictures taken if you used an iphone. I'm catching dudes in lies left and right - lying about how recent the picture is, where they currently are (this one is the best).


Good for you, sucks for them! :lachen: :lachen:

I'm doing a month to see how I feel about online dating. I've never done it before. Depending on how that goes, I might switch to more months and/or more sites. If it starts feeling like AOL chat rooms circa 2000, I'm out. :lol:
I'm online now Match and Tinder. More substantial interactions are coming from Match, but more men I consider attractive are from Tinder.

On Match, I have a 10 year age range window listed..so naturally most guys reaching out are outside that window..lol. I'm divorced with a young daughter, I kinda want someone similar so I don't have to overexplain things. Who I am attracting though are single, never married, no children men who are at a phase in life where they are quickly wanting to settle down. They having real conversations with my 43 year old self about my willingness to have more children..like 2..3 more. Nope.
I'm tempted to switch my preference from Black to White just to see a reaction :look: There's nothing but WM viewing my page and a sprinkle of BM. I'm almost positive the BM would be more assertive if I did. :lol: But I'm not going to troll, I'll be good.

Also, how many pics do y'all put up?
I have about four pictures which are of me with different hairstyles. One picture with a long sew in. Another with my real hair. Another in box braids. Another with a bob style. I do that since I change my hair a lot. Before I did that There were some shallow men who would meet me with my bob style and be like "I thought you had long hair :-/" blah blah blah
Okay cause I made sure to make mine with my natural 'fro :lol: I was considering putting some straight hair pics up as well. I really need someone to take more recent pics of me. All these selfies are headshots or weird angles to capture my outfit. :nono: :lol:
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Two head, two full body/going out, one hobby, one of me sitting in a hammock on a beach. I'm somewhat active and have made a point of taking shots that show that, b/c I am interested in active men.